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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"Hmm, nothing to do with the Crimson Weapons then. You mentioned General Jackson, are you fond of your superior? Does he pay you enough? Or would you betray him for the lure of money and prestige?" Morgan asked Viveka, eyes narrowing.

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"Yes?" asked Esphyr, sitting in her seat by Damian, still at the arena. She didn't know why they were still there, seeing as the fights with party members in them seemed long gone. "You need something?"

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"Er... what?!" Arrin managed to sputter.

After Tessa told Kelas what she needed, Kelas picked up the items, paid, and presented them to Tessa. "Let's go," she said, heading for the door.

Outside the store, she found not only Charlotte and Arrin, but Isotov and Eric. Charlotte's face was alight with mischief. "Oh gods, what are you-- are you seriously-- I told you about that--" Kelas began.

OOCedit: Bal, I borrowed Tessa for a second, hope I didn't mess anything up.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"I have no idea what you are talking about." Charlotte said airily to Kelas. "The gentlemen and I were just discussing how lovely you would look in fancier garments, weren't we gentlemen?" she said, looking at the mages expectantly.

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Iso: <.< >.> ... (Just give it a moment or two ... you might not have to say anything.)


Viveka: You're way too used to dealing with low life scumbags, Morgan. I trust the General with my life. It's about more than just money ... which I've got plenty of already. Betraying you people would cost me some friends and probably not help me reach my goals anyway.

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"Ok. I'm fine now. Can I go to the stands and watch now?" said Alferis, his eyes red and dried.

"...Fine. 2 gold. Here's your prize money from your last fight. We'll take the cost out of it."

He was given ten gold, pocketed it quickly and ran to the stands. He looked at the arena and searched for a seat near Esphyr and Damian. He saw a seat behind them empty and he walked quickly over before anyone took it.

"Hi guys," he said, seating himself.

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Cess walked outside, seeing the spirit standing next to a tree, with some man in hand. "Um, Headmaster, are you busy?"



Morgan was dealing with Viveka, so he got up and walked over to the man. He ordered a cake and a pot of tea, before carrying them back to the table. He gave each women a slice before helping himself and pouring some tea.

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Karn twitched when the headmaster flicked his nose, his patience at its breaking point. The only people allowed to treat him this way were Teacher and maybe Shion if he really deserved it..... and maybe Jace and his superior officer as well, but certainly not this arrogant headmaster.

"Stupid flying fiend!" he bellowed, casting a huge fireball directly at the presence behind him currently keeping him in the sky. Letting rage and instinct take over, Karn set the tree he had been standing under a second ago on fire, burning both himself and the headmaster in the process. "Oww!" he yelled, wincing at the heat of the thing currently burning the back of his neck. He took comfort however, in the fact that the flames were almost certainly burning the fire mage as much as they were burning the headmaster.

Seeing his friend running towards him through the haze of smoke the fire was creating, Karn wriggled around frantically, intensifying the flames further until he was finally dropped onto the ground. Shion frowned. "I'll have to reassess the damage again," he muttered, climbing to the top of the wall. Taking a small rounded object from out of his pocket, the soldier pulled the pin out with his other hand, tossing it in the direction of the two mages. Within seconds the entire area was covered in smoke, and Shion nodded in approval before tossing another object in the opposite direction, causing small explosion.

Closing his eyes, Shion snapped his fingers once before jumping off the wall and running away from the TISME building. "He'd better remember the signal," Shion growled.

OOC: I assumed the tree was taller than a foot. :lol: Fire Karn made this time is bigger, tree is probably blazing right now as well as parts of the two mages.

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A couple of moments passed and Iso couldn't stall anymore, so he caved in hoping Kelas would understand his ... sincerity.

Iso: Uh, yeah. You would ... definitely look ... beautiful ... in a ... in a dress ...

By the time he finished the sentence, his face was covered in sweat. He wasn't lying, but he wasn't being up front about anything either. The words were coming from the girl next to him, and it was awkward. Like becoming a puppet if only for a moment. A split second later, Arrin ratted Charlotte out! Iso was slightly relieved but a little flabbergasted as well.


