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Fire Emblem 4,6 and ,7


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Well I've been wondering this for a while (since I started playing FE4) that what if they made a remake of Fire Emblem 6+7 but with the generation thing that FE4 had. Since the parents are in FE7 that would be first with FE6 acting as the second gen. That would be interesting to see.

Some flaws I see in this:

1. Not all the FE6 characters have FE7 parents. (Or at least are relatives or something along those lines.)

2. The parents might cause confusion since some are the real parents (Nino -Ray and Lugh) are confirmed but the other parent isn't.

3. If they did make a remake for both games then the remake itself would be to long.

4. The growths for the kids would be kinda weird. (Since (I think since I 'm not that far in FE4) the growths are combined or something like that.)

I know that there are more flaws but I want to know peoples opinion in the idea.

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Poor Roy would be the most confused person in the game.

I'd love to see something like that, but there'd need to be a few more parental options (for example, if I can avoid it, there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm letting Sue's mom be Lyn. . .because I'd rather she be Rutger's mom). Also, there's at least two units in FE6 whose parents are set.

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Er, some of the parents (mothers) are confirmed for the second generation of FE4, and the father is ambiguous. Sounds like there would be absolutely no issue.

EDIT: Plus, not all the children have to have parents...uh, silly as that sounds. Garret could show up regardless of whether anybody was paired up or not.

Edited by Integrity
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Er, some of the parents (mothers) are confirmed for the second generation of FE4, and the father is ambiguous. Sounds like there would be absolutely no issue.

EDIT: Plus, not all the children have to have parents...uh, silly as that sounds. Garret could show up regardless of whether anybody was paired up or not.

Well, in some cases, the father is confirmed but not the mother. What if the player wanted to pair HectorxRebecca or something?

FE4 worked because the mother was always fixed and you could just juggle the fathers around. A lot of characters would need to be changed or reworked in order to have viable pairing options - for example, splitting up Louise/Pent.

I think that if such a remake was created, they'd have to alter a lot of the characters. And unlike FE4, there are no heriditary skills or holy blood or weapons.

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(I've seen more topics about this I think...)

I like the idea a lot, as long as it's for the WII or has good rom options.

seeing Eliwood fight in 3d would look cool I think.

they could make both parts be 20 chapters, put a few less interesting on the bus and try skills and BEXP with it.

anyways, this is my view on this topic~

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Well, in some cases, the father is confirmed but not the mother. What if the player wanted to pair HectorxRebecca or something?

Ah, fair enough. The only examples I thought of that the fathers were confirmed were the Two Main Lords (and Rath, I suppose?) and I was budgeting for a support-based system rather than FE4's open one, because I think it'd work better in the already shaped world.

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Well, in some cases, the father is confirmed but not the mother. What if the player wanted to pair HectorxRebecca or something?

FE4 worked because the mother was always fixed and you could just juggle the fathers around. A lot of characters would need to be changed or reworked in order to have viable pairing options - for example, splitting up Louise/Pent.

I think that if such a remake was created, they'd have to alter a lot of the characters. And unlike FE4, there are no heriditary skills or holy blood or weapons.

Why couldn't Pent/Louise just be the Cuan/Ethlin? [it even makes sense swapped inheritance-wise: Louise(Bows)->Klein(Bows), Pent(Staves)->Clarine(Staves).]

I do agree that the fact that it's mixed Father/Mother determined will ruin things though, because then if you paired, say, Hector x Nino (eww...) Lilina, Lugh, and Rei would all be siblings, which would likely break the sort of "2 parents, 2 children" established system.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I don't think just anyone would be paired with just anyone, only those people that can have supports (i.e. Hector x Florina, Eliwood x Lyn, Nino x Jaffar, and so on) can be paired. Also, for the endings of Fire Emblem 7, even if characters didn't get support paired they STILL have children/fell in love. Roy and Lilina both appear in the ending even if Hector and Eliwood didn't pair with anyone. Bartre still falls in love with his mortal rival (which is obviously Karla) even if he doesn't support Karla. Rebecca forms a family even if she doesn't support anyone. Pent and Louise are ALREADY married, Nintendo isn't going to give you the option to commit adultery in an E for Everyone game. If Pent or Louise goes down they both leave, I doubt that will change.

Also, in Fire Emblem 4, not every 2nd gen character results from a 1st gen pairing. Think of Oifaye, Shanan, and Hannibal. They appear no matter what kind of pairings you had in the 1st gen. Celice, Yuria, Leaf, and Altenna also appear no matter what (since SigurdxDiadora and CuanxEthlin are automatic, I think).

