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[FE9] Draft Tourney 2


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The dots under the words mean it is the acronym function. Rolf is still available At the moment, don't worry. Scroll over the words with dots under them, and another message should show up. Sorry about the confusion, but Geoffrey has been taken, Rolf hasn't.

Oh, how confusing...but I figured out the "secret" message.

I'll take Rolf then.

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Chapter 8

Turns: 8

Penalties: 0


BEXP Mia up 5 levels after giving her the Knight Band (Mia: 12.86, 26, 9, 1, 13, 19, 8, 11, 5). Forge a Max Might Steel Sword for her (6442g) after selling a Goddess Icon to afford it. It is named ミア! and is colored purple. I have 58 gold left as well as 1006 BEXP I'm saving. Ike keeps the Thief Band, Titania takes the Fighter Band. Ike holds the Short Spear in case Titania will need it.


Turn 1: Titania goes and Steel Axes the Steel Bow Archer, and she will counter kill all of Armours save the Javelin one. Ike Regal Swords all Cavs to death, save the ones with Javelins and that one he doesn't double. Mia weakens the Armour on the west.

Turn 2: Titania Javelins the Longbow Archer, Ike Regals a Jav Cav, Mia wounds/kills something.

Turn 3: Titania attacks Boss with Iron Axe, Ike Regals the last Jav Cav, Mia wounds/kills something.

Turn 4: Ilyana is within striking distance of the defend square, and so is a soldier. Ike recruits her, and she stands on it. I'm counting on Shade, and the soldier missing 2HP Ike, but instead it just randomly heads to the east (seeking healing from the priest?). Mia blocks the west choke point and heals. Titania finishes the boss (I later read he's supposed to be carrying a Soldier Band, but maybe that's NA only, as he doesn't have it at all here. :(), then she cantos to corner Red Gem priest.

Turn 5: Ike moves to block right choke point, uses vulnerary, Titania kills, acquires gem, Mia kills.

Turn 6: Mia kills Priest, acquire pure water, Ike kills mage.

Rest of this is standard fall back and defend, though Titania continues to rampage the south. End turn 8 with a Jav Knight, the east Priest, that Sword Cav (vuln), and the last batch of eastern reinforcements (myrm, soldier) still alive and no-one else. Mia's Iron Blade is 6/35, ミア! is at 32/35 (my first run I abused it far too heavily leaving it at 12/35, and also failed to figure out how to get the red gem, resulting in the change of strategy to send in Titania to rape the south. Also, since Ike dodged a hell of a lot less this time, it proved necessary.) Ike's Regal sword is at 28/40.


Ike:     12.56, 25, 13,  3, 12, 11, 10,  9,  1
Titania:  8.06, 39, 15,  7, 16, 18, 16, 13, 10 
Mia:     15.45, 26, 12,  1, 16, 20,  8, 12,  6

Chapter 9

Turns: 7

Penalties: 0


Sell Red Gem, sell Slim Sword. BEXP starts at 1206, so I netted 200 from previous level. Do not use any BEXP this chapter. Forge a Max Might Steel Axe for Titania (cost 2762), leaving me with 76g. It is named タイタニア! and is colored red. Change my mind and sell two Iron Lances to get enough cash to afford a new Hand Axe (my only 1-2 range currently is that Short Spear). I now have 61 g.


Titania weakens Myrm enemy phase so Ike can get a kill. Mia counterkills Fighter. Titania kills mage, advances. Mia walks across the sand. Titania kills Archer, parks south of Mage to counterkill. Mia moves west. Ike returns to the Marcia recruitment square (SW of forest I believe it was). Titania 1RKOs boss with her forge, heads east as far as possible. Mia kills Mage. Marcia, yay! She rescues Ike and moves west, Titania moves East. Mia visits houses. Marcia Trades Ike to Titania, who moves back to throne area and drops him. Ike seizes.

Note: Marcia costs me another 1-2 turns here to recruit. I didn't realize how expensive she was as far as recruitment cost. Not that it ends up mattering, as she shaves tons off.


Ike:     12.89, 25, 13,  3, 12, 11, 10,  9,  1
Titania:  8.83, 39, 15,  7, 16, 18, 16, 13, 10 
Mia:     16.53, 26, 13,  1, 16, 20,  9, 12,  7
Marcia:   5.0, BASE

Chapter 10

Turns: 3

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1556. Give Marcia Knight Band, Mia Fighter Band, Titania Archer band, Mordecai gets Paladin Band, Lethe gets Pegasus Band (lol... She keeps beorcguard equipped for now, though). Marcia uses Angel Robe. Give Marcia 7 levels of BEXP. Remaining BEXP 854. Forge Max Might Steel Lance, name it マーシャ! and color it pink. Titania carries one Chest Key, Lethe carries the other.


Mordy smites Titania, Lethe shoves Titania, Ike moves full speed, Titania rescues him and beelines it. Movement comes out exactly right so that she drops him turn 2, can kill the enemy guarding the square and Ike escapes on turn 3. Got all droppable Keys, but no other treasure.


Ike:     13.09, 26, 14,  3, 12, 12, 11, 10,  1
Titania:  9.17, 40, 15,  7, 17, 19, 16, 13, 11
Mia:     16.77, 26, 13,  1, 16, 20,  9, 12,  7
Marcia:  12.78, 32, 11,  4, 11, 13,  5, 12, 10

Chapter 11

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1214. Give Marcia 3 levels. Forge a pink, Max Might Javelin named Tossy! Get free Laguzslayer. Spend a good amount of time here coming up with a way to get in the best completion possible. Work out a nice 5 turn that generally gets the job done. Spend even more time trying to do it faster. Finally realize that a 4 turn is not possible without promoting Marcia in addition to abusing Smite/Shove. Procede to go back to base to do so. Goodbye BEXP surplus, I hardly knew ye. Promote Marcia through BEXP. 194 BEXP leftover.


Turn 1: Mia is in the UL-most slot, Marcia to her right, Titania, below. Ike moves full left, Mia moves NE of that bush to counterkill soldier, Titania grabs the Dracoshield house and cantos back. Mordecai Smites Marcia to where Mia was, Lethe moves west. Marcia grabs Ike, parks in front of the house, counterkills Armour, wounds a Cav, and laughs at Archer's attempt to damage her.

Turn 2: Titania Hand Axe KOs the thief. Lethe and Mia team up on a Cav Marcia failed to wound, Marcia kills Archer (the last unit in her straight path), and flies south of the priest. Mordy heads east, gets attacked enough he transforms start of next phase.

Turn 3: Mia kills Priest Lethe shoves Marcia north, just into proper range. Marcia flies North to the SE of armour, drops Ike east, and cantos one more north, to set up a counterkill. Titania grabs the Elwind, Mordy and Mia engage in self-betterment. Ike counterkills cavs. Yay crits :).

Turn 4. Recruit Zihark with Mordy, Marcia kills Boss for Master Seal, general self-betterment. Arrive.

