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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Esphyr!


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"So much for shortening the tournament, I guess." Damian replied with a sigh as Alferis went back to the competitors area.

"Y-you don't have to stay if you don't want to, Esphyr. But I need to be here for Aiya. If you want to leave, it's fine."

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"Don't worry about me. Better me than Chase and in his case, Aiya. Later," said Alf, running back to the locker room.

"You're back?" said Reika, looking at him when he entered.

"They gave me Helios' position. He dropped out and Damian and Esphyr didn't want to do it."

"Mmmhmm. You were sent to keep an eye on me?"

He ignored her and started stretching.

Me vs Aiya? How would it work? Reika? They're faster than me and possesses better weapons.

Edited by Dark Sage
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"Of course. Why else would i even be here if she weren't competing? Still, if it becomes overwhelming for you, you can leave, I wouldn't hold it against you or anything, I know you don't like it here." Damian replied.

"Still, i wonder what's holding up Chase and Conrad's matches? They should have been out there by now... Alf would have said something if they had been injured..."

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Rita walked over through the stands to where the others were sitting. She held a cup of water in her hand, sipping from it occasionally. Her head still felt a bit fuzzy, but she sat down. "Who's the next fight?"

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Seeing Rita walk up nearby, Damian replied to her question.

"Alferis versus Aiya. Alf is subbing in for Helios, since he dissapeared to wherever."


"You're subbing in for Helios, Alf?" Aiya asked, seeing him on the other side of the arena.

"Well, whatever, good luck to ya'." She finished, drawing her Zweihander, and rushing Alferis.

'Let's see what he's got.'

Aiya quickly feinted to the right, and swung her Zweihander to strike Alferis! The flat of the blade barely missed his chest, but the close call sent him reeling backward!

As Aiya was about to continue her attack, Alferis swung his Iron axe to counterattack, but Aiya managed to dodge the blow with a jump back!

Combat Phase start!

Aiya(1,4,6) 4 hit - 4 Avo, miss!

Alferis(2,6,2) 4 hit - 4 avo,miss!


Aiya 15/15

Alferis 12/12

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Rita chewed some leaves to arena medic had given her, and finished her water. Watching the bandit go down in close to just one hit, she cringed. "Owwww. That had to hurt."


Berry, Marry, and Verry:

As the girls warped onto the large window of the cathedral, they could see the two women and the man below them. The wyvern had been staring at them for some time, but neither of the humans had noticed them. Berry called out. "Oh, hello. I'm looking for an ex-Ivanko mercenary, and a turncoat Jerdonian commander. Either of you two know where I could find them?"

((If Shanice won't team up with them, then I'll use a different set of cards. :hat:))

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Kelas had asked Tessa what sorts of things she'd needed, and as they went through the store, she pointed out a few of the items: a simple satchel, a plain hair brush, some sanitary strips of cloth, a bar of soap, and other assorted things of that nature. She also picked out a nice black ribbon bookmark that she though Morgan might use. It had an interesting vermillion design on it, so was both elegant and functional, and seemed like it might be the sort of thing the shaman might like. Kelas had exchanged some money for the goods, but before Tessa had the chance to pull her aside after, and ask the specific questions she'd been hoping to (namely, "How aside from selling things does one manage to get ahold of money", and other related matters) there had been a commotion out at the front of the shop and the two of them had had to hurry back to see what was what.

Apparently Charlotte had been scheming something, and as Isotov stumbled his way through things, like a marionette, it was clear she was trying to set up Kelas in preparation for the ball again. Guessing that much of the discomfort the nomad was feeling was probably scar related, the troubadour found herself wondering if there weren't some form of fancy dress that was very conservative, and completely covered the back. She would have to look into the matter, and if it turned out there might be a reasonable solution leaving everyone happy, she would have to do her best to make it come to pass.

Then there were a explosions of sorts from the direction of TISME. Arrin mentioned that they'd been happening earlier, and he'd thought it was something one of the students was messing up. Isotov was worried though, as he'd left Katie back there, and so he rushed off, and Kelas went along to keep him in line... or something. That left just Tessa, Arrin, Charlotte, and Eric, but the cleric had also expressed an interest in the situation and general, so they all headed along as well, albeit a fair bit behind the vanguard.

OOC: My best attempt to summarize, but I must admit, I am kind of lost and confused still. I don't know where or when the wyvern-abduction of Iso plays in, or if it was seen, or omigosh so much goes on.

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She's really good, he thought to himself. I'm going to lose anyway, so I might as well just take her down with one blow he thought as he leaped towards her, bringing his axe down on her chest.

Alferis (5,6,4) Hit! 6+3-6= 3 damage. Aiya 12/15 HP.


