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[FE11] Drafting Tourney II

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True. We shall see. I also beat Chapter 13 in 5 turns. Not much to say other than I hate balistaes.

haha wow the enemy AI is so annoying there. I bring in sacrifice units, but rather than targetting them, the balistae target my drafted units.

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My screw-around run is over (it was a semi-serious speed run, which included Horace and Etzel, because they're cute). I think I've got the chapters down, so I'm ready to start. My Gaiden counts are atrocious, but I don't care. I'm not about to kill off the majority of my army to get comfortable with 17x, no matter how much eye candy Etzel is. I'm still apologizing to Team Skittles for that!

I'm assuming the rules on the first page are The Rules, along with the lack of Warp (though I'd suggest that whoever gets Tiki is allowed to use the Warp staff after turn 5 on Bantu, or that chapter will take entirely too long).

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haha wow the enemy AI is so annoying there. I bring in sacrifice units, but rather than targetting them, the balistae target my drafted units.

Yeah, the AI is ridiculous on that level. I sacrificed Radd and a faceless but they would still attack Bishop Jagen in the middle of killing Radd.

Edit: Right, and I beat Chapter 14 in 9 turns with a Catria recruitment. I beat Chapter 15 in 7 turns with 3 Gharnef sacrifices. I just reclassed everyone to fliers that I could and charged so Marth did't have to do anything but run.

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I beat Chapter 16 in 10 turns (should have been 9, but I made a crucial mistake I won't spoil since you could make it too). I then beat Chapter a7 in the optimal 3 turns.


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I understand what Chapter 17 strategy you're talking about.

I'd still like to know who my last unit is, before starting. Right now, I'm doing a super-random run (I tried killing Roshea, but he refused to die. Wolf and Hardin were a little more cooperative).

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1: Core: Abel, Hardin, Navarre, Caesar, Athena, Vyland, Roger, Tomas, Astram, Est, Lorenz(Team complete)

2: The_Steel_Lance: Frey, Oguma, Cord, Sedgar, Minerva, Dolph, Roshea, Wrys, Jake, Ymir, Arran (Team Complete)

3: Janissary: Cain, Merric, Bord, Darros, Catria, Rickard, Midia, Xane, Macellan, Etzel, Tiki (Team Complete)

4: General_Horace: Shiida, Barst, Wendall, Draug, Palla, Gordin, Horace, Beck, Boah, Maria, Jeorge (Team Complete)

5: Eclipse: Castor, Wolf, Julian, Lena, Radd, Linde, Matthis, Norne, Elice, Samson, Bantu (tem

Sorry for the wait guys, I'm still away without a computer till Monday...

General_Horace is also away, and has informed me his list is:

He doesn't care because they aren't going to be recruited.

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Okay, thanks! This will make life easier!

Finished the Prologue. Not much to say, really, except Marth is average or blessed in everything except Defense (this might hurt me later on).

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord        8.95   23   10    0    6   11   13    7    0
Jagen     Paladin     1.13   Base everything

EDIT: Typo on Marth's Luck

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Chapter 1 (7/7):

Since Marth didn't gain any Defense in the Prologue (and I didn't have the advantage of the Altean Cavalier Squad of Doom, AND I had to protect Norne), I couldn't be as reckless as I wanted to be. Jagen's Silver Lance allowed Norne to grab a few kills, and level up (badly, I might add). Marth's first hit against the boss was a critical (otherwise, this turn count would be much worse). Marth gained Defense and Resistance in this chapter. :blink:

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       10.43   24   10    0    6   11   15    8    1
Jagen     Paladin     1.60   Base everything
Norne     Archer      2.50   17   4     0    1    5    3    6    0

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Chapter 2 (6/13):

This chapter took a lot of restarts, because I needed Castor alive, and the pirates REALLY liked targeting him. I managed to recruit Castor on turn 2, then proceeded to kill off Caeda, Ogma, and Cord. Bord and Draug refused to die (I need them dead for the gaiden chapters). Due to the way everything panned out, Norne managed to kill a Thief. Jagen got a (useless) level up, while Castor thanked me with his. The next chapter's gonna be a nightmare!

