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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"No... kidding." Kelas stared up at Isotov: her friend was all right, and thus she could afford to be annoyed with him. "You goin' t' just stand there... or you want to help me sit up? ...As you can see... I'm trying and it's not exactly... working."

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Iso: Uhh, no offense, but should you really be trying to force yourself up? We've got some time. You could rest up a bit. Maybe rest on Amari?

He hadn't gotten her answer yet, but he knelt down ready to help her up just in case.

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Iso: Well, you do look rather dead just lying there. Alright, take my hand, I'll help you at least sit up right, heheh ... then you can decide whether or not it's worth staying that way.

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Kelas took the offered hand and let Isotov pull her up so that she could see a little more of the field. The world spun; she threw her hands out behind her to keep herself from falling back again. "Whoooah there. Need something to lean against. And water. Water would be good. Oi, Amari!"

Amari dutifully trotted over, wondering how Kelas was going to reach the saddlebags from down there.

"I seem to recall that you know where the water is in my saddlebags?"

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Isotov, the waterbag location knower

Iso: Right, on it.

He quickly stood up and took a quick look through the saddlebags ...

Iso: Here it is ...

With the waterskin in hand, he knelt back down and offered it to Kelas.

Iso: Hey, one more thing. I'm glad you're always watching my back, but I'm rather lousy at doing the same. If you're in trouble just call out to me. It's better that I break off an attack on one enemy and back you up then seeing you like this.

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"Well, this was more of a 'damn lance outta nowhere,' not much you could've done," Kelas pointed out. If I can't protect my brother without help, what good am I? she thought.

The water was a great help; the world stopped spinning a bit. "Now what are everyone else up to-- whoa..." As she tried to turn to see the rest of the group, the dizziness came back in full force. "There like a rock or whatever round here I could lean against?"

OOC: added the thought bit

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Iso: Hey, take it easy, Kelas. Let the others handle them. Katie's fine, and Irina's fine so I'm going to stay here with you for awhile ... make sure you don't hurt yourself >_>'

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Hearing someone talking to him, Heinz stirred slightly, opening his eyes to see Arrin looking at him worriedly. The thunder mage? Struggling to sit up, he winced when he felt a bolt of pain shoot through his side, falling back down onto the ground. I guess someone dragged me over here after I blacked out, easing himself upright more carefully this time.

"Looks like we defeated all the soldiers," Heinz muttered. "Thanks for waking me up and whoever it was who healed me," nodding towards Arrin. Not hurt too badly himself, it looks like, slightly annoyed at being beaten by a mage. Moving his legs carefully, Heinz slowly eased himself up onto his feet, surveying the scene. Seems like plenty of people went down though, raising his eyes in surprise when he saw the Septimian General was a woman. Must be a recent promotion then, Heinz mulled. I don't recall hearing about her.

"Do you know what we're doing with the Septimian General?" Heinz asked, turning towards the thunder mage.

OOC: Heinz was stabbed twice through his torso, his legs should be fine.

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"Right. Got it. Like I said, rock or whatever? To lean against? Is there one somewhere?" Kelas asked dizzily.


"Take it easy--" Arrin began, but there was not much stopping Heinz. Instead, he tried to address the man's question. "I'm not sure what we're doing with the general. We seem to have captured her, but I don't know what we're going to do in the long run... and most of the people who tend to make that sort of decision are captured or unconscious," he added. "It's all pretty uncertain..."

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"... Right, so now what? We can either interrogate this... soldier person... or we can go find Morgan. Well, I kinda think the second one would be a better idea, not only because Morgan's a necessary part of our group, but because she could interrogate... whatever her name is... best," Chase exclaimed.


"Urghh..." Conrad groaned, aching from his wounds. "That... stings... what happened? First, that group captured the shamaness... and then...? Oh... I was knocked out by that soldier... Ugh."

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Iso: No rocks, just trees. *sigh* ... I'm about the only other support around here, unless you want to lean on a wyvern or something (They're ... rock like ...) >_>'

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As the healing light washed over her, Aiya began to feel the pain slipping away.

"Thank you Pary,I-! Nngh!" As she tried to get up, she clutched her abdomen in pain.

"I think...a couple of ribs are broken..." She managed,still rather weak afterall.

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Iso: Katie? (I don't think she'll mind ... I hope she won't >_>' ) ... I think she'll be fine so sure go'head ^_^

EDIT: Amended.

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Xenia shurgged. "All I know is that they're heading from Halton to Septimus, so they'll probably stop near some town on the border." she replied to Daneka.

"I'm Captain Travis, I'm a hero Gonna-" Travis paused as he caught a glimpse of the man's face. "Why do you have my face?" Travis asked the cloaked man, confused.

