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[FE9] Draft Tourney


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Dude it wasn't your turn.


Er... yes, it was his turn ¬_¬. And furthermore, it isn't your turn yet :facepalm:. You have to wait for Ether to go, then you get your two picks.

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Dark Sage haven't u ever drafted before or read the order :/


U are 1

oval is 4 I am 3 and if it went 1,2,3,4,5,1,2... Then 1 would obviously be the best

the way the drafting is it is a little more fair

Edited by HongLei
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Their right,Sage.But,I'm not taking Mist,so you can still keep her.


EDIT:Sage,you get Mist and one other person for now.

Also,with Weapons signed up,the drafting order for tourney 2 will be:

1. Balcerzak

2. Krad

3. The Wandering Mercenary

4. Soren37

5. Weapons of Mass Construction

Edited by Kleine
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Ah. Sorry about that. :facepalm: It's just it said the turn order was me, Ether, Hong Lei, Oval, and I eat Tables, and then it went me, Ether, Hong Lei, oval, I eat tables picked two people and then back to Hong Lei again. You could see why I was confused.

Anyway I never did do a draft tourney before so yeah. <_<

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I just got chewed out for picking a second guy early. You sure this isn't?

Because if it isn't, I pick Sothe.

EDIT: Ah, never mind just read your revised post. I'll wait for a bit more for now.

Actually, you're best taking off Blossom off of Sothe because his growths are high without it and the Blossom boost is only slight. In other words, Blossom is kind of a hindrance for him.

Edited by Dark Sage
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I'm in slot 2 and you are in slot 1,so Sage,just remember that the order ends up going: ...2,1,1,2...

When I take a pick,you get two.Then right after you take those two,I take a second pick.It will work this way in every rotation.Any time I make a pick,and you were not the last person before me,you get two picks,okay?

On that note,taking my waifu,Mia <3

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Yeah I think I got it. Wish you said that the first time, though I probably missed it.

Said that because of BEXP and if he gets into a fight, he'll need as much exp as he can get to survive.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Well,I guess they want them for looting.If it does them better than a combat unit will,who knows?Maybe they'll rolfstomp the rest of us because they have more cash,or maybe the thieves combat mediocrity will be thier downfall in the end...who knows?

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Thieves are useful for getting chests. Each time you use a thief, you save money on chest keys and free various units into being able to attack, heal, etc. Though in Volke's case, he needs combat in order to make up for each chest he opens, since it consumes 50 gold. Because in some stages, like the one where Ena's a boss, that can add up pretty quickly.

In both cases, it's still a good idea to give a unit door keys and a chest key or two to speed things up a bit.

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I guess the main point is that treasure tends to be out of the way,and drafting a thief in rotation 2 means not taking someone with good combat instead.I'm not sure how much of a boon the extra funds will be,it's something we'll have to see for the future.

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