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.40   25   11    0    6   12   15    9    1
Jagen     Paladin     2.05   23    7    1   10    8    2    9    6
Norne     Archer      3.70   17    4    0    1    5    4    6    0
Castor    Hunter      4.30   21    8    0    4    7    4    4    0

EDIT: Norne leveled up, but it's not like her stats changed much. Go figure.

EDIT2: It seems I did this one in six turns. Edit spam, here I come.

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Chapter 3 (6/19):

Yep, it was as nightmarish as I expected. Julian and Lena made a mad dash out of Navarre's way. Bord, Barst (forgot that he survived Chapter 2), and Draug hung around near Marth's starting position. Fortunately, Bord died. Everyone else ran straight for the boss. As usual, Castor was the target of many things, but he managed to level up (he's doing amazingly well. I hope he keeps it up, for the sake of the later chapters). I wasn't able to hit the thieves in time for their yummy experience, and Jagen somehow got the boss kill. Maybe next chapter.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       11.89   25   11    0    6   12   15    9    1
Jagen     Paladin     2.71   23    7    1   10    8    2    9    6
Norne     Archer      3.70   17    4    0    1    5    4    6    0
Castor    Hunter      5.21   21    9    0    4    8    4    5    0
Lena      Cleric      Base everything
Julian    Thief       Base everything

Chapter 4 (7/26):

Reclassing time! Reclassed Jagen to Bishop, Norne to Pegasus Knight, Castor to Mercenary, and Lena to Mage. Things should run way smoother after this.

Due to a misplacement of Marth, I couldn't get to the boss until turn 6. I did my best to kill off everyone not on the list below, but two generics survived. Lena the Mage did a wonderful job in frying whatever got between her and her brother, but her level up was less than stellar. Norne got a turn in the Colosseum (same turn as Marth ending the map), and won.

At the rate this run is going, it's going to be the Castor and Wolf show. Please keep being godly, Castor!

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       12.93   26   11    0    7   12   16    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      2.93   23    1    3    7    5    2    4    8
Norne     Peggy       4.57   18    3    2    3    9    5    5    6
Castor    Mercenary   6.34   20    8    0    9   12    5    7    0
Lena      Mage        4.00   16    0    4    7    8    9    4    2
Julian    Thief       3.58   Base everything
Matthis   Cavalier    2.60   Base everything

Chapter 5 (5/31):

Woohoo, Wolf!

Though I really want to reclass Matthis, I need his mobility and ability to use the Javelin, so he stays a Cavalier for the time being (until Chapter 6x, at least).

I tried killing off the Wolfguard (save their leader, of course), but only Roshea was nice enough to follow directions (he's one of my favorite units, so I feel like garbage). This could be a serious problem. I couldn't kill Wendell, but Castor, Julian, and Jagen got some experience off of him. The boss died to the pointy end of the Rapier, and Marth nearly died in the process.

As for Norne. . .she went shopping. I need supplies to last me through at least Chapter 8.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       13.52   27   12    0    8   13   17    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      3.35   23    1    4    7    5    2    4    8
Norne     Peggy       4.67   18    3    2    3    9    5    5    6
Castor    Mercenary   6.96   20    8    0    9   12    5    7    0
Lena      Mage        4.47   16    0    4    7    8    9    4    2
Julian    Thief       3.82   Base everything
Matthis   Cavalier    3.63   21    6    0    2    6    1    7    0
Wolf      Horseman    3.45   Base everything

Chapter 6 (11/42):

Unfortunately, none of my units (save Marth) were strong enough to OHKO the armors (Jagen could have, but I needed him as someone who could heal and deal magic damage). I managed to kill off all faceless/forced recruits except for Hardin (the boss missed him). I also caught all the thieves except for the one that ran off with the Killing Edge (the Armorslayer will be important later, that Seraph Robe will be used immediately, and I'll be keeping my sorry self alive with Physic come Chapter 13). I don't like my turn count, but EVERYONE who leveled got really good stats (Julian pulled something extraordinary, Matthis leveled Luck again, Lena gained Speed, Wolf got as perfect a level up as he's ever gonna get, and Castor did what he needed to). I hope I can make this up later.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       14.79   28   12    0    9   14   18    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      3.80   23    1    4    7    5    2    4    8
Norne     Peggy       5.56   19    4    2    3   10    6    5    6
Castor    Mercenary   7.89   20    8    0    9   12    5    8    0
Julian    Thief       4.66   17    5    0    6   12    8    5    0
Lena      Mage        4.47   16    0    4    7    9    9    4    2
Matthis   Cavalier    5.45   23    8    0    2    6    2    7    0
Wolf      Horseman    4.25   24    7    0    7    9    6    7    1

