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So what are the new endings and are the old endings the same

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(interestingly enough, the ending for Ogma and Macellan showed them grayed out/sepia tone and had different text)

I'm assuming it would be something like "Someone" Fell in chapter "x" "he was forgetten from the pages of history"

Since, it was like that in SD wasn't it?

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I'll attempt translations later, but now that I've seen Macellan/Dolph's lines here I think I've figured out what I got wrong with their endings -- rather than being declined, they were the ones who declined returning to the army. I have to doublecheck later though.

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Oh geez, Beck mentions that Jake wanted to open a shop with Anna. . .

As for the Wolfguard. . .

Wolf: It's not over yet.

Sedgar: Yeah. This is it.

Roshea: Sir Hardin, it's been good.

Vyland: It's no good, Roshea. We can't help what's about to happen (or something like that. A little help here?)

Wolf: That's right. After all that's happened, we have to fight. We have to do this to clear Sir Hardin's name.

. . .which means Wolf's ending makes even less sense.

Why not have him turn into a wanderer?

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Here's the first chunk. (up to Maria)

(Note: I'm not gonna really try being super-accurate with the different speech styles. x_x Also, some of these may be off and/or loosely translated.)

Jagen: Lord Marth, you have done well up to now. I, Jagen, have nothing more to say.

Arran: It has been my life's greatest honor [pride] to be able to fight for Lord Marth's sake as this body of mine approaches its final days. [not sure]

Cain: Certainly! To have been together with Lord Marth, we have been very fortunate. [?? I can't make out that kanji. *squints*]

Abel: Yeah. Although the situation has changed... It has been my honor to fight alongside Lord Marth.

Elice: Marth... From now on, I hope that you will find happiness...

Doga: Well, we're sure going to be busy starting from now! In order to restore the various nations, our duties are going to pile up like a mountain.

Frey: Yes. Even so, everyone's faces are filled with hope.

Gordin: We've got to keep it up from now on too, so that we can build a good world... That's what we're all thinking in our hearts.

Norne: Definitely, the hopes of everyone in this world will be fulfilled... Because Lord Marth...

Ryan: We-we've won the war, haven't we. Though it feels so unreal...

Luke: Yeah. We've done it at last! In the future, our battles are gonna be passed down as legends!

Rody: As usual, you've gotten your spirits up already... [not sure] But it's great that all of us from the Seventh Division came out of this unharmed.

Cecil: Yeah. We can continue to laugh together like this with our comrades from now on. That's the happiest thing of all.

Of course, Katarina, you'll be with us too, won't you?

Katarina: Yes... I am happy as well.


MyUnit: Yeah, we'll always be together.

Wrys: No matter the era, the bonds between people are a most wondrous thing.

Yubello: Eh? Mister Sirius? Where'd you go? You were here just a moment ago...

Yumina: It's fine, Yubello. We're going to become strong from now on. That must be Sirius's hope too...

Roger: Me, I'm gonna return to Grust and do my best for my country.

Hey, Melissa, why don't you come along with me? [LOL]

Melissa: You wish. Me, I'm going to search for my prince, so there!

Belf: Well then, let's go, shall we? Robert, Raiden.

Robert: Yes. From now on, we'll become knights who protect the weak and the helpless.

Raiden: That is the duty we shall take on in place of Lord Camus. [i've been translating -sama as Lord even though it's not entirely accurate. But yeah.]

Minerva: Palla, Catria, Est. The fighting is over now. Thank you for everything you've done for me to now.

Palla: The world that Lady Minerva dreamed of, in which all citizens can dwell in peace... can now be realized.

Catria: Yes. With Lord Marth here, surely...

Est: Oh, yeah. Let's go to Altea, everyone. We've got to express our gratitude to Lord Marth! [not sure. Also this makes soooooooo much sense since she disappears right after, according to the ending. Not.]

Maria: Ah, good idea! I want to go too!

Is Michalis not in this cutscene? I don't remember seeing him earlier.

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Looks like he isn't. Hmm, strange. Thanks for the translation.


EDIT2: Also, I realize that support conversations I have had might change the endings/cutscenes a bit. I might have had Katarina/My Unit, I forget.

Edited by Kelsper
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Looks like he isn't. Hmm, strange. Thanks for the translation.


Mallissa is older then she looks, though I wouldn't be comfortable hitting on a girl that looked that young.

EDIT:I'm starting to wonder if Est was kidnapped or died, why would she leave Abel?

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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Oh geez, Beck mentions that Jake wanted to open a shop with Anna. . .

As for the Wolfguard. . .

Wolf: It's not over yet.

