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2 questions in general.


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i have had 2 questions on my mind almsot all day, God(specifically heaven) and underage sex.

First off, i dont, and never have understood heaven, I call myself a christian, (although i don't know how much i can own up to this) so if you go to heaven, how would it be perfect, while say your wife is suffering in hell?

Also, I'm underage so what do yall think of underage sex, a girl takes her pants off, I'm not thinkin twice...

So if you are a christian please explain heaven, if you are not a christian, say whatever you want.

If you said why you like/dislike underage sex, and gave reasons i'd like that, i just want opinions on why you think its bad(please don't include STDs)or not bad.

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Well I really have no answer to your question about Heaven but I would say go read about it in the Bible. I will probably do that sometime soon hopefully since I need to read the Bible more anyways.

On the subject of underage sex I can say this. I am not completely outright against it or anything but I don't really approve of it either. I have not had sex nor do I care if I have it before I get married or not. I would prefer to wait until I am married due to personal morals, ideas, beliefs, religion, etc. I really just don't see the big deal with going out and having sex is for some people, but i guess it does make some sort of sense.

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Alright. I'm a Christian (a proper one, unlike a lot of people...), so that... kinda qualifies me to answer. About Heaven, I can't give details, but the 'perfection' isn't a human perfection, rather, it's being with and living with God for all eternity. I don't know much more, and I can't really give you any references to look up.

As for the other topic, which caught my eye...

Underage sex has the obvious disadvantages (STDs as you've mentioned, unwanted pregnancy) but also much more social problems: Firstly, younger people tend to move between relationships a lot more frequently than older people, and after having a sexual relationship with someone, it can make things a lot more difficult when one person moves on. This can cause all kinds of social problems which I'm not going to list, but I've seen it happen to people I know. Secondly, while a number of girls obviously enjoy sex, it's dominantly the males who go after it, and especially among teens this causes problems where the girl wants a relationship and the guy wants to get in her pants, which can cause a strain on the relationship and/or make the male seem aggressive and... I don't really know how to describe it, but just kinda wanting more sex.

Another problem is the point where you draw a line. Assume it's okay for two youngsters to have sex. Now a hypothetical relationship between two 13 year olds breaks up, but both still want sex. Along comes mr. F. Rendly, a 22 year old. The 13 year old is happy to jump into bed with him - he's charming and experienced. See where this is going? If you allow underage sex, it's makes it easier for paedophillia to sneak in.

The final thing I have against it personally (particularly as a Christian) is that sex is at its best when it's in a loving marriage, not just with someone you've known a few months and kinda like. Underage sex devalues how special and intimate sex is - something to be shared just between a man and a woman

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Alright. I'm a Christian (a proper one, unlike a lot of people...), so that... kinda qualifies me to answer. About Heaven, I can't give details, but the 'perfection' isn't a human perfection, rather, it's being with and living with God for all eternity. I don't know much more, and I can't really give you any references to look up.

As for the other topic, which caught my eye...

Underage sex has the obvious disadvantages (STDs as you've mentioned, unwanted pregnancy) but also much more social problems: Firstly, younger people tend to move between relationships a lot more frequently than older people, and after having a sexual relationship with someone, it can make things a lot more difficult when one person moves on. This can cause all kinds of social problems which I'm not going to list, but I've seen it happen to people I know. Secondly, while a number of girls obviously enjoy sex, it's dominantly the males who go after it, and especially among teens this causes problems where the girl wants a relationship and the guy wants to get in her pants, which can cause a strain on the relationship and/or make the male seem aggressive and... I don't really know how to describe it, but just kinda wanting more sex.

Another problem is the point where you draw a line. Assume it's okay for two youngsters to have sex. Now a hypothetical relationship between two 13 year olds breaks up, but both still want sex. Along comes mr. F. Rendly, a 22 year old. The 13 year old is happy to jump into bed with him - he's charming and experienced. See where this is going? If you allow underage sex, it's makes it easier for paedophillia to sneak in.

