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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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OOC: LMAO little boys XD

People trapped in the past

Nyx's attention quickly shifted from Chase to Derek! Daneka appeared out from the alley and brandished her sword ready to cut down the men. Once she spotted Nyx though, she saw Levski twitching comically underneath her. Krinkov was a short distance away, and desperately trying to gnaw off the ropes weighing him down! If he couldn't get them off before Svetlana got to him, it would be a one sided slugfest!

Daneka: *gasp* Monsieur Levski! Zhere you are! I've been looking forward to seeing you again!

Lev: (These can't get any worse ... it really can't.) ug ... urrrrg.

Nyx walked off of him and began approaching Derek whom she didn't recognize just yet while Daneka walked over to the fallen rider.

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OOC: Now with 100% less Feenix style because it's too difficult for me!

"Gah!" Chase shouted in surprise, stepping away from the lancer. "Don't mock me! I'm here to find my friend!" he exclaimed, and drew his bow again, this time aimed at the black haired woman. "If you don't know where she is, I have no reason to fight you! Well, besides the fact that you're attacking Lev, but I'm not an idiot. Anyone who can take out Lev that quick is no match for me."

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"I've got armor boy, you can shoot all you want, but then I'll have to cut your life short." Xenia spat at Chase. "I'll be willing to make a deal here. You show me to your princess, and I'll spare your miserable lives. Well not Levski's, but you can't have everything you want." she said advancing towards him.

Svetlana saw Krinkov all tied up. Easy prey...though not for eating. She used her spearlike tail to impale Krinkov in several places, avoiding the ropes.

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"My princess? I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I don't live in any country, so I have no idea who you want me to bring you to," Chase replied, looking somewhat confused, but noting in the back of his mind, She must be after Charlotte!

Edited by Lightning
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F stood for Fail ... and now you know why :D

Krinkov went down hard and moaned from the pain of the sea wyvern's needle thin tail! This is why he hated carrying those huge cases and the shields. He couldn't even defend himself from the cursed female. Meanwhile, his master was in the same position, flattened out on the ground and moaning. Daneka knelt down over him.

Daneka: I was hoping to give you a present, but now isn't zhe time for zhat.

Lev: What presents?

Daneka: Some chocolate-

Lev: Poisoned >_>'

Daneka: - ... a letter-

Lev: Rigged to explode >_>'

Daneka: - ... and perhaps an invitation to zhe grand ball being held at zhe capital in zhe coming days-

Lev: A-ssassins >_>'

Daneka: Monsieur Levski you give me too much credit, really. Well then. Shall we dance?

Lev: Urgh.

Levski quickly hopped to his feet and flourished his axe, ready to fight her.

Daneka: Try not to step on my toes, handsome ...

Meanwhile Nyx began charging toward Derek, hoping to catch him off guard and run him through!

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"Don't play dumb with me boy!" Xenia screamed, advancing toward him. "I've had enough of your run around and your lies!" She walked towards him and backhanded him with her gauntleted hand.

"Speak!" she said, towering over Chase.

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"Wait, you mean Charlotte?! I dunno where she is, honestly! We split up, and, well, I dunno where they are right now! It's not like I kept track!" Chase exclaimed in fear.

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???, ??? and the wyvern known as ???:

Sitting atop his mount, he looked down upon the battle field. This was the last known location of those two mercenaries, and just his luck, he ran into Xenia too. His mounted lifted her head, smelling Svetlana. Not her again. She was always plagued by the dried up, scaly creature. Always trying to take her catch, the best sunning spot. Then someone took her away, and she thought she'd finally be rid of her. But her master's line of work seemed to be in the way quite often.

"So, we have a bit of trouble."

"Can;t we just avoid this all? You said you were taking me shopping in the capital. I wanted a vacation."

"Yes, but I'm working. After I turn in those two idiot, I'll have plenty of money. Xenia should net a tidy profit as well. I'll land, and you can just-"

"No! Brother always makes me stay home where it's safe. I can heal you better this way anyway."

