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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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That One Mage

"... Alright, so, you need to destroy that target over there, and you're done," the instructor said, pointing over to a form which seemed to be a few miles away in the magically-altered room. "You have three shots. Go."

Dani looked at the target, and shrugging, fired a bolt at it, expecting it to fall in one shot. Unexpectedly, the target disappeared as the bolt approaching it, and reappeared after it passed. Frowning, the mage fired off another shot, only for the target to disappear as well. She looked at the instructor, who was hiding a grin. Oh, I see..., she thought, looking at a mirror that was propped up to the side of the target. Taking her last shot, the mage fired a bolt at the mirror, shattering it, and causing the target to dissipate, to the surprised instructor.

"H-how did you... Ahem," he said, catching himself. "The exam is concluded. Please wait in the lobby." Waving the mage off, he left, grumbling something about 'Genius chicks'.

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OOC: I got something better than Lev or Irina.

Kiev and Krinkov

After the soldier was finished talking with them, he left. Amari came upon the same massive herd of sheep and worked her way through by herding the visible ones around a bit. Krinkov, seeing that the path was clear, flew up to a nearby rooftop and flew back down with one of the sheep he'd moved. There were actually three sheep ... but he was certain that no one else knew about the third sheep, after all, there were at least four hundred of these things. After flying down the first and second one, he flew back up and disappeared for a while.

Kiev watched as Amari used her powerful mind to bend the sheep to her will. Perhaps she would teach him how to control sheep someday too. He kept thinking about it for awhile.

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Before Charlotte could say anything, Kelas had made a quick circuit of the shop, picking up a couple of undyed tunics in the loose style she favored, along with some longer-sleeved ones for the cold weather they'd be facing soon. Before paying, she asked Tessa, "Anything you need?"

OOC: I think I'll have Arrin arriving roughly around when they're done in this shop, so if anyone round TISME has anything to say to him before he heads back, they have a little time.

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Morgan was about to respond to Altion, but felt herself growing very lightheaded and fell face first into her plate of mutton.

"So, we intercept then then? Should find a place between here and the capital, you probably know more Septimian geography than I do, so you can choose the spot." Xenia said. "Later" she whispered to Svetlana, who was eying Nyx most unpleasantly.

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"Oh my goddess!" exclaimed Altion, lurching forwards as Morgan fell, trying his best to catch her. Upon his failure, he quickly pulled her out of the meal and propped her up in the chair, trying to wipe the food off her face.


Iso, there isn't anything to see here. Do you want to go do some shopping?

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Iso: Shopping? You don't want to take a look around this TISME branch? (If we go shopping, we might run into some of the others. I'd rather be alone with her right now if I can >_>' )

Irina and Levski-kun

After the sheep had mostly dissipated, the two made their way toward the inn, all fifteen chickens accounted for. Krinkov flew down from the rooftop leaving bloody lamb skeleton for the cleaners to find, and landed right near the front door of the inn, his mouth dripping with blood and torn flesh strips. Kiev looked at his older brother and gawked! He'd eaten a lamb and gotten away with it? Kirnkov performed the closest thing to a wyvern smirk before licking his lips clean of the last bits of evidence.

Seeing Altion having trouble keeping Morgan upright, he handed off the chickens to an already weighed down Irina and rushed over to help!

Lev: Ah sh*t! I knew she wasn't doing too well! How long's she been out?!

EDIT: Added IC Levski >_>'

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I've lived in TISME my whole life and I have a whole life to explore it later on. I want to go shopping now. It's... Ummm... That time of the month for me and I need some things. You can come if you want. Better yet, why don't I send you out to get it for me!

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Morgan woke up and felt strange hands grabbing her. She pushed them off and opened her eyes.

"I...must have drifted off for a moment. Who's left for the interviews? Tessa, Viveka, Katie, Pary I Kissed a Girl..., wasn't it? Would someone fetch one of them for me?" she asked Lev, trying to regain her composure.

