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[FE9] Draft Tourney


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Well,I certainly appreciate the vote of confidence,Interceptor.

Considering that in FE9,you are essentially god,I guess I have nothing to worry about now.

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Hm, so I already start with Ike and Titania... actually, I think I'm done picking. Still, going 5th is nice. I get to pick out support partners :awesome:

Edit: Can we have a character list up, please?

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Well,I certainly appreciate the vote of confidence, Interceptor.

I may have jumped the gun, I forgot that this was Normal mode, not Hard. I will keep my mouth shut until the picks are done. I almost threw my hat in the ring, but I don't have the time for a PoR runthrough. I do like how the drafting process plays out, though, WRT strategies that people use for units.


Considering that in FE9,you are essentially god,I guess I have nothing to worry about now.

That distinction belongs to another, not me. Anyway, a good team is not always a good predictor of success. I've seen some epic draft teams still lose by dozens of turns.

Edited by Interceptor
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No, the person to pick Marcia will win. In drafting, you have more resources to concentrate into a single character (since the bottom few picks will be worthless scrubs not worth training). Super-Marcia can give major turn savings in Chapter 12 and Chapter 15 that Jill struggles to emulate and is functionally equal afterwards. She also has the minor advantage of being easier to Shove - both Muarim and Mordecai can't shove promoted Jill without a Statue Frag. I found that being able to push Marcia around was vital to low turn counts in Chapter 17. I'm not exagerrating when I say that Mordecai was my second best character there just for smiting her.

So yeah, I recommend Mordecai a great deal.

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If I don't have Fixed Mode unlocked, and I'm using an emulator (my Wii is in USA), is there a way to easily unlock it? (Some sort of save file I could borrow like there is for gba style games, perhaps...)

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I can't seem to find any saves online...

All I can recommend is a blitz PT,since you only need to beat the game to unlock it.If anyone else has a source for a save,it'd be quicker.Of course,if a round 2 does come to fruition,if the others are fine with it,it can be played in random mode instead.

Also,Unit list is in the OP

Edited by Ether
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Um, I don't think you've said if bands are allowed. But since fixed mode is second playthrough and on, and bands start coming then, I don't see a reason for them to be disallowed, either.

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Okay,well,essentially what happens is this:

You sign up,along with 4 other people,for your tournament.For this example,you are in slot #5.

Everyone is allowed to use Ike,Titania,Nasir(Or Ena,whichever you end up getting),and a Laguz Royal of your choice.

Everyone who is participating gets to choose a character in this order:


So,as player 5,you always get your picks back-back,in the same post.

An example draft,let's say this is how it goes:





Now,as player 5,you get two picks,let's say they are:



Then player 4 picks,then 3,then 2,etc.

At the end,you will get a total of 8 team members,let's say you get:


That means,you can only use those characters,Ike,Titania,a dragon,and a royal.If you use anyone else,you will take a penalty(numbers are in the OP)

Your goal is to get through Normal/Fixed mode in the least amount of turns possible,using your drafted characters.If you get the lowest in your tournament,then you win.

Anything else you want me to explain?

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Thank you. It makes a lot more sense now that you explain it. However, I do have a few questions still.

So each character that I choose will be ones that I will be able to use, but no one else will be able to use the characters I pick, right? And I can't use characters that someone else picks? And what would happen if a character dies, would I let them die or could I restart the chapter if I wanted to keep them alive?

And for the beginning chapters where you have to bring all of your units, there is no penalty for bringing them, but there is a penalty if we use them, correct?

Apart from that, I would be interested and willing to be a participant in the second tourney.

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That's right,you can only use your own drafted units,and the ones provided to you.

You cannot field any other character unless they are required to recruit someone on that map,or they are forced.Forced characters who you have not drafted may not engage in combat,meatshield,shove,support,or rescue drafted units,if they do so,they will incur a penalty.

You can restart the chapter if a unit dies,it's your choice.

As for your joining,if HongLei does not show up very soon,I am more than happy to give you his spot in tournament 1.If he decides to show up again,he can be in tourney 2.

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That's right,you can only use your own drafted units,and the ones provided to you.

You cannot field any other character unless they are required to recruit someone on that map,or they are forced.Forced characters who you have not drafted may not engage in combat,meatshield,shove,support,or rescue drafted units,if they do so,they will incur a penalty.

You can restart the chapter if a unit dies,it's your choice.

As for your joining,if HongLei does not show up very soon,I am more than happy to give you his spot in tournament 1.If he decides to show up again,he can be in tourney 2.

Okay, thank you!

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I'd consider signing up for tourney 2 as well, though I've only every played POR once a long long time ago. And if the other tourney 2 people don't mind, I'd prefer Random mode so I don't have to unlock fixed, but apparently there are bands and stuff I should also be getting, so maybe I'll just try to blitz through or something. :S

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Bands are a total of +10% growths to whoever is holding them.It's nothing major,but it can be helpful if you have them.

If the tourney 2 people don't mind,then Random is fine.

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That is something to be decided. If Bal doesn't want the disadvantage(it isn;t a big one,but people care about things in differing degrees),then I would likely either try to lower the usage of them,or stop thier usage.

But from what I know of Bal,I don't think he'll mind too much.

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I prefer Random mode, as it tends to give you better level-ups when compared to Fixed mode. You might just want to ban BEXP abuse and/or bands if some people *coughmecough* don't have access to them.

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