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[FE6] Draft

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10 turn clear.

Cath get! She grabs me a Blue Gem and a Brave Bow while Roy is carried to Seize. Zealot and Shin take turns ferrying the dumb bastard while Dieck 1RKOs the boss.

Funny story, I actually had an awesome run. Had Roy at the boss, all the treasure on Turn 11, a wonderful run of luck where all but the last Sleep staff missed Bartre...

then I found out I forgot the grab the Wyrmslayer and had to reset or watch Dieck double for a total of 8 damage per turn. fuckdammit.

Happy I managed to beat that on the reset, at least.


9 turn clear.

I was all positioned on the throne for an 8 turn clear, but I wanted the White Gem from the farthest top chest because money is power and my Javelin stock is running low. Yay, next chapter's shops! Cath got to steal some shit, too.

EDIT: In retrospect, I did that out of fear of my dwindling cash supply (~1k) and then I found out, having overwritten my save and savestate, that I hadn't sold Klein's White Gem yet. bah. I sold the excess gems and went from ~1k gold to ~30k.

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I thiiiiink Merlinus is broken on my rom. I know I sent some axes to storage earlier in my PT, but now the game acts like I have nothing in storage. I'll test it out again during this next chapter, but if Merlinus is eating my items, I'm not sure I'll want to restart my PT.

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Yeah I checked.

Do characters' weapons disappear when they die in this game?


EDIT: Chapter 9: 14/110

Fir get, Shin killed, Ilia assured. I also got the Silver Sword and Restore staff. Ward shopped for some Handaxes on the last turn. Dorothy leveled.

Name    Class    Level  HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 
Roy     Lord     10.65  25  11  10   8  14   8   4 
Lance   Cavalier 17.36  31  15  14  16   7   9   2 
Ward    Fighter  14.89  37  15   7   8   8   4   0 
Rutger  Myrmidon 16.49  29  12  18  20   8   8   1 
Saul    Priest   10.57  22   7   7  14   3   4   9
Dorothy Archer   09.42  25   6   7   9   6   5   2
Wendy   Knight   04.05  22   5   4   4   6   9   2
Fir     Myrmidon 04.24  21   7  11  10   3   4   1
Astol   Thief    11.77  26   8   9  16  11   7   3

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10 turn clear.

Cath get! She grabs me a Blue Gem and a Brave Bow while Roy is carried to Seize. Zealot and Shin take turns ferrying the dumb bastard while Dieck 1RKOs the boss.

Funny story, I actually had an awesome run. Had Roy at the boss, all the treasure on Turn 11, a wonderful run of luck where all but the last Sleep staff missed Bartre...

then I found out I forgot the grab the Wyrmslayer and had to reset or watch Dieck double for a total of 8 damage per turn. fuckdammit.

Happy I managed to beat that on the reset, at least.

What level is your Dieck, by the way. Mine is always 20/1 or so for the boss of chapter 12 and thus can OHKO with Durandal. And it is considerably more accurate than wyrmslayers. And you only need one of two swipes to hit. Considering I have a bunch of other units also getting experience, I wonder how my Dieck could possibly have a higher level than yours when you only have Roy, Marcus (for a bit), Zealot, and a few others from chapter 8 on. Or did you forget about Durandal.

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Somewhere in the middle of C13 Dieck is 20/7.

I figured why use Durandal when I can just take the Wyrmslayer. I didn't know if it would be a 1HKO vice a 1RKO and the two shots from the Wyrmslayer were >85% IIRC.

Plus, I have a thing about saving the legendary weapons for the final run. I never deploy them in FE7 or 8 til the final chapter, never in 10 until I get them blessed...

I'm stingy and not too bright like that.

EDIT: Any help you feel like giving is appreciated, Narga. I've only played FE6 through once before :P

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Somewhere in the middle of C13 Dieck is 20/7.

I figured why use Durandal when I can just take the Wyrmslayer. I didn't know if it would be a 1HKO vice a 1RKO and the two shots from the Wyrmslayer were >85% IIRC.

Plus, I have a thing about saving the legendary weapons for the final run. I never deploy them in FE7 or 8 til the final chapter, never in 10 until I get them blessed...

I'm stingy and not too bright like that.