The final thing I have against it personally (particularly as a Christian) is that sex is at its best when it's in a loving marriage, not just with someone you've known a few months and kinda like. Underage sex devalues how special and intimate sex is - something to be shared just between a man and a woman

REPLY OR DIE!!! >=] maybe it's just one of those things your not really supposed to understand...

paedophillia point made sense. as does your first point, it would be weird to bang a chick when your a freshmen, and then in your sophmore year break up...junior year your ex-girlfriend creates some problems for you...but this is why i'd just 69

your last point made sense, i doubt i'm ever gonna meet a girl go on a date a couple days later and bang her within a week, i get to know people, then date them...then fuck them

@acey555: you don't get the urge? have you ever masturbated sir?

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I do, and I have, its just not a huge deal to me. I think that people put too much of an emphasis on sex when at high school ages it really shouldn't be the focus of your life. I mean I understand the urge to have sex and stuff but I just think people focus on it too much. And I agree with what I Eat Tables said about the intimacy and meaning and beauty of it really.

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I do, and I have, its just not a huge deal to me. I think that people put too much of an emphasis on sex when at high school ages it really shouldn't be the focus of your life. I mean I understand the urge to have sex and stuff but I just think people focus on it too much. And I agree with what I Eat Tables said about the intimacy and meaning and beauty of it really.

it shouldn't be the center of people's lives, but it is you cannot change this fact.

Bold, u dun luv orgasms?

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I'd say I Eat Tables covered the under-aged angle quite nicely.

As for Heaven, as been said, it is eternity with God. It's either that or eternal separation in Hell. Naturally, it'd be a tragedy for someone as close as one's wife to wind up there, while you're in Heaven. That's why one must be diligent in trying to persuade such people to accept Christ. That's also a good reason to choose your wife wisely. Naturally, there would likely be a lot of grieving to learn that a loved one did not join you in Heaven.

Now, based on what I've been taught, Heaven is described as a place where nothing gets old. It is eternal peace, but by the same token, your actions during your physical life affects what you have there. Just because one who accepts Christ is eternally saved and Heaven-bound does not mean we're not accountable for our actions. What we do or don't do, be it good or bad, affects what we get or don't get awarded with. There is the promise of rewards, so every Christian is encouraged to live to God's glory. I can't say what Heaven physically would look like, but I believe the Bible describes it as beyond human comprehension. Like previously said, it is perfect in the sense of it is complete. There is no stress of money, finding food, getting proper rest, and other things that weigh us down in this life. All and all, we people can't really fully understand Heaven until we get there.

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I don't believe in Heaven. It's just one of the many other contradictions in the Bible.

As for underage sex (I'm assuming you mean both are underage here), if you're willing to be a father if your contraception fails (and if you aren't using contraception, then you're gambling that much more), then go for it. If the thought of changing diapers makes you queasy, you're probably not ready for it. Also keep in mind that sex has a lot of emotions that come with it, which is why waiting is probably better. But yeah, if you're going to have it, you need to be educated on how to protect yourself.

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it shouldn't be the center of people's lives, but it is you cannot change this fact.

Bold, u dun luv orgasms?

My stance on this probably doesn't make any sense at all but that is okay. And I can't lie and say they are not pleasurable, but I always feel like I have done something wrong right afterward.

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I don't believe in Heaven. It's just one of the many other contradictions in the Bible.

As for underage sex (I'm assuming you mean both are underage here), if you're willing to be a father if your contraception fails (and if you aren't using contraception, then you're gambling that much more), then go for it. If the thought of changing diapers makes you queasy, you're probably not ready for it. Also keep in mind that sex has a lot of emotions that come with it, which is why waiting is probably better. But yeah, if you're going to have it, you need to be educated on how to protect yourself.

Queasy face...lol

My stance on this probably doesn't make any sense at all but that is okay. And I can't lie and say they are not pleasurable, but I always feel like I have done something wrong right afterward.

lol, i got over that

Its weird, my religous views are quite strange, I totally beileve in Jesus, but its almost like an angry at your teach/boss/dad thing where it seem futile or just plain stupid.

