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[FE6] Draft

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Not every draft. The RD draft specifically disallows it, and I prefer it that way. Whatever the ruling is, I'm going to try my very damndest to avoid meatshielding anyway for style.


Anyway, I'm going to start this shit today now that the FE8 draft is over. I love the length of that game ever so much. <3

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Even better. Now you need to reload until it makes the closest tent the right one. And if it takes you 6+ tries, would you still count it as a 1-turn?

Well, yes. Why wouldn't you? Or, on the other hand, why should we? It doesn't make sense to make such a glaring exception for this one chapter, not to mention that there's no way to make sure that a player actually took however many attempts that he claims he took. What if he got it on his first attempt? We would cry foul. What if he got it after 20 attempts but lied and said he only took 6? We would have no way of knowing.

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Well, yes. Why wouldn't you? Or, on the other hand, why should we? It doesn't make sense to make such a glaring exception for this one chapter, not to mention that there's no way to make sure that a player actually took however many attempts that he claims he took. What if he got it on his first attempt? We would cry foul. What if he got it after 20 attempts but lied and said he only took 6? We would have no way of knowing.

Honour system. We have no way of checking that he actually took one turn, or that he actually used the characters he says he did etcetra etcetra.

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Chapter 2: 7/12

I did a variant of the rescue charge strategy that Weapon used with Marcus. It wasn't nearly as effective without Thany, but with Ward and Lance, I was about to clear out the enemies faster enough to only lose one turn on Weapon's play. Ward gained 2 levels, with a vital point in speed being gained. Here are my units(excluding Marcus):

Name  Class    Level  HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES
Roy   Lord     03.02  20   6   6   7   9   6   1
Lance Cavalier 04.36  22   6   7  10   2   6   0
Ward  Fighter  04.21  29   8   4   6   5   3   0

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8 turn clear.

Roy blessedly gained the point of SPD he needed to double on his first level. Marcus visited a village and then the two of them surged north.


9 turn clear.

yay. Dieck did his God-given duty of pimping and killing. Ellen does some little healing, neh. Roy gets ferried a long way. I'm gonna miss Marcus.


12 turn clear.

Could have shaved a turn off that had I carried Roy one turn longer, but no worries. Dieck continues as before.


12 turn clear.

Recruiting Rutger gave me a headache. First, I misaimed and landed Dieck just outside of Clarine's recruiting range. Then I used a different tact and he crit Roy. All told, four strategies were attempted with the fourth succeeding. I hate that guy.


9 turn clear.

Got bogged way down in the mountain pass to the left. Lack of 2-range besides Marcus made clearing them painful. Rutger had to be diverted to kill the reinforcements coming from the north so they didn't tag my undraftees. At least I can undeploy now!


17 turn clear.

Son of a BEESTING that was bad. Roy had to be in two places at once: tagging Cath in the south and recruiting Sue in the north because I need Shin later. Unfortunately for this strategy, Cath runs about opening doors that spew forth reinforcements. I could have saved ~5 turns by doing this better, but I got really quite good levelups and had some close damn shaves I couldn't have prevented and don't want to do again (enemies prioritize Ellen over the undraftees that got forced). Not happy with the turncount, but got enough RNG blessing I'm not redoing it.

Save and quit.

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Chapter 3: 7/19

Marcus ferried Roy for 5 turns, then beat up the boss. Lance and Ward stayed behind to handle the loldiers. It took some creative moving of my other characters to avoid combat, that's for sure. Ward leveled up again to 5 and got...ANOTHER SPEED GROWTH. Hell yeah. Lance leveled to 5 and got an HP, STR, SKL, SPD.

Chapter 4: 9/28

Recruited Rutger successfully by using Marcus as Iron Lancer. It's a shame I can't keep using Marcus, he got a really legit level up this time. I also got the Door Key and Angelic Robe.

Edited by Janissary
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Chapter 5(7/37)

Bors travels north to work as a distraction, the rest of my people go through the door. Rutger dodgetanks, everybody else cleans up leftovers. Rutger gets the bosskill.

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Well, yes. Why wouldn't you? Or, on the other hand, why should we? It doesn't make sense to make such a glaring exception for this one chapter, not to mention that there's no way to make sure that a player actually took however many attempts that he claims he took. What if he got it on his first attempt? We would cry foul. What if he got it after 20 attempts but lied and said he only took 6? We would have no way of knowing.

It is effectively cheating, pure and simple. You should play that chapter without knowing where the actual throne is, and have to take thrones until you guess right. This is the way the chapter is designed, this is the way it should be played. Calling it a 1-turn chapter is not playing the game properly. Doing it in 1-turn is cheating unless the throne just happens to be on that one spot the time you play it.

What do you have against playing that chapter the way it was clearly intended, aside from loving really low numbers like 1?