EDIT: Any help you feel like giving is appreciated, Narga. I've only played FE6 through once before :P

You have Zealot and Dayan and Shin. You can probably manage chapter 24 with just the S rank lance and bow (and they have 8 move instead of 6 so that's a benefit as well). You don't get them until chapter 21 anyway so it's not like you'll use them too much. Durandal is my go-to weapon for most of the game against the mamkutes. And on NM I think Durandal is basically a OHKO forever. On HM, you soon start 2HKOing with even that thing (I think by the first generic one, actually). If you like saving uses, attack with a bow or something first. Ellen is your only magic user otherwise I'd say use magic.

Also, what is your plan for hammerne? You only have one warp user (but you do have a dancer) so I'm not sure you need full warp uses in chapter 24 since it probably won't help as much. Durandal is one of the best weapons in the game thanks to its availability and hit rate.

Also, um, I'd be surprised if anyone can manage to break baselard and vague katti before 4-E-2 ends. Seriously surprised. You don't need to hold back with 50 use weapons that exist for 2 chapters. Now, those 15 use mage S rank weapons are a different matter entirely (they are also available sooner), but Doublebow/Urvan/VK don't have that problem.

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You have Zealot and Dayan and Shin. You can probably manage chapter 24 with just the S rank lance and bow (and they have 8 move instead of 6 so that's a benefit as well).

If chapter 24 mamkutes are easily OHKO'd on NM, you really only do need 40 uses. Otherwise, Durandal can supplement Malte on Zealot (since he'll be facing the most mamkutes anyway). Whatever the case, Durandal is an instant win against most mamkutes ingame as well as WLs, so don't be stingy with using it.

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Also, um, I'd be surprised if anyone can manage to break baselard and vague katti before 4-E-2 ends. Seriously surprised. You don't need to hold back with 50 use weapons that exist for 2 chapters. Now, those 15 use mage S rank weapons are a different matter entirely (they are also available sooner), but Doublebow/Urvan/VK don't have that problem.

Send to convoy for 4-4/4-5 + lots of Adept + lots of enemies = manageable.

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Send to convoy for 4-4/4-5 + lots of Adept + lots of enemies = manageable.

Assuming normal play, 4-5 isn't long enough and 4-E-2 isn't either. You'd have to go 4-4 and even then I don't think you can use it enough in 4-4 + 4-E-1 unless you have to face the reinforcement swarm in 4-4. Even with Adept, assuming you are using all your other characters (like, say, Ike and Mia on the generals etc etc) I can't see Heather burning more than 30 uses. Particularly since I would think most people won't hit SS knives with her until partway through 4-4. I know I didn't, but that's just me so I could be different, of course.

And at least say something on topic in your post. At least a little bit?

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Assuming normal play, 4-5 isn't long enough and 4-E-2 isn't either. You'd have to go 4-4 and even then I don't think you can use it enough in 4-4 + 4-E-1 unless you have to face the reinforcement swarm in 4-4. Even with Adept, assuming you are using all your other characters (like, say, Ike and Mia on the generals etc etc) I can't see Heather burning more than 30 uses. Particularly since I would think most people won't hit SS knives with her until partway through 4-4. I know I didn't, but that's just me so I could be different, of course.[/quote[

That was based off my draft run, but I guess under "normal" play it's harder to break.

I'm going to stick with a penalty for involving drafted characters in combat, although I realize this is a bit late, so I'll try to make it lenient, maybe 2 turns a chapter. Just now I was able to clear chapter 4 with just Marcus and Roy.

Chapter 3: 9 turns

Didn't rescue strategy for whatever reason, Thany went up and got Lugh as luckily the enemies have terrible hit rates. Alan went with Marcus and Merlinus was on house visiting duty.

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I know I can make those 20 uses last the game. I know I could never ever break the Baselard before 4-E-2. I know I could just whip Siegmund and rape everything and make FE8 even easier. Doesn't stop me from avoiding it. I know it's a bad habit but I do it anyway.

Good point on Hammerne though.


I've a question on C14, even though it doesn't really effect me. Are undrafted thieves allowed to pick items up, or do you have to rely on your drafted team for that?

I've got Cath, so it's really no matter, I'm just curious.

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I've a question on C14, even though it doesn't really effect me. Are undrafted thieves allowed to pick items up, or do you have to rely on your drafted team for that?

I've got Cath, so it's really no matter, I'm just curious.

Yes. The first one.

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Well now that that's confirmed I'll have to deploy Fail McThiefAstohl to get even moar treasures. :o

This helps offset the fact that I drafted no fliers.