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Underage sex is great. Well, by great I mean totally fine and quite possibly a positive factor if done correctly. Generally that means if done safely and in a way that all participants are coolio with. The problem of course is that this does not always happen, and things can go wrong. I mean, just on the surface, some people are able to more or less detach emotions from sex, while others can't. For example, just from the people I know, there are some who would quite willingly fuck a variety of people (without any emotional attachment whatsoever), while still actually being emotionally attached to whomever they are in a relationship with. Others would pall at the very thought of it. Now, as far as I can tell, this is generally swayed along the gender split. While there may be people of both genders in either camp, I have noticed that more girls/women tend to associate emotional bonds with sex than boys/men.

But hey, I'm hardly an expert.

Go find out for yourself through hands on research.

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I'm no Christian, but I've studied Christian theology a bit.

The traditional interpretation is that heaven, or at least the Paradise certain people are allowed to enter after death, is the same as the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Life and sinned they were cast out of the Garden, which was either removed from Earth on their expulsion or never on Earth in the first place. Since all their descendants carried their sin, it was not until Jesus payed for the original sin with his life that the gates were again opened to that part of humanity that lives a righteous life, after they leave Earth.

So the reason there is happiness in heaven is the same as the reason there was happiness in the Garden of Eden: Sin is not known there. Because there is no sin everybody who is there is content and there's no need for longing or sadness. Your guess is as good as mine as to what you'd actually do all day there, being perfectly happy and at peace with the situation. Maybe just eat, drink and sleep.

As for underaged sex, I have no problem with it. My first time I was a minor, as I think most people are. The risks of sex at any age are negligible if a condom is involved, and almost as negligible when there isn't provided you know who you're fucking and it's not the wrong time of month. Christians have no religious issue with underaged sex, provided the participants are married.

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thanks for the replies.

and to clear things up if anyone was wondering, i did not recieve a text or call or email from my girlfriend saying wanna fuck? i was just wondering why people have anything against it, and why people think its fine, i think its fine. I put it on same spectrum as sex not to a spouse, which isn't that bad, the main problem can be kids who are ignorrant.

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I'm no Christian, but I've studied Christian theology a bit.

The traditional interpretation is that heaven, or at least the Paradise certain people are allowed to enter after death, is the same as the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Life and sinned they were cast out of the Garden, which was either removed from Earth on their expulsion or never on Earth in the first place. Since all their descendants carried their sin, it was not until Jesus payed for the original sin with his life that the gates were again opened to that part of humanity that lives a righteous life, after they leave Earth.

So the reason there is happiness in heaven is the same as the reason there was happiness in the Garden of Eden: Sin is not known there. Because there is no sin everybody who is there is content and there's no need for longing or sadness. Your guess is as good as mine as to what you'd actually do all day there, being perfectly happy and at peace with the situation. Maybe just eat, drink and sleep.

Likely simply worship God for eternity. It doesn't make sense to create this greatest dependence and devotion of all central thoughts to God otherwise.

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Likely simply worship God for eternity. It doesn't make sense to create this greatest dependence and devotion of all central thoughts to God otherwise.

Worship God for eterinity...that sounds perfect...TO GOD, but not to me, i always wonder if its true that God would make people, just to kiss his ass...What if he actually NEEDS us. What if he isn't perfect, he can't be. Perfect, is perfect in everybody's eye, he clearly isn't perfect in satan's eyes, making him UNperfect.

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On Heaven: Everybody goes there, but not everybody's necessarily on the same footing. Life is a chance to learn, and those who've learned more start out slightly better. But, putting eternity into consideration, it doesn't really matter. Everybody gets happiness, no matter what they've done because in the eternal perspective nobody has done anything.

On sex: Go get 'em, Tiger. Just don't bother anybody about problems or benefits. That stuff's personal.

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