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[FE6] Draft

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Generic welcome statement.

This is similar to all the other drafts populating the boards these days; credit to oval for being awesome.

I'll be participating, so 4 more can sign up. The goal is lowest turn count and the drafting order will be randomized.

Preliminary rules:

1. Normal Mode

2. Undrafted characters must stay out of combat, cannot visit villages or shops, cannot support, and cannot rescue drafted characters unless you wish to incur a 4 turn penalty, which may be adjusted in some cases. Trading is still legal.

3. Roy, Marcus (when forced), and Rutger (to equalize boss killing) are free for everyone to use.

4. No RNG abuse.

Feel free to ask questions about any of the rules.

[spoiler=Team 1: Janissary]1. Lance

2. Saul

3. Astohl

4. Wade

5. Percival

6. Klein

7. Fir

8. Dorothy

9. Sofiya

10. Wendy

[spoiler=Team 2: Slowking]1. Miredy

2. Chad

3. Lalum

4. Lott

5. Treck

6. Lilina

7. Sue

8. Zeis

9. Yodel

10. Hugh

[spoiler=Team 3: Integrity]1. Dieck

2. Ellen

3. Zealot

4. Shin

5. Elphin

6. Barth

7. Dayan

8. Bartre

9. Cath

10. Garret

[spoiler=Team 4: Weapons]1. Allen

2. Thany

3. Lugh

4. Tate

5. Niime

6. Geese

7. Igrene

8. Cecilia

9. Juno

10. Merlinus

[spoiler=Team 5: Core]1. Clarine

2. Gonzales

3. Noah

4. Echidna

5. Ray

6. Oujay

7. Wolt

8. Fa

9. Bors

10. Douglas

[spoiler=Community Chest]No One

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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1. What about theives? Are you just out of luck without picking Chad/Astohl?

2. Gaiden chapters. is it the normal 'skip them unless you really want to go' sort of deal, or is there some incentive for going to them?

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No requesting draft positions.

1. At some point chest keys and door keys become buyable, and steals IIRC wouldn't give someone that much of an advantage, so I don't think thief picks are unbalanced.

2. Right now I don't know whether to require them and finish the game post chapter 22 or let the game end after 22. I'll say they're required for now.

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Only issue I see with requiring gaidens is that you can screw yourself out of them. IE Zealot died in C7, you go to Ilia, your run is ruined forever. Maybe some sort of penalty for not defeating Idoun(100 turns? 120 turns?)

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The Draft Tournament craze is worse than the FE8 Rankings craze and the FE6 Playthroughs craze combined.

And that's awesome.

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Why am I not surprised that the first 4 to go were those 4? Miledy/Dieck > the cavs here, though, since they can't support each other. At least they can still support Roy, though. Hey, I guess Roy may actually get an A support now. Might. He's still 2 move slower than them. And 3 slower when they promote until nearly the end of the game.

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It's NM though, so Lance/Allan's statistical issues matter less. Having one of them around for the early chapters should help a lot.

Oh right. It was originally HM then got switched. Yeah, they were pretty awesome on NM even underleveled and somewhat stat-screwed (for me). Even without their support they should be helpful at proper levels and if they keep to their averages. Miledy is probably still better, though she isn't around early-on. Dieck on the other hand is cool. You just need someone to carry him around.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Gonzales went 2nd round without HM bonus. Bull. Why do people see his awesome?!?

As for Miledy->Cavs, I disagree because in NM Miledy enters without an ability to double. Considering both Cavs join 12 chapters earlier with staes that are close enough, I think the Cavs are probably better.

EDIT: What is the final ruling for theives?

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