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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Amari apparently cared enough to point Iso in the right direction. He took a peak into the saddle bags.

Iso: Bread ... jerky ... jerky? Huh.

Kelas was still unconscious. Hopefully she wouldn't mind. He was starving after all. He took some of the bread and jerky out and ... pretty much downed all of it in little over a minute. Then he realized that he was also thirsty. Luckily there was also a full waterskin in the bags as well. He didn't drink all of it though. He only took enough to wash down the food. With that, he stood up, put the waterskin back in the bag, and then smiled at Amari.

Iso: Thanks, that hit the spot ... oh ... right ... horse ... can't understand what I"m saying probably >_>'

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Apparently it had just been hunger, and apparently this one could understand a few things. That solved a few problems. Amari snorted and grabbed the red man's arm in her teeth, starting to head to the front of the group: time to go.

"Excellent idea!" Arrin called in response to Alferis' suggestion. "But are we still missing people?"

OOC: She's not biting hard enough to do any major damage.

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"I agree with stabby stabby." said Esphyr. "Every moment we waste here is another moment we risk some insane loony running up and biting one of us and giving us some form of disease."

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Reika was taken aback a moment. No one ever agreed with her, but to her surprise, Alferis started nodding too. He was one of those goody goods, the opposite of her. This was interesting.

"Ok. I'll set up the tents and I guess one of you can cook," said Alferis, beginning his task.

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Suddenly zombies appeared, biting the group and recruiting them into their undead ranks.


"Where is our next target location besides a place to stay the night? That might give us an idea on where to head. But let's try to find some woods or something far away from this town for now."



Pary walked over to Charlotte. "Are you okay sister? This town seems to be full of vagrants and vagabonds. But it pains my heart to see people in this type of situation."

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"Yes." said Esphyr. "I not only met one of those, I was a washer girl for a time. If you had seen me when I was ten, I would have been the cute girl in rags begging for money. In fact... Ummm... I was so badly starved that... Errrr... I didn't start to fill out till I became a merc. You could practically have used my ribs as a musical instrument on my worst days."

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He nodded. "Washer girl...I can't remember. Did we ever meet years ago? Because when I was ten, I moved back to Vaorin and I had to steal to survive. And even before I had to, uh, go with the mountain bandits. How old are you anyway?"

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"At the moment... Seventeen. Birthday in three days. Didn't say anything because I've been dreading eighteen for so long. I turn eighteen and I can't use my age as an excuse for why I'm not whoring myself out. We probably did meet though, well... Rather, I remember ambush-washing a group of bandits, only to have one tackle me to the ground, drag me off, tickle my ribs, and let me go with a secluded hug. If that was you... Yes."

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Cess easily avoided the man, being in much fitter and healthier condition, as well as being mounted on his horse. He took his tome out and flung a spell at the man, easily incapicitating him.

"Can we please leave now?! <_< Where are we headed? How bout the coast of Halton?"

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"I'm 19, just turned that a few months ago. If that was me that gave you the hug, I'm...uh...sorry. I just, well, never grew up with any women you know? I just wanted to know about women. And did you ever see a...uh...woman get...you know-" said Alferis gesturing.

"Please! Noo!!!" screamed a woman as a man walked towards her, tearing her sleeves. A scared boy hid in the shadows, afraid of what would happen if he did something.

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"No. Odd as it sounds. I lucked out. But I heard it, and... And I had several try to only to be impaled in the gut once they started to rip my shirt. For all the wrong my sword has done, that was one of the few good things it did. And you don't have to apologize Alf. I didn't mind back then, nor do I mind now. As a child, I adored hugs and being tickled by my parents."

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"There's nothing to be depressed about." said Esphyr. "Things happened, and they're long past. I miss those days to a degree. People weren't so dancy about me. Now, well, you're the first man who hasn't tried to flirt with me or treat me like some sort of princess who isn't a douche Alf. I like that. If it was you all those years ago, you have no reason to be sorry. You were the best thing that happened that year."

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"Yes. Very nicely." said Esphyr, helping to set up the next tent. "He treats me like a human being, not just a hired sword-swinger. You should know how rare that is among employees. However, he's a little to... Well... He keeps saying I need to think more of myself. I don't want to though. It's not a matter of self-esteem but more of... Well... I WANT him to acknowledge that Aiya is more important to him than me. I know I'm the second-stringer here. The add-on in their relationship. I know he cares for me, but it feels like he's lying or afraid of losing me if he says so without acknowledging her first. Sides, how can I trust a man who can't put his foot down and say 'she is more important'?"

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"Well, if you ask me, if he's keeping multiple women and refusing to admit you're the second stringer, I'd leave him and look for someone else. But then I'm not a woman," said Alf, finishing another tent.

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"It's not that simple. I mean, I love him. I'm not a idiot. I know it. Knowing him, tonight I will be the one keeping people up. I know what you mean though. I think... I think he wants both Aiya and me to live with him and doesn't want tension between us."

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"It's just a bit awkward for me, having multiple wives. I dunno. Do what you think feels comfortable and set your standards so he doesn't hurt you or force you into something."

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Cess walked over to where the group was setting up a few tents, and dismounted Morrey. He saw a few bushes near the group, and grabbed some firewood. Bringing it over to the group, he talked to Esphyr.

"There's not much firewood. And we're going to need to keep watches tonight. I'm not sure we have any food, unless Alferis took Reika to buy some."

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-One week ago-

A soldier dashed through the gates of the military base, and made his way to another soldier in silver armor, his back to the man.

Septimus: General Alex! I hav-

All of a sudden, a steel greatlance was at his throat, as Alex spun around, glaring. Seconds later, the general lowered the weapon.

Alex: ... Don't ever approach me from behind again. Now, you bring news?

Septimus: *gulp* Y-yes sir! There's been a sighting of the princess of Jerdon!

Alex: Where?

Septimus: In Halton, sir!

Alex: ... Assemble the troops. We leave now.

Septimus: Sir? Isn't Sir Jace in charge of the hunt for her?

Alex: ... I have an idea of what Jace is planning. Which is why we need to get to her first. Go.

Septimus: Yes, sir!

Saluting, the soldier ran off, to spread the word.

Alex: ... (And the hunt is on.)

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