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Tales of Vesperia Mafia Sign Ups


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So, my mini was canceled due to inactivity, and no one joining. I had a better idea. You don't have to had played the game, but it might help in understanding why some people are certain things.

The roles will be revealed upon death, but right now, I'm only showing who the characters are that you might play as.











Don Whitehorse















48 hour day time, will extend if no majority, tie will result in a 6 hour grace period in which you can only vote for those two. If a tie occurs again, a random number will be rolled to decide the lynch.

24 hour night time, may extend if neccesary.

Other basic rules apply.

Note: Three characters have minor experimental roles I'm trying out. I will reveal them when they die/win the game, and would like feedback when it's over.

Sign ups



Maaaaaybe Bizz....







Edited by psychout50
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Yeah, I'd sign up but I'm terribly afraid of spoilers. I'd even get a wave of new players to join this, too... hehehe

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Some of the roles are going to be interesting, since a few powers will be a bit new, but Snike's helping me with them.

The game will start on Night 0 with no kills for a reason, but Day 1 the town will have to lynch.

Actually, it won't be going much by story. Just who the people are really, so like if Yuri is a good guy, he'll be the town. Nothing game breaking I don't think.

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I'm not revealing any plot actually.

Let's just say, going by absolute worst circumstances, IE: Healers miss, Bodyguards and BP's miss or are lynched, Unlynchables are shot at night, Cult recruits, and Town misslynches, the game should end Day 3/Night 3.

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He was replacing his old regular game actually. I think. But seriously, it's still waaay too early to open signups for this.

Also, should I open up signups for my mind screw mafia? It's going to be a fairly big game, so I'd like to get working on it.

Edited by Lightning
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That's not what I asked Tables.

He dropped my mini-mafia game. I asked him to switch this one with my other normal sized mafia game, and put that one at the bottom of the list.

I didn't ask him to drop my mini, and put this one in. I'm still a ways down the queue.

Lightning, I have 25 people, I need quite some time.

Edited by psychout50
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That's the problem. It's highly unlikely 25 people will sign up for this. Hell, we don't even have 25 active mafia players IIRC.

That can be arranged~

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Well, going by typical players/who I think will join, we have;

















And then Bizz appearently has warm bodies I can use as well. Plus I was trying to get maybe Clockwork and Cynthia in. We'd have enough. If not, I know which 3-6 I need to cut out.

You know, I should just go sign you all up right now. >_>

If Bizz get's us at least two fresh people, I know the perfect role for her, and the perfect role for Tables.

Edited by psychout50
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That's not what I asked Tables.

He dropped my mini-mafia game. I asked him to switch this one with my other normal sized mafia game, and put that one at the bottom of the list.

I didn't ask him to drop my mini, and put this one in. I'm still a ways down the queue.

Lightning, I have 25 people, I need quite some time.

I'm fairly sure you asked me to remove your Mini game in the signups for it. And I didn't realise you meant to put that at the bottom of the list, sorry. As for this, it's far too early. Signups topics should only open when the game is one of the top three in the list. This isn't.

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But this is much larger than other games we've had. Plus, going by the list I wrote up, I'm not sure who else I can get besides the regulars, and I'd need all the regulars. I want it open kinda early while I think of things.

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Let me put this to you bluntly. You won't get enough players. As it stands, you've played two mafia games: One you trolled and the other you played badly. People won't trust you to run a large, fair, and fun game. Heck, I don't even know if people would trust me to run an especially large game.

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Let me put this to you bluntly. You won't get enough players. As it stands, you've played two mafia games: One you trolled and the other you played badly. People won't trust you to run a large, fair, and fun game. Heck, I don't even know if people would trust me to run an especially large game.

If people can trust me to run a 25-person game (and a 35-person game in the future) then I'm sure people can trust you to run one as well, since you're definitely a better player than me.


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I played more then two.....>_>

And I trust you anyway....

Plus, I'm not in this. So it's up to you all how you act. I'm conversing with Snike things to change/how to do things differntly. It'll end up fine.

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You did? My bad. But either way, those are the facts. Maybe by the time your game is due to start, you'll be more well regarded. If so, you might make the numbers up.

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