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Calling all duelists!

Light Lord

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Okay, thanks guys.

4 people signed already and I hope more people join the tournament (at least a few more).

Aside from that, I guess we could start trying to place some possible dates for the tourney to take place.

Maybe around September the 20 (obviously taking into account timezones)?

Edited by Light Lord
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You might want to make a new topic for that (don't know where you'd put it, though).

September 20-ish is fine by me. You'll probably want to work around everyone else's schedules (as I don't have to worry about school past 5:00 PM).

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I also think that you should make a sign-up thread somewhere (you can't change the title of this one, can you?).

As for time, I really think there should be a somewhat extended timeframe per round, it'd probably allow more people to participate, timezones are a bit less important as well.

Can you clarify the following though, please:

1.) Format: Traditional or Advanced?

2.) Is it allowed to make new decks for every round or do we have to use the same throughout the whole tourney?

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Sorry Kaoz (I knew I was missing something) here's what you asked for:

-For formats, I think it would be better to keep the advanced format.

-One deck per duelist. No deck change, allowing changes of cards within deck and sidedeck only.

I will open a new thread here in the Other Games section for the tournament sign-ups.

Also, I will think of giving stating a general timeline for the duels to take place and think of some minor rules (not affecting decks or duels).

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Cool. Sept 20 sounds ok. I start school on the 22nd, but only go thrice a week. So most days I'm off.

I'm all for advanced. Traditional would be unfair. One deck plus sidedeck huh. Better make an idea of the deck I want then.

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