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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Can you give me a minute, Duchess. I promised her i w-." Reika swung her dagger at his neck. Helios stepped back but tripped and fell but used his hand to get up. He kicked up and landed on his feet. Reika still wouldnt let up. "Stand still, Mage. Im just gonna carve you up a little." Dodging wont help, i'll just get tired. Then Elwind was casted and it headed right towards Reika. She easily parried it her dagger. "How about you cut the crap and actually fight me, mage? Your holding back."

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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With Lev and Chase having set off somewhere, and everyone patched up, Cess took Morrey to the nearby river. He walked back to the group. "Should we start setting up camp? We should try to find Morgan once we've calmed down and rested."



Pary walked to a patch of nearby trees. He tried looking around for some healing herbs, and the spiritleaf Katie had needed. He returned empty-handed, save for a bundle of firewood in his arms.



Was someone still up? Rita thought she heard voices. She quietly snuck out of her tent, and headed down by the riverbank.

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"Setting up camp, on a battlefield? Truly, we are a group of geniuses," Kelas sighed. "Have we even got tents now? I don't want to be kept awake all night by the pegasus knights whining about camping..."


"...Tessa?" Arrin asked, a little worried at her nonresponsiveness.

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Heinz and Esphyr were both telling her to take a break, get some rest, and not try to shoulder everything. While she was still worried about Morgan, the captured soldier, and everyone's recovery, in her current state she really couldn't do anything at all, so she decided to give in to the excuse to take it easy. "Okay... I hear you both. I'm done for today then, I suppose."

From the sounds of it, Arrin was hovering nearby too. She'd not answered his first set of questions, mostly due to distraction, and when he repeated her name, she thought she heard a hint of worry edge into his voice. Feeling a little guilty for keeping the mage waiting, she turned and told him, "Sure... yes, sorry. Feeling a bit better, but if you could get me some water and maybe a rag, that would be great. Maybe afterwards lead me somewhere out of the way to sit down too."

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Arrin quickly ran and got a canteen from his saddlebags and a handkerchief, holding them out to Tessa upon his return. "Er... you said lead you somewhere to sit down?"

edit: clarification

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"Bonne nuit, mon chère fleurette," Eric said, watching his liege lie down. Guess I have someone to go to, after all this is over.


"Tsk. He should've waited," Derek said, shaking his head as Lev picked up Chase. "Still, gotta admire the kid, for trying to save a woman who ignores him most of the time. So, you take point?"

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The F Team

Lev: I kind of have to take point. Since we're following Krinkov, and he's through listening for cues from me it seems. I'd better keep my lance ready ...

Krinkov continued his search, and the scent was starting to get stronger and fresher. They were at least within a few miles now. He wanted to pick up the pace, but could the horses keep up? Unsure, he simply started power-walking. Flying wasn't impossible with his load, but with all that weight, and a couple of potentially slow companions, he figured it was best to just stick to ground movement.

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At the sound of the mage's voice, Tessa realized that she may have just made a mistake. Everything was still swirly at best, and while she could sort of make out the blob she thought was Arrin, there was no way she could tell where his arms, much less anything he'd been carrying were. Hoping it would just work out anyway, she held out one her hands, while replying back, "Yeah, I dunno, I was thinking, maybe under a tree or something to lean up against. Just need to get off my feet, and hope my headache clears up. Gotta make sure the nose doesn't start up again too. But really, wherever you want is fine, I'm not that picky." With a small smile she added, "If there's no tree around, I might have to just rest up against you... if you don't mind, that is."

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Arrin pressed the canteen and handkerchief into Tessa's hand, confused. Something horrifying hit him: "Can't you see?" he whispered in Tessa's ear, realizing she was probably keeping it a secret.



Megae warped back into the base, tome and report in tow. It wasn't so much a base as a hole with some useful things strewn about... "Baaack," she singsonged. "I got Boss's report. Can't read it, though," she grumbled, holding out the report.

She looked to their prisoner, slumped in the corner. "Is it dead? It looks dead," she remarked dubiously, "and I wanted to kill it when we were done with it. It isn't red or anything..."

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Give me that." Ruby snapped grabbing the report off Megae's hand. "Im going to slay that Esphyr bitch, rest are yours." Ruby started reading the report.

Group's heading for Septimus now. I'll leave the signals when it's a good time to jump them. Read this carefully so you know how to deal with these idiots when the time comes.

The crimson weapon wielders:

Megae has Midnight, and Morgan seems to be in bad shape. I can already smell the death on her. Shouldn't be too long before she collapses under the weight of her own pride or something.