Unfortunately, I don't think such a remake is likely. Nintendo is not going to give us Fire Emblem 7 again AND the Fire Emblem with Roy in it in a single game card. They didn't put Shadow Dragon and New Mystery into one game card, they won't do the same with Fire Emblems 6 and 7. But this is one occasion where I hope I'm not right. If they do remake Fire Emblem 6, I hope some characters such as Oswin will also be playable in it. If Marcus gets to be playable in FE6 when he is very old even in FE7, younger characters from FE7 should also be available.

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I'd love to see something like that, but there'd need to be a few more parental options (for example, if I can avoid it, there is NO WAY IN HELL I'm letting Sue's mom be Lyn. . .because I'd rather she be Rutger's mom). Also, there's at least two units in FE6 whose parents are set.

Not that I don't agree with the reasoning behind ir, but IIRC, Rutger isn't related to any of the FE7 characters.

And personally, while I think it would be cool to see Lilina to inherit some swords (maybe with her promotion changed to that of FE4's mage fighter, or a variation of the mage knight ala FE4), as well as 82% skl, 77% spd, like as some others before me have said, I don't think FE 6 & 7 being built like FE4 will work. They'd have to alter a lot of things to make it work, and some of the potential changes might make it fall apart (mixed mother/father predetermined, breaking the "2 parents, 2 kids" system, etc.)

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I don't think just anyone would be paired with just anyone, only those people that can have supports (i.e. Hector x Florina, Eliwood x Lyn, Nino x Jaffar, and so on) can be paired. Also, for the endings of Fire Emblem 7, even if characters didn't get support paired they STILL have children/fell in love. Roy and Lilina both appear in the ending even if Hector and Eliwood didn't pair with anyone. Bartre still falls in love with his mortal rival (which is obviously Karla) even if he doesn't support Karla. Rebecca forms a family even if she doesn't support anyone. Pent and Louise are ALREADY married, Nintendo isn't going to give you the option to commit adultery in an E for Everyone game. If Pent or Louise goes down they both leave, I doubt that will change.

Also, in Fire Emblem 4, not every 2nd gen character results from a 1st gen pairing. Think of Oifaye, Shanan, and Hannibal. They appear no matter what kind of pairings you had in the 1st gen. Celice, Yuria, Leaf, and Altenna also appear no matter what (since SigurdxDiadora and CuanxEthlin are automatic, I think).

Unfortunately, I don't think such a remake is likely. Nintendo is not going to give us Fire Emblem 7 again AND the Fire Emblem with Roy in it in a single game card. They didn't put Shadow Dragon and New Mystery into one game card, they won't do the same with Fire Emblems 6 and 7. But this is one occasion where I hope I'm not right. If they do remake Fire Emblem 6, I hope some characters such as Oswin will also be playable in it. If Marcus gets to be playable in FE6 when he is very old even in FE7, younger characters from FE7 should also be available.

So how many pairings would that leave us with?








Hector has Florina, Lyn, and Farina. Eliwood has Lyn, Ninian, and Fiora. Rath has Lyn. Nino has Jaffar. Rebecca has Wil, Lowen, and Sain. So either new characters would have to be introduced (children for Serra, Isadora, Vaida, Fiora), or the existing supports/characters would have to be radically juggled to give freedom of pairings.

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Canas states that he's already married. Geitz and Geese are brothers, and they're both already alive so there's no chance of putting their birth in motion.

The idea is that you get to switch around and customise your pairings as you wish like in FE4. Karla/Bartre is canon, like Louise/Pent, it happens even if you do nothing.

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Canas states that he's already married. Geitz and Geese are brothers, and they're both already alive so there's no chance of putting their birth in motion.

The idea is that you get to switch around and customise your pairings as you wish like in FE4. Karla/Bartre is canon, like Louise/Pent, it happens even if you do nothing.

Is that really the idea!? TC never specified that it had to be that open ended. Personally, I'd be satisfied with limited options that allowed you to influence FE6 a bit, but not completely change the entire support system.



BartreXKarla: Improve Fir's stat growths to match the way it was done in FE4 and lock Wo Dao to her only (and Karel) and give her all of Karla's D ranked swords?

