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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"Exhausted?" asked Altion, clearing her plate to the side. "Please, take a drink. I hear there is something made with special beans from the south called 'coffee' that can help a person stay awake if they are exhausted. I don't know if they have it here, but it wouldn't hurt to ask."

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Trigger Zap Happy with a new gun tome

A long time passed, while Dani waited for the results. Finally, a Sage walked out, touched her shoulder where the mark was, and chanted a quick spell. Retracting his hand, he said, "Congratulations, you are now a fourth-circle mage." Dani looked at him, and tried to say "Thank you", but nothing came out, in her astonishment. She turned to check her shoulder, and, sure enough, a fourth ring was added to the other three.

"I did it, Father...," she finally said, before looking down. "Fourth circle."

"... Miss?" the sage asked. "We have something else for you, as well." He placed a hand in his robes, then produced a rather ornate ring and a similarly ornate tome, putting them on a table near the thunder mage. "The examiner, in all his years, has never had anyone figure out the illusion that fast, and actually recommended you for fifth circle. After much discussion, we decided to give you this, at least. It is a guiding ring, a symbol of all Sages. It helps speed up the casting of spells, and amplifies your mana network. The tome is Thoron. Considering you already have Bolting mastered, we thought it would be appropriate to give you this. We'll be watching your growth, Miss Munktan." With a smile, the sage walked off, leaving Dani speechless, looking at the tome and ring.

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Karn frowned. "I only blew up the back wall because they wouldn't let me in through the front gate," he protested. "That wasn't a mistake! You should've made the wall stronger if you didn't want it to be blown up," he grumbled. "I've already beaten-" remembering to cut off the rest of his words. Stupid dumb headmaster.

He paused for a second, shaking the headmaster's hand off his shoulder. "I'm skilled enough," he stated in an oddly level voice. "Just ask Jace," he grinned, trying to mimic what Shion had done once. It worked on those guards before..

OOC: He blew up the wall, not the yard.

Edit: Also, how tall is the headmaster that she was looking down at Karn when he crashed into her?

Edited by the_whistler
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"I don't know why Kelas is afraid of her-- er, you," Arrin amended as Charlotte joined the conversation. "Is she done yet?"


"Right, Boss," Megae said, bounding off into the darkness.

OOC: added Megae.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"So if I punched you and you doubled over, it's your fault for not wearing harder clothes? I'll keep that in mind." said the headmaster. "Now, you want in to TISME, and I am saying you are overconfident in your ability. How about a very simple test? In that room." she turned to point into one of the local labs. "There is a candle on a wick beside the window. You can't see it due to your angle. I want you to light it without touching anything else in the room. If you can, I will let you in to see the fifth circles. Oh. And there's some explosive matierials in that lab, so be careful."

OOC: She may be bluffing, or not.

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"I should be fine, I have had plenty of rest." Morgan replied rather snappishly to Altion.

Charlotte gave the list a questioning look as she looked the list over. "Did she really ask you to buy these things? I would never dream of sending my male attendants to obtain my...hygiene products. If you give me the money I can buy them for you so you don't have to feel embarrassed." she offered to Isotov.

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"Oww...Damn that Helios son of a bitch," muttered Alf as he woke up in the colloseum infirmary."

"Wow. Awake already," said the healer standing over him. "Not bad. Most people would've been out for a lot longer than that. You're a pretty sturdy fellow it seems."

"Ow...son of a bitch," he muttered again.

"You'll have to stay for a little bit longer though. Around 20 minutes or so. The tourney will be over after that, but you could watch it from here," said the healer, gesturing to the window, where the matches were being held."


"GODDAMMIT YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU'LL DIE," shouted Alferis, jumping out of bed and reaching towards Gazaak's throat, shaking him around.

"YOU SHUT UP ABOUT DESTRUCITY OK? WHAT'S DESTRUCITY? WHAT THE HELL IS DESTURCITY?! ARRRRGGGGGGGGG!" he yelled as two big men pulled him back and held him down on his bed.

"Calm down. I hate his guts too, but don't kill him ok? Or we'll have to run you out with the torches ok?" said one of the men.


"Destrucity," said Gazaak in a highly distinguished and scholarly voice, "has three definitions. It is the gap between the world of lost souls and the Terrain of Testament."

"What the hell are you talking about? No no no, stop..." said Alferis, twitching a little, one of the men pinning his arms down.

