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Fayt's Playlog - H3 mode. (Another Playthrough, now with more difficulty!)

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Next chapter: Barrier Spam. DO IT. Swarm Bishops are quite annoying as you're trying to get up that narrow passage way. If you promote Merric and Linde during the chapter they can level pretty quickly while Lena laughs at everything (besides the Hero and the Sniper if you accidentally put her in their range) and rapes through the chapter.

Merric just promoted. Linde's at 17 unpromoted. Lena laughs because she's 20/16 and has 22 resistance, which means she takes all of two damage from Imhullu. Also, the Real Gharnef is on top of the tower, on the left side.

I do have Beck, my ballastician to do work on the Swarm bishops.

And yes, I did have an Arms scroll which I did use on Lena so she can wield Starlight.

Edited by Cocytus
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Oh right. Keep on forgetting that, since I didn't use a ballistician in any of my HM runs. (I can't read. Seriously. ;_____; )

When you get the chance, load up on dragon killing weapons for Chapter 24. My Max STR/SKL/SPD DK!Abel couldn't oneround them with only his javelins. And reclass as many units to high-speed mode so they can double.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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You could do what I do and be cheap. Spam Earth Sphere and Fortify, then warp Lena by the real Gharnef (Since he isn't to the immeadiate right for you), then Marth up to the throne. >_>

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You could do what I do and be cheap. Spam Earth Sphere and Fortify, then warp Lena by the real Gharnef (Since he isn't to the immeadiate right for you), then Marth up to the throne. >_>

I am spamming Geosphere+Fortify here to weaken the swarm bishops so I can take them out with Beck. Seriously, a ballastician is very nice to have in this chapter. :awesome:

But yeah, no warpskip. I'm doing these chapters the hard way.

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I should've trained one, now that I look at it.

But hey, at least I got Merric's staff level to A during that chapter. :awesome:

I think it would have helped. Beck's at level 20 now (doesn't promote, but can reach L30) and has pretty solid stats and can pick off the swarm bishops at range.

Merric took out the sages at the bottom of the map after getting some pure water on him. He crit-killed a Fake Gharnef in one hit with Excalibur :awesome:

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Merric is the god of Crit-blicking, I swear.

Sometimes I mean for him to weaken stuff so other people can kill things, but then he goes and critkills.

But hey, it gets the job done.

Indeed it does.

Anyway, since I've basically talked about chapter 23 already here, I'm not going to give a formal write up. I'll just say that Beck killed Swarm Bishops, I used Geosphere+Fortify to deal damage, Merric took out a fake Gharnef at the bottom. Linde is about to kill the real thing and take Falchion.

Oh, and Gharnef's Ch 23 stats:

Gharnef (H2 Mode)
Class    Level  HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Ranks
Sorcerer    15  38  02  08  08  21  00  11  10  A Tomes, C Staves

He doubles Lena for a grand total of 0 damage. Lena 2HKO's exactly. :)

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You've been doing good so far. All that's left is C24 and the final. I have to warn you, though. C24 is a bit of a doozy. There are 9 Mamkutes on that map. 5 of them are 42 HP fire dragons with 35 Atk and 24 AS. The others are demon dragons that pack 43HP/24Atk/19AS. I'm not too worried over the bishops and the heroes. True, the hero/bishop reinforcements carry Silver axe/Bolganone, but they are easy to kill, and they do piss damage to gens/bishops.

I found it best to camp just above the northern peaks, then form two walls.

A transcript from my H2 run document on my PC:

"Draug, Tiki, Cain/Abel, and Barst formed the first wall(the west front). Marth and Ogma/Navarre formed the second(the east front). I don't know what the hell Caeda was doing, but I had her sit on the mountain with a steel axe equipped. Lena and Merric obviously were on healbot duty since Lena was OHKO'd and Merric was 2HKO'd. Beck was in the middle, ready to chip any insurgents down to size. The plan was to let the enemy come to me. This may be H2 but the dragons can still 3-4HKO everyone in my posse(Doga only takes 5 damage so he gets 12HKO'd). I had equipped the tank units with dragon-raping weapons(except Draug who had his forged javelin, Bob, equipped), and Marth has the 12 might Falchion.