PentXLouise: Improve Kleine and Clarine stat growths and allow Klein to inherit any A ranked bow and Clarine any D ranked staff

CanasX(unnamed anima mage that might be Nino's aunt)

Hugh's Mom probably had negative stat growth's or something due to how much worse his growth's are compared to his father. Canas can't pass anything down except items.

Maybe a paired ending that can biologically produce children should be the flag for slightly changed children in FE6 or gen 2

Growths/starting items change if father is paired:

Hector: Florina, Farina, Lyn-->Roy

Eliwood: Fiora, Ninian, Lyn-->Lilina (perhap's hector's def and res contributions should be reversed)

Rath: Lyn-->Sue

Growths/starting items change if mother is paired:

Rebecca: Sain, Lowen, Wil-->Wolt

Nino: Erk, Jaffar-->Lugh and Ray

If optional pairings are not done go with FE6 growths (because they married random mooks which contributed mostly negative growths)?

Perhaps there could be prf weapon inheritance depending on the pairings done like Roy/Sue getting a Mani Katti in their starting inventory or maybe a special bow for Wolt if Rebecca was paired with Wil. Roy should inherit dance from Ninian

Although, the game won't be remade, its probably possible to create a hack of FE7 due to different possible paths and let Hector's mode be FE7 and Eliwood's mode be FE6 as a continuation, if maps are redone and characters replaced? Though I'm not sure how flags could be triggered depending on how one played FE7 to influence generation 2?

Edited by Brighton
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It seems like a lot of effort for very little. I personally would be happy with them completely tearing down and repairing the current relationship tree to allow for more variations. But most of what you're saying is just 'buff Klein/Clarine/Fir (but don't penalise Hugh wtf) and make Nino/Jaffar and Eliwood/Ninian terrible support choices'.

And TC specified 'like FE4', which allowed virtually any combination of father and mother.

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Hugh is already 2 years old when the game's going on.

An idea like this just doesn't work. Most of FE6's cast is not related to 7's, and the games were written backwards in chronology.

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It seems like a lot of effort for very little. I personally would be happy with them completely tearing down and repairing the current relationship tree to allow for more variations. But most of what you're saying is just 'buff Klein/Clarine/Fir (but don't penalise Hugh wtf) and make Nino/Jaffar and Eliwood/Ninian terrible support choices'.

And TC specified 'like FE4', which allowed virtually any combination of father and mother.

You make it sound like balance isn't a completely arbitrary goal, vague guidelines of 'like FE4' means 'exactly' like FE4, and a remake has to be sharply different from the original game. It is highly unlikely that beyond a fan-remake hack of FE7, someone will actually remake the games to be like FE4. Being that it is easier just to keep most of the things from the original game in a hack, if any form of a remake is made, it would probably won't be a complete abolishment of the support system of FE7.

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Once thought about doing a hack exactly like that. For the reasons described above, I gave that up.

Conceivably, the holy blood would be based off of the noble houses or nations, or whatever. Something like this.

Lycia->Baldo, Bern->Hezul, Ilia->Noba, Sacae->Ulir, Nino's family->Fala, Etruria->Blagi.

The rest I'm not sure. This is all in theory.

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Once thought about doing a hack exactly like that. For the reasons described above, I gave that up.

Conceivably, the holy blood would be based off of the noble houses or nations, or whatever. Something like this.

Lycia->Baldo, Bern->Hezul, Ilia->Noba, Sacae->Ulir, Nino's family->Fala, Etruria->Blagi.

The rest I'm not sure. This is all in theory.

I forgot about the holy blood. That might also cause a problem.

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It could happen. And I wanna see it happen. But it would take TONS of effort and a lot of scrapping to do so. It would also mean twisting the story a little bit.

The number one reason it'd never be done. With all that effort they might as well make a totally new game.

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I forgot about the holy blood. That might also cause a problem.

I was just thinking the same thing. There was at least one recruitable character a major holy blood for both parts, (Baldo blood: Sigurd and Celice, Naga blood: Dierdre and Julia, Ulir blood: Bridget and Faval), with some exceptions. I don't think restructuring the holy blood to be based off of noble houses or nations would even work, especially since just anyone in FE6 can use the legendary weapons with a high enough weapon level. It'd be pretty redundant at the very least.

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Geitz passes to Geese. Canas passes to Hugh. Hawkeye passes to Igrene.

Stuff like STR/MAG split, twisting the story a bit, or potentially mixing up the siblings isn't the big problem. It can easily be fixed with a little imagination.

The biggest problem is how to fit 50~ chapters and 100~ characters into one game.

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