Chapter 6x (19):

Reclassed Castor to Pirate, Matthis to Archer and Wolf to Warrior. Did not expect results.

FINALLY killed off all the extraneous units (Hardin took forever to go down). I had Wolf and Castor build axe level on this map. I think I'll keep both of them in those classes for the next map. Wolf gained Skill (which is vital in what I have planned for him), and Castor gained. . .Speed. Norne got a D in Lances, so she'll be infinitely more useful. If I can get Wolf's axe level a little bit higher, there's a few chapters I have in mind that will become much easier.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       14.79   28   12    0    9   14   18    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      4.52   23    1    4    7    5    3    4    8
Norne     Peggy       6.59   19    5    2    3   11    6    5    7
Castor    Pirate      9.72   24   10    0    3   10    6    7    0
Julian    Thief       5.72   18    6    0    7   12    9    5    0
Lena      Mage        6.36   17    0    5    9    9   10    4    2
Matthis   Archer      6.64   22    9    0    3    4    2    7    0
Wolf      Warrior     5.01   32    9    0    4    9    6    6    0

Chapter 7 (8/50)

Wow, I'm really falling behind (thus, I skipped Ban-Ban). This would have been 7 turns, but Lena missed a 89% chance to hit the boss, and I got too many awesome levels to think about restarting (extremely awesome, as in Jagen-will-be-somewhat-useful awesome).

Used my faceless units to cause confusion, while Lena, Jagen, and Marth slipped past all those reinforcements to beat up the boss. Matthis didn't get too far, but he got far enough to plant his arrows into the Dragoons that wanted to play. Julian is shaping up nicely; with luck, he'll end up being another front row unit. Burned my Seraph Robe on Norne; she's gonna need the extra HP for some of the upcoming chapters.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.31   29   13    0   10   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      5.44   23    1    5    8    5    4    4    8
Norne     Peggy       7.15   27    5    2    4   12    6    5    7
Castor    Pirate     10.22   25   11    0    4   10    7    7    0
Julian    Thief       6.96   19    6    0    8   12   10    6    0
Lena      Mage        8.09   17    0    6    9   10   12    4    3
Matthis   Archer      7.14   22    9    0    3    4    3    8    0
Wolf      Warrior     5.45   32    9    0    4    9    6    6    0

Chapter 8 (6/56):

This was better than I hoped for, because Marth thwacked the boss with a critical before Lena could do anything.

Reclassed Wolf to Sorcerer, Castor to Mercenary, and Matthis to Cavalier.

IMMEDIATELY sent Radd to the Arena, with Jagen and Wolf for shopping/healing (I needed that Rapier, among other things). Due to Arena weirdness, Radd didn't quite level (this might work in my favor). Everyone else headed towards the boss, with my faceless units again causing mass confusion. Matthis and Norne sniped with Javalins while Castor and Julian finished things off. Lena had to be delayed a turn, in order to kill Roger. Things got pretty hairy, and for giggles, I provoked the Horsemen/Cavaliers to the north on the turn before Marth seized. As a result, Julian gained a level he otherwise wouldn't have.

The next chapter will be very interesting.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       15.85   29   13    0   10   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      5.68   23    1    5    8    5    4    4    8
Norne     Peggy       7.65   27    5    2    4   12    6    5    7
Castor    Mercenary  10.81   23   10    0   11   14    7    8    0
Julian    Thief       8.01   21    7    0    9   13   12    6    0
Lena      Mage        8.76   17    0    6    9   10   12    4    3
Matthis   Cavalier    7.50   25    9    0    2    6    3    9    0
Wolf      Sorcerer    5.85   28    4    2    4    5    6    5    4
Radd      Myrmidon    1.93   Didn't make it to second base

Chapter 9 (5/61):

Reclassed Wolf to Berserker, Castor to Pirate, Matthis to Archer, and Radd to Cavalier. I really should stop abusing reclassing so much, but that's the reason why I chose these guys.