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The Comet

"Have a nice nap, O Dusk Knight?" Alex asked, smirking as the Elysimian struggled to get up. "Maybe you can help the Captain actually patch your group up? And have the sense to kill me, instead of trying to press me on things I don't know?"

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"Thanks." Kelas leaned back against Isotov's shoulder, which was reassuringly warm and solid (even if this was a terrible idea, what was she doing.)

She could sort of blurrily see the others now; there was a lot of movement, and she could hear people shouting. "So what are they all doing now, other than trying to kill even more of us?" she asked.

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"The Comet," Conrad said stiffly. "No wonder you keep your identity a secret. Septimus is in a bit of a rut, from what I can remember. And what do we have here?" he inquire, picking up the necklace. "... Well, it definitely has an enchantment on it. Even though I'm not very magically attuned, I can sense that. What's it do?"


Meanwhile, Chase sat under a tree, frowning. We need to take some action... I don't like all of this sitting around. If I knew where Morgan was, I'd go after her, but...

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Synt frowned. "You mean, why do you have my face?" he shot right back, having recovered from his initial surprise. "I've been working as a mercenary of sorts for fifteen years now, what about you?" he questioned.

OOC: I went by the sign up sheet, said Travis was 30.

Edit: Fixed numbers.

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Tessa'd recovered from her temporary bout of dizziness, and her vision cleared enough to see that the enemy's captain had been a long dark haired woman underneath the helm. Having healed her, it seemed for the most part she'd abandoned her previous deathwish, unless the motive behind her current goading of the group members was to try to anger someone into killing her. Still, that matter could certainly be put aside for the moment, and Tessa was more or less satisfied with the outcome.

The soldier's taunting did at least have some positive effect, though, as it seemed to have spurred people into action. Unfortunately, this led to another of the customary intra-group squabbles, this time between Chase, Reika, and Helios. Fully aware that she couldn't be everywhere and solve everything, Tessa just focused on splitting the workload with Pary, and continuing to heal, silently (and unsuccessfully) willing the three troublemakers to set aside their petty differences and work together for the moment. Helios at least was trying, and had been asking some decent questions, and making an effort to aid the healing process, but the thief and the outlaw were just hopeless.

At Esphyr's behest, Tessa had focused first on Damian, while Pary was working on Aiya, and then after that, they just continued making the rounds between them. At the end, her headache had gone from lightly annoying to downright skull-splitting, but there was really no time to deal with that. The whole company was pretty much still shaken, and possessing all the coordination of a chicken with its head cut off. Somebody needed to take charge, and nobody was doing it. Morgan had been abducted and couldn't, and Damian was barely conscious yet. The Elysimian general was still more or less an outsider, and it was doubtful anyone would truly accept his command.

"So what do we do now?" Esphyr, had just echoed her previous remark.

"Rescue Morgan," Tessa stated. "It has to be done. Katie... you gave her that magic pendant right? Can you track it, so that we can find where she's been taken? Without her Crimson tome, it's probably the only good link we still have, as the second assault kept us from following immediately, and the trail has likely gone cold. Not that I think any of us are excellent trackers even in the best of conditions... except... maybe Kelas?"

Pausing to wince and massage her temples before continuing, she added, "But still, we'll need to rest a little more, and be very careful with our approach, as I doubt things will go smoothly for us. We're in foreign lands, apparently the military believes we're harboring a princess and has orders to attack on sight, and there's also always the constant threat of demons and who knows what else..."

Edit: Oh man, the grammars

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"I've been working as a mercenary for fifteen years too, down in Halton." Travis said, uneasy. "I waa raised by my mother, parents split up when I was little. Heard my father might have gone to Septimus..."

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"Hey! I can track things, too!" Chase piped up from his spot under a tree. "What direction did he go in? Tell me, and I can probably figure it out."

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Derek & The Comet

"Last call for vulneraries," Derek said, putting all but one on the ground. Taking the last one, the cavalier thrust it into Conrad's hands, before turning to the Comet.

"Tch...! Of course it just had to be you, Alex...," he said, recognizing the woman. "Let's see, General Jackson, Helios, and Colonel Kleine... 3 great fighters, and none of them had a sword. Well, that certainly backfired."

"... Well, it isn't my fault they didn't take me out, Captain Munktan," Alex retorted. "They were open, so I took the opportunity."

"Tsk. Well, regardless, looks like you lost out in the end."

"Evidently. Moving on, General Jackson, if you really must know, that necklace was to alter my voice. It most certainly not do, if the army had a female non-mounted general. And, Miss," she said, rotating herself around to the healer. "Your friend's captor went that way, if you were wondering," tilting her head to the northwest.

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