Stats: (I forgot them somewhere)

Chapter 12

Turns: 3

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 594. Saving this for Tormod is the plan. Remember to actually give Mordecai that Speedwing I've been saving. Ike eats the Talisman. I decide to save the Dragonshield for Tormod. Marcia and Mia swap bands (Mia now has Knight Band, Marcia Fighter Band. Decide to forge another Max Might Steel Lance. Pink again, this time マーシャ〜.


Marcia goes east, Ship people deal. Poor Jill never even shows up before I finish the chapter. A shame, her inventory could have been useful.


Ike:     14.13, 27, 15,  3, 13, 13, 12, 10,  3
Titania:  9.37, 40, 15,  7, 17, 19, 16, 13, 11
Mia:     18.55, 28, 14,  2, 17, 20, 11, 12,  9
Marcia:   3.59, 40, 19,  8, 19, 22, 12, 17, 14
Lethe:    3.99 BASE
Mordecai: 2.63 BASE

Chapter 13

Turns: 10

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 894. Spend 2 of it to bump Lethe up to level 4, for nice stats with the Knight Band. Forge a red Max Might Hand Axe named Throwy! Don't know who needs the new Robe, so will sit on it until a need arises.


Turn 1: Shove Smite, Recruit Recruit.

Boring defend Chapter. Astrid gave her Knight Ward to Titania, who gave her Archer band to Mordy. Did not get the Longsword, had to use Chest Key on Elfire chest due to accidentally critting a Raven.

Ike:     17.11, 29, 17,  4, 15, 15, 12, 11,  3
Titania: 10.00, 41, 16,  7, 18, 19, 16, 14, 11
Mia:     20.80, 28, 14,  3, 17, 20, 11, 12,  9
Marcia:   5.79, 41, 20,  8, 19, 24, 12, 18, 14
Lethe:    4.42, 35, 13,  4, 11, 13, 16,  9,  7 
Mordecai: 2.85 BASE

Chapter 14

Turns: 3

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1292. They just pass this out like candy, don't they? Don't spend any. Sell the Blue Gem to get enough g's to do our chapterly forging. Max Might Steel Sword this time. Ike Lethe C (He's also supporting Titania, I just forgot to record it.)


Smite Titania (maybe shove too, I forget...). She gets in range to Hand Axe Boss on Turn 2. Marcia grabs Spirit Dust and Vantage, Counterkill Makalov for his Gem at the same time Titania counterkills Boss to end chapter.

Ike:     17.77, 29, 17,  4, 15, 15, 12, 11,  3
Titania: 10.80, 41, 16,  7, 18, 19, 16, 14, 11
Mia:      1.20, 32, 15,  5, 19, 22, 11, 14, 11
Marcia:   6.24, 42, 20,  8, 20, 25, 12, 18, 14
Lethe:    4.57, 35, 13,  4, 11, 13, 16,  9,  7 
Mordecai: 2.86 BASE

Chapter 15

Turns: 2

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1692. Spend none. Give Marcia Vantage. Give Titania Sol.


Turn 1: Shove Smite Marcia. Lethe finds a coin! Marcia finds a Boots!

Turn 2: Laguz Lance double makes short work of Muarim. Only one enemy hawk casualty aside from that.

Ike:     17.77, 29, 17,  4, 15, 15, 12, 11,  3
Titania: 10.80, 41, 16,  7, 18, 19, 16, 14, 11
Mia:      1.20, 32, 15,  5, 19, 22, 11, 14, 11
Marcia:   6.83, 42, 20,  8, 20, 25, 12, 18, 14
Lethe:    4.57, 35, 13,  4, 11, 13, 16,  9,  7 
Mordecai: 2.87 BASE

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Oops... uhh. It seems I forgot to put Devdan in the available characters list... :facepalm:

Merc, I'll let you take him instead if you'd like to, and whoever you don't choose will go to the last two...

Sorry bout that folks.

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Chapter 16

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 2812. Give Marcia Boots, Tormod will get the Dragonshield, the Mage Band, and start BEXP to Sage (give Staves). 1166 BEXP remaining. Not sure what to do with it. BEXP Mordy to an even 3.0 to make use of a non-demi band.


This chapter was fun. Lots of fun. It was like solving a puzzle. I wanted to get the Full Guard badly (skipping it on the test run I did to unlock bands because I didn't know it existed really made Marcia's durability vs Ballistae shaky), but I also didn't want that to delay my seizure. Here's what I finally worked out.

Turn 1: Shove Titania, Smite Titania. Marcia Ike-grab.

Turn 2: Lethe full move, Smite Lethe. Titania rescue Mia, equip HA, full advance. Marcia full advance. Tormod full advance.

Turn 3: Smite Lethe. Titania east of Armour, drop Mia. Lethe Shove Marcia. Tormod advance, Marcia drop Ike.

Turn 4: Tormod fry Armour, Mia open Door, Lethe Shove Titania, Titania grab Full Guard. Mordy self-fulfil, Marcia Boss-slay, Ike seize.


Starting Setup


This is Tormod's last action. You can see Titania and Marcia with their respective cargo to the North, and Lethe and Mordy to the west.


Ike's drop zone



Ike:     17.97, 29, 17,  4, 15, 15, 12, 11,  3
Titania: 11.06, 42, 16,  7, 19, 20, 17, 14, 11
Mia:      1.26, 32, 15,  5, 19, 22, 11, 14, 11
Marcia:   7.85, 43, 20,  8, 21, 25, 12, 18, 15
Lethe:    4.92, 35, 13,  4, 11, 13, 16,  9,  7 
Mordecai: 3.19, 42, 16,  2,  8, 11, 11, 14,  4
Tormod:   1.76, 33,  8, 17, 16, 17, 13, 11, 16

Chapter 17

~Part 1~

Turns: 2

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1646. Top Lethe off while she's borrowing Knight Band from Mia.


Mordy smites Marcia who flies north. Titania and Lethe take the west. Tormod takes the east. Ike and Mia take central.


Ike:     18.49, 29, 18,  4, 16, 15, 13, 12,  4
Titania: 11.25, 42, 16,  7, 19, 20, 17, 14, 11
Mia:      1.50, 32, 15,  5, 19, 22, 11, 14, 11
Marcia:   8.89, 43, 20,  8, 22, 26, 13, 18, 15
Lethe:    5.22, 36, 14,  4, 12, 14, 17,  9,  7
Mordecai: 3.19, 42, 16,  2,  8, 11, 11, 14,  4
Tormod:   2.25, 33,  9, 17, 17, 17, 14, 11, 17

~Part 2~

Turns: 3

Penalties: 0


Mordy smites Marcia. Titania goes the west. Lethe goes east. Marcia grabs Ike. Lethe Shoves Marcia, who drops Ike just in Arrive range.

Ike:     18.86, 29, 18,  4, 16, 15, 13, 12,  4
Titania: 11.57, 42, 16,  7, 19, 20, 17, 14, 11
Mia:      1.77, 32, 15,  5, 19, 22, 11, 14, 11
Marcia:   9.16, 44, 20,  8, 23, 26, 13, 18, 15
Lethe:    5.38, 36, 14,  4, 12, 14, 17,  9,  7
Mordecai: 3.34, 42, 16,  2,  8, 11, 11, 14,  4
Tormod:   2.56, 33,  9, 17, 17, 17, 14, 11, 17

~Part 3~

Turns: 10

Penalties: 0


Defend maps, while boring, give an excuse to actually get in some CEXP.