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"Wow..." the fire mage remarked, watching the glyphs start to repair the damage he had done to the wall. "Why didn't they let me in the front gate then, if they had this sort of protection?" he mused to himself, setting off another blaze of fire at the wall. On the other side of the street another small blaze was starting up, but Karn figured the magical glyphs would take care of it.

Seeing a few students start to come into view, Karn quickly ran around to the other side of the building, blasting a small hole through the back door when it refused to open. "Where are the classrooms for fire mages?" he spoke out loud to the empty hallway. Ducking into a staircase, Karn looked around wildly before trying to resume a normal pace. "This place is too big!" he complained, falling back into a sprint before he crashed face first into a cloak.

"Oops... sorry er, mis-mister?" unsure of the person's gender. Headmaster? They must know where the classrooms are! "Could you tell me where the classrooms are for fire blasting?" he asked curiously.

Nearby the inn:

Hearing the sounds of an explosion in the distance, Heinz glared irritably. First that shaman interrogates me and now someone decides to blow something up? Wouldn't be surprised if it's that damn fire mage again, he snorted, turning away from the slight cloud of smoke. Going back to the stables, Heinz picked up the bag of gold he had received from the cloaked man, tucking it snugly under his cloak.

Guess I better spend this before someone notices. I'll keep the money from reporting Charlotte though, not that it did any good, laughing dryly. Selling the Halton chapters to a miserly cutthroat merchant in one of the back alleys, Heinz entered a weapons shop a few minutes later, examining the selection of knives.

OOC: Halton chapters refers to the pages Heinz tore out of those books he stole from Damian's manor awhile back. Buying more knives to give a slightly better reason for infinite plotknives.

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OOC: KP is too manly for my taste >_>'


Iso: Uh ... that time of the month? (Oh God ... ) Uhhh ... what do you need exactly?

Irina and Levski

Lev: Yeah sure. I'll go get the kit-I mean Viv. Hey, new guy. Keep her safe til I get back, alright?

Irina: Ugh.

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"Classes for which circle?" asked the headmaster looking down at the man whom had crashed right into her chest, knocking the wind out of her. Never the less, she had managed to regain her composure and not lose her garb despite the impact.


"You need not ask a man to protect a woman sir." said Altion, keeping his hand near Morgan's shoulder lest she fall again. "Are you alright madame Morgan? Lacking sleep and rest? Or something else? Narcolepsy?"

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"If you need to go shopping, I think my sister's still out," Arrin noted, completely missing what they were talking about and trying to keep Amari still. "You could probably go with her."

edit: added the "completely missing" bit

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Iso: Well, alright. I guess I just need a lis-

A small piece of paper with a short list of ... things on it was being dangled in front of Iso. He took the note and looked it over, and then looked back at Katie.

Iso: (Well ... it's not nearly as weird as some of the things I fetched for Miranda ...) ... alright, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Irina and Levski

While Irina watched with eight chicken cages stacked in her arms topping out at about seven feet high, Levski jogged off down to the shopping areas hoping to find Viveka. Krinkov followed, and Kiev stayed up.

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Arrin didn't hear or see a reply as Amari, tired of waiting, trotted off down the street. He hung on for dear life, eventually regaining his balance, as Amari headed for the shop she'd seen Kelas and the others enter.

Arrin decided to wait outside, not needing any new clothes for himself.


"Can you wake it up?" Megae asked, but received only looks from Petros and Ruby. Giving the prisoner's unconscious form one last kick, she headed for the roof again, twirling around to look for a signal of some sort.

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She's not angry? Shion won't be grumpy then! he thought, conveniently forgetting that the headmaster might not have known what he had done. Rubbing his chin, Karn thought for a second. "Hmm... fifth circle please?" he requested, trying to stay on his best behavior.


Finished counting five minutes silently in his head, Shion pushed open the door just in time to hear a loud explosion outside. Shutting the door carefully, Shion set off in a quick jog, retracing his previous footsteps back to the TISME building. Running towards the singe of smoke, the soldier carefully noted the appearance of the nearby building. "Damage seems to have been contained rather well," he muttered. Not a bad choice. Slowing down to a walk, Shion orbited the TISME boundaries, waiting for Karn to come out.

