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Weapons's Mafia


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I hope you understand what I've been hinting at all this time <___<;

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Official Vote Totals

[4] - Cocytus: Drunk Goth Girl, SlayerX, SSP, Keltik

[1] - SSP: JB25

[1] - Keltik: Core

[1] - Life Admiral: Cocytus

[1] - Kleine: I Eat Tables, (I Eat Tables)

[0] - Cassy: (Cocytus)

[0] - Levity: (SSP)

[0] - SlayerX: (I Eat Tables)

Not Voting: Cassy, Levity, Mikethfc, Life Admiral, Kleine, Lightning, Dracohon, Snike

Last post seen, SSP, page 14. PM me any mistakes.

I would kindly ask that you not post if you aren't playing.

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Well, I'm not voting Fayt for a raisin~

How about 2 raisins and a bunch of grapes B) *shot*

I love bad jokes.

I still don't think Cocytus is guilty

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So, even if I had a valid reason for us to not lynch Fayt, you would be uninterested?

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So, even if I had a valid reason for us to not lynch Fayt, you would be uninterested?

If it's what I think it is, I said. which is probably wrong but eh

Let me just put it this way...just because I'm voting for him doesn't mean he's going to get lynched. This bandwagon's already been helpful, and there's one particular person who's really, really sticking out to me right now.

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and there's one particular person who's really, really sticking out to me right now.

If that's me, then drop it. You don't want me to claim, dammit <_____<

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##Unvote: Kleine.

Thank you. Now we know where you stand. Next person I want to hear from.

##Vote: Drunk Goth Girl

Explanations on your thoughts would be nice, especially since you're new and nobody (or very few) knows you here.

SSP, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts. For an effective D1 lynch, we need all the information we can get.

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you've made like one post

why would you suggest that

because I suck and automatically assume everything I do is suspicious

that's part of the reason that I don't post much


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Explanations on your thoughts would be nice, especially since you're new and nobody (or very few) knows you here.

i know for a fact coitus isn't a pgo unless his role got fucked up or something. he's also acting extremely suspiciously, being a giant target and taunting everyone so high from his deflated childhood pony all the way at his gradnpapa's farm. then he brings up endless amounts of wifoms except they ain't helping anybody; i'd say they're hurting town more than the mafia as they make us uselessly go in circles. his self-sacrificial attitude is pretty fucking stupid too.

tldr: his name is coitus but he's not half as fun as sex.

what i do think could be a possibility is that he's a pgo that only kills people who try to kill him, since you assholes have a lust for modified roles. the day is literally infinite (dumbest rule ever, goddammit) so i wanna see how it all piles up.

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i like the amount of activity that's been going on here lately >_>

I'm not sure if it's lurkers killing this game or a strong degree of reluctance to bandwagon against Cocytus, but the current semi-wagon seems dead. Which I guess is okay, but remember, we need NINE PEOPLE TO GET OUT OF THIS DAY PHASE. It's up to you to make this game not last forever. Despite the fact that we're going at the speed of a tortoise on a cross-country excursion, it WAS enough to give me...something.

Yes, Keltiky-poo.

I'm reading the game, but not commenting because I'm a bad player and never know how to roll on D1. Also I'm not checking the topic much. My apologies. I'm somewhat of suspicious of Cocy... Cocyst... THAT GUY. So I'm going to vote for him after I check how to spell his name.

##Vote: Cocytus

"uh...well...hm...I don't read this topic but OH YEAH there's that cocytus dude and everyone else is voting for him so YEAH i'm gonna vote for him cuz he's some random dude who's suspicious. ayup."

##Vote: Keltik

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"uh...well...hm...I don't read this topic but OH YEAH there's that cocytus dude and everyone else is voting for him so YEAH i'm gonna vote for him cuz he's some random dude who's suspicious. ayup."

see this is what I mean

First of all, I SAID I WAS READING THE TOPIC ARGH. Then, Cocytus. His random half-hints are pissing me off and doing nothing but confuse the town. Maybe he somehow thinks that's helpful, but I certainly don't.

also I think you forgot to unvote although you may have not had a vote already or something

also I keep wanted to spell it cocystus

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