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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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OOC: I've got a mega opening for a pic now :3

Irina and Levski

Irina: Reika? Well what do you expect us to do about it, now?

Lev: (She's just venting. There's no solution for these crap at present.)


It took her a second, but she quickly recognized him and rushed over to his side.

Viveka: Derek? Hey! What are you wearing?

EDIT: Added stuff

Edited by Phoenix
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"The rest of my armor. What does it look like?" he asked, continuing on, out of the inn, and towards a weapon shop.

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"That's not true," Tessa started to protest Kelas's claim that she misinterpreted the message, "I understood. That's when―"

"You feeling better Tessa?" Esphyr interrupted, before the troubadour had a chance to let out just exactly how mistaken she had been.

"Oh! Esphyr... yeah, well. I've had better days," Tessa dropped the previous subject quickly, she didn't intend for anyone else to know just what the nomad thought of Morgan, and replied to the new line of inquiry. "Kelas was just helping me get off to bed. I was thinking after some sleep, hopefully I'd be as good as new. Though, I should probably find and thank whoever healed me when I was out..." Running over the list of possible candidates in her mind, she continued, "Charlotte went with Eric though, and I haven't seen Pary. Maybe it's fine to wait."

Edit: Some small additions.

Edited by Balcerzak
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After getting completely turned around, Arrin arrived back where he'd started. "Wait, didn't he say... that door?" Arrin knocked on the door, but paused: he could hear one-sided conversation from inside the room. Well, Lev had mentioned that Katie was probably there too... at least, it had seemed like that's who Lev was talking about...

Regardless, he realized, that there were two people in the room, with the door closed. He'd never understood why, but it was apparently a bad idea to bother people in such circumstances. Well, he supposed it could wait until a little bit later... He headed off down the hall again.


"You understood?" Kelas muttered. "Frankly, I don't know whether that's more or less awkward than if you didn't understand...

"At any rate, sorry about that," she finished lamely. "I wasn't quite in my right mind there."

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Hearing a brief knock on the door, both Iso and Katie shot up. Iso walked over to the door and slowly opened it. When he stuck his head out, he saw Arrin heading back down the hall.

Iso: Arrin ... what's up? You're not doing a door ditching prank, are you?

Irina and Levski

Irina: Stop generalizing, Reika. We didn't all just gang up on those guards, you know. Most of the time it's just one person doing something that gets us in trouble.

Lev: Heheh. I should probably get back to Morgan on that very issue when I get the chance.


Intent on seeing what he was up to, Viveka followed right alongside Derek. Once they reached the entrance, she stopped cold. She was barefoot.

Viveka: Crap ... hey! Don't just walk off in the middle of a conversation! My slippers are upstairs, and I can't go out like this!

EDIT: Added common sense to Viv's last statement.

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"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you--" Arrin replied, startled. "It's just, I found something that might be important, but it sounded like you were busy, so I was about to leave." He held out the tome. "The margin notes in this Bolting keep mentioning your name, and I found some formulae regarding Crimson weapons in it. I thought you might know the tome's previous owner, or something."

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Iso: It mentions me?

Iso stepped out of the room and walked up to Arrin. Katie peaked out and watched.

Iso: Let me see that.

He looked through the notes and after a solid ten seconds of gazing, he flinched violently! His eyes widened in utter shock! He continued looking through the notes hoping to find something that would put his mind at ease, something to prove that the tome didn't belong to his former teacher, but everything pointed to him! His face was covered in sweat, and he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

Iso: ... w-where ... did this tome ... come from ...?

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"I wasn't aware we were having a conversation," Derek noted, turning around. "Do you want me to wait for you to get your slippers, and maybe change, or something?"

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Maybe giving him the tome wasn't such a good idea? Arrin thought worriedly. "Er... that healer-for-hire, Pary I think he's called, gave it to me... for no reason, actually," he replied. "I guess it... was important then?"