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It is effectively cheating, pure and simple. You should play that chapter without knowing where the actual throne is, and have to take thrones until you guess right. This is the way the chapter is designed, this is the way it should be played. Calling it a 1-turn chapter is not playing the game properly. Doing it in 1-turn is cheating unless the throne just happens to be on that one spot the time you play it.

What do you have against playing that chapter the way it was clearly intended, aside from loving really low numbers like 1?

Well, you have a 1 in 6 chance of completing the chapter in 1 turn anyway. Even if you play the map "as it should be played," then you can still end it on the first gate seized, or you may be extremely unlucky and not end it until the 6th gate seized. Heck, since this is NM, you don't have ridiculously strong bosses anymore, either. You can easily 2 turn any gate on the map given a decent Warp user and boss killer; just reset and try again if you guess wrong.

So then how do you compensate for this factor in randomness? At least every other map is straightforward with a rather simple turn requirement. If you'd like an analogy, think of it this way: FE6 is a miniature golf course, and the player wants to make par at minimum. Chapter 20xS is that one gimmicky hole on the course where you hit your ball into a giant roulette and get a random 0-6 for stroke count (while the hole itself is a par 3). Except in FE6, you get as many mulligans you want to try to aim for that 0.

If you really want to make it more "fair," you can create a clause that dictates that Roy must seize 2 false gates before seizing the real gate. But this is entirely arbitrary.

Edited by dondon151
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Chapter 5: 6/34

This should have been 5 turns but Rutger failed me and missed the boss on turn 5. Ward held a northern fort and got some good expirience, while Lance and Marcus cleared the south for Rutger to get to the boss. I had a terrible auto placement that slowed this down by a turn as well.

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23 turn clear.

Many villages + big map + reinforcements = nightmare. Noah and Treck saved some turns while they were busy being green units. Zealot get! Zealot did most of the visiting and shopping.

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Is it permitted to rescue an undrafted character?

In most of these, yes. Even other undrafted characters can rescue other undrafted characters. The only thing not permitted would be an undrafted unit rescuing a drafted one.

If Alan isn't supposed to exist, and Wolt isn't supposed to exist, there shouldn't be any harm in Alan picking up Wolt.

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Well, I was thinking more Marcus rescuing in order to stop doubling, but it turns out I didn't need it.

Chapter 1

Marcus drops Roy on the forest, then goes for the village and returns to kill the boss.

7 turns

Chapter 2

Roy 1-rounds Soldiers and Fighters ^_^ he goes south and heads to the fort while Marcus fetches the Armourslayer. Lot shows up and is all awesome and stuff. Really annoying - I was all set up for a turn 7 victory, but then an Archer loved into Roy's path AND Lot missed him! Stupid axes!

8 turns

Name    Tier Lvl Exp  HP Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Roy     1      6  22  22   8   8   8   9   6   3
Lot     1      5  13  31   8   6   7   3   4   1
Marcus  2      1  58

10000 minerals

Chapter 3

I should have beaten this faster, like 9 turns... but I wanted to get my pick's worth and open chests. Dieck got hit with many Javelins, but lived. Lot and Roy beasted through everything and 1-rounded stuff, with Chad picking up an occasional kill here and there.

11 turns

Name    Tier Lvl Exp  HP Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Roy        1   7  66  23   9   8   9  10   7   3
Lot        1   7   5  33   8   7   8   5   4   1
Chad       1   2   9  17   3   4  11   5   2   0
Marcus     2   1  97

13000 minerals

Edited by Slowking
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Chapter 6: 5/39

It's amazing how easy this chapter is without having to think about Sue's recruitment or raiding any of the chests. Rutger attacked the boss on turn 5, hit both times but didn't critical, so Wagner had 4 HP left. I decided to desparado attack Wagner with Lance at 9 HP with a Javelin. It was hit or die and restart. And, at hit percentage 25, Lance hit Wagner. Lol.

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Wow Jan

Chapter 6(8/45)

I'm really sad I can't use Marcus anymore. Bors and Rutger are my tanks, while Roy and Wolt take whatever they can. Clarine heals. Rutger critkilled the boss then dodges the two javelin AKs...blah blah blah

Roy got the seraph robe


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I have a sneaking suspision that Weapon is going to blow a few of them out of the water. I really missed flyer utility.

Edit: Also, I need madd cushion to be able to train Wendy or Sophia at all.

Edited by Janissary
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Chapter 7: 15/54

Zealot, Treck, Noah get. Killing Edge, Red Gem, Physic, Hero Crest, Horseslayer get (Dorothy is a great visitor :) ). This chapter sucks. I had to spam Ward with a 27% hit on the boss with a Hammer to ger this shit done. Rutger and his awesome 3 damage didn't help much. Chapter 8 is going to suck...