Proxima is totally stable now. Not a single sign of eruption. That's good. It'll make retrieval a lot easier when the time comes. I've noticed that Isotov is getting a lot stronger now though. Caution. He likes to launch attacks quickly and in rapid succession. I would know ...

Gaeborg is under control as well it seems. Apparently that's the wild card we missed years ago. Either way. Damian is focusing on his women right now so there's no considerable danger of him overpowering us.


"Hey Reika, can we spar some time later? People are injured and we are setting up camp."

Reika didnt comply. She continued swinging at him. Why couldnt she kill him? Its not because he was dodging, she wasnt aiming.

Dammit. Fine i'll give her what she wants

Helios grabbed his scarf and tugged it off. It covered Reika's path. She cut through it clean and headed straight towards him but was surprised when he wasnt there.

"Where did that fool mage g-"

A crimson red blast was headed right for her. Ready to cut her down.

OOC: New form. Feedback?

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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At Arrin's whisper, Tessa flinched and dropped the canteen. Luckily, it was still capped, but...

"How..." she started to ask, but decided against, and just dropped the charade. "Oh, bugger..."

Just how observant is he? she thought, slightly impressed.

"Right... suppose I should kneel down and pick that up, shouldn't I?" Tessa sighed, very lightly.

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"Let me see that." Petros said, grabbing the note from Ruby.

Earth Shaker

Conrad Jackson is officially a part of this band of humans. Losing one of his bitches probably has him a bit more motivated than usual so back me up when I strike him down.

Note: When the axe falls, don't resist the tremor or it'll throw you off balance! Jump or ride the wave.

Blood Sword's owner is all over the place. I can't tell how much trouble she'll give us. It's like reading about those insane humans in the asylums and stuff.

Note: She switches for magic attacks rather predictably. Assume she's going for your resistance at all times.

Hellsety should've been ours already, but I got ganged up on. Helios is starting fights and interjecting as usual. Not the biggest issue here. Just take him from behind or something. I recommend Ruby or Megae for this personally.

Note: Hellsety is insanely accurate. Don't let your guard down, and block whenever you can.

Zephyrtwine's wielder is a wild card. He'd shoot anyone if Morgan gave him the go'head. Close range, and watch out for the knives. Sounds like a Petros job, unless you want me to take care of him. Meh.

Daranau has an interesting wielder. The nomad kid can really hold his own in combat, not unlike Iso. Best to hit him first. Those strikes bring back painful memories of that blonde thunder bitch!

Note: Watch out for the other nomad. The horse riding archer. She'll shoot you from further than you think, and she's insanely protective of him.

Calamity is a major problem. Reika's not very popular, but she doesn't need friends with that kind of agility. Megae's probably the only one fast enough to catch her. This Alferis guy likes to hang around with her too. Not much of a threat since he's too busy trying to get some thief poontang, but be cautious nonetheless. A hand axe in the face hurts like hell ... I would know.

"Well at least we have some information on the wielders now. Though he uses some...odd terminology. What is a poontang?" Petros rubbed his head in confusion.

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"I've got it," Arrin replied, picking up the canteen. He reached out and took Tessa's hand. "There are some trees over this way... come on, let's sit down." He dropped his voice again as they began, slowly and carefully, to walk. "Did you...did you get hit? ...Or is this just a temporary effect, do you think?"


"I dunno," Megae replied, now doing a handstand for no reason. "Can I kill it?" she whined, looking at the prisoner. "It looks dead, but I think it's breathing."

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"No." Petros said simply. "We may still be able to get some information out of that one. Let it return to consciousness and we will...ask some more questions." Petros cracked his knuckles.

"We will however, need to move locations. Follow the red trails."

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"Thanks... again. Guess it just slipped," Tessa added for the benefit of any others still nearby, before graciously letting herself be led away.

When he asked, she just squeezed his hand for a bit, and didn't reply just yet. She'd rather they'd separate a bit more first. After another dozen paces or so, she answered in a low voice. "Happened about the same time as the nosebleed. Probably for the same reasons too. It's... it's getting better, little by little. I reckon by the time everyone's ready to move out after Sis, in maybe just a little bit or so, I'll be fit enough to ride Trevor. Course, he'd be doing most of the work, but..."

Suddenly, at the mention of sisters, she remembered just how badly some of the group had been injured. 'Just a little bit', was far too much optimism. Her expression sank, and she apologized. "No... Kelas shouldn't be moving yet for far longer than that. ...That was thoughtless of me. I'm sorry."

