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Reverse Mafia Signups

Fayt Zelpher

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Alright, so I've decided to host a mini-mafia game for 11 people. Since this is a hard game to balance, I haven't fully decided on what the roles will be. However, I suspect that the roles and alignments will look something like this:

2 mafioso (I might give a power to one of them)

1 Cult leader

1 Mason

7 traitors (win with mafioso; don't know who the mafioso are)

I think that this game will start on a day phase with a forced lynch, and PM's will not be allowed.

Recruitment rules:

If mason and cult recruit the same person, cult wins the recruit.

If cult attempts to recruit a mason or a mafioso, recruitment fails.

If mason attempts to recruit a cultist, cultist dies.

If mason attempts to recruit a mafioso, recruitment fails.

So, I guess that I should be able to get something worked out. I'm going to go ahead and open signups for those interested.

The players:




I Eat Tables






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Traitors don't count for determining mafia win condition then, I assume?

As any rate, this sounds extremely interesting, and is a mini mafia. Sign me up. Name is and always will be Balcerzak.

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Uhh nty. Traitors and mafioso can easily joint together to win.

Well, if the mafia doesn't shoot them first. Mafia doesn't know who the traitors are, and traitors don't know who the mafioso are.

Traitors don't count for determining mafia win condition then, I assume?

Nope. Traitors just have to help the mafia win.

I should specify the win conditions though:

Mafia: Wins if they eliminate cult and mason factions.

Cult: Wins if they have parity (50%).

Traitors: Win if the mafia wins.

Masons: Wins if they have parity (50%).

Note that if there's a situation where everyone ends up dead, mafia wins. I'm not sure if this can actually happen unless there are other people with powers in this game, which I don't think will happen.

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I will sign up, but I am also going to try and break the game, which can be done very easily.

Well, if the mafia doesn't shoot them first. Mafia doesn't know who the traitors are, and traitors don't know who the mafioso are.

Okay, Day 1, one mafia claims. He leads all the traitors on a lynch that isn't the other mafia guy. Of course, the cult and mason will likely claim traitor too

Basically the mafia is invincible if they claim because the traitors have majority and won't want to kill them.

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I will sign up, but I am also going to try and break the game, which can be done very easily.

Well, this game is hard to balance by definition. So yeah, if you can break the game for future reference, by all means do try.

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Typically, the town doesn't win if they have parity in these setups. You might also consider adding a Vigilante and/or a shrink (prevents conversions) to the town roles - they make things a little more interesting. Just suggestions, this is looking nice anyway.

I Eat Tables

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Typically, the town doesn't win if they have parity in these setups. You might also consider adding a Vigilante and/or a shrink (prevents conversions) to the town roles - they make things a little more interesting. Just suggestions, this is looking nice anyway.

In case you didn't notice, there is no town faction though. Just cult, masons, and mafioso. Although I guess the masons are the closest thing we have to a town faction, but they can recruit as well.

@Core - I see that. I might give the head mason a single vigilante bullet though if it would make things fair.

Or, I could let cult recruit mafia, but only if there's a single mafioso left.

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Ah, good point about masons/cult. I'm used to masons being a town group, but in this game they're kinda another cult with different rules.

Comparing cult and masons...

Cult wins when recruiting the same person as masons

Cult recruiting masons fails, mason recruiting cult kills

(presumably) cult dies if leader is killed, masons don't have a leader.

I'd say the cult is currently weaker than the masons considering that.

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Ah, good point about masons/cult. I'm used to masons being a town group, but in this game they're kinda another cult with different rules.

Comparing cult and masons...

Cult wins when recruiting the same person as masons

Cult recruiting masons fails, mason recruiting cult kills

(presumably) cult dies if leader is killed, masons don't have a leader.

I'd say the cult is currently weaker than the masons considering that.

That is a fair point. If that's the case, then I think that cult can elect a new leader the first time their leader dies. Mafia still may be OP'ed though after doing some (loose) mental simulations, so the cult and masons will probably each get a special power yet to be determined.

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Oh well, I guess I can manage three games after all.

I'll be the one to fill the last slot then.

Excellent. I'm going to give about three more hours just in case someone wants in or out (and for me to get things set up), and then we will begin.

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I know I said three hours, but I don't think that anyone will change their minds now. I'll go ahead and close signups now and go with this group of people...

I need to set up the thread and hand out role PM's, and then we can get started.

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