Sedgar: Yeah. This is it.

Roshea: Sir Hardin, it's been good.

Vyland: It's no good, Roshea. We can't help what's about to happen (or something like that. A little help here?)

Wolf: That's right. After all that's happened, we have to fight. We have to do this to clear Sir Hardin's name.

. . .which means Wolf's ending makes even less sense.

Why not have him turn into a wanderer?

Again, do remember that Hardin was the only one standing between the freedom and enslavement of the plainspeople. Ever since this little stint, who's to say politicians won't use Hardin's sudden insanity as a reason as to demonify the planspeople once more to enslave them? Considering we know at least some of these guys are from there, it's not hard to assume that Wolf fears the worst.

I actually wonder if one of the upcoming downloadable episodes will be the uprise of a civil war in Aurelis...

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I actually wonder if one of the upcoming downloadable episodes will be the uprise of a civil war in Aurelis...

I think that would be pretty awesome, as the Wolfguard seem to be the most interesting characters at the moment.

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I think that would be pretty awesome, as the Wolfguard seem to be the most interesting characters at the moment.

I agree.

Here are the rest, minus that lengthy MyUnit/Marth conversation.

Warren: ... I'm not really one to join in on all this celebrating. [not sure] However, I too understand the importance of friendship/camaraderie. My thanks [to you all].

Kashim: I'm going to return to my hometown. Thanks to you all, I've obtained a great fortune. [loosely]

Darros: Me too, I'm gonna go respectable and live a life among honest men.

Linde: Lady Nyna, oh Lady Nyna, I'm glad [you're okay]...

Nyna: Linde... I'm sorry I made you worry.

Astram: Midia, I'm sorry. In a fit of anger, I forgot what is truly important.

Midia: It's all right, Astram. But from now on, you'd better not leave my side again...

George: Well, well. Looks like we're in the way. [XD GEORGE <3]

Sir Horace, got any plans? [literally "where to?"]

Horace: I will go to speak to my people. To see if they are doing well. [literally "at peace". This one I'm not totally sure.]

Radd: It's really over now. Now we can go rescue that girl. That's great, isn't it Caesar?

Caesar: Yeah. Radd, my thanks to you.

Navarre: ........

Feena: Ah, Mister Navarre, hold on! Where are you going? You didn't forget about me, did you? Sheesh, I said wait --

Samto: Mister Navarre! I'd like to learn from you too! Please wait -- !

[lol poor Navarre and his stalkers]

Jake: Well, shall I return to where Anna is now? Beck, what are you gonna do?

Beck: I was thinking I'd go back to wandering around. Let's meet again at at Anna's shop.

Ymir: I'm going back to the village. Wait for me, everyone.

Athena: [ugh not even gonna try translating her way of talking XD] Athena... Has thought about it. Should Athena return to her country too...

Frost: I will return to my family back home. I want to get closer with my children. [i think??]

Dice: Yeah. I also can't just keep going around gambling all the time, can I.

I'd like to see my daughter all dressed up as a bride one of these days. [really loose as I'm not sure about the first half of the sentence] Eh, Malice?

Malice: Cut that out, old man! I've got no interest in that kinda stuff!

Wolf: ... It's over, huh. [i think the ending "na" is not a shortened negation, but rather the manly version of "ne"?]

Sedgar: Yeah, with this, everything is...

Roshea: Lord Hardin, everything's turned out okay, hasn't it...

Vyland: That's no good, Roshea. You mustn't look down. [uhhh I don't know either.]

Wolf: That's right. We can't stop fighting. From now on, we must [fight to] clear Lord Hardin's name.

[... I guess he meant it literally.]

Wendell: With the end of this war shall come a better world. Merric, Ellerean, I'm glad you're both okay.

Ellerean: Master! [sensei] Master, the words you imparted to me... I think I understand them now. I must give my thanks to Merric...

Merric: Ellerean... you are my friend. [You always have been,] from the very first time we met.

Eztel: The bonds between people are _______ ... [ummmm blanking on that kanji] It's not a bad world in which something like that can happen. [i dunno actually. This, someone else needs to look at.]

Sheema: The war is over. Samson, from now on... will you continue to come with me?

Samson: That's what I said, didn't I, Sheema? If you so desire it, I will follow you wherever you go. [awwwww.]

Tiki: Grampsie! We can go to the village together again. We'll get to meet everyone again, I'm so happy!

Bantu: Oh, you're right. I'm sure everyone will be overjoyed to see your smiling face again.

Xane: Sheesh. Such a carefree little brat. [took some license there.] But well, I guess it's okay to be carefree for now.

