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FE "What If"'s


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Hector:Oswin as your knight I think we should go on a killing spree.

Oswin:Stop pestering me. Killing is pointless. We should just hand Ostia over to the Black Fang.

Hector:What!? My big brother will kill you!

Oswin:You would die for that.


(Uther enters looking 9999999999999999 times more muscley)

Uther:I kill him?


Oswin:Hey...Why don't you be ruler of Ostia, Uther?

What if there was a third generation in FE4?

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The enemies would have no chance (well, probably at first maybe, but once some levels are gained...) against the might of the possible combinations two generations of pairing combinations would create. And for the lulz have Fin playable once again and probably surpass Marcus when it comes to active knighthood. :awesome:

What if Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals had been reversed? (As in, Eliwood in SSBM, BS Japan-only and coming first, and us getting SoS with Roy)

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All the N00Bs: Are Marth and Eliwood in this game?? :o

Other Lords: I feel so left out.

What if Marth was female?

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FE9's events would have turned around!

What if.... L'Arachel, Serra, Kieran, Oliver, Clarine, Shinon, Largo, Calill and Dozla held a happy but messy party?

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What if.... L'Arachel, Serra, Kieran, Oliver, Clarine, Shinon, Largo, Calill and Dozla held a happy but messy party?

I don't know why, but I saw this one coming.

They would end up arguing who's the hottest/most attractive and messing the entire party.

What if all FE games collided in a point right after the end of each game?

Edited by Light Lord
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Then the mother-figure goes in for a happy ending!

Now... What about the outcome of..... Clarine X Serra? Serra X Kieran? Lucius X Echidna? or worse... Innes X Shinon or Shinon X Clarine supports?

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Serra x Clarine: They get along pretty fine and start looking for ways to make fun of a few men (even if Serra is 20 years older now).

Serra x Kieran: Serra may end up falling for Kieran and his bigger ego, trying to climb in Crimea's social status.

Lucius x Echidna: It's worse than a trap. IT'S A DOUBLE TRAP!!!! (I can imagine this one, maybe I'll post it in your other thread).

Innes x Shinon: They end up complaining about their rivals and how to make them look bad.

Shinon x Clarine: o_O I can't thing something for this one, sorry.

What if Ephidel survived the dragon collapse in Dragon's Gate?

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ShinonXClarine would end in blood. Shinon would then proclaim himself a working-class hero, and Clarine would proclaim herself dead.

Then it would result in the most satisfying gaiden in the game (DIE DAMN YOU TO REBECCA'S ONE DAMAGE PER TURN! HAHAHAHAHA)

What would happen if Seth, and not Orson, turned traitor?

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After telling Franz to ran off in the Prologue, once Valter arrives, he reveals his true colors, and Eirika is a goner. As for Ephraim, he may have continued on after Renvall, and may also meet his end due to being too deep into Grado territory.

What if Cuan and Ethlin survived Trabant's ambush?

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Altenna would be playable much earlier than chapter 7!

What if Fire Emblem took place in a IRL setting?

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It already does, it's called Advance Wars.

No, seriously, if Fire Emblem was in modern times.....Mounted units would ride motorcycles (Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders have FLYING Motorcycles), Fighters would be called Street Toughs, and Lords would be rich kids, but with good hearts of course. There would have to be an Emo character as well. Archers now use gats, Snipers now use actual sniper rifles and they would be like Ballistae. Now instead of simply beating up school bullies with brute force, you can also beat them up with tactical skillz.

What if Radiant Dawn had a Dark magic Luna tome, that would negate enemy RES?

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Pelleas or Lehran would be damn broken! Especially if it is the return of the WTF30CRIT Luna Tome!

What if.... Klein, Clarine and Leonardo meet?? *lolidentitycrisislol*

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No, seriously, if Fire Emblem was in modern times.....Mounted units would ride motorcycles (Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders have FLYING Motorcycles), Fighters would be called Street Toughs, and Lords would be rich kids, but with good hearts of course. There would have to be an Emo character as well. Archers now use gats, Snipers now use actual sniper rifles and they would be like Ballistae. Now instead of simply beating up school bullies with brute force, you can also beat them up with tactical skillz.

Archers now use gats, Snipers now use actual sniper rifles and they would be like Ballistae.

Archers now use gats


Leonardo would whine about his upbringing and Klein would kill him. Then Klein would kill Clarine for good measure.

What if it turned out that Nino was actually Nergal's father?

Yes, I know that makes no sense.

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Uh.....Well, that would be weird. And how in the heck would Lugh and Ray be born? Nino would have to be well over a thousand years old, and that means that when s/he gets together with Jaffar.....Jaffar would be quite surprised, wouldn't he?

Jaffar: Uh, Nino.....You're a boy?

Nino: Uh huh!

Jaffar: Well, I.....I never thought that anything would surprise me,but.....

You know what, I'll stop there before things get any weirder.

If you actually meant that Nergal would be Nino's father.....

Nino vs. Nergal

Nergal: Stop, Nino. I am your father.

Nino: But, that's.....that's impossible! Why were you never involved in my life?

Nergal: Nino, my child, I was merely gathering enough quintessence to create a paradise for the two of us. Sonia is dead, but I am still alive. Come, Nino. Come to daddy.

Nino: ......

Nergal: What's wrong, Nino?

Nino: I.....You used Jaffar, the Black Fang, everyone else..... You can never be my dad! I'm going to stop you!

Nergal: Very well, Nino. It seems that I shall have to punish you!

EDIT: I'm rephrasing my what if question

Now, for the next what if question. What if Ike was the father of Micaiah's children instead of Sothe's?

Edited by Charpig
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She'd be Florina on steroids!!

Micaiah: Hi Meg!

Meg: ...H..Hi..

Micaiah: You don't need to be afraid!

Meg: They have archers.....

Micaiah: I forgot, weakness to bows. Your pegasus looks hurt!

What if Kent and Sain switched personalities?

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Then the best class ever Berserker class would be available!!!!

What if Sirius knew he was Camus?

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Nothing, he actually does.

What if Manfroy had actually done what Yurius said and killed Yuria instead of sending her brainwashed to fight?

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^What? Reprhase that please, what your saying makes Sothe and Micaiah the mother.

I was making fun of when Micaiah says that Ike is the father of Sothe's children, or whatever that line was. But what if Ike was the father of Micaiah's children instead?

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If you actually meant that Nergal would be Nino's father.....

I did not. I meant, literally, that Nino would pull a Vader on Nergal. Somehow. And it would be great.

Knowing very little about FE4, I cannot really say anything about Acacia's thing.

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