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[FE9] Draft Tourney 2


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Welcome to the FE9 Drafting tournament.

This tournament will involve 5 participants(4 + myself) duking it out with drafted teams to determine who can go the fastest overall.Drafting order will be decided via a RNG,so no claiming spots.

Each player will be given free use of Ike,Titania,Nasir/Ena(whichever you get),and whichever Laguz royal you want to take.

This draft will be played on Normal difficulty.

Characters you have not drafted may not be fielded unless they are recruiting a character on the map(Rolf in chapter 19,as an example)

Forced characters who you have not drafted will incur a penalty if used,ally and other characters can be left to their own devices,if you so desire.Undrafted characters cannot shove,rescue or heal drafted characters,but they may do so for undrafted characters.

Ex.Neither Marcia or Rolf are drafted on your team.In chapter 9,you may have Marcia rescue Rolf and hide without a penalty if you wish.

Combat or healing with an undrafted character will always incur a penalty.


Most Combat units(Oscar,Boyd,Mia,etc.) - 3 turns

Healers - 2 turns

Exceptional combat units(exceptional for when they are forced,this is why people like Boyd aren't here) - 4 turns

Weak Combat units(like Rolf) - 1 Turn

Utility units(Flying Jill in boat chapter) - 4 turns

if you have a character you would like to know about,name the character,and the chapter,and I will provide you with a penalty number.

Tournament 2(Random Mode)

Slot 1. Balcerzak








Slot 2. Krad








Slot 3. The Wandering Mercenary








Slot 4. Soren37









Slot 5. Weapons of Mass Construction









Remaining Characters:



Tourney 2 will happen here!

If I have missed anything,feel free to ask.

Edited by Kleine
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I say we eliminate the use of BEXP.

Let's also eliminate weapons, just for fun. [/sarcasm]

To me, BEXP is easily usable, we just have to do a Scout's honour that we won't save abuse for good level ups.

Plus, how else will some people get the units they need without sacrificing their turn counts?

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Plus, how else will some people get the units they need without sacrificing their turn counts?

That's kind of the point. At the moment, Krad/Balcerzak/maybe even TWM can just BEXP their flier and Ike to sufficient levels to break the game like in that one speed run, with help from Titania. As such, the buffed flier reduces the value of the rest of drafting, as the rest of the units will see minimal use in relation to the master plan.

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While you make a fine point, it would be fairly difficult to pull off and 3 person Endgame team. What if there's a bow user and they get lucky? What about the Dragons and Ashnard?

While you have a chance, it would involve many bouts of frustration and resetting. If we use BEXP, it means that we have a more balanced team that's able to actually handle Endgame without too much of an issue.

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While it is an excellent example, there are a lot of variables.

How many stat boosters did they use on Marcia and Ike?

How much BEXP did they give them?

How long did it take them to get the desired effects for the chapter?

There are just too many what ifs, which we could pull, too. What if I gave Soren the Seraph Robe? What if I gave Titania the Energy Drop? There are just too many different ways to play the game, so we should allow ourselves the ability to choose how we play, instead of someone buffing up 2 units only and then hoping for the RNG to swing their way.

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I don't think I will be banning BEXP use.So long as no abuse(resetting for +6 Lvl ups or something) occurs,then use of BEXP is just part of the game.You need to take it into account when you make your picks.

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Yes, making some of the characters harder to use is kind of the point. What I'm asking for is more balance, something I don't see in the current setup where Marcia can be promoted by her next chapter after join and proceed to break the game.

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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I completely agree with WoMC. There's really no point in a draft competition with free use of BEXP (especially on NM) because the player that gets Marcia (or maybe Jill) automatically wins.

Plus, this draft is played on NM with fixed mode. Marcia, with a Mage Band, has effectively 50% growth in all stats when given BEXP 2 points at a time. If you take a look at her growth rates, this only reduces her HP and spd growth by 5% (1 point per 20 levels... big deal) while it increases her str growth by 10% and her def growth by 25% (1 point per 10 levels and 4 levels respectively). Not to mention, it also effectively gives her 50% mag growth, which is perfect for Sonic Sword abuse. The other implication is that you get tons of BEXP.

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This draft will require fixed mode,due to the ease of BEXP abuse in random mode,and will be played on Normal difficulty.


Regardless, this doesn't mitigate the fact that you can spend copious amounts of BEXP on Marcia and, on average, she'll gain enough levels to rock the game regardless of not being able to abuse.

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I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind playing on Hard Mode, or some kind of "no more than X BEXP per character per chapter". But I think a flat BEXP ban is probably too far.

If everyone else wants that, though, then that is fine too. I'm really quite an amiable guy, just looking to have some fun.

Edit: dondon, that particular line about fixed mode was a CP misplace from the other topic. Note also "Tournament 2(Random Mode)".

I may or may not be able to even unlock bands before the draft starts, but that's cool too. Everyone who has them should definitely use them.

Edited by Balcerzak
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WoMC's solution is almost as bad as the problem that it fixes, since banning BEXP just shifts the auto-win title to different units. Nice for the people who figure out who those units are, in advance of everyone else, I guess?

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We are still in the early stages of this round,so we may be able to come up with something,however,the other one is too far into drafting with BEXP in mind,so if anything like that occurs,it will only be in this one.

However,a ban on the level dondon and WoMC are suggesting seems unreasonable.

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