Viveka: Oi. My goals ... *sigh* ... my goals are a bit personal. Oh forget it. Telling you a secret is like telling a broken spirit doll a secret. It doesn't understand, and it doesn't care. I just want to be the best. Better than all my peers. Stronger than all my foes. Smarter than all who'd try to outwit me. I'm a long way away, but I'm not going to fail. As of right now, I want to be a top ranking general in the Elysimian army. From there ... I'll accomplish everything else I aspire to. Simple enough, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

EDIT: Added Arrin part to piece the timeline together in a more sensible way.

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"Well, Kelas you should really explore your feminine side and this is a great opportunity. I thought that hearing this from the people who care about you would help." she shot a glance at Arrin. "but they were less than cooperative. There's a princess inside every girl Kelas, and I am going to help you find yours, whether you like it or not." Charlotte said, staring Kelas down.

"Hmm." said Morgan, taking in what Viveka said. "Very well, our interview is concluded." She walked slowly over to Pary's table and sat down.

"So Pary, you seem very interested in obtaining large sums of money. Why would a priest want so much gold?"

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Karn's assault, however effective it would have been against a normal human, proved to have almost no effect upon the headmaster. Faint and shimmering armor, formed of pure magical power, swiftly formed over her arms and hands like oven mitts; preventing the heat from touching her except for on the palm. Even that proved to be protected to a degree due to a thin layer of magic that formed between her hand and his body. A thin smile overtook the headmaster as she watched him struggle.

"Wild mage; no skill, no training, pure instinct. Circle two skill." she said in a whisper. However, the flame was still hot, and her protection wasn't enough, and she was forced to drop him like a hot potato. A second later, the field was full of smoke, and the headmaster didn't care. She could simply see through it without any difficulty due to her half-spirit vision. She wasted no time at all, as her wings spread themselves wide as she dashed forwards towards Karn, seeking to tackle him to the ground with her speed.


"Well, hi?"

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"Hmm." said Morgan, narrowing her eyes at Pary. "You are aware that your helping of refugees does not involve our quest? So betraying the Crimson Weapon wielders to fulfill your own goals would be sensible, yes?"

Charlotte simply smiled at Kelas Too shy to say thank you I suppose.

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Iso: Whew ... (I think the worst is over ... I certainly hope it is.)


Irina quickly stuffed the chickens into the remaining cages with the others and strapped them all to Kiev's saddle.

Irina: Can't take this anymore. They're your food, so you're carrying them.

Levski and Jasmine

Once Levski made it back, he saw Viveka and Jasmine sitting at two separate tables. Naturally he sat down next to Viveka to see what she was doing. She seemed a little depressed to him.

Lev: Something wrong?

Viveka: No ... just waiting. Should be about five more minutes now.

Lev: Five minutes? Til what?

Viveka: My date.

Lev: o_o

Viveka: Oh, and I'll need you to sit somewhere else when he gets here.

Lev: ... ... sure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you going to eat that?

Viveka: ... >_>'

Some guy

Coming up on the inn was the same man from earlier. He was carrying a small box and a bouquet of flowers.

Man: (I really should have asked her her name. But if she's willing to see me, then that must be a good sign, right? Maybe I'll get lucky. After all, a bouquet of flowers and a box of candy is so over the top and thoughtful, that she'll feel bad turning me down ^_^ )

He happily strolled over to the inn, easily getting Kiev's attention. the wyvern gave the man an odd stare. Why would a man carry around pluckings from the ground. They were hardly edible in his experience. The also smelled a little bit like Irina's pheromones. Perhaps that was it. They must use those pluckings to seduce other humans. Irina must have eaten a wagon full of them to give off that scent.

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"Yes, I am quite aware of that. I also see how I would be the most likely suspect as well, having clashed with many of our companions. But you are a constant source of income. Not some pathetic one-shot deal." Pary swirled his cup around, not looking at Morgan.