Them fire dragons are-a very hard to double, despite everybody besides Rena having capped speed. it is a damn rotten shame that they have 24 AS, and the only unit that has 28+ speed is Navarre(whose spd is capped!) SM!Cain would work too, since he has A swords as a pally(but only C lances) and 25 str. Abel might work but he only has C and a half swords and only has 20 str as a pally.

From this map, I could tell it would be a living hell. Now, all I need is a warp staff, a dead Tiki, no Falchion, and the Aum staff."

In case you are wondering, Barst is a hero and Lena is a sage. Everyone else is in their base class.

Edited by DA125
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I had practically everyone at Swordmaster besides Abel, Cain, Zag, Ogma and the mages at that chapter, since I had a large supply of Wyrmslayers from Wifi but very low on Dragonpikes.

You have a trained Ballistician, so at least the thief is as good as dead. If you can't ORKO the thief, have a tanky Dragoknight fly up with a Javelin and the Iote's shield and finish him. That way, he'll also take out the Sniper enemy phase without being effective-blicked.

I didn't have a Ballistician so I just sent DK!Abel to do a million jobs at once as usual.

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You have a trained Ballistician, so at least the thief is as good as dead. If you can't ORKO the thief, have a tanky Dragoknight fly up with a Javelin and the Iote's shield and finish him. That way, he'll also take out the Sniper enemy phase without being effective-blicked.

That's true. Beck with Pachyderm knocks the thief to 2HP, and I killed him on second player phase while he was still in range. In other words, Aum is good as mine. I'm using Tiki and Marth to take out the dragons. I'll let Tiki die to the boss of the chapter, allowing me to use Falchion through the entirety of 24. If all else fails, I can always wear out the boss's Magestone. Also, Caeda continues to do well. Mage dragons only have 19 AS or so, so she can double them. Unfortunately, the Fire Dragons have 23-25 AS, doubling everyone not named Caeda or Ogma... :(

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A full team of Swordmaster does wonders.

Get a unit to two-range the fire dragon, then get a SM to kill. Then heal said SM. Rinse/repeat.

(I didn't even bother with this chapter on H5, btw. This and Endgame I just warpskipped. It was too annoying.)

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A full team of Swordmaster does wonders.

Get a unit to two-range the fire dragon, then get a SM to kill. Then heal said SM. Rinse/repeat.

(I didn't even bother with this chapter on H5, btw. This and Endgame I just warpskipped. It was too annoying.)

No need. Caeda can 2HKO at 1-2 range with Gradivus, avoid the double, and then heal with Gradivus as needed.

Tiki also delivers clean OHKO's to fire dragons as needed.

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I should've mentioned this, but apparently the real Gharnef is random. Too late though...

Geosphere. It hurts every unit. EXCEPT for the REAL Gharnef. That's how I can figure it out on turn 1 with 100% accuracy. ;)

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Good thing Hammerne has 12 uses.

I've got 7 uses left. I think I've used it on a Divinestone (despite what anyone may say, you CAN REPAIR DRAGONSTONES IN THIS GAME), Excalibur, Aura, and 2 ballistae.

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While you wait 5 turns for Hammerne to show up? >_>

Well, you can use her in a weaker form if you want to weaken stuff instead of kill it. I don't think that there are any obtainable magestones, so I really don't know if she can use them...

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Geosphere. It hurts every unit. EXCEPT for the REAL Gharnef. That's how I can figure it out on turn 1 with 100% accuracy. ;)


Good thing Hammerne has 12 uses.

Indeed. :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

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Well, there is always Starsphere rape until Starlight shows up.

But any time after Abel promotes is Abelrape. Except H5, where it's Ablerape with Zag's help.

So I never really have an incentive to train Tiki anymore.

I guess I could share the Starsphere on CH20. Maybe.

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