OOC: Commenting on below post: Snowy, Arrin had the tome, not Katie.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"It wasn't Pary. I will say that much." said Esphyr, smiling inwardly. It wasn't that Tessa didn't know, but Esphyr was happy to see her in such a fine state. "I have my suspicions though. You'll probably realize it if you think about it enough."


I don't know. Someone handed it to me, I believe it was one of the mages. His name escapes me right now.

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"Let's see, your idiot brother burns down an inn, we have two outlaws in our ranks, you trash another inn, you blow up a carraige, and now Mr. Dumbass attacks two guards. Yeah, you can see why I'm generalizing. And that's not even getting into all the stuff our wind mage has gotten into."

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OOC: There are certain notes in that tome that I can't reveal yet. Hopefully Arrin and Iso don't find them because they're too much for Arrin to handle, and they'll turn Iso into a nervous wreck.


Iso: Pary? (He found this in a burned out chapel? No he must have meant that Cathedral we were using! This is ... I thought that place was history ... ) ... I suppose he could have found this there ... but this tome belongs to Miranda.

Irina and Levski

Irina: So you blame the whole group for the actions of one person? Holy wyvern, why don't you just blame every single Septimian for invading Jerdon? Even the little kids? Generalizing is for people with no real argument. Tch.

Lev: <.< >.>


Viveka: Depends. Where are you going?

Before he could answer, she took a few steps over and took his jacket from him. She held it out so the whole thing showed, and then compared it to what he was currently wearing.

Viveka: I don't knooow ... the jacket looks just a bit more badass.

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"To an armory, then to a horse seller," Derek said, as Viveka took his coat from him. "It might look more badass, but I'd rather the armor. It stops arrows, while the coat can just tangle my weapon up in the middle of battle. Well, if I fight mounted."

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Helios lead the horse into the stable. There was a stable next to Kelas' Horse. If his horse acted up he was sure Amari would whip him into shape. The horse was acting rebellious, biting Helios a couple of times but he was use to this type of attack. He pushed the horse in and closed the door. (Ive never been to a farm ._.) "Sorry, its just for the night." Helios exited the stable and headed towards the inn, unaware of leaving the lock open.

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Iso flinched when he read Katie's note. He hadn't come down from the shock yet, and now he had to explain his significant other to his potential significant other? the sweat continued to run down his face.

Iso: She was my teacher for a time ... then she died.

Irina and Levski

Irina: What I'm saying is that we don't all huddle together and decide to cause trouble, you're just generalizing and painting everyone as stupid. Harping about how stupid people are and doing nothing about it means you're useless!

Lev: <.< >.>


Viveka: So you won't be wearing this anymore, huh? Can I have it?

An unusually cheerful smile krept up on her face while she asked him for the coat.

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"So I'm useless hmm? That's funny, I don't remember spending my time straddling with Ms. Slut who's with that ass Damian. I don't remember doing nothing but chasing that man's ass," she said pointing at Lev. "I was standing after the skeleton invasion remember? And I was in better shape then you were as well," she said in a neutral tone.

OOC: No Ether, I don't think Aiya's a slut nor am I going out of my way to insult you. This is just Reika's thoughts.

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"Why is everyone's teacher dead?" Arrin asked despairingly, blurting it out before thinking about it. Realizing what he'd just said, it dawned on him that he probably didn't belong in the conversation anymore. Hurriedly, he turned to leave, incredibly embarassd.

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Iso: Umm ... blonde ... five feet, seven inches ... a little sadistic sometimes >_>'

Irina and Levski

Irina: Of course you were in better shape, you nimrod! No one cared about you! You were busy attacking straggling skeletons while the mage sisters used me for target practice! We barely got out of that with our lives, and you want to use that to insult me?! Screw you!!

Lev: (I may have to break this up soon.)

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"You want it? Alright, I guess you can keep it," Derek said, shrugging. "So, am I to wait, miss Viveka?"

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