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"Not good..!," Derek exclaimed, diving out of the way of the charging Pegasi, and losing his Silver Sword in the process. Searching for it, the man found a spear instead. Picking it up, he scrambled to his feet, and ran towards the wyvern lord, who's back was turned to him. Spinning, Derek slammed the side of the weapon into her head, knocking her out cleanly, then helped Chase up, before turning to find Daneka.

OOC: Phoenix, you want that axe broken, you has one post to do it.

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Svetlana heard her Mistress cry out and stopped her assault on Krinkov. With a voracious scream she wheeled around and sent her tail straight through Derek's arm. She then gathered Xenia in her teeth, and flew off into the sky. She had to save her Mistress. Without her there would be no more fish!

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OOC: Are we about to get Psych'd?

Levski VS Daneka

Levski and Daneka quickly began exchanging blows near the alley! Metal sounding off like hammers at a forge! Daneka's speed was keeping Levski off balance, and his concern for his axe was mounting as well! Eventually he decided to end the duel with a quick crippling blow! He swung hard, and she was forced to jump over the attack! His axe came back to a high position just before he charged after her!

Lev: One hit is all it'll take, Colonel!

Daneka: I'll make you earn zhat hit, Monsieur Levski, teehee!

Swing after swing, and he was unable to land a hit! his defense was too great for her to overcome, but she was still enjoying herself!

Daneka: What a fine mercenary you are, Monsieur Levski. Your posture is perfect for parrying my attacks ... yet my speed is too much for you. We could dance all night at zhis rate.

Lev: Not a chance!

He took a wild swing at her, but she used the wall for cover and moved out of the way just as his axe came! The hilt snapped and the head of the axe flew off into the distance!

Daneka: ... well ... so much for dancing all night ...

Lev: ... uh ... no that's fine ... just let me go get my lance heheh :sweatdrop:

Daneka: >_>'

OOC: @ Cynthia or Snike

If I have to leave before the whole situation is resolved, go'head and CC Lev and Evil Dani

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OOC: Will post an Arrin chunk regarding the TS when Bal appears, that conversation kind of needed tying up. Am going to borrow Heinz slightly; hopefully whistler doesn't object to his actions. Edit: fixed that a bit. And de-fixed.

Kelas awoke with the dawn, mentally cursing how she was incapable of sleeping in. Quickly she got up, though: she was mightily hungry.

After Heinz had failed to give a sufficient explanation for why he needed the bridle tied just then, Kelas had haltered his horse instead, promising to fix the bridle in the morning. She'd gotten steady enough on her feet that Heinz and Isotov deemed it safe to leave her alone.

The group had scattered a bit, everyone doing their own thing. Kelas hadn't been much inclined to insert herself into any of the goings-on, instead unsaddling Amari and sitting to rest and try to get some food down while the group's horses ambled over to graze. Eventually she'd just stretched out on the ground and gone to sleep, one hand over her ears to block out the pegasus knights' protestations about camping, sufficiently assured that Amari would wake her if something were to happen to Arrin or the group.

Now she was awake, though, and her body demanded payment for the previous day's toll. Quickly she wolfed down some jerky and bread, lamenting the fact that half her food was gone already.

She got up and stretched, willing her protesting muscles to shut up. It was apparent that they weren't going anywhere at the moment, so she got out her sword: if she didn't continuously drill, she wouldn't become anywhere near passable with it. As Amari watched in amusement, she began to practice the parry Aiya had taught her the previous day.



Curses: she'd overslept. Tanair got to her feet, surveying her surroundings: by the lack of change in the land around her, it could only have been a few days, but still... there was little time for that. The ground still held the pulse of Helenos' taint ahead... she was up and running again, soon arriving in the swamp.

Swamps were nice in their own way, but this one was entirely foul. Helenos' taint permeated the area, and the leech population had benefited from some arcane energy.

As Tanair walked deeper into the swamp, the corruption began to dissipate, healthy wetlands plants growing up in her wake. Reaching the center, she stopped, and called, "Where are you, foolish child?"

