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Yesterday, after returning from a fantastic dinner at Benihanna, I asked if my friend could bring Brawl so I could try out my second Wiimote.

This was one of the very few times I played Brawl, I am a beginner to Brawl, but not to the series. Well, my friend warned me he was very good. I beat him pretty quick. Next up was my other friend who was even better. They told me to use the worst character, which for them, was a toss up between Bowser, DeDeDe & Olimar. I chose Olimar since I never used him before. My friend beat me because Olimar wasted all his Pikmin and was limited to his attacks. :(

Then I chose Bowser and pwned him.

I pwned him some more, when all of sudden-


I pwned Ness. Ness get.

I pwned my friend with Ness.


So what I here alot these days is that there are very good Brawl players, which are actually pretty mediocre compared to those of us who started from the N64 era. Pfft.

Edited by The Leaving Song
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Yesterday, after returning from a fantastic dinner at Benihanna, I asked if my friend could bring Brawl so I could try out my second Wiimote.

This was one of the very few times I played Brawl, I am a beginner to Brawl, but not to the series. Well, my friend warned me he was very good. I beat him pretty quick. Next up was my other friend who was even better. They told me to use the worst character, which for them, was a toss up between Bowser, DeDeDe & Olimar. I chose Olimar since I never used him before. My friend beat me because Olimar wasted all his Pikmin and was limited to his attacks. :(

@ bolded: Roflmao.

@ italicized: You can make more.

When someone says they're good at Brawl, they're almost certain to be awful.

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I definitely won't say I'm GOOD, but when I'm playing my friends on those rare occasions I typically do the best. And I usually get some "ZOMG ZERO SUIT SAMUS IS SUCH A CHEAP CHARACTER!"

Says the guy using Lucas, who for non-pro purposes, is pretty damn beastly.

Honestly, ZSS has nothing offensively if you can't time that whip just right... Not my fault I can dodge spam (Which everyone can do) and she has excellent survival skills. :/

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I don't know how I'd rack up competitively, at least in a world without lag and random freezing, but I know that I'm competent. The only problem is the fact that I can't play against my brother in either game, or else he will get butthurt. Especially in Melee, mind you that I, as I've found out a bit back, probably wouldn't last in actual competitive play.

Basically, I am but a casual with potential. Too bad my trying to ween off video games when readying for college prevents me from trying to become hardcore. Then again, I still have one year left to this type of stuff.

Edited by Kintenbo
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I think I'm meh at Brawl. (Usually the stage makes a BIG difference for me.) My friends are WAY (Brawl whores) better than me but I can beat them every now and then. laugh.gif (Best Brawl for me was when I beat my friend when he was using his main (Ike) with Peach.) XD XD XD

As for the characters I tend to use: (In order(And how good I am with them as well)

Peach,(I know I know Facepalm_emote_gif.gif)

Lucas, (His PK Thunder is better). blink.gif

Ness, (LOVE HIS FINAL SMASH!!! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

Luigi, (Taunts.) laugh.gif

Marth, ("Spam the Side-B) tongue.gif

Pit, (ARROWS!!!!) ohmy.gif

Ike, (He fights for this friends) Cuz he has Ragnell. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I'm meh at like half the characters in Brawl but these are the ones that I prefer.

(AND I HATE WARIO!!!!!!!!!)

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Shut up Soul.

Oh oh oh, the characters I like to use are;







Also, Chuy has to be in middle school or something if he thinks playing as a girl is face palm worthy.

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I play SB since the 64 era. So anyone that thinks they're "fantastic" might as well go to their mommies and save me the trouble of feeling sorry for you. Yes, I'm talking to you, Ein, Emerald and Lux.

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I play SB since the 64 era. So anyone that thinks they're "fantastic" might as well go to their mommies and save me the trouble of feeling sorry for you. Yes, I'm talking to you, Ein, Emerald and Lux.

I dont like being ignored...... :angry:

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