Marth showed off why Silver Swords are awesome, while everyone else played catch-up. Wolf got a C in axes, and Castor got a D (so their axe ranks are complete). Radd, Norne, and Matthis got decent to amazing levels. I didn't have time for the Wyrmslayer, which will make Chapter 12 more difficult than I'd like it to be.

Jagen also got a C in Staves, which means I can safely reclass him to something else.

This is the worst possible runthrough for Marth to decide to be Skill-blessed, but at least the only stats that are lagging behind are HP and Defense.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       16.46   29   13    0   11   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      5.87   23    1    5    8    5    4    4    8
Norne     Peggy       8.46   27    6    2    5   12    6    6    7
Castor    Pirate     11.16   25   12    0    5   10    7    8    0
Julian    Thief       8.01   21    7    0    9   13   12    6    0
Lena      Mage        9.05   17    0    6    9   10   13    4    3
Matthis   Archer      8.03   24    9    0    3    5    3    8    0
Wolf      Berserker   6.02   32   11    0    4    9    6    8    0
Radd      Cavalier    2.14   21    6    0    1    6    1   10    0

Chapter 10 (9/70):

Reclassed Wolf to Horseman, Castor to Mercenary, and Jagen to Dracoknight. Heck knows I'm gonna need the movement on this chapter!

Had my faceless units run north, while everyone that mattered ran south. I managed to catch the thief, then used Jagen's improved movement to nab the Physic. While the Dracoknights were busy mowing down my disposables, I had time for Marth to move up towards the boss, while Norne went shopping (bought two Hammers, both of which will be key in a strategy I have for a later chapter). I had Marth poke the boss on turn 8, then let the boss suicide himself into Marth during the enemy phase (I moved Marth at full movement, and was short a few on turn 7). Meanwhile, Wolf with his improved stats went to provoke the Armorslayer, with Lena as backup. I got my first Master Seal, which will go to Castor (whether he's ready or not!) I'll hang on to the Speedwings for a bit. I need to see how Wolf, Castor, and Radd level up.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       17.28   29   14    0   12   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Drakky      5.93   21    8    3   11    8    4   11    3
Norne     Peggy       8.83   27    6    2    5   12    6    6    7
Castor    Mercenary  11.33   23   11    0   12   14    7    9    0
Julian    Thief       8.48   21    7    0    9   13   12    6    0
Lena      Mage        9.58   17    0    6    9   10   13    4    3
Matthis   Archer      8.03   24    9    0    3    5    3    8    0
Wolf      Horseman    6.37   28   10    0    8   10    6    8    1
Radd      Cavalier    4.44   22    7    0    2    6    1   10    0

Chapter 11 (13/83):

Reclassed Norne to Cleric.

I knew damn well getting Linde would cost me turns, but her Aura makes the subsequent chapters MUCH easier (and I've got two ladies who can potentially use it). I had Jagen sit where he began for most of the map, while everyone else ran up and around. Due to some tactical errors, I managed to irritate the Horseman, Sniper, and Khozen consecutively. Radd wound up eating a critical from the Sniper, and LIVED (he was on a fort, and that along with his naturally insane defenses allowed him to survive that hit. Folks, this is why I picked up Radd). Matthis wound up doing nothing, Lena blew up the Thunderbolt, Wolf ran all over the place, Castor cleaned up after Wolf, and Jagen flew right up next to Jake when things got too hairy. Khozen suicided into Jagen, and despite all the enemies I roused, it did not affect Marth's movement at all.

