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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"I kind of deduced why you all went to the capital. Seems like it was futile getting aid from Halton. Maybe somehow i can get aid from "Tora" to help liberate Jerdon? I know it sounds insane but maybe its worth a try...."

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Irina: Huh? Oh ... right. Um, the red haired guy is Iso. He's my older brother ... and I hate to burst your bubble but I'd like to avoid another fiasco. That's actually a woman ... trust me on this. Her name is Kelas.


Viveka: (She must have a money tree.) Well it's certainly a noble cause. Better to get a command structure going than to die the next time something major happens, though if you do mess up, I've got to warn you that I won't hesitate to use that as an opportunity to thrust General Jackson into the leader position.

She cracked a smile so as not to look too threatening about it.

EDIT: I typo'd.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Should you go contact your family, then sure, feel free to request aid. However, until then, I believe we should head to the capital, and see what this request is about," Eric stated, seeing a pegasi land. "By the way, what happened over at the battlefield, anyways? There were at least 3 factions at work..."

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"I heard Tora was a ruined nation, with no standing military. I never even considered it for that reason. Though if you're the prince of Tora, shouldn't you be helping to rule there?" Charlotte asked Helios.

"If General Jackson can be a capable leader I have no issue with him being in charge. though from what I have seen of the soldiers in our group thus far, they seem rather unprepared for combat." Morgan replied to Viveka.

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" :wtf: But he's so masculine, and handsome, and rugged, and, and.....Oh, you! You don't have to lie to me. I bet he's yours. You two do look cute together. Well, I'll be seeing you around." Rita stood up and quickly ran over to Iso. "Oh, excuse me Mr. Iso. I'm new here!"

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"You heard right. There is something i should let you both in on. One; there was a Wyvern Lord that was searching for her highness. Next there was a bunch of Mercenary's that attacked us and kidnapped Morgan. They arent any concern to you two since they targeted the Crimson weapons. The third was general Alex. When she attacked, nearly more then half of us was defeated. She was looking for her highness as well." Turning to Charlette he spoke regarding his nation. "I believe there is some sort of power there. From what i heard, it is rising back to power. Must be a relative of mine."

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As Rita ran off, Irina was left with her mouth open ... trying to get out the words ... but not being able to.


After doing his final push up, Iso moved back into a sitting position, grabbed a small canteen, and started drinking. Rita popped up before he finished, and he cut his gulping short to see what was going on.

Iso: Hello. Where did you learn my name from? (I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here.)


Viveka: Well some soldiers aren't suited to fighting alongside mercenaries. I for one certainly am not. I don't frequent the front lines very often either. Let's just see how you do first with your mercenaries and your ... b-boy ... toys ...? (Wait a second ...)

Viveka broke off what she was saying and started slipping into deeper thoughts.

Viveka: (Right, so I'm sharing Levski with her, Heinz is one of her mercs too, and Chase hovers around her like he has a crush. ... okay something's not right here ...)

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"I guess more people are after Jace's bounty than I thought...they know I am with you people, perhaps I should leave." Charlotte frowned. "I do not wish to involve everyone else in my affairs without their choice." Charlotte said.

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"Ah come on Iso! We can be best friends!" Rita slapped him on the back a few times. "The cute little wyvern rider told me your name. Says she's your sister." Rita leaned in closer, and whispered to him. "I saw that ruggedly handsome nomad first, but she keeps lying, saying he's a girl. They make a cute couple though. I bet she pines for him all night. Oh, it's so romantic. Oh well, see you around!" Rita bounded off towards Esphyr.

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The girl dashed off before Iso could get a word in.

Iso: o_o'


Ixion had spent much of the morning doing horrendous exercises and simultaneously levitating objects through simple spells. Frustrated by his lack of progress, it was all he could do to keep from losing his patience. What little understanding he did gain was worthless without the shapeshifter itself. He didn't just need the creature's body, but its knowledge as well. Without its intricate understanding of anatomy, his project was doomed to failure. He pondered ways to lure the demon out of hiding.

Ixion: (We're running out of time. I'm going to need assistance if I'm to meet Ivanko's demands. This entire campaign is becoming arduous and irritating.)

OOC: Peggie arrival in next post.

EDIT: Added another scene.

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"Your Highness, if you wish, we may leave. However, perhaps we should wait for Derek to return, before heading off," Eric suggested. "Just for farewells."