Ike:     20.00, 31, 18,  4, 17, 16, 15, 12,  6
Titania: 11.97, 42, 16,  7, 19, 20, 17, 14, 11
Mia:      3.53, 32, 15,  6, 19, 23, 12, 14, 11
Marcia:   9.92, 44, 20,  8, 23, 26, 13, 18, 15
Lethe:    6.59, 38, 15,  4, 13, 14, 17,  9,  7
Mordecai: 5.03, 44, 17,  2,  9, 12, 11, 15,  4
Tormod:   3.84, 34,  9, 17, 17, 17, 15, 12, 18

~Part 4~

Turns: 1

Penalties: 0


Shove Smite Marcia, she counterkills the Adept Halberdier and Loliver. GG.


I didn't bother.

Chapter 18

Turns: 7

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 2483. What the hell... I guess I'll BEXP Ike up some so when I drop him for seizes he's not so fragile? Yeah, that's a plan. Give Mia Adept. Forge ミア♪, a Max Might Silver Sword ~10.5k funds. Realize Mia's sword rank can't quite use it yet >_<. It must be soon, though. Wish there was a bar like in the GBA so I could tell for sure.


Smiting Shoving to get Marcia and Titania moving as fast as possible. A little clever rescues and drops as well to snake Tormod along after some heals. Ulki, Mordy, Ike, Mia stay behind for the reinforcements. Janaff grabs the Wrath chest.


Whoops, just plan forgot it looks like. I got it in the prep section of next chapter though, after the BEXP.

Chapter 19

Turns: 2

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1347. So much BEXP, so little need for it. Forge Max Might Silver Lance マーシャ♪. ~7333g or so. Give Ike Wrath. Ike Lethe B. Give Mia, Tormod, and the four laguz each a shot of 100 BEXP.

Ike:     10.00, 40, 25, 10, 23, 21, 21, 20, 12
Titania: 13.50, 44, 16,  7, 21, 22, 19, 15, 11
Mia:      6.31, 33, 18,  6, 20, 23, 14, 14, 12
Marcia:  12.82, 47, 21,  8, 23, 27, 13, 20, 15
Lethe:    7.59, 39, 16,  5, 14, 15, 18, 10,  8
Mordecai: 6.44, 45, 17,  2, 10, 13, 12, 16,  4
Tormod:   6.00, 37, 10, 18, 19, 19, 16, 12, 20
Janaff:   9.02, 41, 14,  5, 15, 17, 17, 12, 10
Ulki:     8.41, 43, 16,  4, 15, 12, 11, 14, 10


Mia and Titania are shoved to take care of the Myrmidons that block the previously Shove/Smited Marcia from reaching Boss. Tormod sneaks in a heal.


lol, no time for changes really.

Chapter 20

Turns: 3

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 703. Save it for capping Ike if needed. Forge Max Might Silver Axe, タイタニア♪.


Apparently when taking notes, I didn't remember to say anything at all...


Ike:     10.22, 40, 25, 10, 23, 21, 21, 20, 12
Titania: 14.34, 44, 16,  7, 22, 22, 19, 16, 11
Mia:      7.12, 33, 19,  7, 20, 23, 14, 15, 12
Marcia:  14.69, 47, 22,  8, 24, 28, 13, 20, 16
Lethe:    7.79, 39, 16,  5, 14, 15, 18, 10,  8
Mordecai: 6.51, 45, 17,  2, 10, 13, 12, 16,  4
Tormod:   6.98, 37, 10, 18, 19, 19, 16, 12, 20
Janaff:   9.27, 41, 14,  5, 15, 17, 17, 12, 10
Ulki:     8.45, 43, 16,  4, 15, 12, 11, 14, 10

Chapter 21

Turns: 6

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1253. Mordy Ulki B. Forge Max Might Javelin. Lethe nets Smite <3. Give Titania an Energy Drop I've been holding onto as she's slowing down. I'd been wondering which of her Lethe or Janaff might need it most, but the RNG says it's her. Noticing Ulki got doubled last chap (untransformed), I get him the Speedwing too. Give Tormod a 102 BEXP for 2 levels. Also cap off Lethe, because I favor her. BEXP Ike up to level 14. Caps Strength and Def (since most of his BEXP levels I've given him Knight Band, Thief Band for his regular levels).


Standard Marcia carry. Other dudes self-better. Energy Drop was obtained. Titania was put to sleep though, so couldn't get to the Talisman in time, and I got sick of retrying and I'm not sure I really need it, so I'm moving on. Tauro was ignored. Trying to recruit him only ended in penalties.


See next Chapter, which is ludicrously short.

Chapter 22

Turns: 1

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 653. Forge Max Might Javelin (Lob Me!).


Marcia uses the Spear to counterkill crit the Boss (after getting critted by him and his Killer Bow. <3 to Full Guard.) Not until well after I'd done this map did I read oval mentioning seige toming the bastard...


Ike:     14.95, 43, 26, 11, 25, 24, 24, 24, 15
Titania: 14.81, 44, 18,  7, 22, 22, 19, 16, 11
Mia:      8.90, 34, 20,  8, 20, 24, 14, 15, 12
Marcia:  16.24, 47, 23,  8, 25, 28, 14, 20, 17
Lethe:    8.60, 41, 17,  5, 14, 16, 18, 11,  8
Mordecai: 7.06, 47, 18,  2, 11, 14, 13, 16,  4
Tormod:   8.94, 38, 10, 20, 21, 20, 17, 12, 20
Janaff:   9.84, 41, 14,  5, 15, 17, 17, 12, 10
Ulki:     8.85, 43, 16,  4, 15, 14, 11, 14, 10

Chapter 23

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1453. Mordy Ulki B. Pretty sure I BEXP'd Ike but forgot to explicitly note it.


Marcia carry (she needs to Elixir on turn 2). After dual smite she counterkills Petrine on Enemy Phase 3. Rest of dudes just get in some kills.

Ike:     19.05, 48, 26, 11, 27, 27, 27, 24, 16
Titania: 15.28, 45, 19,  7, 22, 22, 19, 17, 12
Mia:      9.77, 34, 21,  8, 21, 25, 15, 15, 13
Marcia:  17.29, 49, 23,  8, 26, 28, 14, 20, 18
Lethe:    8.72, 41, 17,  5, 14, 16, 18, 11,  8
Mordecai: 7.61, 47, 18,  2, 11, 14, 13, 16,  4
Tormod:   9.49, 38, 10, 21, 21, 21, 17, 12, 20
Janaff:  10.42, 42, 15,  6, 15, 18, 17, 12, 10
Ulki:     9.20, 44, 17,  4, 16, 15, 11, 15, 10

Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 24

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 646. Forge Max Might, Max Crit Silver Lance ぐがニル


Marcia carry after dual smite. Others kill stuff for fun and profit. Titania grabs the Saviour house.


