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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Morgan attempted to walk, but ended up tripping and falling face first into a pile of filth. She clenched her teeth and forced herself to get back up. She noticed a particularly sharp piece of glass in the pile, she rubbed the bonds on her hands against it for a while until they finally broke. Then she grabed the shard and set to work with the bonds on her feet.

Covered in blood and dirt, Morgan began to work her way around town. Half to find my way back to the others, but I'm not sure how I got here in the first place. Or where they've gone for that matter

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"Getting ready to die, what else?" Alex asked, cutting the ropes faster. "Unless you want to do the honours."

Eric & Dani

"Milady, that appears to be the Comet, over there. As for why they are beating her up, I would not know. Haltonian prison techniques are not my forte," Eric said, seeing as Esphyr just pummeled the woman.

"So, everyone's alright... I'm going to go find Brother," Dani said, running off into the camps.


"Well, at least we have eyes from above," Derek said, as the entered the town. Dismounting, the cavalier slung his shield on his back, and began to search for the shaman.

Edit: My bad.

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The W Team

Viveka had arrived long before the others and she began flying over the town looking for Morgan. She was getting a lot of attention from onlookers, but she didn't really care at the moment. She'd been searching for a good five minutes before the others arrived.

Levski, having reached the town about a minute before the others landed in town square. He hopped down and Krinkov quickly went to work. They wyvern picked up Morgan's scent in an instant and rushed off on all fours into the alleyways, only stopping near a pile of filth that she'd been tossed into. Seeing that she wasn't there anymore, he started galloping in the direction she'd left in, with Levski hot on his tail. Eventually, Krinkov spotted Morgan's figure and circled around her hissing at her in an attempt to make her stop walking around!

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"Yup,let's go." Aiya replied,getting up on Ulfhrahn.

"Okay Ulfy,we're going where Krinkov went,okay?" Aiya told Ulfhrahn,and he snorted in recognition.

"Hold on tight,okay?" And then the trio took off.

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Morgan trned towards the hissing sound and saw Krinkov, with Lev close bdhind.

"I suppose I won't need to be locating you all then." Morgan said curtly.

"The Comet?" said Charlotte, raising an eyebrow. "They seem to have stopped, I'm going to go talk to her."

"Are you all right miss?" Charlotte asked, approaching Alex.

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The W Team

Lev: Oi! So there you are. Alone? What, did you escape or something?

On a nearby rooftop, Susann was trotting about. Viveka was leaning over the edge of the building with her hand blocking the sun from her eyes, still searching for signs of Morgan. Had she been out in the open, it would have been far easier for her to locate the shamaness.

Krinkov sniffed Morgan wondering how someone in her condition could escape from mercenaries. She was a mystery to him. Somehow obtaining the loyalty of his master despite her worthlessness, and outwitting mercenaries? Strange.

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"Letting you live is the best form of torture that can fall upon you. The pain of defeat will weigh you down heavily. It might even drive you to your death." He said smugly oblivious of Alex breaking away. "Keep quiet before the group decides to kill you. I need to come up with a reason to have them let you go." <_<

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"Morgan! You're okay! Why are you here by yourself, though? Surely they didn't let you go?" Chase asked her, pleased that the shamaness was okay. "We've been looking for you! Only, us and Viveka, though... everyone else is busy arguing. Sorry we didn't find you earlier," he added.

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"They left me to die here apparently, but whoever it was who attacked me did not seem intent on killing me." Morgan shrugged. "I am surprised you came back for me though, we need to go speak with Jace before Naelia steals all of our things and I am not particularly useful when I am...out of sorts like this."

"I am not particularly worse for the wear." she said, responding to Chase. "It was somewhat illuminating actually, though it wasted some precious time."

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The W Team

Lev: Don't be surprised. Just be happy we showed up. ... hmm ... you don't look like you were treated too kindly after being captured.

Once Viveka spotted them at the edge of the alley, she quickly dashed along the rooftops followed by Susann. She quickly leaped from the building, and kicked off of a window sill further down before flipping to a graceful landing near a market stand. Susann touched down right next to her, and the shop keeper nearly panicked! Once she came closer she noticed Morgan covered in filth and gave a slightly grossed out look.

Lev: Okay, it's time to head back. You injuries could use some looking at, so we'd best get you back as soon as possible.

Viveka: You're flying her back to the camp?

Lev: No. You are. I'm faster than any horse in the air, but you're faster than me, so she should ride with you.

Viveka: ... ... okay but ... can we ... I don't know ... maybe clean her up first? I don't want dirt and grime on my pegasus.

Lev: >_>'

Viveka: Don't give me that look.

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Continuing to follow the rescue party, Heinz grinned again as the Septimian town drew larger in size. "Back here again? It's been awhile," he muttered quietly to himself, looking at the streets and buildings. Trying to nudge Ralf forwards, the horse shook its head wildly and Heinz scowled. "Damn bit," he cursed. Seeing a horse hitched onto a wagon resting on the side of the road, Heinz offered the horse a biscuit, quickly taking out a knife and cutting the metal bit from the bridle.

"Hey, what are-" A shopkeeper yelled. Heinz slipped the bit into his cloak, hastily pulling Ralf down one of the several alleys nearby. Almost automatically, his feet led him towards the mercenary encampment. Leaving his horse outside, Heinz opened the door.

