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[FE11] Draft Tourney


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Sure, you could rush Jaigen, but you still have to get Marth there without warping. I was gonna do that with Caeda anyway. :awesome:

I'll see if he wants back in now that he can get Lena.

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Yes but there still the lack of reinforcements which I think will make a difference. If only there was rescuing lol. That would make it a lot easier. Although I now want high movement as well as high strength units rather than just high strength units so paladins and dracoknights will be very useful.

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With warpskip allowed,whoever gets Lena usually wins,so there wasn't much point after that,and I was depressed.In a game that outright bans warping,I'm too out of place to do well.

Doesn't really matter.You guys have fun,I'll be keeping tabs.

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I have a question. What are the turn penalties for units? Are there specific ones for specific characters? Or different ones for using a forced character in a chapter?

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No, the sacrifices just can't fight. Dieing doesn't count as a penalty.

And a reason a thief isn't free is, 1. You don't have to steal anything, 2. After chapter 6, Marth gets the Fire Emblem, and 3. Thieves raid the treasure in chapter 6. A thief isn't all that neccisary.

Ether, warp-skipping wasn't allowed, but you could have done it with Jaigen. Since you can reclass him, I might as well allow it for others. You can reclass now guys. But only the characters you have recruited.

Here's where says that anyone can reclass as long as we draft them.

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I don't think so but why wouldn't you?

I didn't recruit Karla even though I drafted her in the FE7 tourney. Didn't want to add the extra 6 turns to my count that going to her Gaiden would require.

Edit: Similar reasons might apply for someone who's just out of the way or inconvenient, like Ymir or Horace.

This particularly applies to your last pick, which you may just get handed to you a character you don't want/don't need.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I didn't recruit Karla even though I drafted her in the FE7 tourney. Didn't want to add the extra 6 turns to my count that going to her Gaiden would require.

But in this tourney gaidens don't count for turns.

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Maybe if a characters jtoo far out of the way and it wouldn't help your turn count then I can see a point. Anyway you can do anything except warp skipping and using non drafted units so of course you could just not recruit someone.

Edit: I always found that George would only lose you 5-6 turns but maybe thats a lot I don't know.

Edited by Sackninja
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