I guess I missed them?

Chapter 25

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1296. Mordy Ulki A. Forge Max Might Max Crit Javelin ガイボルぐ.


Marcia rushes the boss/ballista. Crits the boss so he doesn't fly around randomly and heal. Lethe, Mia, Janaff go right. Ike, Tormod, Ulki go left. Ulki uses a Laguz Gem so that he can be instantly useful (necessary for a rout map).


Ike:     19.16, 48, 26, 11, 27, 27, 27, 24, 16
Titania: 16.03, 45, 20,  8, 22, 22, 19, 17, 13
Mia:     10.75, 34, 22,  8, 22, 25, 15, 15, 14
Marcia:  19.65, 51, 23,  8, 26, 28, 15, 21, 20
Lethe:    9.95, 44, 17,  5, 15, 17, 19, 12,  8
Mordecai: 8.00, 49, 18,  2, 12, 15, 13, 16,  4
Tormod:  10.85, 38, 11, 21, 22, 21, 17, 13, 20
Janaff:  11.83, 43, 15,  6, 16, 19, 18, 12, 10
Ulki:    10.04, 46, 17,  4, 17, 16, 11, 15, 10

Chapter 26

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 1888. Top off Lethe, Tormod, and Janaff. Marcia learns Saviour.


Marcia carry. Very dicey, an unfortunate miss on her part against Bertram during EP meant she needed a lucky dodge on PP (which she got). Tormod Meteo and Titania helped provide distraction from the 1-2 range honor guard that didn't suicide against her on turn 2.


Ike:     19.16, 48, 26, 11, 27, 27, 27, 24, 16
Titania: 16.03, 45, 20,  8, 22, 22, 19, 17, 13
Mia:     11.32, 34, 22,  8, 23, 25, 15, 15, 14
Marcia:  20.00, 51, 23,  8, 26, 28, 15, 21, 21
Lethe:   10.55, 44, 18,  5, 16, 18, 20, 13,  8
Mordecai: 8.42, 49, 18,  2, 12, 15, 13, 16,  4
Tormod:  12.08, 38, 11, 23, 23, 21, 17, 13, 21
Janaff:  12.64, 45, 15,  6, 17, 20, 18, 13, 11
Ulki:    10.30, 46, 17,  4, 17, 16, 11, 15, 10

Chapter 26

~Part 1~

Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 2704... Forge Max Might Max crit Silver Lance. トライデント


Titania goes to solo the west and pick up Resolve. Tormod Meteo's the RH door so that Marcia can get smited through it, proceed to open the door to the top, and then unleash Brave vengeance upon any who dare attack her. Then Ike is multi-smited to catch up. Boss procs Miracle, but it is not enough to save him.

~Part 2~

Turns: 1

Penalties: 0


Run away!

Chapter 28

Turns: 3

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 3604. Ike Titania A. Ike gets Resolve. Sell a metric ton of crap and forge ト−ル ハーマ a Max Might Max Crit Silver Axe.


Marcia carry (gets shoved/smited fives squares Ena, Mordy, Lethe) flies Ike over west. Counterkills the 1-2 range guys with Spear until it breaks, leaving up Lagus Lance to make short work of the cats and such. Kills boss, Ike seizes.


Turns: 4

Penalties: 0


Available BEXP 4704. It's do or die time, folks. Buff people up, forge ヅランダル a Max Might, Max Crit Silver Sword. Use up all remaining stat boosters (Spirit Dust to Tormod, Angel Robe to Ike, Energy Drop to Janaff.)

Ike:      20.00, 55, 26, 11, 27, 28, 27, 24, 16
Titania:  20.00, 48, 23,  8, 25, 23, 20, 21, 16
Mia:      13.00, 34, 22,  8, 25, 26, 15, 15, 14
Marcia:   20.00, 51, 23,  8, 26, 28, 15, 21, 21
Lethe:    14.00, 50, 21,  5, 18, 21, 23, 14, 10
Mordecai: 11.00, 53, 21,  2, 15, 16, 14, 17,  4
Tormod:   20.00, 44, 12, 28, 26, 24, 19, 14, 24
Janaff:   14.00, 47, 19,  6, 19, 21, 20, 15, 12
Ulki:     11.00, 47, 17,  4, 18, 17, 11, 16, 11
Ena:      Ena: 10.40, BASE


Turn 1. Marcia gets double smote, Ena shoved. Tormod 1RKO's Bryce with Bolting (:awesome:), Marcia goes and takes his place. Others pile into the fountain square.

Turn 2. Titania + Bolting clear a path for Marcia to fly north, she does so. Ulki/Mordecai try to block left entrance, Lethe blocks right one, Titania stays at the north bottleneck. Gondor calls for aid, specifically Tibarn.

Turn 3. Marcia drops Ike right in front of Ashnard, retreats southwestish, still on the platform. Do my best at the fountain area, everyone is staying alive, through either dodges, rotating, or Vulnerary/Sol.

Turn 4. Ike attacks Ashnard from 1 range, triggers Ashnard Enemy Phases. 29/55 health.

Enemy Phase, Ashnard attacks. Ike 3/55. Resolve+Wrath kicks in. First hit fails to wrath crit, but the second picks up the slack.

Total Turns: 144


Also, this team was fun, but Normal Mode was kind of pathetic. I'm replaying on Hard and Maniac Modes after this. :3

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Some progress:


Hardest chapter in the game, by far. As a fun fact I restarted it once due to choosing "Use tutorials".

Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           2  20    6    1    6    8    6    6    0

Chapter 1

Oscar rescues Boyd and hides in a corner, Titania vists the houses while Ike gets as much EXP as possible. Titania boss kill.

Turns : 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           3  20    7    2    7    8    6    7    1
Titania       1  33   12    4   13   14   11   11    7

Chapter 2

Ike stays put during turn 1, and kills the Myrm and Fighter during Enemy Phase. He then moves closer to the boss. Titania arrive turn 3 and kills nearly everything else.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           5  22    8    2    8   10    8    8    1
Titania       1  33   12    4   13   14   11   11    7

Chapter 3

Titania's solo party. Ike and Gatrie try to get as much EXP as possible.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           5  22    8    2    8   10    8    8    1
Titania       2  34   13    4   14   15   11   12    7
Gatrie        9  31   12    0    6    5    5   14    0

Chapter 4

Ike and Gatrie tag team to kill the Myrm druing turn 1, while Titania solos the rest of the chapter. Titania criticals the boss and gets a great level up.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           6  23    9    2    8   11    9    8    2
Titania       3  34   14    4   15   16   12   13    7
Gatrie        9  31   12    0    6    5    5   14    0

Chapter 5

Everyone undrafted moves to the east. Titania moved to the west turn 1, routed it during enemy phase, and then moved back to block the main hole along with Gatrie. Ike killed some things there and then went to the left to fight the reinforcements. The map was completely routed.

Turns: 6

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           8  24   10    2   10   12   10   10    3
Titania       4  35   14    5   16   16   13   14    7
Gatrie       13  34   14    1    9    7    6   16    0

EDIT: More progress.

