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[FE9] Draft Tourney


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Welcome to the FE9 Drafting tournament.

This tournament will involve 5 participants(4 + myself) duking it out with drafted teams to determine who can go the fastest overall.Drafting order will be decided via a RNG,so no claiming spots.

Each player will be given free use of Ike,Titania,Nasir/Ena(whichever you get),and whichever Laguz royal you want to take.

This draft will require fixed mode,due to the ease of BEXP abuse in random mode,and will be played on Normal difficulty.

Characters you have not drafted may not be fielded unless they are recruiting a character on the map(Rolf in chapter 19,as an example)

Forced characters who you have not drafted will incur a penalty if used,ally and other characters can be left to their own devices,if you so desire.Undrafted characters cannot shove,rescue or heal drafted characters,but they may do so for undrafted characters.

Ex.Neither Marcia or Rolf are drafted on your team.In chapter 9,you may have Marcia rescue Rolf and hide without a penalty if you wish.

Combat or healing with an undrafted character will always incur a penalty.


Most Combat units(Oscar,Boyd,Mia,etc.) - 3 turns

Healers - 2 turns

Exceptional combat units(exceptional for when they are forced,this is why people like Boyd aren't here) - 4 turns

Weak Combat units(like Rolf) - 1 Turn

Utility units(Flying Jill in boat chapter) - 4 turns

if you have a character you would like to know about,name the character,and the chapter,and I will provide you with a penalty number.

If I have missed anything,feel free to ask.

Sign ups(If I get 10 participants,then two tounaments will be held at the same time.However,when making your picks,you must state which tourney you are in(1 or 2),and which slot you are in,to held avoid confusion.

Tourney 1:

Slot 1:Dark Sage









Slot 2:Ether









Slot 3:HongLei









Slot 4:Oval







7.Danved Devdan


Slot 5:I Eat Tables









Remaining Characters: None

Edited by Kleine
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Assuming the max is 5 units plus the allowed ones (I never did this before and you never posted the limit of charcters), I'll take Kieran, Mist, Zihark, Volke, and Shinon. Giffca will be my Royal.

I'll be in tourney one.

Note my schedule can be a little shaky at times and I still have to unpack for a bit, so I might not post frequently about my playthrough.

Edited by Dark Sage
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What happens is that you get a slot(in this example,you are 3)

The rotation is 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1,etc. when your number comes up,you choose 1 unit.The last draft will recieve the same unit as the person before them,due to unit number.

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Whether BEXP abuse of that sort is allowed or not will be determined by those participating,as it is not as gameshattering as the other type(the only unit who recieves a massive benefit is Ike,who everyone has,IIRC).if people want it,they can have it,if they don't they wont.

Also,one tourney may have it,while the other doesn't,if people are split.

@Sage;Do you still want to join,though?

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Whether BEXP abuse of that sort is allowed or not will be determined by those participating,as it is not as gameshattering as the other type(the only unit who recieves a massive benefit is Ike

Level 10 Lethe (not transformed), assuming +1 bexp increments only.

41 hp, 19 str, 17 skill, 19 speed, 22 luck, 9 def, 7 res.

transformation (full), +6 str, + 4 skl, +3 spd, +5 def, +3 res

41 hp, 25 str, 21 skill, 22 speed, 22 luck, 14 def, 10 res.

33 mt with cat claw.

Level 10 Titania (all KW levels) with no bexp abuse:

40 hp, 16 str, 18 skill, ~21 spd, 15 luck, 14.6 def, 11 res.

Steel Axe forge makes 32 mt.

Lethe still manages 30 mt and 20 speed with the demi band.

Oh, and Lethe starts with pretty awesome starting growth points. If you alternate between giving +1 bexp twice and +2 bexp once, her growths become:

125% hp, 75% str, 0% mag, 75% skill, 75% spd, 75% luck, 25% def, 25% res.