As for Norne. . .she sat next to Linde, and healed her while the Aura-wielding girl took on the Arena, and gained a level. If she gains some Speed along with her Magic, she'll be near-unstoppable.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       17.98   29   14    0   12   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Drakky      6.68   21    8    3   11    8    5   11    3
Norne     Cleric     10.05   28    2    1    3    8    6    2   11
Castor    Mercenary  12.64   24   12    0   13   14    8    9    0
Julian    Thief       9.58   22    8    0    9   14   12    6    0
Lena      Mage       10.43   17    0    6   10   10   13    4    4
Matthis   Archer      8.16   24    9    0    3    5    3    8    0
Wolf      Horseman    6.94   28   10    0    8   10    6    8    1
Radd      Cavalier    5.55   23    7    0    2    6    1   10    0
Linde     Mage        2.26   19    0    3    4    7    8    3    4

EDIT: A bunch of chapters

EDIT2: It really sucks when the turn count for chapter 2 is wrong.

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Chapter 12 (9/92):

The Ageless Palace The Aura-blick and Critical Palace

My turn count is as high as it is for three reasons. First, Heimler decided to park his horse between me and the boss. Second, I forgot to grab the Arms Scroll and Boots. The sheer amount of reclassing I'm doing means that I'll need that Arms Scroll for someone (probably Wolf), and the Boots go to Marth (which means from here on out, things should look much better). Lastly. . .I needed Tomas to die (I apologize! Really! Your sacrifice won't be in vain!!)

Reclassed Norne to Pegasus Knight, Matthis to Cavalier, and Jagen to Swordmaster (better movement than my axe users, and can wield Armorslayer).

Ran through the middle room, grabbing treasure when I could. Heimler & Co. parked themselves RIGHT NEXT to the boss, so I had to chew through them in order to get to my free Bolganone. I parked Wolf on the wrong square, so he started taking damage from the Horseman that spawns outside (on the bright side. . .free experience). Linde Aura-blicked the general (it seems he moves once you attack him), then one of the Horsemen bothering Wolf. Without Aura, this chapter would have taken at least 11 turns. Wolf went nuts with the criticals (including one that I really didn't want him to do).

Radd, Matthis, Norne, and Castor killed the two mages outside and the Mamkute, for experience, and Matthis was the one that picked up my Boots. I think I got everything in that palace that wasn't nailed down. Marth is now a Cavalier without a weakness to Ridersbane and sand.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       18.74   30   15    0   12   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Swordity    6.87   21    8    3   11    8    5   11    3
Norne     Peggy      10.42   28    6    2    7   12    7    6    9
Castor    Mercenary  12.88   24   12    0   13   14    8    9    0
Julian    Thief       9.70   22    8    0    9   14   12    6    0
Lena      Mage       11.43   17    0    7   10   10   14    4    4
Matthis   Cavalier    8.56   26    9    0    2    7    3    9    0
Wolf      Horseman    8.37   31   12    0   10   12    7    9    1
Radd      Cavalier    6.48   23    7    0    3    6    1   10    0
Linde     Mage        4.23   20    0    5    4    7    9    3    4

Chapter 12x (18):

A Traitor's Worth Castor's Variety Hour

Whew, a buffer before the storm! On this chapter, I concentrated on getting Castor up to C in swords (so I could have him punish Horace. . .I'm sorry Horace, you're cute, but I'm not allowed to do anything with you), and getting Radd and Linde up to speed, while feeding Castor as much experience as possible.

Reclassed Jagen to Bishop, and didn't regret it. Reclassed Matthias to Archer, and wonder why I bothered (he'll be back to Cavalier next chapter).

I killed off my faceless units, then stormed north, grabbing the goodies in the villages along the way. Radd and Linde leveled up (I'd feel better if Radd had a couple more levels under his belt), and Castor stole all the big kills (he MUST promote by the end of Chapter 15). Norne can now murder things with Ridersbane. Wolf + Sword = good Pirate bait.

Which reminds me. . .Chapters 15 and 23 will be funny. Look at Norne's stats to see why.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       18.74   30   15    0   12   15   19    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      8.05   23    1    5    8    5    6    4    9
Norne     Peggy      11.48   29    6    2    8   12    7    6   10
Castor    Mercenary  15.81   26   14    0   15   16    9    9    0
Julian    Thief      10.67   23    9    0   10   15   13    6    1
Lena      Mage       12.10   17    0    7   10   10   14    4    4
Matthis   Archer      8.89   24    9    0    3    5    3    8    0
Wolf      Horseman    8.64   31   12    0   10   12    7    9    1
Radd      Cavalier    8.05   25    9    0    4    8    3   10    0
Linde     Mage        7.47   21    0    7    5    8   11    3    4

Chapter 13 (5/97):

Reclassed Lena to Cleric and Matthis to Cavalier.

