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Kedyns Crow

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Using critical hits with bloodlust stacks is much better though from what I see. I've never seen a Trynd build life steal bar Executioner's Calling.

Somehow I had less deaths playing as a squishy than the tanks on the team. 3 man premade might work though.

Lifesteal is generally one of the last items I buy as trynd, good to get on a losing game. On a winning game though I generally opt for Black Cleaver or Ghostblade after I get Infinity Edge+Phantom Dancer.

Also I kinda facepalmed when the Yi did nothing to help me with Swain when he tried to jungle gank me right when the creeps spawned.

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Two victories in a row, yeaaaaaah boi

Okay at least we won one..even If I failed.

It's fine, just gotta work on your map awareness, kinda. Also, bad games do happen and I like to give people I know the benefit of the doubt.

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So I've been getting back into using AD Yi, since apparently it got buffed. The succession of items I have down right now is Zeal, then boots, then Phantom Dancer, then Phage, Frozen Mallet, Bloothirster, and finally Malady.

You guys think that's good?

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Honestly I think Manamune should be like one of the first items you get as Yi with Meki's Pendant or Doran's Ring as the very first item you buy, especially considering his ult resets cooldowns which can burn quite a bit of mana and help you get stacks for your Manamune. Next should be Infinity Edge then after that do what you prefer, like Frozen Mallet isn't a bad idea if you want extra health and slows, Phantom Dancer for AS+crit or if you're feeling adventurous you can also try Sheen considering it doubles your AD after each time you use a skill and Yi does spam them.

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So I've been getting back into using AD Yi, since apparently it got buffed. The succession of items I have down right now is Zeal, then boots, then Phantom Dancer, then Phage, Frozen Mallet, Bloothirster, and finally Malady.

You guys think that's good?

Meh, you're build imo is a bit expensive and Frozen Mallet is expensive and simply, a Phage would do. Also, DPS Yi is too easily countered by the existence of a thornmail so maybe a hybrid might be good? Also, Joey's advice is good as Yi is a mana burner similar to Pantheon and the benefits of a manamune is just too good to pass. Mana, regen, and attack that increases with mana.

Honestly I think Manamune should be like one of the first items you get as Yi with Meki's Pendant or Doran's Ring as the very first item you buy, especially considering his ult resets cooldowns which can burn quite a bit of mana and help you get stacks for your Manamune. Next should be Infinity Edge then after that do what you prefer, like Frozen Mallet isn't a bad idea if you want extra health and slows, Phantom Dancer for AS+crit or if you're feeling adventurous you can also try Sheen considering it doubles your AD after each time you use a skill and Yi does spam them.

Yeah, Sheen is a good pick for Yi as it gives him a boost to his spells and the passive effect is good.

Just went 9/4/18 with Lux.

I can play her well but I must of been out of my game last night.

We all have our off days.

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So who's up for a couple of games tonight?

Yeah, Sheen is a good pick for Yi as it gives him a boost to his spells and the passive effect is good.

Sheen buff+double hit=fuck yeah. Also, another nice endgame item for Yi is Black Cleaver. Stacked with your other AD items AND the armor debuff it gives just means total rape.

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So who's up for a couple of games tonight?

Sheen buff+double hit=fuck yeah. Also, another nice endgame item for Yi is Black Cleaver. Stacked with your other AD items AND the armor debuff it gives just means total rape.

Almost always. Especially today, it seems that solo q people don't know how to play the game as they don't understand the initiation ability of Galio's ultimate and who to focus.

Yeah, any thing that has the sheen effect is worth getting on Yi as he catches up with alpha strike proccing sheen/lb/tf.

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Almost always. Especially today, it seems that solo q people don't know how to play the game as they don't understand the initiation ability of Galio's ultimate and who to focus.

Yeah, any thing that has the sheen effect is worth getting on Yi as he catches up with alpha strike proccing sheen/lb/tf.

Very first solo queue I played today the team was so terrible it dragged me down with them. I was 4/11 as Yi and the sad part is I actually had the second best score on the team. Our Kogmaw was like 5/15, MF was 3/16, and Malzahar was like 3/18. The opposing team had trynd and Gangplank and you can probably guess what happened, those three ended up feeding trynd AND gangplank. Terrible game was terrible.

Then next game anen wants to play with me so I queue up with him, play as Yi again and guess what? I end up getting 15/3 by the end of the game, which felt quite relieving.

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Very first solo queue I played today the team was so terrible it dragged me down with them. I was 4/11 as Yi and the sad part is I actually had the second best score on the team. Our Kogmaw was like 5/15, MF was 3/16, and Malzahar was like 3/18. The opposing team had trynd and Gangplank and you can probably guess what happened, those three ended up feeding trynd AND gangplank. Terrible game was terrible.

Then next game anen wants to play with me so I queue up with him, play as Yi again and guess what? I end up getting 15/3 by the end of the game, which felt quite relieving.

Lol. My team was terribad, I went 3/4/13 as Galio, playing my role as the tank correctly but our Shaco would run in and get mobbed down and our Nidalee and Kat would follow.

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