Chapter 6

Titania carries Ike and drops him exactly 6 tiles away from the Escape point. Only Ike escapes.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           9  25   11    3   10   13   10   11    3
Titania       5  36   14    5   17   16   14   15    7

Chapter 7

Ike heads west and kills the first soldier, while Titania equips a Javelin (I didn't get the Hand Axe) and enters the room to the north. After that Titania moves to the top of the map to kill Balmer and his pals, while Gatrie attacks the archer and Shinon hides in a spot where no Armor or Myrm can attack him. No treasures were opened by me, but still got the Ward since a Thief stole it. Mia wasn't recruited.

Turns: 6

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          11  26   13    3   12   14   11   12    5
Titania       6  37   15    5   17   16   14   16    7
Gatrie       13  34   14    1    9    7    6   16    0

Chapter 8

Fed a level of BEXP to Titania and two to Ike. Forged a Hand Axe and gave it to Titania.

Titania tanks the Cavs to the south turn 1 with and unforged Hand Axe, while Ike blocks the left path. After this Titania equips her Forged Hand Axe and destroys the right side. Ilyana was recruited because she was in the way, but did nothing except hide.

Turns: 8

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          15  30   17    5   15   15   13   13    8
Titania       8  37   16    5   18   18   15   18    9

Chapter 9

A level of BEXP to Ike and Titania. Forged a Steel Axe and gave it to Titania.

I get Mist, who is completely worthless at the moment. Lethe and Mordecai are set to Roam. Titania rescues Ike and charges south. Rolf hides in a corner. Titania kills the boss once again for a 9 Chapter Boss Kill Combo.

Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          16  30   18    5   16   16   13   14    8
Titania       9  38   17    5   19   19   16   18   10
Mist          1  16    1    4    4    7    6    2    7

Edited by Krad
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Very stupid mistake on my part made me lose my save. Which sucks since I really liked that 20 STR Ike. I had to start again.



Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           2  20    6    1    7    8    7    5    1

Chapter 1

Oscar rescues Boyd, Titania visits the houses and Ike gets EXP.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           3  21    7    1    8    8    7    6    1
Titania       1  33   12    4   13   14   11   11    7

Chapter 2

Oscar, Boyd and Rhys hide in a corner, while Ike kills the Myrm and Fighter. Titania comes and somehow only manages to fight one enemy: the boss.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           5  23    9    1    9   10    8    7    1
Titania       1  33   12    4   13   14   11   11    7

Chapter 3

Tiania rush while Gatrie and Ike get EXP.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           6  24   10    1   10   11    9    7    2
Titania       2  34   13    4   14   15   11   12    8
Gatrie        9  31   12    0    6    5    5   14    0

Chapter 4

Read Chapter 3's comment.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           7  24   11    1   11   12    9    8    3
Titania       3  35   13    4   14   16   11   12    9
Gatrie        9  31   12    0    6    5    5   14    0

Chapter 5

Defend is boring. Titania and Gatrie guard the south, while Ike gets a few kills here and there.

Turns: 6

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           8  25   11    1   12   13    9    8    4
Titania       3  36   13    4   14   17   12   13   10
Gatrie       12  34   14    0    8    6    6   16    1

Chapter 6

Titania carries Ike. How original.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           9  26   12    1   13   13   10    8    4
Titania       5  37   14    4   14   17   12   14   11

Chapter 7

The same as the last time. Ike has less defense so he was close to death quite a few times. Managed to get a 5 thanks to Gatrie ORKOing Knights with a Steel Lance.

Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          11  28   13    1   14   14   12    9    4
Titania       6  38   15    4   15   18   12   15   12
Gatrie       13  35   15    1    8    7    6   17    1

Chapter 8

BEXP: Two levels for Ike, one for Titania. Forged a Hand Axe and gave it to Titania.

Same procedure as the previous time. Titania kills the Cavs at the south, then moves to the east and kills the Knights. Ike solos the west.

Turns: 8

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          15  31   15    1   16   17   12   12    6
Titania       8  40   17    5   16   19   13   17   13

Chapter 9

BEXP: A level for Ike and Titania. Forged a Steel Axe and gave it to Titania.

Got Mist, who did nothing since she is deadweight at the moment. Lethe and Mordecai are set to Roam, while Titania does the usual and carries Ike.

Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          16  32   16    1   16   18   13   13    6
Titania       9  41   18    5   17   19   13   17   14
Mist          1  16    1    4    4    7    6    2    7

Chapter 10

BEXP: A level for Ike and Titania. Four for Mist.

Titania rescues Ike turn 1 and rushes forward, Volke tagging behind. She drops him turn 2 and positions herself to kill the enemies that arrived from the right. Turn 3 Ike gets closer to the escape point and Titania opens Neph's cell (not needed but whatever). Volke moves closer to Kieran's cell. Turn 4 Titania kills the Halb, Volke opens Kieran's cell and Ike escapes. Mist wasn't deployed.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          18  33   18    2   17   19   13   14    6
Titania      10  42   19    5   18   20   13   18   15
Mist          5  19    2    7    6   10    8    3   11
Volke        10  25   12    0   13   13    7    7    3

Chapter 11

BEXP: Two levels for Volke, three for Kieran and one for Mist. Forged a Hand Axe and gave it to Kieran.

Jill won't appear in the next chapter if she doesn't appear here, so I'm forced to take an extra turn and arrive on turn 5. Kieran and Titania charge through the Elwind route, with Mist following them. Volke visits the Dracoshield house, and Ike kills the soldiers at the beginning of the map. Ike also visits the Elwind village since some extra money at this point of the game is nice.

Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          18  33   18    2   17   19   13   14    6
Titania      10  42   19    5   18   20   13   18   15
Mist          6  20    3    7    6   11    8    3   11
Volke        13  26   14    0   16   16    8    8    4
Kieran       18  36   16    1   14   16    8   11    3

Chapter 12

BEXP: A level for Ike, Titania, Kieran and Volke. Two for Mist. Forged a Steel Lance and gave it to Ike.

And there goes most of my turncount lead on Bal. Focus most of the EXP on Kieran and Volke, and later Jill when she appears.

Turns: 8

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      11  43   20    5   19   20   14   19   16
Mist          8  22    5    9    7   11    9    3   13
Volke        15  28   14    0   17   18    9    9    4
Kieran       20  37   16    1   15   17    8   12    3
Jill          8  24   11    0   10    9    6   11    2

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Chapter 13

BEXP: A level for Volke, two for Mist and four for Jill. She also got a Speedwing. Forged a Javelin and gave it to Jill.

Gave my Chest Keys to Ike, Titania and Kieran. Rushed forward since I had to save Astrid and Gatrie. After that I rout and feed most EXP to Jill, since I need her promoted by Chapter 15.Kieran promoted midway through the chapter, and Astrid got a kill as an NPC.