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"Hi! I'm Rita! I'm......" Rita trailed off. She looked down at Esphyr's waist. Quickly drawing her sword, she backflipped from the women, creating some distance, and stepping into a battle pose. "You have a sword! We have to fight! It's the true honor of any swordsman! Let's go! Shooting Star Sword!"

(OOC: Waiting for Esphyr to respond before I roll)

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"Given the current number of things trying to kill us, I doubt you'll put us in too much danger," Kelas told Charlotte with a shrug. "However..." she added, seeing Rita bouncing around like a rabbit, "who is that, and what have you inflicted on us? Is she going to explode, or something?"

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"Well, true perhaps. This group seems to have its own enemies and I have mine. Working together may be for the best."

"We met Rita in Altia. She's...rather excitable, knows Cess apparently. Since we were coming the same way I saw no reason not to bring her along." Charlotte replied to Kelas.

Viveka arrived at the camp and Morgan dismounted. She coughed, which unintentionally got some attention. "Before we get moving, I have something to share with all of you. During my capture I came to the conclusion we have a mole in the group. I will be conducting interviews to determine where everyone's loyalties lie." She narrowed her eyes at everyone in sight, looking for reactions. "If you offer yourself up for an interview that looks less suspicious than me having to hunt you down. The only people exempt are those who went to Altia, and myself of course."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well look who's back ... >_>' (Interviews? Sounds like an excuse to get in people's business to me.)

Turning to see that Morgan was back and safe, Iso let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't long before he wondered why he even cared in the first place though.

Iso: Umm interviews? Because of a mole in the group? Did it not occur to her that any good mole can cover his own tracks, especially if questioned?

Viveka: Hold your horses, Morgan. First thing's first. Go over to Tessa and get checked up. There'll be plenty of time for mole hunting later.

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"Watch it be Reika," Eric said, sighing. "And the witch hunt begins. So, you got captured?"


Shortly after Viveka arrived in camp, Derek rode in and dismounted, before looking around. "Where's the Comet?" he asked, to noone in particular.

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"Yes." Morgan replied curtly to Eric.

Charlotte looked over and saw Tessa sleeping against a tree. "I'll do the healing for you, Tessa looks tired." She applied her staff to Morgan. Some of the blood and sweeling went away, but the effect appeared somewhat minimal.

"Hmm, not sure my staff can heal those wounds." Charlotte said. "It mostly seems good for stab wounds and such, not symptoms of illness."

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"Er, all right, I suppose, so long as she doesn't give us away," Kelas mused, still watching Rita. "I dunno, I've got a bad feeling about this..."

At Morgan's arrival, Kelas suppressed a grimace. "Well, look who's back. Dead on your feet and already barking out orders? Well, I suppose there's nothing that will convince you otherwise. Ask me whatever and be done with, then."

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"Tch. You're an idiot. I'm not a swordswoman, just a merc for hire." said Esphyr, dismounting from Aiya's wyvern. "You're little more than a hyperactive girl as well. I don't see any point in your challenge, so convince me. Why should I accept?"

With that, Esphyr turned her attention to Morgan. "And I volunteer. But not today. Tomorrow though, I will be more than willing. Today is something of a unique thing for me."

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"Very well then." said Morgan, responding to Kelas. She motioned for the nomad to follow her a bit away from the others.

"So you came upon the Crimson Weapon wielders back in Darien yes? What were you doing there?" Morgan asked, eyes narrowing.

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"Because of your blade's honor! One fit to wield a sword, must be fit to defend it. That's what being a swordsman is all about! No one should ever treat a sword like just a weapon! It has your heart, your soul, your hopes and dreams, your passions! It's an entity of yourself. And practicing! For one to perfect their art, they must see the different styles of it. Plus I bet someone like you with no respect for it has never heard of the legendary Shooting Star Sword skill. I happen to be a master of it myself."

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"And your diversion just happened to take you in the path of all the Crimson Weapon wielders? Convenient." Morgan made a small tut tutting sound.

"And what is your relationship with your brother? Do you truly care about him...or would you sell him to a mysterious employer for gold, or baubles, or a new horse or whatever?" Morgan searched Kelas's face for a reaction.

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"Tch. You want my blade, I would offer it to you gladly." said Esphyr, her attention returning to the woman. "Look. I don't fight for honor or anything like that, but so that I can feed my parents and, one day, stop being a swordswoman. As for my skill, I run wildly at the opponent and try to cleave them. Maybe use the flat to parry, but that's it. You're making a apple orchard out of a pear Rita."

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