OOC note: Fixed. Sorry for not paying attention. And ignore the second roll. Do your counter.

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As Alferis brought his axe down onto her chestplate, Aiya cringed. She had managed to shift her weight so that the axe had only cut her stomach, but the wound still looked somewhat severe.

Swinging her Zweihander to counterattack, the blade sliced cleanly across his stomach, the flat coming up to bash him in the head, knocking him out cold with a single blow!

Combat phase start!

Aiya(2,5,5) 6 hit - 4 evd,hit! 11 mt - 2 def, 9 Damage!Critical hit, 18 Damage!

Aiya 12/15

Alferis 0/12

Here's the roll. I had both my counter, and Aiya's own attack, but I guess the second wasn't necessary...

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"Ouch! That's just got to hurt! The winner is Aiya!" the fightmonger shouted.

OOC Note: My mother was talking to me when I was typing and editing my battle post, so therefore the mistakes. I'll be better in the future.

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"Oh for--" Kelas began, but was interrupted, as Kiev came right out of nowhere. Amari whinnied angrily: there was such a thing as manners!

Everyone seemed to be getting ready to go back to the inn. Kelas looped back to collect Arrin and Tessa, encountering them partway between the school and the shop. "Nothing that concerns us," she said by way of explanation. "Some student was blowing things up. Anyway, everyone's headed back to the inn. Hopefully dinner is involved. Got everything you need?"

"I'm done," Arrin replied. "Want me to take any of the bags, or anything?"

"Nah, Amari's got 'em. Tessa? I can carry those, you know."

OOC: I love how people are treating the dress thing like SRSBSNS when it's just "oh shit formal event/clothes flee" XD

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"I was wondering if there are placement exams or the kind here. I've never formally studied magic. Or are there divination exams for my fortune telling?"

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"For your fortune telling, no. It's such a rare ability to truly possess that it can't be measured accurately. Besides, what are we to do? Have you predict the rise and fall of a empire? For basic magic though, yes."

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"Light magic is the domain of the church and faith and not magic. Therefore, we can't study it. Not in the way in which we could actually use. Dark magic, against my will, is allowed and studied openly; though rarely. Most dark mages prefer to crawl into their recesses and hide away, claiming the world hates them. It's not so untrue seeing as the Lord uses magic close to dark magic and easily mistaken, but still; we allow it's practice and use in campus grounds."

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"You wouldn't. In TISME your rank is determined by power and skill. A circle one would either lack both, or one or the other so much so that he is a threat or ineffectual for example. If you want to take a test, you should go inside and ask the receptionist. There should be someone on staff willing to take you right then and there. I would offer myself, but exposing me to dark magic is a bad idea for all involved and the people not involved."

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"I...suppose you're right." Morgan said to Lev, and Altion and whoever else was talking to her. She didn't really have the energy to argue anymore and perhaps they were right.

She saw something red walking towards her. "Isotov? Is that you? I need you to tell me what happened to me after I was knocked unconscious, in detail if you would."

"Eh?" said Xenia, looking up at the three mage sisters. "Friends of yours Daneka?"

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Back at the inn

Kiev descended down onto the inn at top speed and landed with a loud thud before dropping Iso, who subsequently rolled across the ground, his eyes rolled back in a sheer rollercoaster induced daze!

Iso: Uuuuuuug ...

Irina quickly leaped down from Kiev and helped Iso up before practically dragging him over toward Morgan. Once she asked him about what he'd seen, he shook himself off.

Iso: How would I know? I wasn't here until Irina came and-

Irina: No! She means what happened to her after Shanice severed her!

Iso: What?

Irina: Hurry up!! >_<

Iso: Cripes ...

The Cathedral

Being a master spy, Alphonse had felt certain that there were intruders, but he waited until they revealed themselves. His sword was already unsheathed. His speed had gone mostly unnoticed, a sign of his mastery with his blade.

Daneka: Friends of mine? Most certainly not. Did no one teach you ladies any manners? If not for my good mood, Alphonse would have cut all zree of you down on ze spot. Now explain yourselves. Who are you, and why are you here?

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Berry, Marry, Verry:

"Why of course. Where are our manners."

The girls warped of of the window sill high up, and appeared down on the floor near the women. "I'm am Berry, and these are my sisters, Marry, and Verry. We would be delighted in helping you catch that Jerdonian princess, if you wouldn't mind helping us get her little friends. That Damian Kleine? Or that Ivankian Fire mage? I'm sure our powers and our.....connections, would prove quite handy for you, Madame Daneka?" Berry held her hand out to the woman.

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"How do you know who we are? Not to mention what we're planning. Seem like spies to me." Xenia scoffed. Svetlana hissed at the newcomers.

Morgan looked at the red thing expectantly.

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