Turns: 7

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      11  43   20    5   19   20   14   19   16
Mist         10  23    7   11    7   13   10    3   13
Volke        16  29   15    0   18   19    9   10    4
Kieran        1  40   18    3   17   19    8   14    6
Jill         16  28   16    0   17   17    7   16    2
Gatrie       14  36   16    1    9    8    7   18    2

Chapter 14

BEXP: A level for Titania and Jill. Two for Mist and Gatrie. Forged a Steel Lance, called it Steroids, and gave it to Gatrie.

Rush with Kieran to the boss, while Jill and Gatrie get EXP. Ike goes for the Spirit Dust village, while Titania goes to the northwest part of the map. Makalov suicided against Titania because he is stupid.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist         12  24    8   12    8   15   11    3   15
Volke        16  29   15    0   18   19    9   10    4
Kieran        1  40   18    3   17   19    8   14    6
Jill         17  29   16    0   18   18    7   17    2
Gatrie       16  37   18    1    9   10    7   20    3

Chapter 15

BEXP: Jill to promotion. Also a level for Mist. Mist also gets a Secret Book to boost her chance of finding the Physic slightly.

Jill goes for the Muarim kill, while Volke gets the boots. Mist gets the Physic. No laguz were killed.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist         13  25    8   13   10   16   12    3   16
Volke        16  29   15    0   18   19    9   10    4
Kieran        1  40   18    3   17   19    8   14    6
Jill          1  37   20    1   22   22    8   22    4
Gatrie       16  37   18    1    9   10    7   20    3

Chapter 16

BEXP: Five levels for Mist, then gave her a Master Seal. Two levels for Gatrie and Volke. Forged a Steel Sword and gave it to Mist. Jill got the Boots.

Jill carried Ike to the Boss' room, while everyone else tried to get EXP. Physic helped a lot since Jill hates mages and hates them even more when she can't avoid them.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist          2  32   15   22   13   24   16    6   20
Volke        18  31   17    0   19   20   10   11    4
Kieran        2  40   19    3   17   20    9   14    6
Jill          2  37   20    2   22   23    8   22    5
Gatrie       18  39   20    1   11   12    7   20    5

Chapter 17

BEXP: Two levels for Volke and one for Mist. Gatrie was promoted. Forged a Steel Axe and gave it to Kieran.

Part 1

Mounted units rush forward, while Gatrie, Volke and Ike kill the enemies that are left behind. Mist spams Ward.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist          3  33   16   23   14   24   17    6   21
Volke        20  33   19    0   20   20   11   12    4
Kieran        2  40   19    3   17   20    9   14    6
Jill          4  38   20    2   23   24   10   23    6
Gatrie        1  43   23    3   14   16    8   21    9

Part 2

Jill flies to the arrive point, while everyone else heads left to get some EXP. Wardspam once again.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist          4  33   17   23   14   25   17    6   21
Volke        20  33   19    0   20   20   11   12    4
Kieran        3  40   19    3   18   20    9   15    6
Jill          5  38   20    2   24   24   10   24    6
Gatrie        1  43   23    3   14   16    8   21    9

Part 3

Oh how do I hate defend. But I do get some EXP so whatever. Mist does the usual and finally gets B staves. Gatrie is so awesome that he OHKOs Myrms/Mages with an Iron Sword, and ORKOs everything else with it too.

Turns: 10

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          20  35   19    2   17   20   14   15    7
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist          6  35   18   24   15   25   18    7   22
Volke        20  33   19    0   20   20   11   12    4
Kieran        5  41   20    4   19   21    9   16    7
Jill          6  38   21    2   24   24   10   24    7
Gatrie        4  46   23    3   16   17    8   24   11

Part 4

Jill flies to kill Oliver. Get some more EXP with the rest. Turn 2 Jill kils the Adept Halb and kills Oliver during enemy phase.

Turns: 2

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           1  39   22    4   19   22   14   18    9
Titania      12  44   21    5   20   20   14   20   17
Mist          6  35   18   24   15   25   18    7   22
Volke        20  33   19    0   20   20   11   12    4
Kieran        5  41   20    4   19   21    9   16    7
Jill          8  40   21    2   24   25   10   25    8
Gatrie        4  46   23    3   16   17    8   24   11

Chapter 17 total: 17 turns

Total at the moment: 94 turns

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Chapter 13

BEXP: A level for Volke, two for Mist and four for Jill. She also got a Speedwing. Forged a Javelin and gave it to Jill.

Gave my Chest Keys to Ike, Titania and Kieran. Rushed forward since I had to save Astrid and Gatrie. After that I rout and feed most EXP to Jill, since I need her promoted by Chapter 15.Kieran promoted midway through the chapter, and Astrid got a kill as an NPC.

Turns: 7

I had no idea this chapter ended early. Wow. The more you know. Looks like you're probably going to end up pulling ahead, but things are still pretty close.

Also, I finished my Hard Mode upgrade, and am working on Maniac, but have been too lazy to post anything. Mostly because they're not exactly relevant to the actual challenge, and I don't know if any outside interest exists.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 15

BEXP: Jill to promotion. Also a level for Mist. Mist also gets a Secret Book to boost her chance of finding the Physic slightly.

As far as I'm aware, it uses Luck for PoR and Skill is only used in RD.

Also, I finished my Hard Mode upgrade, and am working on Maniac, but have been too lazy to post anything. Mostly because they're not exactly relevant to the actual challenge, and I don't know if any outside interest exists.

I want to know. Not, like, post the whole thing, but just overall turncount and which chapters took longer. Or something. If you want to post a full log, do it in another topic (read: make one).

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I had no idea this chapter ended early. Wow. The more you know.

The chapter won't end any earlier than turn 7, though. To end it early you need to open all the chests, making the ravens leave, and also rout the enemy.

As far as I'm aware, it uses Luck for PoR and Skill is only used in RD.

The site does say it's (Skill +1), and at least when I've tried it, Stefan has a pretty good chance of getting the White Gem (Which if it was Luck%, wouldn't make any sense).

More chapters.

Chapter 18

BEXP: A level for Mist, Titania, Kieran and Jill. Gatrie and Ike got two each. Forged a Hand Axe and gave it to Jill.

Gatrie stays behind to fight the Wyverns plus the reinforcements. Everyone else moves forward, while I try to focus as much EXP as possible on Ike. Volke gets a Recover and Wrath.

Turns: 8

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           4  42   24    4   22   24   14   21   11
Titania      13  45   22    5   21   20   15   21   17
Mist          8  36   19   26   15   26   19    7   24
Volke        20  33   19    0   20   20   11   12    4
Kieran        6  41   21    4   19   22    9   17    8
Jill         11  41   23    4   26   27   10   26    9
Gatrie        7  49   25    3   18   19    8   27   13

Chapter 19

BEXP: A level for Ike, Mist, Kieran, Jill and Gatrie. Forged a Javelin and gave it to Gatrie.

Should have drafted a shover. Anyway, I wanted to get most of the kills in this chapter with Ike, Gatrie and Kieran, but for some reason even though she's much stronger/durable than everyone else, enemies just LOVE attacking Jill.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           5  43   25    4   23   25   14   21   11
Titania      13  45   22    5   21   20   15   21   17
Mist          9  37   20   26   15   26   19    7   25
Volke         1  35   21    1   23   22   11   14    6
Kieran        7  41   22    4   19   23    9   18    9
Jill         13  43   24    4   26   27   10   27    9
Gatrie        8  50   25    3   19   20    9   28   14

Chapter 20

Over 90k to spend. Very expensive forges here I go.