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"It's going away, then?" Arrin replied, relieved. They arrived at a small stand of trees, far enough away to talk but not too far for help to be there right away if something happened. "Here are some trees... they are a bit skinny, though. Well, like you said, you can lean on me," he offered. "And Kelas is somewhat better... Pary got her conscious again, and she's at least well enough to fret about me."


"Excellent!" Megae followed the others as they went on the move again, occasionally prodding at the captive, now slung over Petros' shoulder.

OOC: Borrowed Petros slightly. Hope it's not terrible.

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Heinz nodded at the healer's remark, figuring the thunder mage could take care of her. Not a bad person for a mage, watching the nomad hurry to fetch some water and a piece of cloth. Walking back to the same scraggly tree he had been sitting under earlier, the mercenary's mouth turned upwards slightly in amusement. If that boy has any sense at all, he'll say there aren't any trees around, sitting down and leaning back against the trunk.

I'll have to explain Morgan had her Crimson Weapon severed recently, scowling at the ground in annoyance. Probably get paid less too. Wish they'd taken away a different wielder, she was supposed to pay me for this. Guess I'll have to ask that damn colonel to pay me instead..... might just be better to leave now.

Standing up stiffly again, Heinz braced himself against the tree, looking over the area. "Stupid horse," he muttered, finally locating Ralf. Walking a few paces towards where the horses were grazing, Heinz stopped abruptly and turned around.

"Hey Kelas!" he called. Slowing down as he reached the other nomad and the fire mage, Heinz nodded to both of them briefly. "Do you happen to have an extra bit? I can do without one, but it'd be nice to have."

OOC: Assuming tree Heinz was under is different then the bunch Arrin and Tessa are at.

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Kelas looked up at Heinz' question. "Bit? Sorry, no. I can put together another emergency bridle, though, if you still have the rope from the one Tessa made," she told him. "...And you'll kind of have to bring the horse over here, I'm still not much for walking, unless you or Isotov want to help," she grimaced. "Looks like we're going to rest now, though; I reckon you don't need one until we get going. Or were you going to go riding off after Morgan?" she asked as an afterthought.

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"So what do we do now?" asked Esphyr. "I don't want to lie down and sleep while Morgan is captive, but we can't do much at the moment. Katie still needs spiritleaf, the Headmaster isn't here, and Irina is tracking them down, right? Nothing that can be done." she said, collapsing to the ground. "Nothing at all." she said with a sigh. "A month ago, I wouldn't even have cared. So why do I care so much now?"

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"... You have got to be joking," Alex said, as Damian and Aiya walked right off from the group, even as the knife-happy thief and the brain dead wind mage squared off, obviously trying to kill each other. "... Does Halton have the worst officers ever?... *sigh*. HEY, BLONDIE!"

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Irina and Blondie


Viveka: And then you work you h- Huh?

It wasn't the hundredth time she'd been referenced as "blondie" since joining the military, and so she automatically assumed that the captured general was referring to her. She slowly turned around with a slightly annoyed look on her face and called back.

Viveka: What is it?!!

Irina: (What the hell does lap dancing have to do with keeping a guy faithful? Levski? Sure, but all of them? I don't know about that ... >_>' )

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"Don't 'what is it' me! Straighten out these idiots," Alex shouted, tilting her head towards Reika and Helios. "Before I do!"

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Irina and Blondie

Viveka: You expect me to break up a couple of hellfire weapon wielding trigger happy idiots? What do I look like to you, an archsage?!

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Having started the fire, and boiled water for his tea, he sat with his back against a rock, cup in hand. The sweet aroma wafted up to his nose, the delicate jasmine flavor filling his mouth. Then the idiots had to be yelling and screaming a few feet in front of him.

Setting the cup down, he drew his corrupted staff. He walked over to the two. "Can't you idiots calm down? I'm trying to relax here." He energized his staff, slowing draining the two of thier energy and will to fight.



Rita sat next to the river. She could faintly make out Charlotte returning to her tent, with Eric still standing on the hill. "What are they doing? I bet she likes him. I might as well take a dip then, can't sleep anyway." She carefully disrobed, hoping he couldn't see her from where he was, and walked into the river till it was up to waist.

(OOC: Pary shouldn't feel the no goddess thing though since he doesn't pray to her to help his healing)

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"Don't even give me that. You're a soldier. You should know how to knock people out. Just use my spear, if yours isn't sturdy enough," the Comet said, one of her eyes concealed by a bang. "Really, you people must be damn lucky not to have been wiped out by now."

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