11 turn clear.

I did all but about two turns yesterday, so I don't really remember the good chunk of it. Didn't even try for Percy. Got both villages through the magic of Zealot and Shin. Cath spent roughly seven turns beating on a lonely Troubadour and stealing her Vulnerary for free levels. Rutger hit 20 on Turn 11 and that joker leveled nothing. At least he'll promote beginning of next.


18 turn clear.

olol Ellen found Silence on Turn 1 accidentally. I didn't even have the map up. Consulting the map, Ellen seems to have moved into the lowest-right square possible. i l y girl.

I managed to keep Sophia and Cecilia out of Sleep staffer's attention ...somehow. It involved Bartre getting Slept, Shin getting Slept, and Cath getting Slept.

Rutger promoted in the first turn and set about trying to find the Speedwings and waiting for the bandits to arrive. He never did. Dieck, Elphin, Roy, my undrafted units, and occasionally Ellen pushed straight along the right and up. Shin farmed some XP on the upper portion and promoted. Zealot killed Wyverns and protected Cath. Astohl made a suicide charge into a Manakete's range on Turn 18 to get the Warp staff (!!!). Shopping get!


2 turn clear.

Full-up Warpskip. First, I'm happy to have Warp so I gotta use it once. Second, I fucking HATE these disappearing pathways chapters and I don't have any fliers to bypass it. So I do what I only wish I could have done in my FE10 draft - run Dieck forward, eat a Talisman, dance for him, Warp him, have him DURANDAL THE FUCK OUT OF THE BOSS, then Warp Roy on Turn 2. It gave me enough time to eat the statboosters I grabbed last chapter for everybody, too.

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I know I can make those 20 uses last the game. I know I could never ever break the Baselard before 4-E-2. I know I could just whip Siegmund and rape everything and make FE8 even easier. Doesn't stop me from avoiding it. I know it's a bad habit but I do it anyway.

Good point on Hammerne though.

If you want to do better, it might help to get over it. Durandal is just too useful. It makes an argument for best clutch weapon in the game. (Argument. I'm not saying it necessarily wins. Armorslayer is important on many tough bosses for its (massive) accuracy advantage over hammers (somehow managing to get +20 hit even with WTD compared to WTA. And various killers for random slayage of things you can't otherwise ORKO, though that's not really the "clutch" category and more in the "use it for every generic enemy you don't ORKO otherwise because they are relatively cheap and you have lots of money". It's only clutch when you are fighting bosses that aren't weak to armorslayer, really, but that's a lot of bosses, too.)

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I'm trying to - it's actually at like 13 uses now! - but anyway >>


6 turn clear.

Honestly, could not have been faster unless I left Rutger to kill Percival - maybe. Zealot rushed forward with Lilina to talk to Garret because I drafted him - and get Hammerne. Dieck was Warped to the point and spent the whole time clearing. Roy was Warped immediately after Garret was get to Seize. Knight Crest get!


14 turn clear.

Rutger spent the entire time idling in the bottom, intending to provoke Douglas. Douglas stood him up. Rutger sat there for 14 turns with a pack full of vulneraries and a broken heart.

Otherwise, Cath grabbed some incidental chest (hero crest lol) and Zeiss get. No Warp staves were harmed in the making of this project, but one was repaired. Hammerne!


3 turn clear.

Dieck was Barriered then Warped up - Barrier so he could dodge the Berzerk staff. Army moved up and Zealot ate the second Berzerk shot. Dieck Durandal'd the boss then Roy was Warped to Seize.

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Chapter 4: 7 turns

At first Rutger wasn't showing up for recruitment, but then I realized you can't kill Erik before the trigger conversation happens. Otherwise, Merlinus was again on critical village visiting duty. Marcus conveniently ORKO's iron lance cavs with a hand axe where a javelin does not, so he clear a way for Alan and Lugh. Thany was the honorary Roy ferry and picked up the Steel Blade and Angelic Robe. Trapped Rutger against the wall with Marcus and Clarine and recruited him on the last turn.

Chapter 5: 4 turns

Everybody but Lugh and Merlinus carved a path to the boss, though Marcus naturally took the lead. Rutger with the Killing Edge and Marcus with Armorslayer combo took out Dory in a phase. Thany used the Angelic Robe and choked off some forces. Merlinus secured the fort for Lugh to tank on.