Just giving 1 at a time makes:

100% hp, 100% str, 0% mag, 100% skill, 100% spd, 100% luck, 0% def, 0% res.

And her starting growth points are:

80 hp, 80 str, 80 spd, 50 luck, 80 def.

Not sure which is better for her, but with the more balanced version (since it still gives def and more hp) results in this at level 19:

54.8 hp, 24.8 str, 4 mag, 22 skill, 24.8 spd, 27.5 luck, 13.8 def, 11 res

level 20 means

56 hp, 25 str, 4 mag, 22 skill, 25 spd, 28 luck, 14 def, 11 res.

With a full transform (available at the start of each map)

56 hp, 31 str (39 mt), 26 skill, 28 spd, 28 luck, 19 def, 14 res.

80 base hit, 84 avo, 56/19/14 for concrete.

170 hit.

demiband (probably around turn 4 each map)

56 hp, 28 str (36 mt), 24 skill, 26 spd, 28 luck, 16 def, 12 res.

166 hit (still won't miss), 80 avo, still pretty good durability. And even in endgame the only thing she might not double is a swordmaster or two (depends on NM stats, since HM says 19, 23, and 26)

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I guess I didn't remember correctly,then...

Alright.For now,I will say that such BEXP abuse is banned.However,feel free to continue discussion,as it may cease to be so in the future.

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Other laguz, for the record, are pretty similar. I say just outright ban it from the start, it's just easier on everyone.

Oh, ninja'd.

But here's Mordecai and Muarim's growths with it:

Mordy (2*1BEXP + 2BEXP):

HP: 150% > 175%

STR: 65% > 75%

MAG: 0% > 0%

SKL: 55% > 75%

SPD: 50% > 75%

DEF: 40% > 25%

RES: 20% > 0%

A loss of a little durability for much better offence.

Muarim (1 BEXP)

HP: 145% > 100%

STR: 70% > 100%

MAG: 5% > 0%

SKL: 70% > 100%

SPD: 55% > 100%

LUK: 35% > 0%

DEF: 60% > 100%

RES: 45% > 0%

General Sedgar with good bases, anyone?

Edited by I Eat Tables
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The solution is simple - have people post the stats for their units. If they're manipulating stats with BEXP, it will be obvious.

In any case, if you're willing to trust them to post accurate turn counts and only use drafted characters, you should be willing to trust them not to cheat in other ways.

Edited by Slowking
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Well,obviously there is an honour system,but fixed mode allows for a bit more security for the other competitors.Anyway,as of now,I will do as suggested,and ban such use of BEXP.Please respect this if you wish to compete.

If two tournaments are available(10 participants),then there is a possibility of one tournament using fixed,and the other using random.

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The solution is simple - have people post the stats for their units. If they're manipulating stats with BEXP, it will be obvious.

In any case, if you're willing to trust them to post accurate turn counts and only use drafted characters, you should be willing to trust them not to cheat in other ways.

But it's fun to make Lethe and Mordy score hp/str/skl/spd on every level.

Actually, Mordy looks like this:

2 hp, 1 str, 1 skl, 1 spd, per level. Luck suffers, and so does def, but oh well? Alternatively:

175% hp, 75% str, 75% skl, 75% spd, 25% luck, 25% def, 0% res is also attainable. To boost spd early on you probably want to start out with a lot of +1 exp levels only until he starts to double more reliably. Then later on you can shift to +2 exp levels for more def and luck.

Muarim is actually a pretty cool customer given you can achieve defence with +1 levels.

You can give him a +hp band for:

200% hp, 100% str, 100% skill, 100% spd, 100% def.

Then give him +res band for:

100% hp, 100% str, 100% skill, 100% spd, 100% def, 100% res.

He's only missing luck and magic. With his potential durability, I'm not sure losing luck matters. 11 luck covers most crit chances in PoR anyway. I think only elthunder and swordmasters/berserkers/snipers are going to be pulling crit on him. More luck could potentially eliminate the elthunder problem, but it would only reduce the crit of the other things, not eliminate it.

