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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Charlotte slept the night away and woke up early the next morning. The others were also waking up in varying levels of consciousness.

"I think we should get an early start today. Knowing their luck, Sir Derek and the others have gotten into some sort of trouble while we were away..."

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"Ugh." He said rubbing his forehead. A fresh bruise had spread across it. "Not again." He groaned. He held up his hand. It stopped bleeding but the wound was downright ugly. After bandaging it up he got up to check on the prisoner. "Had a good night?" He asked rubbing his forehead in an attempt to lessen the headache.

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OOC: Hilarity inserted.



Once he was sure that Kelas was alright, Iso went to check on Irina. She was just fine too and preparing for bed. With those runs made, he finally came back to Katie, who was still gathering ingredients. Not sure which person she was going to get the hair from, he tilted his head and gave her an unsure look. He was way too tired from the battle to stay up and see how everything was going to work out though, so he quickly grabbed a bedroll(from who knows where), and laid it out before taking off his jacket, and lied down to sleep.

Irina Viveka and Jasmine

The night had been hell for them. Levski hadn't untied the cases from Krinkov, so when he left to find Morgan, he took the bedrolls of the pegasus knights with them. The thought of having to sleep on the cold ground infuriated Viveka to the point of launching a slue of obscenities in her thoughts and pouting. Jasmine sat on the ground arms limb, and on the verge of crying.

Irina offered to let them use Kiev's wings as bed spreads which would have required Kiev to sleep on his back, but they both declined. Viveka didn't want to wake up smelling like a wyvern, and hated them to boot. Jasmine just didn't want to make the wyvern uncomfortable. All three women ended up sleeping mounted on their animals. Irina was comfortable that way, but Viveka didn't like sleeping with her legs spread all night long. Jasmine found a bit of comfort in the ordeal, and the rest of the night progressed smoothly enough for them.

The F Team

Krinkov's tracking eventually led the men to another town. This one wasn't very lively, probably due to the late hour. Once they arrived, Krinkov stopped and started trying to find the specific building Morgan was in. Levski kept his eyes sharp. There were likely captors other than the man who rode off with her.

EDIT: Added stuff.

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Esphyr gave a groan as she woke up and took a stand. "Nyuugggg... Morning Damian. What do you want?" she asked as she approached him.

OOC: Friend time. CC if you want, or wait.

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OOC: Now with 75% moar Feenix style!


Dusk Knight

Conrad sighed, annoyed with the frequest questions.

Conrad: (Dammit, I'm the one supposed to be doing the interrogating!) I don't know. Like I said, we're lacking competence in this group... It's somewhat pathetic, really...


Anti-Jackass Taskforce

Chase: Yaaa... (Where am I? Oh, that's right, we're going to rescue Morgan, then I... fell asleep?) Hey, Lev. Where are we now? Sorry for falling asleep, by the way... I just don't get enough rest most of the time. Kinda surprised that hasn't happened yet, actually... it happens about once a week.

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Rita woke up early next morning, rested, and ready to hit the road. "Come on! We have to hurry before they leave without us." She said to no one in particular.



Standing by the river, Pary finished washing the dishes from last night's dinner. Hardly anyone had ate, but he boiled some more water in case someone wanted some, and for some tea for himself. This morning, he could do with a nice peppermint.



Cess walked out of his tent, thankful he had a spare in his pack. He saw a few others up, but went and sat down near where the food was being prepared, and took out his fortune cards to practice with.

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OOC: @ Lightning XD

The F Team

Lev: Oh you're awake. Don't worry about it. Just don't let Morgan see you shirking like that when we find her. Speaking of which she must be in these town since Krin stopped moving ... ... ... either that or they dragged her through here, in and out of all the buildings, and then went in a complete circle around the town before leaving in some other direction. (That'd throw off a wyvern >_>' )

Not far from them, concealed by the night sky, Xenia and Daneka flew down into the town. When they landed, Daneka, immediately reached forward and fed Nyx half of a piece of pocky. She then yawned.

Daneka: Well, zhese is a likely rest stop for zhe group ... zhere only seems to be one inn zhough.

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Eric & Dani

"It is inevitable they have, milady. But, knowing them, they survived it as well," Eric said, getting up from under a tree, now that the everyone else was awake. "Shall we, then?"

"Watch us find them fighting Septimians," Dani said, yawning and stretching. "Oh well, more vengeance for us!"

Alex (Pre-timeskip)

"Again, you're a general. Take charge. My God, is Septimus the only nation with a COMPETENT military?" Alex asked herself, frustrated.


"Oh, it was lovely. Sitting here, with nothing but the darkness to accompany me," Alex said, sarcastically. "Why would you care, anyways?"


"Alright, so, if she's in that town, that poses a problem. We can't exactly fight as well in these tight quarters. Looks like I'll have to Dismount," Derek said, getting off his horse. "Alright, so, Chase, stay behind me and Lev. If there's a fight, that'll let you get free shots in."

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Svetlana sniffed the air. No scent of delicious fish, but something...familiar. She made a loud hissing noise.

"What is it Svet? You only make that noise at a couple things, Ivanko definitely isn't here, so that must mean...Krinkov." Xenia spoke half to herself, half to her wyvern. "Lev is nearby." Xenia said to Daneka. "Not sure how many of his friends are with him though. Svetlana didn't smell any other wyverns though..."

Charlotte and company set off at a brisk pace towards Septimus, arriving at the border within a few hours of travel.

"Passports?" asked the guard.

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General Jackson

Conrad sighed, and rolled his eyes.

Conrad: What part of "I've tried" don't you understand? These fools can't get it through their thick skulls that we need order, and they won't figure it out any time soon. How about you go up to a mixed group of adventurers, travel with them for a day, then try to take charge, then tell me how much luck you have. Wait, you're tied up, so you'll have to take my word for it.