BEXP: A level for Ike, Mist, Kieran and Gatrie. Two for Volke. Oh how do I wish I could forge knives. Forged a Steel Axe and gave it to Jill.

Since I am a heartless bastard I send Jill to kill her own father. Sucks to be her. Meanwhile Gatrie and Volke go to get Savior, while Kieran, Titania, Mist and Ike get the Rescue staff.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           6  44   26    5   24   26   14   22   11
Titania      13  45   22    5   21   20   15   21   17
Mist         10  38   20   26   15   26   20    7   25
Volke         3  37   23    1   24   23   12   15    7
Kieran        8  41   23    4   20   24    9   19    9
Jill         14  43   24    4   26   27   10   27    9
Gatrie        9  51   25    3   20   21   10   29   15

I probably won't update as quickly now since I need to plan carefully at which chapters I will spend my Rescue uses (2 uses until chapter 23, 7 after that).

Edited by Krad
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The site does say it's (Skill +1), and at least when I've tried it, Stefan has a pretty good chance of getting the White Gem (Which if it was Luck%, wouldn't make any sense).

He (Vincent) must have changed that when he got new information. I could have sworn it used to say luck. Or I'm just way wrong. Oh well.

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Fixed some small mistakes on Chapter 20's stats.

Chapter 21

BEXP: A level for Ike, Mist, Kieran, Titania, volke and Gatrie. Jill got an Energy Drop. Forged a Hand Axe for Jill.

This chapter is a huge mess. A horrible, horrible mess. Neither Jill nor Ike can get hit by the Sleep staff, and then Jill must hit Ena twice with the Laguz Axe (Her hit is pretty good though, so it wasn't a problem). Turns out that if Jill flies on top of the river on turn 2 instead of landing on the main "island", Tauroneo won't be lured, which is great, since when provoked he blocks the 1 tile gap to the throne room. Treasures: Stiletto and Energy Drop.

Turns: 5

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           7  45   26    6   25   26   14   23   12
Titania      14  45   23    5   22   21   15   22   18
Mist         12  38   20   26   16   26   21    8   26
Volke         4  37   23    1   25   24   13   15    7
Kieran       10  43   24    4   21   24   10   20    9
Jill         14  43   26    4   26   27   10   27    9
Gatrie       10  52   26    3   20   22   10   30   15

Chapter 22

BEXP: A level for Ike, Kieran, Volke, Jill and Gatrie. Forged a Steel Sword and gave it to Mist.

Ike kills the fighter to the north, then Volke shoves the left priest to the west. Titania moves forward and kills the priest northwest of Tomenami. Kieran rushes and kills the Archer with a Hand Axe. Mist goes north and rescues Jill, who kills Schaeffer. Gatrie killed a mage.

Turns: 1

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike           8  46   26    6   26   27   14   24   13
Titania      14  45   23    5   22   21   15   22   18
Mist         12  38   20   26   16   26   21    8   26
Volke         5  38   23    1   26   25   13   15    7
Kieran       11  43   25    4   22   25   10   20   10
Jill         15  43   27    5   26   27   11   27    9
Gatrie       11  53   27    3   21   23   10   30   16

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My turn! Is it an issue if I don't have my units stats at every chapter? Just curious.

Prologue-5 turns. Pretty basic. Beat Boyd and Greil enough. (5 turns total)

Chapter 1-4 turns. Ike gets the Steel Sword, and then starts to move up. Titania kills the closest bandit, then cantos closer to the south bandit. She gets the Seraph Robe and the boss kill. (9 turns total)

Chapter 2-4 turns. Ike had a rough time trying to start this one out, but Titania eventually came, and roflstomped everything into oblivion. She got the boss kill. (13 turns total)

Chapter 3-6 turns. Ike gets the Knight Band, Titania gets the Fighter Band, and Shinon keeps his Archer Band. Titania gets the Elixir, takes out everyone at the fruit stands (with help from Shinon and Ike), and then proceeds north to take out the pirates. Titania gets the boss kill. (19 turns total)

Chapter 4-4 turns. Ike H8TES lances. Titania roflstomps everything while Ike tries to avoid death and Shinon deals with non-existent enemy phases. Eventually the boss is killed. (23 turns total)

Chapter 5-6 turns. Ike used a Robe at the start to buffer his HP up a bit and increase his durability. Titania and her Hand Axe did their job, while Shinon struck with his Steel Bow. Ike covered the left, but needed help from Titania every now and then. Shinon crit-killed the boss. (29 turns total).

Chapter 6-8 turns. Titania and Ike head down the right side. Titania roflstomps everything. Everything dies on Turn 8, and then Ike escapes. (37 turns total)

Chapter 7-9 turns. I thought this was Boss Defeat, and I had Titania run up to the boss on Turn 5. Oh well. I got all the treasure, and Rhys died. He wasn't shielding, he was trying to run away from Petrine's reinforcements, so I don't think that incurs a penalty. I forgot to grab Shinon's stats before he left. (46 turns total)

Chapter 8-8 turns. Finally, a base! I sell everything that is close to halfway through it's durability, all iron weapons, staffs, tomes, Miracle, and the Ashera Icon. I forge a +5Mt +10Hit Hand Axe for Titania. I then BEXP Ike up to level 20 (from level 10), and Titania from level 6 to level 8. Ike starts off by taking the left side, while Titania takes the bottom. Titania kills all the horses, and then she moves up to the right to take out the armoured people and what not. Ilyana died, too. (54 turns total)

Chapter 9-7 turns. I sold a pure water along with other items, and I forged a +5Mt +15Hit +9Crit sword for Ike. Both of them headed down, as the Talisman and the Restore weren't that useful to me. (61 turns total).


Character   LVL, HP, STR, MAG, SKL, SPD, LCK, DEF, RES
Ike         20,  40,  16,   3,  14,  17,  14,  12, 06
Titania     09,  41,  14,   7,  18,  20,  14,  14, 08

Edited by Soren37
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Chapter 23

BEXP: A level for Ike, Mist, Kieran, Volke, Jill, Gatrie and Titania. Forged a Hand Axe and sent it to the convoy.

Jill rescues Ike and flies forward. Mist uses Hammerne on Volke and repairs the Rescue staff. Kieran and Titania move forward, while Gatrie stays behind to fight reinforcements. Mist rescues Jill on turn 2, who then flies and drops Ike near Petrine. Both of them move closer during turn 3, Jill kills Petrine during turn 3 EP, and Ike seizes turn 4. Everyone else just gets some more EXP. Ike got A swords, and Gatrie got A lances.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          10  48   26    7   27   28   15   24   14
Titania      15  46   24    5   22   22   15   23   18
Mist         14  40   20   26   16   26   22    9   26
Volke         6  39   23    1   26   26   14   16    7
Kieran       12  44   26    4   23   25   10   20   10
Jill         16  44   27    6   26   27   11   27   10
Gatrie       13  55   29    3   22   24   10   30   17

Chapter 24

BEXP: A level for Ike, Kieran, Volke, Jill and Gatrie. Forged a Silver Sword and sent it to the convoy.

