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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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A groan of pain from Aiya, followed by Arrin calling out for Pary, broke Tessa's attention from gathering ingredients and trying to put a focal point on group operations. She clearly hadn't been doing a very good job at things anyway, as Chase had already taken off, heedless of the consequences, and further fracturing the delicate working balance.

With a pained sigh, she turned her attention to the redheaded knight. She'd already been under the priest's care, so he must have missed something, or not done a well enough job. Figuring it shouldn't be left up to him again, Tessa, knelt down. "Let's have a look here, shall we..." she muttered, and looked for the cause of the problems.

The broken ribs were soon located, and easy enough to fix. After the prayer was finished, and the healing surged had flowed out of her along the staff however, Tessa suddenly felt a hot, wet sensation flow down across her mouth. A nosebleed? she wondered, drawing her hand up, and then looking at it. This unfortunately produced only more worry, as the picture she was seeing from her eyes didn't change at all, rather remaining static, and slowly fading out.

"Oh bugger!" she exclaimed, pinching her nose with one hand, and steadying herself with her staff with the other. That had apparently been one heal too many.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Her mind was clouding. This type of energy wasn't natural. Even when they had faced the weilders, she was fine. It was a nagging feeling. She remembered it from the graveyard. "No!" Verry started running.



Pary handed Katie the carrots, and saw Tessa head over to Aiya. He had already healed her. Had something gone wrong? He saw Tessa heal, and stumble. Something was wrong. He rushed over. "Are you okay?"

Edited by psychout50
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"You can send your scouts out then." Xenia said to Daneka. "I'm not one for staying in any place too long, I'll look for them myself."

She walked back to the main hall. "Svet! We're leaving!"

Svetlana lowered herself to be mounted, still not taking her eyes off of Nyx.

"Er, sounds good. Guess I'll stay here for a while then." Travis replied to Synt, resting his back up against the outside of the encampment.

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"No you can't." said Esphyr. "Especially since you'll end up boasting about your skill with the 'lance'." she said before taking a step back followed by a deep sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm just so-TESSA!" like lightning, Esphyr shot to the other woman's side, her hands spread to catch her should she fall.


A definite wobble was in the headmasters flight as she was forced downwards. The cool air that had rushed against her face now felt like the stinging breath of a dragon, and already the world oscillated about her. She needed to land, now.

OOC: She was high up. No way she could have caught that.

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Lady Dada

Daneka: ... (So now we search. Easy enough. Zhe group is full of easily recognizable individuals. And Levski won't soon be forgotten for the little fiasco in the capital a few years ago. Yes, no matter where they go, I will be able to find them ... heheheeeh.) Alphonse, zhat was beautiful playing, but it is but it is time for us to depart from zhese place.

Alphonse. Ma'am ...

He stood up from the organ as she got down from the table and led her out to the main hall, her arm wrapped around his. Once they came into view, the other soldiers ofrmed up and saluted.

Daneka: We're leaving too ...

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"I'm kidding. I like my skull to be the shape it is," Kelas informed Isotov. "I reckon I should actually be all right to get up pretty soon, and then neither of us has to worry about concussions."


"Are you sure? And where did that healer go, I thought I asked for his help..." Arrin fretted.

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"Yes, because being a Jerdonian noble definitely means that I'd be promoted faster in the Septimian army. Think about what you're saying," Alex said, glaring at Helios. "And, I didn't know him that well. Well, at least the deceased Duke Arckson." Spinning around to Damian, she said, "Heh. You've already met him. And, uh, maybe if I don't get executed by you people, which is looking likelier and likelier as we go on. Though, it's good to see you're kept in line, considering the rumours."

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The sounds were getting louder. What was that thing? It broke through the clouds, and she saw it. A girl, not much older than herself. But she had wings coming out of her back. "Wh-who are you? Why do you have wings? What are you? Where's all this mana coming from? Just, just go away! I don't want to have to hurt you! *sniff* ;_;"

(OOC: Now seems more likely)

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"Are you okay?" she'd heard a man, she was pretty sure it was Pary, ask. Following almost immediately after was a cry from Esphyr.

Tessa would have ordinarily waved them off, but she rather needed both of her hands to continue what they were doing at the moment. Instead she just mumbled out, past the hand pinching her nose*, "Misjudged my limit... thought I had another heal in me still. Should clear up with time... I think."

And indeed, it felt as if the nosebleed was slowing slightly, but it was hard for her to tell, as her eyes still didn't want to seem to work quite right. It was hard enough to keep from panicking, but panic only makes things worse, so she just continued to squeeze her nose shut, and breath in through her mouth.

Arrin chimed in with concern as well, grumbling that he'd wanted Pary to heal Aiya. Tessa tried to figure out the right way to address that. "Arrin, Pary already had a look at her, and... sometimes people miss things. It's normal, The Lady knows I've done it enough myself. I figured I ought to have a look as well, and... well, maybe I should have waited, but..."

*I suck at accents. You all know what this should sound like, just imagine it.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Just calm down and focus on your breathing." said Esphyr. "Relax and let the mana flow through you lest you stimy it."


"Unngggg... Geeeeh." groaned the headmaster as she set down upon the ground. "Spirit of the shadooooung... Hurting me! Pain! GAh! Must..."

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"*sniff* Go away! What are you? I don't want to hurt you. No! ;_;" Verry tried using her spell to create a shield out of the flames, defending herself.

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"Go away... Go away and suffer in pain. Kill you and freedom! Freedom from pain!" screamed the headmaster before she openly lunged at the shadow siren, a bloodthirsty red tint in the normally amber eyes.

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Verry couldn't understand her. What was going on? She quickly melted into the shadows, reappearing several yards behind the Headmaster. She sent flames up around her, trapping her. "St-stay back! I know how to use this! Just calm down!"

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"Gah! Ahhhh! AHHHHH!!! FIRE!" The screams of the headmaster pierced the air about her. She was a wind spirit, and even if only half by nature, being exposed to the shadows proved to be something beyond what her body could handle. After all, it was simple defenses against that which could hurt her. However, being exposed caused her to lose her sanity, making it so that she forgot that she could simply FLY out of the flames. Instead, she hissed as she backed away to the center of the ring of fire; a feral look in her eyes.

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"My mar muo mappming my mace?" asked Esphyr as she tried her best to offer her support to Tessa. Zilpah had grabbed her by the cheeks, causing her to chipmunk out and slur her words.

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"Bleh." said Esphyr as she cleared her mouth. Taking the herb, she quickly snapped one of the leaves in half, took a quick sniff of it to confirm it wasn't aweful or poisonous, before pushing it to Tessa's lips. "Chew on this. I don't know if it will make you feel better exactly, but it's none of the poisonous plants I recognize. It should be safe. Zilpah, takes, but I'm well enough. Tessa's the one who needs aid."

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