"Figured you'd show up eventually," the cloaked man said. Walking quickly into another room, the man reappeared in a few minutes, tossing a bag of gold at the mercenary. Heinz opened the bag, taking a piece of gold at random and biting it. Seems real enough, tossing the gold piece back into the bag and weighing it in his hands. "Satisfied?" the hooded man asked. Heinz nodded.

"Your job is done. You're pretty reliable though, stay around Septimus and he might hire you again," looking at the mercenary briefly before disappearing again. "Stay around Septimus, huh," Heinz mulled to himself. I've got plenty of gold and a free horse to boot. Eh, why not? Shrugging his shoulders, Heinz stowed the gold in his saddlebags. Leaving the encampment and leading the horse through the streets, Heinz refamiliarized himself with the area. Hearing hissing sounds coming from close by, Heinz frowned for a second. Should I help them? Disappearing like this would- That sounds like Morgan though.

Turning the corner, Heinz's eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, you guys found Morgan. I took off a couple minutes after you left, but I couldn't catch up with you in time," addressing the Ivanko mercenary and the archer. Perhaps my employer released her because her Weapon was severed?

Edit: Added the bit about the shopkeeper.

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"Of course, Your Highness. Though, you'll probably want to correct that," Alex said, finishing off the ropes. "But first, hear me out. The Kingdom of Septimus holds nothing against you or Jerdon. In fact, His Majesty King Stefan and Her Highness Queen Isolde would like to meet with you, Princess Charlotte, to discuss matters of nominal importance."


"We weren't going anywhere without you. Colonel Kleine cannot lead well, and Lev is just a hired hand, so, the most efficient way to proceed was to retrieve you," Derek said, approaching the four of them. "Well, now that we have our 'leader' back, shall we return?"

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"You're both being unreasonable..." Chase interrupted Lev and Viveka. "I'll bring her if you two are going to be silly about it."

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"They did not torture me or anything, so it terms of how captives are often by their prisoners I suppose it was better than it could have been. And you do not need to talk about me as if I am not here." she said to Viveka. "If you are so worried about getting dirty, what kind of soldier are you? Nevertheless, just give me a waterskin or something and I will do something about it. Then we should be off."

"Shh." said Charlotte to Alex. "The rest do not know my identity and I intend to keep it that way. As for your statement, I had hoped that was the case, though...it could possibly be a trap. I would like to meet with them with my companions if I could. And I am very sorry about your treatment and the deaths of your soldiers and such, this has all been a grave misunderstanding."

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The W Team

Viveka: Grrr. Forget it. I'll just clean off Sunny when we get back.

Lev: Well it's good to hear that they didn't treat you too badly. Now I don't have to feel guilty for not wanting to waste time killing them.

Susann came a little closer to Viveka getting the gist that she was to be carrying two passengers.

Viveka: (Bleh. It's hard enough to stay clean without flying hobo dipped shamans around.) *sigh* ... should we just race off back to the camp so Tessa can take a look at her?

Lev: That was the general idea. Why wait for us? If we were going to do that, then she may as well ride with one of the horses.

Viveka: So straight back then, right. Are you ready to go?

Noticing Heinz close by, Levski turned around for a moment.

Lev: And Heinz? You don't strike me as the worrying type. Why did you tag along?

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Ulfhrahn followed the trail of the first group rather easily.There had been nothing else to pay attention to,so Ulfhrahn had managed to get a visual of a good deal of their travel simply by changing his vantage point earlier.

Once the town came into view,it was the most likely place for them to be.

"I hope they aren't getting into too much trouble before we get there..." Damian said,scanning the surroundings the best he could from his vantage point.

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"Apparently, You Highness, it was confirmed a couple of days before I attacked," Alex said, brushing back her hair. "And, I do not need an apology, milady. They did what they had to do."

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"Who cares? Let's just get a move on," Chase inquired to Lev when he asked Heinz why he had followed them. "If you guys are going to have some in-depth discussion, I'll just go ahead and tell Tessa we found Morgan so she can be ready to help her out. See you guys soon." With that, Chase mounted him horse and set off back toawrds the campsite galloping.

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"Morgan's my employer," inclining his head towards the shaman. "That Halton colonel and the Septimian General got into an argument, and Esphyr ended up punching the General," rolling his eyes. "I'd rather not get chased after by the Septimian government, so it seemed better to try and find Morgan."

Edit: Clarifying pronouns.

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"Oh...I see." Charlotte said, slightly disappointed. There goes my dramatic reveal. "I still do not see why they have any right to treat a prisoner as such. Behaviour of this sort is entirely acceptable. I demand this woman be released immediately!" she called out to the nearby group.

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"Is that, Morgan?" asked Esphyr, her eyes squinted as she observed from atop the wyverns back. "It is!" she exclaimed after a moment. "MORGAN!" she called out, waving her arms about so as to catch the woman's attention.

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"You've no need, milady. She released herself. Doubt the group can take her on without getting terribly beat up." <_<

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The W Team

Viveka: Wait, Chase! *sigh* ... it doesn't matter how fast he's galloping, I'll still make it back to camp before he does. Oh well.

Lev: Yeah Esphyr's not as all together as she looks. Anyway, let's discuss these on the way back.

Suddenly Esphyr's voice cut through the air and caught everyone's attention. Lev nearly flinched.

Lev: Speaking of Esphyr ...

Viveka: *sigh* ... and here I thought we were done here. So much for hurrying back I suppose.

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