"However, I have my own ways of getting money, ones that don't involve pathetic bandits. Besides, that is one of my many goals. I have no need to simply ditch out on your group to satisfy my need for money. I assume in stopping the Demon Lord, as well as helping the princess libirate Jerdon or defeat Jace or the kind will lead me to due compensation. I doubt mere bandits could accomplish that. You all simply have more reliability."



The smoke around him started choking Cess. He lifted his cape over his mouth, hoping to clear his lungs, and began firing a spell at the smoke hoping to disapate it.

"Headmaster? Are you there?"

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"And who is to say that your other employer is not reliable as well? You could be a professional spy, working for some sort of rogueish league for all I know." Morgan countered Pary, eyes fixed upon his face. His nose appeared to be growing smaller and larger at uneven intervals.

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"You're the one who's stating I have another employer. I've been a priest since I could remember. Even though I left just a few years ago, I doubt highwaymen and rogues would have connections to a priest. That's a bit laughable my dear." Pary finished his cup, and set it down on the saucer.

"I'm sure that bandit or one of those thieves are much more likely. I find it interesting you want to prosecute priests and troubadours, and not some sneaky thief always lurking in the shadows."

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"...Why do you help her with this ridiculous mission of hers" Kelas asked again, tone gone flat: some small part of her mind seemed to have broken.

OOCedit: Said "yours" meant "hers". Kelas is addressing Isotov.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Karn overheard the headmaster and grinned faintly. Teacher was right, they're all stupid fools. Muttering under his breath he shot another burst of flame at the walls, breaking them open just as a heavy weight crashed into his chest, knocking the air from his body.

"Shouldn't you be trying to fix that explosion over there?" a voice inquired. "You've injured my companion quite a bit, and I can assure you certain members of the Septimian military will not be pleased to hear that. You are from Elyisima, correct? Wrongfully hurting a soldier does not go unpunished.... although it may still be forgivable at this point," he finished.

OOC: Half spirit vision? The Headmaster should just defeat the Lord of Azure Flames herself. :lol:

By the way, Karn's already on the ground :P

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"Because they care about you Kelas. We all do!" Charlotte said, running up and giving the nomad a hug.

"A natural suspicion, but being a supposed holy man would be an excellent cover." Morgan countered. 'Still, you may have a point of sorts...you may go." she said. The world seemed to be moving very quickly, around and around.

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Iso: ... sorry. Look, it's not as if putting on a dress would be the end of you. I'm actually a little curio-

He cut himself off, not wanting to even imagine finishing his sentence. Amari could always tell when Kelas was upset, and the one thing probably worse than getting Kelas upset, was getting her upset with a heavy hitting horse standing just a few feet behind him.

Iso: ... it wouldn't be the end of you. Maybe ... you could just try one on in private, and see how you look in a mirr-

He cut himself off yet again remembering the scar incident.

Iso: (Well damn, is nothing I say going to have a positive outcome?!)

The Date

As the man made his way passed Irina with his things in hand, her head tracked him, and so did Kiev's. Over by the table, Viveka heard footsteps and turned to see the man approaching.

Viveka: (Shhhoot! I had a couple of minutes. I should've freshened up a bit. Ugh, stupid interview. I could've changed clothes too if I didn't have to come straight here.)

Lev: That him? H-hwhat the f-kkskssks!

Viveka: What?

Lev: Boxed candy and flowers? What a dork! XD

Viveka: ... feel free to get the hell up and change tables at anytime, Lev >_>'

Lev: Hohooooheheheh. Right, right. Wouldn't want the guy to feel any more insecure than he already does, hahaaah!

Viveka: Enough already, just go, you chatty incubus!

Levski quickly picked up the cake while she wasn't looking and walked over to Jasmine's table. He sat down across from her and moved the cake to the center of the table.

Jasmine: <.< >.> ... are you offering this to me?

Lev: Want some?

Jasmine: ... weeeell. Yeah, why not? Viveka's doing her thing so, I need something to do besides watch.

EDIT: Added Isotov reply ... in all its hilarity.

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