Silence. As the taint drained away, Tanair could sense that Helenos was not here; the wyvern had been mistaken.

With a sigh, she let the earth speak to her again, finding the telltale hints of rot off to the east, back the way she'd come. She set off running again.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Wincing as the wyvern's tail went through the unprotected per of his shield arm, Derek staggered a bit, bit regained his balance, just as he saw Lev break his axe. With deadly accuracy, the cavalier threw the spear right at Daneka's head. The weapon spun through the air, and was deflected off of the falcoknight's headpiece into embedding itself into the wall, knocking her out at the same time.

"There's your lance," Derek said nonchalantly, going to retrieve his sword. "Now, let's get out of here, before we find out she has a hundred soldiers around here."

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???, ???, and the wyvern known as Aquine:

The wyverness quickly landed, her passengers dismounting. "Whoever these three are, they owe me Xenia's bounty. They just let her get away. Go see if they have wounds. They may be more willing to pay us."

"You owe me a dress for this." Bounding off, the healer found a man with a bow. "Um, excuse me. Did you get hurt back there? I have this staff."

Walking towards the Plains Wyvern, the rider cut him free. "Hey boy. Where's your master? See? I'm helping you go. You don't want to bite me. Aquine! Get over here! Help me calm this guy down!" Aquine slowly trotted over to Krinkov. She gave him some sniffs, alerting him to her master's generosity in freeing the wyvern, and his safety from that other Sea wvyern.

Edited by psychout50
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Nyx saw Daneka fall. Giving Derek a powerful kick, she grabbed her rider and flew off back to the ruined cathedral.

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The force of the pegasi's kick sent Derek directly into a wall, damaging both the wall and the man. He fell to his knees, and coughed up a lot of blood. Once the cav was finished, however, he retrieved his sword, limped over to his mare, and, after a short struggle, managed to pull himself up on the horse.

"Alright... Let's get out of here," he said, cracking the reins.

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Lev, Derek, and Chase retreated from the town for fear of more enemy attacks. Krinkov's nose had detected that Morgan was there however, so the journey was not an entire failure. They arrived back at camp late that night to see the injured party resting their wounds. They did the same and woke up the following morning.

After going through the border, Charlotte and company arrived in a small town. "So...where do we go from here? I am not sure where they went, and I suppose we need to decide if we're even following them in the first place."

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"... Perhaps we should head for Jerdon, milady," Eric said, uneasy. "It is likely that Jace is at one of the many manses he gained from conquering it. We may very well cross paths with the group there."

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"If they were headed in that direction, they probably stopped in a town along the way...I'll ask the guard."

I guess I should talk down a bit "Oi, landlubber!" Charlotte said in a voice she remembered from a book she read once. "Mayhaps you know the way to a town over yonder?'

The guard raised his eyebrow at her...odd tone, but responded "If you're looking for the TISME branch that'll be in Anglevar." the guard said.

"Happy tidings upon ye!" Charlotte responded and walked back towards the group.

"Was that all right?" she whispered to them.

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Eric & Dani

"That was...different," Eric said, struggling to keep himself from laughing.

"...Huh? Oh, uh, Good job, Your Highness," Dani said, distracted.

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Having finished his tea, Pary started making some grits and eggs. He helped him self, then put some on a plate, and walked over to Alex. "Here. Eat."

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"Yeah, uh, no thanks," Alex said, interrupted by the priest. "I don't exactly trust old men with food. You probably drugged it."

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"I already ate some genius. Oh well, your lose. We can leave you here to starve and get picked clean by buzzards while we go find Jace. Suit yourself."

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"You must be doddering. I said you probably put something in the food. I didn't mean YOUR food," Alex said, annoyed. "And that would be preferable to being held prisoner to you people."

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"Well, if you would rather snack on the grass, be my guest. Though to be fair, if we wanted you dead, you would be dead. If we wanted anything of you, we would have taken it. What could you have that we would want to drug you for?" asked Esphyr.

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