OOC: Magic shop Shion was outside of is closer to TISME than the inn is.

Edit: Whoops.

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"You have a fifth circle teacher?" asked the Headmaster, looking Karn square in the eye. She reached out, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Tell me his name please and I can escort you to his lab."

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Once Iso had caught up to Arrin, he stopped outside the shop as well.

Iso: Kelas is in there?


Irina carefully balanced the chicken cages while trying to move over to Kiev. It was working well enough, but the cages on top were bouncing around, mostly due to the panicked birds within.

Irina: Oh darn it! Stop freaking out already!


Upon reaching the shopping areas, Levski spotted Iso, Arrin, and that horse who's name he couldn't remember.

Lev: Hey! Have either of you seen the kitty? (If not her, then that leaves, Tessa, Pary, or Katie didn't it?)


Elsewhere in the town, a very swift animal raced across rooftops! It's fur was a very strange mix of purple and brown! It's eyes a mix of blue and brown, and it's body had a slight aura to it! The creature was a dog! As it leaped from rooftop to rooftop, a woman with a red jacket came into view in the distance! Once it was close enough, it leaped the distance of two buildings and landed in the form of a cloaked man right next to her!

???: Heheh. I didn't realize that this was making me stronger. Heheh ... hahahaaah! Huh? Oh! Right, take this. I need to make sure they don't go anywhere ... ... and for Lord's sake, would you guys hurry up?!

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"Tell Petros to hurry up," Megae grumbled, taking the note. "He won't let me do anything fun, Boss. I coulda got the two staff ones and the bow one earlier, if he'd'a let me. And look, now there's a couple of red ones, I can't even get at them now..."


"Yes. She seems to be deathly afraid of anything involving Charlotte and buying clothes, so I thought I'd wait until they were done," Arrin replied, trying to convince Amari to not eat the plants from the shop's window boxes.

"Kitty? You mean my cat? No, I don't know where he went," Arrin told Lev, misunderstanding completely.

OOC: Added Lev bit

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"No," Karn replied, blinking at the headmaster. "But I think that's around my skill level. Teacher said I was getting pretty good... he already died though," his face falling. "Can I still go to the classrooms though? I wanna see how good I am compared to the meat- er respected TISME mages," hastily editing his words.

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Isotov and Levski

Iso: He means Viveka, Arrin. Don't mind his terminology ... and no we haven't seen her, Lev >_>'

Lev: Great. How many shops could these place possibly h- ...

Levski quickly noticed the tip of a white feather poking out from around the corner. When he examined it further, he noticed that through both corner windows, the shape of a pegasus could clearly be made out.

Lev: ... huh. Okay, thanks for the info. Catch ya later!

He immediately jogged off followed by Krinkov.

Iso: Kitty ... *sigh*, I still don't get that reference. Must be an Ivanko Mercenary thing. Soooo, why is Kelas afraid of Charlotte ... and clothes?


???: You're impatient? I'm impatient! They get stronger everyday, and we'll need even more back up soon. Ugh, this is depressing. Just give them the report, and use it. As for the hostage, it's probably better alive for the moment, but feel free to throw in some rough treatment if you get bored ... ... wish I could >_>'

EDIT: Sentence placement.

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"You think? You mean, you're just some wild magi with no training who wants to push himself up; even though he just blew up a yard." said the headmaster. It wasn't difficult to figure out exactly whom had done the deed once that realization had come to light. "Blowing up a yard is a mistake that is not permitted past second circle. You may think yourself skilled, but you're no higher than that. If you can show to me that you are skilled enough, I might let you compare. Otherwise, a third circle will beat you simply because he will survive the testing without blowing himself up."

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"What are you all talking about me for?" asked Charlotte, coming out of the shop. The clothes in there were a little...humble for her tastes. "And speaking of kitty, where is he?"

"Yes, er no. I am perfectly alive thank you." Morgan said to Altion, taking a deep breath.

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Realizing that Charlotte had caught some of the conversation, Iso became a little uncomfortable. Deciding not to go into it, he haphazardly handed her the note Katie had given him.

Iso: Do you know where we might find the things on this list?

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