"The second definition is a list of the nine disciplines of a Warrior. They are: Physical,"

"That's not a discipline you fool. That's an description you insane dingo man."



"Moment of Mastery, Association, Attitude, Commitment, Wisdom and Integrity, and I forget the rest."

"YOU SHUT UP YOU----MMPHHHH!" yelled Alf as the healer gagged his mouth.

"And finally it's a truce between destiny and reality. Accepting what's to come one's destiny, yet accepting the now, one's reality."

Alferis promptly started thrashing around and babbling under his gag. After a bit, he started crying, the men removing the gag.

"It-it makes no sense. Oh goddess, he's giving me a. Destrucity Dest-Truce-Ity?......................AGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!"

"Ok, let's shut them both up," said the healer, gagging Alf again and knocking Gazaak down with a blow to the head with the flat of one of the mens' swords.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Iso: Oh. Thanks, Charlotte. I'd really appreciate that actually.

He nervously rubbed the back of his head with one hand, and used the other to search through his right jacket pocket for the money she would need. Once he grabbed enough coins, he took his hand back out and handed them to her.

Iso: Heheheh ...(ehhhh women ...)

Viveka Levski and Jazz

Viveka came back over to Jasmine and Pary just as Levski walked into the shop.

Lev: Hey. You're up next. When you're done here, head over to Morgan.

Viveka: Yeah, because I'm definitely the mole, right?

Lev: Mole's are ugly. You're the kitty, like I always say.

She rolled her eyes and then turned back to Pary while Levski headed back outside to find two terrified pegasi. Krinkov wasn't planning to hurt them, but the two pegasi could smell the dead sheep on him and it horrified them.

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"Well, I suppose I should go with you, if only to save Morgan some time. She hired me herself for god's sake. If she thinks I'm the mole she should just fire me."

Pary went and paid for the dishes, before handing them to Lev. He tossed him some coins as well. "Throw it in with her things."



Cess walked around the school. Dani had been gone taking her test for a long time. He walked out side, and could smell smoke. He saw Dani in the distance. "You passed? So if you're 4th...you have 5 more rings left, right? They probably only teach anima magic, I might be out of luck."

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Moar Suspicion

"That remains to be seen." Morgan replied to Altion, drumming her fingers on the table impatiently.


"No problem." said Charlotte. She looked around, and conveniently found a stand with an older woman selling hygenics.

"Could I have the things on this list please?" Charlotte asked, showing the list to the shopkeeper.

"Why would a young lady need so much?" asked the old woman. "Eh, no complaints here, more business for me." She handed over about a dozen hand wrapped parcels filled with...hygiene products.

"Thank you." said Charlotte, somehow managing to hand the coins over the woman.

She walked back to Isotov slowly, her arms filled with small parcels.

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The Aspiring Boyfriend

As Charlotte returned, Iso's jaw dropped.

Iso: ... (Hoooly crap. What on earth did women do before any of these "products" existed? o_o )

Outside Pots R Us

Reluctantly taking all the cookware they'd bought, Lev approached a highly annoyed Krinkov.

Lev: Don't give me that look, you sheep eating bastard. We're getting paid so relax and tough it out.

Viveka: This interview better not take too long.

Along with Pary and her squadmate Jasmine, Viveka headed back toward the inn. The pegasi couldn't help but follow, if only to get away from the wyvern.

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Karn blinked. "Why would you be punching me? I'd-" cutting off his words again. He'd get mad if I hurt anyone important though, this isn't Jerdon anymore, recollecting the last lecture his superior officer had given him. "I don't want to get into TISME though, I wanted to see how good your top mages are," emphasizing the last part of the sentence.

Your stupid mages were all overconfident on the battlefield too! Why do you think they all died? complaining internally to himself again. Taking a second to focus, Karn sent a trickle of sparks into the laboratory. Feeling a faint breeze coming from the window, the mage smiled, shifting the sparks in that direction until he heard a faint whoomf coming from the room, shadows flickering in the light.

"See?" he laughed, backing away from the door. "This place is boring though, Teacher was right." Intensifying the sparks again, Karn pulled open the door to the nearest classroom and ran inside, ignoring the mini-explosion he had purposely set off inside the laboratory.

Sticking his tongue out at the door, Karn ran to the back of the classroom and pulled open another door, frowning when he realized it was a dead end. "Darn, now Shion's gonna get mad at me again!" he complained, burning a large hole into the back of the deserted sideroom. Extinguishing the flames, the fire mage ran through the hole, flying down the staircase.

