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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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Morgan's mind felt hazy as she woke up on top of something hard and scaly. Her back hurt and her arm was wet for some reason. Wasn't I at the inn, eating mutton? Or no, I wasn't eating mutton, I was interviewing someone? I remember something about Isotov, did he set something on fire again? she thought, returning to consciousness, sort of.

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Kievinson and Krinkovski

Kiev kept an eye on Morgan for any sign of movement while Krinkov did the hauling. Once they made it back to the inn, Kiev was reminded that he'd forgotten about the chickens in favor of Morgan. That bugged him a bit, but he quickly forgot about it realizing that he needed to get the attention of those inside the inn. Meanwhile Krinkov aimed his head back at her to see if she was awake yet. A small bit of movement know truly unconscious human would make gave him a clue, and he nudged her side with his nose to wake her some more, while Kiev looked at the door of the inn wondering if he should poke his head inside, or just call for them.

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Morgan felt the wyvern nose touch her and squirmed a bit. She tried to sit up, but found the motion too difficult for some reason. Why am I on a wyvern's back? she thought, looking up at Krinkov's face.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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K & K and associates

Kiev decided to try something new and peek into an inn. He was curious as to what they looked like on the inside. While he slowly took steps up the stairs to the door, Krinkov kept staring at Morgan. Not dead yet. That was impressive actually. The healers couldn't fix her, but she still hadn't died yet. He started smelling her face again unintentionally blowing fumes in her face and sucking them back off repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Kiev poked his head through the front door and made a light yelping sound that got the most of the room's attention!

Irina: Kiev? You're not supposed to be in here!

Kiev: Wooaaaaaaaam (<---Crappy moaning sound)

Irina: What's wrong? Did someone mess with the chickens?

Kiev: Woooooooaaam

Irina: Uhhh. Hold on ...

Irina stood up and started walking toward Kiev who quickly backed out of the door and waited for her. Once she opened the door, she nearly freaked out!

Irina: *gasp* Morgan?! :o

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" 'Tis I" answered Morgan. "I am wondering how I got on a wyvern's back, last I remember I was in an inn. This is very strange." she said, smelling Krinkov's hot breath, which reminded her of dead animals.

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Irina and the Wyverns

Irina: What, did you actually head out looking for Iso?! Are you nuts? In your condition that's just asking for trouble! They probably brought you back or something. You really shouldn't be going anywhere on your own right now. (What's wrong with her? She's only getting worse now. Is it her tome after all? How are we supposed to get that back after the demons took it?)

With Irina there, Kiev could now relax and tend to his live meals. He lied down and put his head on the ground while Irina talked. Krinkov eventually stopped sniffing her, finding nothing new to indicate how she was surviving or what was killing her. Instead he came a little closer to the stairs and tilted his head at Irina, waiting for her to get Lev. Luckily she didn't have to, since he appeared right behind her, prone to curiosity.

Lev: Huh? Alright, what the hell happened?

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"I suppose I overestimated my own strength." Morgan said. "It is very important that I speak with Isotov and that I get these interviews concluded. And we have to see Jace. And not getting killed by demons of course." Morgan said to Irina, looking down.

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Irina and Lev

Irina: Yeah but you're in no shape to- *gasp* Lev?

She turned around as Levski walked passed her toward Morgan.

Lev: *sigh* ....

Once he was close enough, he gave Krinkov a pat on the head, and then gently brought Morgan down from the large wyvern. He had a half serious, and somewhat sad look on his face.

Lev: You know, Morgan, I'm really disappointed in you right now. You've got determination, but what you need the most right now is what you're neglecting. I don't know what exactly has you in such horrible shape, but trying to act tough is damn dangerous. You've got supporters for crap jobs like fetching Iso and all that. I don't want to see you die over these.

EDIT: Minor change to second to last sentence and punctuational correction.

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"If I don't know what happened at the battle, I will be dead, moving too much or no. And you looked like you were quite busy in coversation, I did not wish to use others for things I thought I could do myself." she said, managing to stand on her feet.

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Irina and Lev

Lev: Heh. Morgan, you're one of my employers. I ... am ... never too busy if you're in need.

Irina: (She's dead if she doesn't find out what happened? This has everything to do with her tome being taken away!) ... I'm ... I'm going to go find Iso.

Lev: You sure?

