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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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(What time off day is it in this role-play?)

Zilpah, looked around around frantically as if being stalked, he didn't know where he was and everyone he saw frightened him, Zilpah grabbed his heart, tilted his head down, and took a deep breath and new what he had to do.

("If I don't ask for help soon... this would be my end..."), Zilpah thought to himself, he saw two people walking out from an armory, Zilpah clutched his tome nervously and cuffed his hand to his side, he cleared his throat and began to jog a little toward the duo.

"Excuse me! Hello?!" He shouted tensely as he jogged toward the duo, Zilpah wasn't aware that his voice could sound alarming.

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OOC: For most of the group it's night. For the smaller group, it's morning.

Morgan thanked Pary quickly. The staff didn't seem to help though. She went to inn and to bed, as she was feeling rather exhausted.

Charlotte woke up the next morning and chnaged into one of the dresses she had taken from Damian's manor. "We're going to try and have an audience with the emperor of Halton" she replied to Rita.

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OOC: Evening where Zil is.


"Yes?" Derek asked, seeing a shaman run up. "Is something wrong?"

Eric & Dani

"Speaking of that, shall I go see if they will let us in?" Eric asked, with a blue emblem in his hand.

Dani, in the meantime, was still eating her breakfast. Mmm, this tastes so good, she thought.

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Zilpah clutched his tome with both hands, and looks down at the ground.

"I wondered off, and I don't know where I am please tell me...", Zilpah begged, as he avoid there eyes, hoping for a positive response.

Edit: Added an ed to wonder.

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"Nonsense. I was born on the streets, myself," Eric replied, turning to the brigand. "You can come along. I mean, all you have to do is be polite. It is not that hard."


"You're in a Haltonian town a few days away from Septimus," Derek said. "I might be able to help you go home if I knew where you came from, sir."

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"The emperor? Really? That's amazing! But, do you really think he'll be willing to see you? I mean, you are with the group that has the Crimson weapons, but it's still a long shot. I can't think of any real reasons." She turned to the axe-weilder. "Um, I've been in Halton for about a week now, but I've been in Altia for only 2 days. Why?"

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Chase woke up, and blinked his eyes sleepily several times. "Muaaaaa." he yawned. "That was kind of an odd night... whatever."

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"Whew. I thought you had to be a very important official to see the emperor. Glad I can come in. It seems like it'll be a beautiful palace."


After a quick doze, Reika woke up and stretched. She smiled to herself.

I made a big mistake getting angry back there. Whatever they do, it's not my problem. Think I should get a bite to eat. she thought, feeling a lot better. She walked down the stairs and headed to the dining room, walking past Aiya and Irina.

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"You can pose as my bodyguard Alferis." Charlotte said. She turned to Rita with a confused expression "Why...oh. I'm the princess of Jerdon. If the emperor recognizes international protocol, he more or less has to see to me." Charlotte began walking out of the inn onto the streets of Altia.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Home...?" Zilpah gasped. He felt his heart sink. Zilpah looked up at the man.

"...No where to go home to...never had one...,but that's not my wanted destination nor my goal...My name is Zilpah, I am a wandering shaman, I'd like to learn about...the Crimson weapons, So I've been searching the lands for a knowledge source large enough to tell me what I need to know." Zilpah puts his tome at his side and stands up straight.

"Could you please, if you know of any, direct me in the way of any knowledge source, and your name is?" Zilpah asked.

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"Pa-pa-princess! What's the princess of Jerdon doing here? I thought she was killed along with the entire royal family. Excuse me, your highness. I should never have-"

OOC: Why did she say that Cynthia?

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"Crimson Weapon seeker? OK, Zilpah, my name is Derek, and I believe you're in luck," he said, pointing to one of the other inns the group was. "In there, there's at least three Crimson wielders. Maybe more. Go in there, and you can ask them about the weapons."

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"Really?!" Zilpah gasp, His mind was being baffled to why so many wielders would be in one place.

"Thank you, Derek I won't forget this!" Zilpah dashes between the duo towards the Inn, with his cape flowing rapidly in the wind.

(Be right back, I'll be gone for a little while.)

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"I heard Vaorin was overrun with bandits, not Sepitimian troops. Not that you can always tell the difference." Charlotte said, pursing her lips.

"The palace is somewhere in the city. I would guess it's rather big and grand? I've never been to it before, so I'm not sure I can identify it on sight." Charlotte said.

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"It most likely is that building over there," Eric said, pointing towards a gigantic building, at the center of the city. "Perhaps I should lead the way, milady?"

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"My home was invaded by Septimian troops. There were lots of bandits around beforehand and believe me, I am completely familiar with bandits."

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Berry, Marry, Verry, and Rita:

Two girls came up to the group, wearing very colorful clothing, and had short dark hair.

"Yoo hoo!" They walked over to Eric, and began hugging him. "You sure look really strong, are you a mercenary? Don't you love our amazing town of Altia? We're the capital's tourism squad, and we're supposed to show all visitors VIP treatment of the city. We'll show you all a real great time. Please? <3"

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"... Could you please let go of me?" Eric said, slight annoyance in his voice. "We are here on business. Perhaps you could find another group of visitors to guide?"

Edit: Grammar.

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Berry, Verry, and Rita:

"Aw, don't be like that mister! We have to meet our quota anyway! Everyone should have fun! We know the best restaurants, shopping, and bath houses! Your friends here sure look like they've never been in a big city. Have fun, spend your money!" Verry (in disguise) went over to Alferis. "That axes sure looks big and heavy. You must be real strong. Come spend a good day with us, huh?"

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Berry, Verry, Rita:

"Aww, poo. You two are no fun. Come on girls, we know the best shopping. We don't need those stupid boys. All sorts of fashions! Let's go!" Berry grabbed Charlotte by the arm, and Verry grabbed Dani. The girls quickly ran down the street to the various shops.

"Huh? Wa-wait for me!" RIta hurried to catch up.

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