"Headmaster can't catch me!" he sang to the empty courtyard. Sending up a short flare of flame, Karn ducked underneath the nearest tree, waiting for Shion to show up.

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"I think Kelas is a little shy." Charlotte replied to Arrin. "She just needs to explore her feminine side a bit. It might help if you guys told her how nice she would look in a dress." she said, giving Arrin and Isotov a knowing smile.

Morgan saw Pary and Viveka outside. "Will one of you come in to interview?" she called out. "You're going to have to step away for a time." she said to Altion.

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Distracted One

"... Oh! Sorry," Dani said, taking the guiding ring and the tome, and stuffing them in her robes. "Y-yeah, I passed. Honestly, I think you might want to ask the headmaster, about dark magic courses. She might know where to or who to find. I think she's just outside, actually."

Awkward Bodyguard

"... Yeah, I take it your sister does not like dresses," Eric whispered to Arrin, as Charlotte turned her back. "Her Highness wants us to go to the grand ball. I can explain later, but that would be why."

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"Oh really?" said the headmaster, hovering a foot off the ground behind Karn as he fled out to the tree. Without much fanfare or anything, she reached down and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. "I. Caught. You." she said before flicking his nose with the final word. "You said you wanted to see how good our top mages are. Well..." With a swift strike, her free arm chopped down towards his neck, the hum of magic encasing her hand as she struck. Regardless of hit or miss, a second, ghostly, hand composed entirely of magic erupted forth from her strike, seeking to chop into Karn as if she were chopping into his neck twice over!

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Iso: Well I'm certain she would look nice in a dress ... I'm also certain I'll get shot for mentioning it >_>'

Irina Viveka and Jasmine

Irina: Ohno-ohno-ohno-ohno-OH NOOOOOO-*CRASH*

Having lost her balance from slipping on a chicken's dropping, Irina fell to the ground, taking all eight chicken cages with her! When she looked around, several cages were broken open with chickens scurrying around!

Irina: Argh!! Get back here!

She immediately took off chasing after them with Kiev hot on her tail!

OOC: ♫ Bababababababooie bababababababooie bababababababababababababababooie! ♫

Viveka and the others walked passed the cages scattered on the ground. Viveka held in a laugh while taking a seat opposite Morgan.

Viveka: Let's hurry this up, I've got a date in fifteen minutes.

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"I didn't see her fly in. She might have stopped that fire from earlier though. I wonder where she is?"



Pary sat down in a chair at the table. "I suppose I can wait." I wonder if they have decent tea here.

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"I'll heal you back up afterwards." said Charlotte, sliding herself in between Arrin and Isotov. "Now when Kelas comes out, I want you to say something about her looking even better in fancier clothes, all right?" she said, nudging both mages in the ribs.


"What is so special about today? I don't recall anything of significance about this date." Morgan said to Viveka, eyebrow raised. "Anyway, you seemed awfully intent on capturing us earlier, what was your reason for this?" she asked.

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Charlotte leaned over and whispered in Arrin's ear "If you don't do it, I'm going to tell Tessa that...you think she smells like poop." she said, with a mischievous grin on her face.

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It seemed as though Iso had been "volunteered" for encouragement.

Iso: ... oh boy >_>' (What is it with the women today?)


Back and forth she ran until she came back over with three chickens locked up in her arms. Kiev was happy that his master was so good at catching birds ... then again, he never understood the point of flightless birds. A flightless wyvern would certainly be worthless ... unless it was a fertile female. Then it would still be valuable.


Viveka: Why did I want to catch you guys? Oh come on, you were tearing the place up! Capturing you people had a number of benefits at the time. One was the fact that General Jackson would get more recognition for his deeds, and so would I. The second reason was the General's personal beef with Chase. I kind of wanted to see Chase again anyway, actually. I knew that at least if I captured him, he'd get decent treatment. I know some other officers that would have beat him half to death for the trouble at Selizara. The last reason was politics. We have a lot of rivals in Ilyphina that would have used our failure as an excuse ... probably already have. It was capture you at the capital or bust. Obviously we had to endure the latter ....

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Unnoticed One

Seeing Iso and Arrin being press-ganged by Charlotte, Eric sighed, and stepped away from the trio. He did not want to be looped into this, even though it was almost a sure possibility.

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