I took an enormous gamble in keeping Norne as a Pegasus Knight, and intentionally putting her in range of an Arrowspate. She dodged, then proceeded to deconstruct said Arrowspate, and the Hoistflamme next to it (the one that drops its ammo). Castor, Wolf, Matthis, Radd, Marth, and a generic charged center. Wolf baited Astram, and Castor killed him. Yay, Wyrmslayer! Marth ran as far as he could, but was hindered a little by an offending Ballista (thus, the five turns). Linde ran north, dodged what she needed to, and set the two enemies she encountered on Fire (Julian doused them with gas first). By the time I seized, the only things remaining were the southernmost Stonehoist and the Stonehoist next to the boss.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       19.04   31   16    0   12   16   20    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      8.05   23    1    5    8    5    6    4    9
Norne     Peggy      12.02   30    6    2    8   13    8    6   10
Castor    Mercenary  16.73   27   14    0   16   16    9    9    0
Julian    Thief      11.22   24   10    0   11   15   14    7    1
Lena      Cleric     13.21   17    0    5   10   11   14    3   10
Matthis   Cavalier    9.66   27    9    0    3    8    3    9    0
Wolf      Horseman    8.99   31   12    0   10   12    7    9    1
Radd      Cavalier    8.85   25    9    0    4    8    3   10    0
Linde     Mage        8.15   21    0    8    6    8   11    3    5

Chapter 14 (7/104):

Reclassed Lena to Mage. Matthis seems to be cooperating as a Cavalier, so I'll feed him a few more levels in that class, and hopefully he'll promote by the time I grab a Longbow.

Had Marth charge down past the shops, and burned a Door Key in the process. Everyone else ran around, doing whatever they could to help my worthy cause. My faceless units were enough of a distraction so Radd could climb the stairs near the archers and slaughter them all. I caught both thieves, but didn't have time for the Silver Card (if I do things right, the Card will be irrelevant). I'm really glad I gave Norne the Seraph Robe earlier; she wound up absorbing a lot of damage!

Wolf pwned Catria for giggles.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       19.86   31   16    0   12   16   20    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      8.45   23    1    5    8    5    6    4    9
Norne     Peggy      12.50   30    6    2    8   13    8    6   10
Castor    Mercenary  18.08   27   14    0   17   16    9    9    0
Julian    Thief      11.22   24   10    0   11   15   14    7    1
Lena      Mage       13.21   17    0    8   10   11   14    4    5
Matthis   Cavalier    9.99   27    9    0    3    8    3    9    0
Wolf      Horseman    9.39   33   13    0   11   13    8    9    1
Radd      Cavalier   10.32   26   11    0    5    9    4   11    0
Linde     Mage        9.33   21    0    9    6    8   12    3    5

Chapter 15 (5/109):

Reclassed Matthis and Radd to Myrmidon, and Wolf to Berserker. I need the ability to walk on water.

Marth RAN to the throne, while Norne cleared it for him. Wolf and a generic took the desert route, while the rest of my generics spun Gharnef in circles. Despite what I fed to Castor, it wasn't quite enough. I need him promoted.

Aura-blicking is saving my group, and the Boots are shaving off turns. I might end up with a decent turn count!

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       19.86   31   16    0   12   16   20    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      8.54   23    1    5    8    5    6    4    9
Norne     Peggy      13.66   31    6    2    9   13    8    6   10
Castor    Mercenary  18.82   27   14    0   17   16    9    9    0
Julian    Thief      11.22   24   10    0   11   15   14    7    1
Lena      Mage       13.39   17    0    8   10   11   14    4    5
Matthis   Myrmidon   10.29   26    7    0   10   13    3    6    0
Wolf      Berserker   9.80   37   14    0    7   12    8    9    0
Radd      Myrmidon   10.32   24    9    0   12   14    4    8    0
Linde     Mage       10.93   22    0    9    6    8   13    3    5

Chapter 16 (7/116):

Promoted and reclassed Castor to Berserker. Reclassed Matthis to Cavalier. Sent a prayer to whatever was listening, because I'd need it.