Irina: (Much as I hate leaving him here alone with her of all people, this is more important, and it may mean that the crimson weapons have greater connections to their wielders than we thought.) Yeah, I'll be back with him soon, I promise! Come on, Kiev!

She mounted her wyvern after taking down the tied chicken cages and took off!

Lev: See? It's better these way. Trust in your friends ... err ... allies. (Friends may be a stretch here ...)

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"Trust?" Morgan raised her eyebrow at Lev. "I am not sure if I can trust anyone anymore, with shapeshifters and moles running around. Better to keep on my guard I would say."

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Irina and Code Name: Sky Crane

The most likely place Isotov would be at, was TISME ... with Katie. She didn't care right now though! She was in the grip of desperate curiosity! As Kiev closed in, he yelped at the sight of the group!

Irina: Good! I see'em! Okay, I don't want to get into a long talk about what's going on and convincing him to come back to the inn! Kiev, just grab'em, and let's go!

With a loud and almost chirplike squawk, Kiev swooped down like an eagle and reached out to grab Iso with his arms!

Iso: What in the ... ... ... oh crap-*PUMPH* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

Kiev snatched up Iso at a ninety mile per hour pass, and flew off back toward the inn after a long U turn!


Lev: That lack of trust is why you ended up wandering out into the streets and passing out again. (Is that footprint on her shoulder? For the love of leggings, have people no compassion?!) I know it's hard right now, what with the possibility of one of us being a mole, others perhaps being that ice demon, and having to tackle those possibilities in your condition, but now isn't the time to be a lone wolf. You don't have to trust anyone to have them do your dirty work while you rest up. That's what you pay us for.

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Eric & Dani

"That was close," Eric noted, as the soldiers walked right by Charlotte, and left, without noticing her. "Alright, perhaps we should be going. Dani, congrats on fourth circle."

"Thanks," the mage replied, back to being in a bit of a stupor. "I was worried I wouldn-"

Whoosh. A wyvern had flown out of nowhere, and snatched Isotov up, causing a small gust in the process. Looking up at the wyvern's quickly retreating form, the mage realized that it was Kiev.

"Looks like something's going on at the inn!" Dani exclaimed to the others, beginning to run towards the inn. "Let's go check it out!"

Storm Knight

After the explosion, the Storm Knight went back to the arena organizers and withdrew, taking 15 gold with him for the first few rounds. Stepping outside, he removed his helm, and made his way to the inn, convinced that they would be leaving, soon.

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As the situation disappated, and the others headed to the inn, Cess went over to the Headmaster. Some men had caused this, but apparently, they were gone now. "Headmaster, can I talk to you?"



Pary walked over to Morgan, and tried supporting her with his arm. "Can someone help me here? I'm demanding to stick to bed rest unless absolutely necessary. Either have them see you in your room, or have Esphyr or Damian finish them." Pary reached for his staff with his other hand, using it for balance, until he could get her to lie down.

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"Something is happening at the inn? What?" Dani and Eric were no place to be seen. Iso was picked up by his sisters wyvern and he was alone. "Times like these i wish my horse was around." He slowly walked towards the inn looking defeated.

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"That is a poor way to try and survive Madame Morgan." said Altion.


"Damian." said Esphyr, turning to look at him. "Why are we even here anymore? I hate Arena's and the only reason I'm here is Aiya."

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"I don't know." said Esphyr, pulling her legs up to the seat. "I... Don't remember. I think it happened while we were arguing. But I still dislike this place. I mean, well, I already told you. It makes me so disconcerted. If you want to stay, sure, but I want to go."

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Before he could respond to Esphyr, a man walked up to him, asking if he was who he thought he was, which was who he was.

"Yes, my name is Damian. Why do you ask?"

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"I really think you should stick around. Reika's here and she's kind of unhinged when it comes to Chase. And I heard what happened between her and Aiya and we don't want them killing each other," said Alferis.

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"Yes. The wind mage hastily left the tournament. He said to ask you to take his place. Do you except?"


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"Helios left me his spot, did he? Consider him forfeiting his next match." Damian replied to the man, not wanting to fight today, certainly not against Aiya, adding that to Esphyr's dislike of the arena, Damian had no reason to join.

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"I'm allowed? I lost. Pure and simple. I lost to the wind mage. I guess I win by default then. Here, hold the money I got in the meantime. I don't deserve it right now. Thanks."

"Have a good time guys. I'll keep an eye on Reika," he said, whispering in Esphyr and Damian's ears.

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