Chase: Sorry... I should probably sleep more, though. Waking up in the middle if the night to make sure we're not about to be attacked seems useless, because regardless of whether or not I do something will screw up... and I'll wake up at a bad time, anyways.

The hunter sighed.

Chase: I hope the rest of the group is doing better than we are.

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The F Team

Levski took a look at the hilt of his axe. The blows from Megae's sword had left some precise and sharp indentations. Swinging the axe hard enough at a certain angle would break it. He put the axe to his side, and then hopped down from Krinkov.

Lev: Alright, wyverns can't just go snooping into every corner, so we'll have to search with our eyes from here.


Daneka: Oh! Monsieur Levski you said? We should definitely search him out. If he is separated from the ozhers, zhat is even better.

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Chase: Searching them out by ourselves, huh? I think I can handle that from here. I've got good eyesight, so if I see anything, I'll tell you, okay?

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"Well if they're resting here for the night, they probably put their wyverns in the stables of the inn." Xenia said to Daneka. The two of them flew to the stables. "Not here." Xenia said, scowling . "Where could they be?"

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Pre skip: Alex

"So, you've basically given up? By the Goddess, try harder. Use force if you have to. Otherwise, you're all going to die," Alex said. "It drives me crazy when men just give up like that."


"Unnecessary deaths? Look what you and that stab-happy thief were doing!," Alex retorted. "THAT was unnecessary."


"All right, let's go," Derek said, advancing into the town, sword drawn.


"... We have none. Can you issue us one?" Eric asked politely.

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Dani and Nyckers

Daneka: If zhey aren't at zhese inn, zhen perhaps zhey already left? if zhat is zhe case zhen why is Monsieur Levski here?

She looked around and over her shoulders noticing that there weren't a lot of witnesses. Most people were sleeping comfortably in their beds, or about to.

Daneka: A little observation from zhe sky shouldn't hurt, so long as she goes alone. Nyx is impossible to spot in zhe darkness.

Daneka hopped down from her pegasus and put her hand on its mane.

Daneka: Listen carefully. I know you're bored, but we have work to do. Find Monsieur Levski and point us to him.

The black pegasus immediately made a swift take off! Her flight was almost completely silent! Levski. She recognized the name. It was associated with the wyvern lord that smelled of steel and wyvern. If her eyes spotted the man, she would immediately fly back and point them directly to him.

Daneka: Now ... which present to give him when I see him? Zhe chocolate or zhe pendent?

The F Team

Lev: If you find her, or anything happens, give some kind of signal that won't wake the whole damn town.

Krinkov sat out in the open trying to figure out the most likely building Morgan was in, while Levski took his axe and lance down from the wyvern's back. He left the lance leaned up against a wall, and took the axe with him as he headed down the stree.

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"Chocolate? Pendant? Shouldn't we just stab him?' Xenia asked Daneka. She began to tap her foot impatiently. Finally, a chance to kill off an Ivanko mercenary

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Chase looked around carefully, making sure not to reveal his presence, when all of a sudden he noticed a woman with blue hair conversing with another, this time whose hair was purple. He darted back behind a corner, and prodded Lev on the shoulder.

Chase: (whispered) Hey, Lev! I found somebody! It's not Morgan, but they were talking about you!

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Everyone apparently :/

Nyx quickly spotted Levski seeing how he was so close by. There was no point in leading them to him since he was so close! She quickly neighed alerting the area, and then swooped down on Levski and Chase!

Lev: Someone talking about me-WHAT THE F*- *CRASH*

Nyx landed right on top of Levski flattening him on the ground, and then turned to Chase with the intent to skewer him!

Nyx: *shibibibibib* !!! (<----Horse noise?)

Daneka: Zhat sounded Nyx finding Levski and subsequently attacking him. *sigh* well so much for zhe gifts. Best to just skewer them, like you say.

She quickly yanked out a rapier and made a friendly gesture.

Daneka: Shall we? ^_^

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Eric & Dani

"My name is Eric, and this is my sister, Allie," Eric said, gesturing to Charlotte. " We're just returning from a visit to Altia. I'll let the others explain themselves. We went through Elysimia, so we were surprised to see the passport requirement."

"I'm Sandi, and these are Randi and Mandi, my brother and sister," Dani said, sticking a thumb at Alf and Rita. "We're just going to the new TISME Branch."


"Purple hair? Tell me, would that lady have a black Pegasi, by any chance?" Derek asked, fists clenched. All of a sudden, a black pegasus landed on Lev!

"Yeah, it's her," Derek said, jumping away from the horse. Picking up his shield, he turned to the street, as to not get surprised.


"Considering she very nearly DID kill you, I'm not so certain," Alex said, sighing. "You people are hopeless."

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Archer under heavy fire

Chase blinked a few times, then made a desperate attempt to escape! Dashing around the corner as quickly as he could, he quickly slid behind it and drew the Zephyrtwine, ready to fire as soon as the pegasus came into his sight!

Chase: ... (Well, this certainly isn't good... But I can do this... I hope.)

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"She did, did she?" Helios sighed. "She could have killed but chose not to. You should have seen her a month ago. She destroyed a whole town, guess the group is getting to her."

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"Hmm." the guard said, noticing the TISME sigils on Dani's clothes. "You all may pass."

Xenia saw Nyx fall on Lev and the archer preparing to shoot. "Get the wyvern!" she ordered her mount, before leaping off of Svetlana! She swung her lance in a wide arc, blindsiding Chase and knocking him off his feet!

"So Levski's into little boys now too? I'm not surprised." Xenia scoffed, lance in attack position.

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