Remember those Hammers, and Castor and Wolf's axe levels, which were mentioned earlier? It was all for this chapter, which normally takes me 30 turns.

Castor and Wolf walked across the sea, and slowly took out everything between Marth and the throne. Wolf eventually made it to the boss ("May this hammer crush your dreams!") Marth accidentally recruited Xane (who I managed to kill a turn later), and an Aura/Bolganone combo got Marth past the jerk with the Silver Sword (the dude with the Master Seal ate a Bolganone as a reward for killing Xane). Norne went shopping, but I'm REALLY worried about the lack of Steel Swords in my inventory.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       20.29   31   16    0   12   17   20    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      9.23   23    1    5    9    5    6    4    9
Norne     Peggy      13.86   31    6    2    9   13    8    6   10
Castor    Berserker   2.71   36   18    0   12   13    9   11    0
Julian    Thief      11.98   24   10    0   11   15   14    7    1
Lena      Mage       14.14   17    0    8   10   11   15    4    5
Matthis   Cavalier   10.67   28    9    0    3    8    3    9    0
Wolf      Berserker  11.53   41   16    0    9   14    8   11    0
Radd      Myrmidon   11.32   25   10    0   12   15    5    8    0
Linde     Mage       12.04   23    0   10    7    8   13    3    6

Chapter 17 (3/119):

Reclassed Castor into Hero and Wolf into Horseman.

Did whatever Jannisary did, except it was Castor and a Wyrmslayer (despite what the Support Chart on this site says, Castor gets a support bonus from Marth).

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       20.59   31   16    0   12   17   20    9    1
Jagen     Bishop      9.61   23    1    5    9    5    6    4    9
Norne     Peggy      13.94   31    6    2    9   13    8    6   10
Castor    Hero        4.09   36   19    0   21   19    9   12    3
Julian    Thief      11.98   24   10    0   11   15   14    7    1
Lena      Mage       14.92   17    0    8   10   11   15    4    5
Matthis   Cavalier   10.97   28    9    0    3    8    3    9    0
Wolf      Horseman   12.06   38   16    0   14   16    8   11    1
Radd      Myrmidon   11.42   25   10    0   12   15    5    8    0
Linde     Mage       12.50   23    0   10    7    8   13    3    6

Chapter 17x (17):

This chapter has all sort of weird things going on, and this is only the third time I'm playing it.

Reclassed Radd to Cavalier.

The treasures I targeted were the Longbow and Poleax. The Wo Dao was optional, and I had no use for the Warp or Wing Spear. Thus, Julian went to fetch the Poleax, while Marth got the Longbow and Wo Dao. Killed off my promoted faceless units :(, then let the reinforcements help level Lena, Matthis, Radd, and Norne. Meanwhile, Marth, Castor, Wolf, and Linde ripped through the left side of the castle, ran over Etzel (Wolf doesn't like competition), and turned the boss into worm food. I had to use quite a few Door Keys on this map. I hope there's a shop that sells more!

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       21.40   32   17    0   12   18   21    9    1
Jagen     Bishop     10.49   23    1    6    9    6    6    4   10
Norne     Peggy      15.39   33    6    2   10   14    8    7   10
Castor    Hero        5.62   37   19    0   21   20    9   12    3
Julian    Thief      13.39   26   11    0   12   16   16    8    1
Lena      Mage       16.37   17    0   10   10   12   17    4    6
Matthis   Cavalier   12.55   30    9    0    4    8    4   10    0
Wolf      Horseman   12.93   38   16    0   14   16    8   11    1
Radd      Cavalier   12.80   28   12    0    5   10    6   11    0
Linde     Mage       15.42   25    0   12    9   10   16    3    7

Chapter 18 (7/126):

Reclassed Castor to Secret Shopper Berserker.

Due to a clog near one of the bridges, I took an extra turn.