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Chapter 10: 16/126

I decided to go B route in order to recruit Klein earlier, and because I felt this chapter was much easier to get the Hero Crest in, which I definately need. I promoted Ward early at level 15 so that I could get him some more Speed and Skill. I visited all the villages to get Rutger's Hero Crest and recruited Klein. Tate got killed for giggles. Gonzales got killed for being ugly.

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Chapter 11: 13/139

Not too much to say, Rutger and Lance just raped up the top side while everyone else went south. All the villagers escaped, I got an energy. I wasted an extra turn so I could recruit Bartre for his Brave Axe.

Chapter 12: 11/150

Rutger and Lance promoted, Rutger gets boss kill with Durandal, Dorothy even gets some level ups. I looted the entire right side.

Unit   Class        Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 
Roy     Lord        11.93 25  12  12   8  15   8   5
Lance   Paladin     01.14 37  18  16  19   8  12   5
Ward    Warrior     02.15 47  19  11  10   9   7   0
Rutger  SwordMaster 01.93 36  14  22  21   9  12   5
Saul    Priest      14.27 25   9   9  15   3   4  12
Dorothy Archer      12.80 27   8   9  10   7   6   2
Asthol  Thief       16.48 31  10  14  18  12   8   4
Wendy   Knight      05.82 23   5   4   4   7  10   2
Fir     Myrmidon    08.41 24   8  14  14   4   5   3
Klein   Sniper      03.03 28  14  14  12  12   8   6

Is it just me, or is Asthol boasting my best offense excluding Lance and Rutger? Awesome stuff there. It's too bad he can't promote this game.

Chapter 12x: 8/158

Nothing to say. Got the White Gem.

Chapter 13: 12/170

In some of my best work to date, I got the body ring, recruited Percival, promoted Saul, and shopped for Killers in 12 turns. This took some pretty ridiculous dodging from Lance and Saul to accomplish, but 'tis done. Next Chapter I get Sophia. Ain't nothing that can stop me then!

Chapter 14: 13/183

I was wrong, this was my best work to date as I both got all the treasure, beat the chapter 5 turns fast than Integrity (a goal since I want to save my Warp for vital situation not just for turn catching), and got Sophia a level. That's right, Sophia actually got a level. I know, a miracle.

Chapter 14x: 2/185

Warpskip, hell yeah. I hate this chapter, so I had planned on skipping it. Rutger pwns Boss, Roy conquers.

Chapter 15: 5/190

I got bored and decided to warpskip again. Good stuff Rutger. Got Hammerne and Divine.

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Uh, I feel so slow. Starcraft 2 keeps on distracting me.

Chapter 4

Lot chaergs forward and introduces the cavaliers to his little friend - the Poleaxe. OHKOes the buggers. Roy can ORKO the Nomads, and I stupidly used up his Rapier. I have to try this several times since I keep on screwing up with Rutger's spawn. Chad runs around and picks off the occasional enemy, but fuck he's weak.

Rutger is super-underwhelming in NM. I'm wondering why we were even given him. Maybe for Scott and Gelero and Gel? Marcus takes down the boss with his Silver Lance.

9 turns.

Chapter 5

Rutger, Marcus and Roy head to the castle, while Lot and Chad go north to purchase Door Keys. Chad gets summarily thwacked once, which suits me just fine because the enemies all target him over Lot despite having 0 hit on him while he's in a forest. Rutger KEs the boss.

8 turns... I think.

Chapter 6

Chad, Rutger, Roy go left to fetch Sue and open chests. Chad picks up some delicious minerals, and I start feeding kills to Sue so she can double Wyverns next chapter. Rutger takes the boss... who's super annoying.

9 turns.

Name    Tier Lvl Exp  HP Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Other
Roy        1  10   4  26   9   9  10  10   8   6
Lot        1  10  33  33   9   7   8   6   4   3
Chad       1   6  85  28   5   6  14   9   3   0 Took a Seraph Robe, which was probably a mistake... meh.
Rutger     1   8  48  25   8  15  15   3   7   0
Sue        1   2  95  19   6   7   9   5   5   0

20800 minerals

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Chapter 14: 13/183

I was wrong, this was my best work to date as I both got all the treasure, beat the chapter 5 turns fast than Integrity (a goal since I want to save my Warp for vital situation not just for turn catching), and got Sophia a level. That's right, Sophia actually got a level. I know, a miracle.

Beating things faster than me isn't an achievement.


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