Nagi: Yes. With this, now I too can finally... rest for the ages...

skipping the MyUnit/Marth conversation for now.

Caeda: Ogma, everyone from Talys, I really must thank you for protecting Lord Marth...

Maji: For Lady Caeda and her man, we'd go through fire and water.

Saji: It's because Ogma asked us too as well. Isn't that right, bro? [bro as in aniki]

Ogma: Yeah, thanks for everything, Maji, Saji. [sorry I can't keep them straight!] You too, Barst. You were a great help.

Barst: Sure thing. I'm just glad that the days of peace will return again. [loosely]

Dolph: Macellan, I'm not going to go back to serving as a general of Archanea.

Macellan: Mm. I'm planning to help the restoration efforts from among the populace.

[see what I meant about my mistake with their endings!]

Tomas: I also agree. For the sake of the citizens of Archanea...

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So do you think Dolph and Macellan's endings are something like this?


The Archanean army wished for him to be reinstated, but he declined. He worked alone to aid in the restoration of the kingdom.


The Archanean army wished for him to be reinstated, but he declined. Afterward, it's said that he formed his own vigilante corps.

Something like that?

Edited by Kelsper
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Dolph and Macellan rejecting the offer to join the army makes more sense then the old translation. We got closure to Sheema and Samson's relationship and learned more about Dice and Malice's dysfunctional relationship.

I think that would be pretty awesome, as the Wolfguard seem to be the most interesting characters at the moment.

Thats something I'd really want to see, we'd get good insight into the personality and past of Hardin and Wolfguard. I'd like to know the details of Arachnea's support for the ex-nobles of Aurelis, was this one of the reasons that Camus said Nyna's father wasn't always a good king.

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I've been particularly wondering about Wolf's and Abel's endings(if different).

Im late

Well i had someone translate and this is what she got

Ah sorry, missed the spoiler.

-Excuse name spellings

-I could do a direct translation, but I'll just cover the meaming.


戦いの後、 姿を消したエストを



After the battle, he/she'd follow Est who had quietly(unnoticedly? (Not a word)) left the kingdom.

Where he/she went after that is not known.


戦いの後、 オレルアンへ去る。



After the battle he/she'd leave for Oreruruan(?)

As if seeking a place where he/she could die.

He continued to throw his life into vicious battles.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Etzel: People and the bonds between people. . .without dispute, they wouldn't exist. It seems like it wouldn't be a bad world to live in.

(that なくしていく bit is confusing as hell, and the kanji before that means "dispute")

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Alot of the character endings fall into the "open to interpretaion" bracket tbh. Means that fans can fill out the gaps as they see fit (which has probably lead to at least 1001 flame wars accross god knows how many different forums :))

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Looking at the growth rates, Macellan seems to be actually better now!

Kind of irrelevent here, but

Macellan's averages:

HP: 54

Str: 25.25

Mag: 0

Skl: 19.5

Spd: 17.6

Luk: 16.5

Def: 28.3

Res: 3 (should be higher, but I can't be bothered since the growth is so low)

Dolph's averages:

HP: 51.5

Str: 24

Mag: 1

Skl: 21

Spd: 14

Luk: 11

Def: 26.25

Res: 5

Dolph wins in skill, but loses in everything else. Macellan has a higher bow rank too. Still, the both pretty much suck, especially since Draug is awesome now. Macellan would be absolutley amazing if he started out unpremoted. His growths are that good now.

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Michalis got an ending and people hate it because they think it's not fair that Michalis can get away with the events from FE1 but Hardin can't. They seem to believe that it's only because Michalis is pretty while Hardin isn't. I think they have a point, though Hardin always looked like a badass to me.

Well...until the game was translated they only thought that Micalis was doing with for power and rule.


Hardin was a good man who was corrupted by the Dark Orb, he was tricked by Gharnef. Michalis deliberately commited evil acts and he was only present for the last couple of chapters with a few sparodic appearances. No wonder everyone is pissed at his ending.

It wasn't deliberate. He only got twisted because of his father disagreeing with him and that he never gave his son any choices of his own as he had been too strict towards him. Gharnef took advantage of this after Micalis killing his father so that Micalis wouldn't turn on them. Though Gato did try to tell him that until he was blue in the face only that Micalis was a man to only follow his beliefs and not listening to anyone elses reason. He's commiting these acts only because after killing his father he really didn't have anyone to turn to for help even though only Gato and Minerva cared.