This map made my hair stand on end. My Marth is a glass cannon, so I couldn't rush the way I wanted to. Matthis and Norne with Ridersbane made my life much easier. Even though Castor's only purpose was to resupply me, he still managed a couple of kills.

Name      Class      Level   HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       22.82   33   17    0   13   18   22    9    1
Jagen     Bishop     10.63   23    1    6    9    6    6    4   10
Norne     Peggy      16.23   33    6    2   10   14    9    7   10
Castor    Berserker   6.39   40   21    0   14   16    9   11    0
Julian    Thief      14.17   27   11    0   13   17   17    8    1
Lena      Mage       16.69   17    0   10   10   12   17    4    6
Matthis   Cavalier   13.15   31    9    0    5    8    4   10    0
Wolf      Horseman   13.35   39   17    0   15   17    9   11    1
Radd      Cavalier   13.53   29   13    0    6   10    6   12    0
Linde     Mage       16.09   25    0   12   10   10   16    3    7

I'll do the rest later. Let me know if I messed up my maths.

EDIT: I did (all the way back in Chapter 2), so I'm fixing it up as I go.

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 13(4/77)

I can't believe I managed this in 4 turns. Draug and Julian the ballista bait worked well, I almost went up to 5 turns when Abel missed one of his hits on the boss. Luckily, Astram, of all people, got a crit to make up for it. I reclassed so many people in this chapter I don't really want to do the charts.

Chapter 14(7/84)

This chapter was....easy.

The hardest part was the boss because I didn't have any armorslayers around.

Name    Class      Level  	HP 	ST	MG	SK	SP 	LK      DF 	RS
Marth	Lord        12.48    	27  	11 	0    	8 	15 	16 	10    	0
Jagen   Bishop 	8.64 		25  	1 	6    	11  	6  	5 	6   	8
Abel  	Cavalier   19.36 	31 	14  	0    	16 	20 	7  	9  	0
Nabarl  Cavalier   13.67   	29  	14  	0   	5  	13  	14   	12  	0
Hardin  Cavalier   15.09   	28  	11  	0   	15  	14  	5  	9  	1
Vyland  Cavalier   13.82   	26  	12   	0  	9  	12   	5  	11 	0
Athena  PegKn  	14.61 		29  	11 	2  	10  	10   	7  	8 	6
Caesar  DMage  	9.12    	23   	2  	6   	2  	8  	6  	6   	4
Roger	Hunter    9.18    	25   	10   	0   	7  	13    	5    	5  	0
Tomas Cavalier  10.35 		24   	9    	0    	5  	8      	5    	9  	0
Astram Hero    	1.85    	26  	8      	1    	14	14    	3    	8  	3

Whats funny is that Navarre has the best durability in my team.

Edited by Core
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I am about to start Chapter 18 now after the hell that was 17x. I got 3 runs ruined by ridiculous criticals. Here are my units:

Marth  15.78 Lord      28  12   0   8  13  18  10   2 Sword B  
Cain   08.49 Paladin   42  16   1  23  20  12  14   6 Sword C, Lance A 
Jagen  11.12 Bishop    27   2   4  10   9   6   6   9 Lance A  
Darros 15.31 Pirate    32  12   0   4  10   5   8   0 Axe B, Sword D
Bord   17.67 Mercenary 29  15   0  19  11   5   9   0 Sword D, Axe B 
Merric 18.21 Mage      30   0  13  11  12   8   8   8 Sword C, Lance D, Magic C 
Midia  05.21 Sniper    29   7   1  16  14   7   9   3 Base Levels 
Macel. 09.98 Pirate    25   9   0   6  10   7   7   0 Base Levels
Catria 10.90 Pegasus   24   8   2  11  15   9   9   6 Base Levels

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Finished my run, but I need to readjust my turn counts (apparently, I finished Chapter 2 in 6 turns).

I didn't see anything about not using the Geosphere, so I did. If I wasn't supposed to, please let me know, so I can redo the entire run.

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Finished my run, but I need to readjust my turn counts (apparently, I finished Chapter 2 in 6 turns).

I didn't see anything about not using the Geosphere, so I did. If I wasn't supposed to, please let me know, so I can redo the entire run.

I don't see why you can't use it.

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