Here is a unit update:

Name  Class    Level  HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES
Roy   Lord     06.04  21   7   8   8  11   8   2
Lance Cavalier 10.90  27  10  12  14   3   6   0
Ward  Fighter  12.41  35  14   6   7   8   4   0
Rut.  Myrm.    10.45  26  10  15  15   5   8   1
Saul  Priest   06.40  20   5   6  11   2   2   6
Dort. Visitor  03.51     General Suckage

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Chapter 7: 15/54

Zealot, Treck, Noah get. Killing Edge, Red Gem, Physic, Hero Crest, Horseslayer get (Dorothy is a great visitor :) ). This chapter sucks. I had to spam Ward with a 27% hit on the boss with a Hammer to ger this shit done. Rutger and his awesome 3 damage didn't help much. Chapter 8 is going to suck...

Here is a unit update:

Name  Class    Level  HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES
Roy   Lord     06.04  21   7   8   8  11   8   2
Lance Cavalier 10.90  27  10  12  14   3   6   0
Ward  Fighter  12.41  35  14   6   7   8   4   0
Rut.  Myrm.    10.45  26  10  15  15   5   8   1
Saul  Priest   06.40  20   5   6  11   2   2   6
Dort. Visitor  03.51     General Suckage

What happened to the armorslayer? 14+3 defence against 10+21 mt. That should be 14 damage. Granted no doubling, but it's still 14 damage. 3 hits. And he doubles (idiot only has 6 AS even on HM). What the heck were you using, anyway? In order to pull 3 damage you'd need an 11mt weapon (11 - 1 from WTD). That's wyrmslayer. The only 10 mt sword is a wyrmslayer (I don't remember when you even get the first).

And this time, don't forget to grab the armorslayer off Oujay (you are still allowed to recruit and trade) if you broke/lost/never got the first armorslayer.

Anyway, you also do 12 damage to the chapter 8 boss with armorslayer. Can't double, though. Unless you get +1 speed, you can't even double with light brand. He could take a while. Particularly since Roy can't attack with anything heavier than Rapier if he doesn't want to get doubled, and Rapier has 12 mt on lance wielding armors and the chapter 8 boss has 16+3 def. Good news is that he could perhaps Light Brand if the boss is wielding steel lance because then he won't get countered. That's still only 22 damage per round max, + another 12 on EP with Rutger.

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26 turn clear.

Zealot pulled his weight here tagging chests and whatnot and ferrying Roy around. Tagged Cath for the second time. Had enough Armorslayer left to kill the boss, so didn't even break the Ostian Armor Corps out of their little hidey-hole. Grabbed all the treasure I wanted except maybe the Silver Axe, oh well.


17 turn clear.

And the boss was about eight of those. The best I could muster was either an 11 damage Iron Blade at 51% from Dieck or a 7 damage Iron Sword at 71% from Dieck, so I opted to go for the Iron Sword. Fortunately, he had a thing for throwing his Hand Axes at Zealot instead of switching back to his sword, so Dieck kept WTA for the majority of the fighting.


10 turn clear.

Dieck is now a Hero! Shin get. I deployed Noah and recruited Fir because I couldn't remember if the Wo Dao was dropped and anyway I can't bring myself to kill Fir :(

Zealot and Shin tagged the House That Will Give Me Bartre and did a little shopping for Mend staves, respectively. Ellen's ~12 and ready to promote but I don't see a point until I can buy Light tomes.


16 turn clear.

Killed Gonzales. Recruited Klein and Tate because I could AND BECAUSE DELICIOUS WHITE GEM TYVM KLEIN DARLING <3. Managed to hit all the villages via Shin and Ellen because I needed the Bolt and I wanted the extra Hero Crest for Rutger. Could have been a 15 turn clear, but Roy was one damn square short of the point.

Incidentally, this was the first boss Dieck was able to 1RKO with the last two charges of my first Armorslayer. <3


13 turn clear.

All recruited. I could have shaved a little time by knowing where Bartre spawned but I was happy with the final result. Saved all the civvies, too. Everybody likes a +2 STR.

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@ Narga: One of the symptoms of my turncount on chapter 2 was the lack of armorslayer that I got. I had forgotten Oujay came with one. That will be useful. I was attacking with a Killing Edge.

Chapter 8: 25/79

I decided to go pretty slow and get Dorothy as much expirience and I possible could. When Wendy joined, I tried to baby her as well, but she wouldn't hit anything, so she ended up just killing Cath and nothing else. Rutger loves the armorslayer, in other news. On to Durandal!

Chapter 8x: 17/96

Yet another babying chapter. Wendy got 4 or so levels.Hopefully the quick early game will allow for a few extra turns here and at Sophia.

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