Titania is pretty close on str, luck, def, res. Meaning you could probably alternate weapons and bands to achieve different types of growths. Priest band and pegasus band gives luck and res, knight band or wyvern band gives str and you can use the right weapon to get def as well (silver or killer). If you alternate (1 exp to get luck/res, 1 exp to get str/def), then over time you can make her growths:

100% hp, 50% str, 100% skl, 100% spd, 50% def, 50% luck, 50% res.

If you don't mind losing res, you could just go Silver weapon with Knight/Wyvern band and you'll get

100% hp, 100% str, 100% skl, 100% spd, 100% luck, 100% def. That's pretty cool, and given what it does to her stats (and the existence of pure water/ward) you may not even care about her res. And when she caps str/skl/spd (13 points each), you can start trying to get luck, def, res all at once to let her res try to catch up a bit.

Oscar is in the interesting position of being able to take 2 exp points at a time and (if you give him mage band) receive 50% growths in everything. His hp suffer over time, but nothing else does. And KW gives him 100% spd growth, too, since 45 + 30 = 75 and hence he gets 1.5 growth points every 2 exp points. Rounding leads to 2 per 2, which is 100% growth (mag drops to 0%, though). The only thing Oscar will ever suffer in would be hp growth (55% drops to 50%), and I suppose the inability to equip a skill band for 55% instead of 50%. Oscar can improve his stats without losing anything but 1 hp for every 20 levels. That's a pretty good deal. He can even continue to get mag while using KW for 100% spd if he equips the Flame Lance for bexp.

Actually, there are probably a few units that can increase their overall growths by using sets of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or a combination thereof. Many of whom are probably only going to reap +1 or 2 to their stats, but some (like Titania and laguz) receive epic bonuses.

But I think it would be funny to see units with lopsided stats. And don't forget, units have to fight in battle. There is a lot of bexp, yes, but I'd imagine half the gained exp (or more) will come from battles, and you can't control how much exp a unit gets during battles. At least, you aren't going to be managing to get +1 or +2 exp very often in battle.

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Well, I guess Fixed Mode does have the advantage that 'honest' players can't end up massively screwed, like, with a bad Ike or something. It would also stop someone stupidly lucky like me from roflstomping with a RNG-blessed Marcia or something.

Narga, that's not the point. It's fun to theorise about how Character X can roflstomp with Y BEXP at a time, but it's tedious and boring to do in practice.

Edited by Slowking
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I think we're beating a dead horse now, Narga :P.

More like I'm having fun playing with numbers. The purpose is to mess with numbers and type them. There is no other purpose at this point. It's not beating a dead horse because I am achieving my goal every time.

Besides, I still think that it should be allowed. I really want to see people report a Lethe with nearly 30 in most stats and 9 def. I think it'll be funny.

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I'm willing to play but is it a complete bexp ban or just a bexp abuse ban

bexp abuse. As in, go on fixed mode and when you give bexp, give it in larger amounts. Like, if you are giving a lot, take it up to 99 and then give it dumps of 100. Cheapest way without giving small amounts that could result in unusual growths.

The problem lies in when you start giving sets of 10 or less at a time (to take a unit from 0 exp to 100 exp, giving it 10 + 10 + 10 + ... + 10 rather than simply 100), since that can do really strange things to growths.

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Ah I thought I saw somewhere that we pick our spots. Anyhow assuming Dark Sage is still in this (although he didn't respond to Ether asking if he was still in) we have enough people to start the first pool.

1. Ether

2. Dark Sage (?)

3. Oval

4. I Eat Tables

5. HongLei

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Alright.Once we have confirmation from Dark Sage,tourney one can begin.Feel free to sign up for a slot in tourney two still,and you may even be subbed into the first one if Sage decides not to join.

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