FinGeoffrey is having trouble defending Leaf and Nannathat castle, and needs help. Mist rescues Jill, who flies at max speed to reach the castle as soon as possible. Kieran and Titania head for the Savior village, while Ike, Gatrie and Volke go left to fight some enemies. Mist got B swords, and Titania got A lances.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          11  49   26    7   27   28   15   24   15
Titania      15  46   24    5   22   22   15   23   18
Mist         15  41   20   26   16   26   22    9   27
Volke         7  40   23    1   27   27   15   17    7
Kieran       13  44   26    4   24   26   10   20   10
Jill         17  44   27    6   26   27   12   27   11
Gatrie       14  56   29    3   23   24   10   30   17
Fin          11  43   18    9   17   19   12   21    9

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Chapter 25

BEXP: A level for Ike and Volke. Three for Fin. Forged a Silver Lance and gave it to Fin. Gave both Adept and Savior to Jill. Gave Wrath to Ike.

I hate rocks. A lot. Jill flies north, Ike takes the west and Volke the east. My 4-move Paladins try to keep up but fail at it. They still manage to fight a few enemies. Gatrie only has 3 move.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          12  50   26    7   27   28   16   24   16
Titania      15  46   24    5   22   22   15   23   18
Mist         15  41   20   26   16   26   22    9   27
Volke         8  40   23    1   28   28   16   17    7
Kieran       13  44   26    4   24   26   10   20   10
Jill         19  46   27    7   26   27   14   27   11
Gatrie       14  56   29    3   23   24   10   30   17
Fin          14  46   20    9   19   22   12   24   11

Chapter 26

BEXP: A level for Ike, Mist, Kieran, Volke, Gatrie, Titania and Elincia. Two for Fin. Forged a Hand Axe and sent it to the convoy.

Since I apparently forgot to do it last chapter, Elincia uses Hammerne on Mist's Rescue. Everyone just moves around and kills some enemies while Ike and Jill head for the seize square.

Turns: 4

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          13  51   26    7   27   28   17   24   17
Titania      17  48   25    5   23   23   16   25   19
Mist         17  42   20   26   17   26   22    9   29
Volke         9  40   23    1   29   29   17   17    7
Kieran       15  46   26    4   25   27   10   21   10
Jill         20  46   27    7   26   27   14   27   11
Gatrie       15  57   29    3   24   24   11   30   17
Fin          17  48   22    9   22   25   13   27   13
Elincia       2  27   10   13   16   19   15   11   16

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Chapter 27

BEXP: A level for Ike, Kieran, Volke, Gatrie, Titania and Fin. Two for Elincia. Forged a Silver Axe and gave it to Titania. Gave Elincia a Spirit Dust.

Part 1

Elincia moves forward and rescues Ike, who kills the General guarding the right door. Mist also moves forward and trades Elincia for the Rescue staff, and rescues Jill, who OHKO's the door and gets inside the room. Titania and Kieran head for the Resolve scroll. Jill fights Hafedd with her Brave Lance, activates Adept, and kills him without even getting a chance to get attacked. Treasures: Resolve, Physic.

Turns: 4

Part 2

Sorry BK, I can't afford to waste my time on you.

Turns: 1

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          15  53   26    8   27   28   17   24   18
Titania      18  49   25    6   24   24   16   26   20
Mist         17  42   20   26   17   26   22    9   29
Volke        10  41   23    1   30   30   17   17    7
Kieran       16  47   26    4   26   27   10   21   10
Jill         20  46   27    7   26   27   14   27   11
Gatrie       16  58   29    3   25   24   11   30   18
Fin          19  50   24    9   23   26   15   27   14
Elincia       5  29   13   18   17   21   16   12   18

Chapter 28

BEXP: A level for Ike, Elincia, Kieran, Gatrie and Fin. Forged a Silver Axe and gave it to Jill. Gave Resolve to Ike.

Jill rescues Ike and heads for the Seize square. She then needs to not get Sleep'd and to survive millions of attacks. Everyone else kills a few enemies.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          16  54   26    8   27   28   17   24   19
Titania      18  49   25    6   24   24   16   26   20
Mist         18  42   20   26   17   26   22   10   29
Volke        10  41   23    1   30   30   17   17    7
Kieran       17  48   26    4   26   27   11   22   10
Jill         20  46   27    7   26   27   14   27   11
Gatrie       17  59   29    3   26   24   11   30   18
Fin          20  51   25    9   24   27   15   27   14
Elincia       6  29   14   19   18   21   17   13   19


BEXP: Six levels for Elincia. A level for everyone else except Ike, who got two. Forged a Hand Axe and gave it to Jill. Gave Ike and Elincia a Seraph Robe, an Energy Drop, Dracoshield and Speedwing for Elincia, and an Ashera Icon for Ike.

Elincia moves forward and rescues Ike, who attack Bryce. Mist uses Ward on Jill, who is then shoved by Ena, so she can kill Bryce. Turn 2 Jill lands a critical on the Dragon just in front of her, letting Ike and Elincia stand in the middle of the map. Turn 3, and Elincia flies to the top of the stage, where she uses the last use of the Rescue staff to bring Ike next to Ashnard. Ike attacks Ashnard, and during enemy phase Ashnard attacks, making Ike trigger Wrath + Resolve, OHKOing Ashnard.

Turns: 3

Character   Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Ike          19  60   26    8   27   28   20   24   21
Titania      19  49   25    6   25   25   16   26   20
Mist         19  42   20   26   17   26   23   10   29
Volke        11  42   23    1   30   30   18   17    7
Kieran       18  49   26    4   26   27   11   23   11
Jill         20  46   27    7   26   27   14   27   11
Gatrie       18  60   29    3   26   24   12   30   19
Fin          20  51   25    9   24   27   15   27   14
Elincia      13  39   19   25   21   28   20   20   24

Total turncount: 141 turns

I recorded a video with the game showing the turncounts and MVP, but it looks incredibly blurry, making the numbers impossible to read. I'll try to record it again tomorrow and post it then.



And because I'm bored, some comment on the characters I had:


He was very useful during the earlygame, average during midgame, and destroyed everything lategame. Didn't fight much since he had to be carried during many maps.


Destroyed the first half of the game, but began to slowly crawl to the shadows when it became Jill's show.


Statistically, he was a beast. His low move hurted him a lot, though.


Waste of space until Chapter 21, where she suddenly became #2 in usefullness, behind Jill. The rescue staff is just that useful.


Not worth it. His combat was dissapointing for most of the game. A shover would have been much more useful.


Didn't shine, but his good combat plus high move were very useful in many maps.


Became the center of attention the moment she joined. Crucial for almost all of my strategies from chapter 14 on.


Joined too late to do much. His combat was still appreciated, though.


Only useful because she allowed the 3 turn of Endgame.


Wait, who?

Edited by Krad
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