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[FE11] Draft Tourney


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I had a genious idea to do this.

Everyone will be allowed use of Marth, Jaigen, and either Gotoh or Nagi, up to the players choosing.

The run will be done on Normal, because Frey and Norne are needed to make the teams equal. Minor rule changes include: Prologue (all 4) and side quests will not count towards total turns, due to the Prologue being mandatory, and the player may/may not choose to kill off the others to get them out of the way/can choose to go to 24x/being unable to avoid them.

Otherwise the typical rules apply, barring rescuing, since well....

However, I'm going to implement a new rule. Forging is not allowed, and the turn penalty will extend to the faceless replacements. Wifi shop will also be unallowed, so no Falco Knight.

With Frey, Norne, and the side questers, it totals to 55, allowing for 5 people with a team of 11.

Sign Ups:

Psychout50: Caeda, Merric, Lena, Athena, Catria, Tiki, Etzel, Linde, Tomas, Maria, Est

SackNinja: Frey, Cord, Sedgar, Castor, Palla, Rodger, Norne, Astram, Matthis, Jeorge

Alex345: Abel, Julian, Minerva, Roshea, Wrys, Horace, Gordin, Bord, Elice, Jake

Sho.M: Cain, Darros, Draug, Hardin, Caeser, Navarr, Boah, Ymir, Midia

RedneckHolsety: Ogma, Barst, Wendel, Wolf, Vyland, Rickard, Xane, Beck, Radd, Dolph

I've taken the first slot, and I'm picking Caeda. Cheapness, yes.

Edited by psychout50
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I've got nothing.If someone wants to take my spot,go ahead.Everything I was going to do for this involved Lena.Someone else can take up the mantle,who has a broader spectrum of ideas,but I'm out of options,and out of the running.

Edited by Ether
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I literally have nothing.I would have gone with almost any random assortment of people,so long as Lena was one of them,if that says anything about how much you just crushed my heart and soul.

Anyway,if you have any sort of tactical mind,then you will win this draft,Sackninja.Good luck to his competitiors,and Ether out.

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So it was a good pick. I apologise for crushing your heart and soul. Maybe you should have asked to go second. Unfortunately I don't have an amazing tactical mind but I have ideas. Basically Hammerene, warpskip and if I don't have anyway to skip the chapter just blast through it as quickly as possible.

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You grabbed the #2 slot before I logged on...there is nothing I can do.

There is only one other character who can try to replicate what Lena can do,and even then,it is only a replication,and is nowhere near the original.

I'm not going to say who this character is,but I think I know someone who already plans on taking them.

Anyway,good luck guys.

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No, the sacrifices just can't fight. Dieing doesn't count as a penalty.

And a reason a thief isn't free is, 1. You don't have to steal anything, 2. After chapter 6, Marth gets the Fire Emblem, and 3. Thieves raid the treasure in chapter 6. A thief isn't all that neccisary.

Ether, warp-skipping wasn't allowed, but you could have done it with Jaigen. Since you can reclass him, I might as well allow it for others. You can reclass now guys. But only the characters you have recruited.

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Even at that, I might be leaning to no. The thief will still have the item, and you can just kill it. So you'll just have to hurry.

Caeda can be used to block thieves off of villages or chests, just not kill them. And you can buy keys and Master keys at shops, so it should be fine.

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You can rechoose, but Lena would be open again.

Characters can be used for recruitment, but for example:

Julian opens the door.

Julian recruits Rickard.

That takes a penalty since he had to open the door. I might have to check if there are no avaliable keys until then though...

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Thanks I'll take Frey. I want a character with high move thanks. I already checked the keys and yes you can get one from an enemy knigh in chapter 5. If anyone has any objections to me changing character then I will take back Lenna.

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