Michalis killed his own men as told by Machis, killed his own father and allied with Doluna. Hardin freed the plains people from slavery, helped Minerva fight her oppressor and save Aurelian women from rape. Then he protected Nyna, even Camus thought well of him and was the only resistance against Medeus other then Marth. Hardin even still had a good rapport with the plains people in the War of Heroes and there's no indication that they ever let go of these memories.

Yes, although true he did all of those things, he wanted to later on ally with Camus to destroy Doula. Although what he didn't know was that Camus wouldn't likely ally with him anyway as he was trying to destroy the country that Camus was trying so hard to protect that he even saved Nina from the clutches of Medeith as it happened before the first game even started.

Evidence of that is here in this section...

BS Fire Emblem: Record of Akanean Wars - Super Famicom (1997)


The reason why Micalis killed his father was that he disagreed his sons plan, not to take the throne for power. He allied with Doula to destroy Akaneia (even though this plan was only to prevent them from thinking that he would commit treason to them later on.) as originally what he was planning to do later on. Even though that Micalis was a fool to not realising that this plan wouldn't work as Camus wouldn't likely ally with such a man to him thinking that Micalis was doing this alliance with Doula to help them rule the land with an iron fist. Micallis indeed fell for Gharnef's trap in other words. His father disagreed with his sons plan because he wanted to keep his son safe although he was a complete fool to not forseeing this until Minerva told him about it in Chapter 9 in Book 2.

Evidence of that is in this video.....

There you go. Micalis wasn't an evil man either. Hardin was being hated after the Akanian invasion only because his marriage with Nina was forced and not of her own free will.

Edited by Ayanami
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It wasn't deliberate. He only got twisted because of his father disagreeing with him and that he never gave his son any choices of his own as he had been too strict towards him. Gharnef took advantage of this after Micalis killing his father so that Micalis wouldn't turn on them. Though Gato did try to tell him that until he was blue in the face only that Micalis was a man to only follow his beliefs and not listening to anyone elses reason. He's commiting these acts only because after killing his father he really didn't have anyone to turn to for help even though only Gato and Minerva cared.

Really now? I recall this very differently, as Nyna had no real feelings towards Hardin, the one she was wed to, but rather to the obvious sir Camus. This is the curse of the Emblem, as mentioned in FEDS and FE3, and Gharnef took advantage as to use the jealousy in his heart to twist him. You could say the jealousy was a catalyst for the radical change he experienced, and what you mentioned could have also factored in. However, it is still jealousy, jealousy that he had less freedom than most.

This is in stark contrast to Micalis, as Hardin was essentially tricked. Micalis here is simply blind and ruthless. Of course no one backed him up, he killed his father to assume power simply because he thought he was right. Was to the point that even his sister sought him dead, as she had said "I want history to see that it was a Macedonian who set things right".

Yes, although true he did all of those things, he wanted to later on ally with Camus to destroy Doula. Although what he didn't know was that Camus wouldn't likely ally with him anyway as he was trying to destroy the country that Camus was trying so hard to protect that he even saved Nina from the clutches of Medeith as it happened before the first game even started.

Evidence of that is here in this section...

BS Fire Emblem: Record of Akanean Wars - Super Famicom (1997)


The reason why Micalis killed his father was that he disagreed his sons plan, not to take the throne for power. He allied with Doula to destroy Akaneia (even though this plan was only to prevent them from thinking that he would commit treason to them later on.) as originally what he was planning to do later on. Even though that Micalis was a fool to not realising that this plan wouldn't work as Camus wouldn't likely ally with such a man to him thinking that Micalis was doing this alliance with Doula to help them rule the land with an iron fist. Micallis indeed fell for Gharnef's trap in other words. His father disagreed with his sons plan because he wanted to keep his son safe although he was a complete fool to not forseeing this until Minerva told him about it in Chapter 9 in Book 2.

Evidence of that is in this video.....

There you go. Micalis wasn't an evil man either. Hardin was being hated after the Akanian invasion only because his marriage with Nina was forced and not of her own free will.

Michalis killed his father to assume a series of backstabbings. He would backstab the world by allying with the world's most powerful force of Dolua, which then he would have turned coat to ally with Camus and his country to take down Dolua, and even then he was backstabbing Camus at the same damn time. All for what exactly?

Let's see. Most other countries are under Dolua or Grust power. What happens when those two nations fall? Oh look! Only Macedonia's left! Clearly we can see this man's ego is so ridiculously humongous that he most likely thought other countries were not ruling right. Considering he killed his own goddamn father for the same reason, I doubt he'd hesitate with the rest of the world. Let's be frank. If he were a "good guy", I doubt what he's done in order to show it is worth it.

The ends do not justify the means with this guy. Not in the slightest.

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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