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FE "What If"'s


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She'd probably get too accustomed to the rules of Fire Emblem.

As soon as she gets home:

Meg: (to Peter lying on the couch watching TV) Don't you move from that couch yet! It's not the other phase yet.

Peter: What are you talking about? Besides, I don't plan on leaving this couch for quite some time (smiles and sips drink).

Meg: Oh brother, my next player phase will probably take a long time to come.

What if Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector were replaced in CosbyEmblem.png ?

(by the way, I made that picture myself, though I'll admit it's not that good. I have a collection of Nintendo spoofs that I made).

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Then Daein would have either knocked her off or killer her off....

What if... these people could support? Kieran X Alan? Oscar X Rebecca or Lowen? Wil X Shinon? Canas X Knoll? Oscar X Alan? Florina X Kieran with a sideorder of Lyn? What could possibly happen? XDD

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Kieran and Alan would engage in a shouting match

Oscar would try to encourage Lowen to be more confident

Rebecca would fall in love with Oscar's cooking

Wil's cheery attitude would get on Shinon's nerves

Canas would pump Knoll for all the knowledge he has

Alan would proclaim Oscar as his eternal rival (other than Lance)

Kieran would yell at Florina, then Lyn would jump in and yell at Kieran

What if Aran (from FE10) was replaced with Samus Aran (but Samus would be restricted to using Fire Emblem weapons)?

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Micaiah: Umm, who are you?

???: Aren't you supposed to introduce yourself fist?

Micaiah: S-sorry. I'm Micaiah, from the Dawn Brigade in Daein.

???: The name is Aran, Samus Aran. I'm a sell-sword, I go around hunting.

Micaiah: You're a bounty hunter?

Samus: Pretty much. I was asked by Jarod to put an end to you.


Samus: But I think I had a change of heart. Even if I'm a bounty hunter, I have a heart. I don't hunt anyone that is honorable as you guys.

Micaiah: Thanks, Samus.

Samus: I think I may join you guys. If You're alright with it. I'll put those fiends to the edge of my sword.

What if Link appeared in Radiant Dawn as Sanaki's bodyguard?

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What if Mario and Luigi were Red/Green Cavaliers, but they rode Yoshis instead of normal horses?

Someone's actually doing this for a hack. No joke.

Link: Hah! You may plot to destroy the senate, Lekain, but you can't defeat me! *throws bombs at him*

Lekain: Haha! I cannot be harmed by mere explosions, for I am *takes off disguise* Ganondorf!

*Ike appears* Ike: Dammit Link! I told you not to follow me here from Brawl! Now look what you've done!

What would happen if they did a BSFE for FE4 Gen 1?

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We would be able to see chapters like:

-Ayra and Mariccle taking separte paths from Isaac.

-We would see a chapter were Alvis begins to take over Grandbell.

-Maybe chapters of survivors of Gen 1, right before Gen 2 begins.

What if Caeda was the main character instead of Marth in FEDS?

Edited by Light Lord
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Nyna: Caeda, will you accept the Fire Emblem?

Caeda: Of course, Princess Nyna.

Marth: Caeda, my love, I shall fight for you until death.

Caeda: Thank you, Prince Marth. But you must wield the Falchion, as I am not a descendant of Anri.

Marth: I know. Once we recover it, I'll teach Medeus a lesson!

Later on, in Book 2.....

Hardin: Caeda! You dare to challenge me at last!

Caeda: Emperor Hardin.....Why have you become like this?

Hardin: You don't know how insulted I was that Nyna chose you to bear the Fire Emblem. You are not even from the main continent of Archanea! You are from some island out in the middle of nowhere!

Caeda: Where I am from has nothing to do with this.

Hardin: It has everything to do with this! Now, come to me so that I can pierce your heart with the Gradivus!

Marth: You shall do no such thing!

Hardin: Marth, I would have even preferred YOU to receive the Fire Emblem instead of Caeda! But, no matter. I'll kill both of you lovebirds right here!

What if the Phantoms from Sacred Stones were replaced with the Phantoms from Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks?

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Knoll: Beside me! Come forth my servant!


Knoll: Wait a second, I've read the descriptions of the ghosts and this is not what I expected!


Knoll:...They'll have to do. At least they may endure more.

Ghost *attacks Orson and gets KO'd*

Knoll:...They are useless.

What if Katarina had a paired ending with male My Unit? (if it's possible, dialogue please)

Edited by Light Lord
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Katarina: MU, I have to tell you something.

MU: No, I have to tell you something. I'm not like you. I have a different world I must return to, now that my duty here is done.

Katarina: Well then, please take me with you. No matter where it is, I want to go with you.

MU: I'm sorry, but I don't think that's po... (Katarina suddenly pops out of your DS and lands on you)

What if Lyn was alive in FE6?

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Lilina: Wait a minute... Could it really be... *runs up to Lyn* Mother? Is it really...

Lyn: Is that you Lilina? My you've grown a little.

Lilina: *breaks into tears* Mother! *hugs Lyn and cries in her embrace* I've missed you so much... Ever since you've left... Y-You were gone for so long... I-I was afraid that you were...

Lyn: Shh... It's alright Lilina. I've missed you too. But if you're here that means that... Hector's...

Lilina: *sniffs* Yes... He went up against Zephiel's army at Araphen, but...

Lyn: He never came back...

Lilina: That's right... And General Leygance took advantage of the situation, and staged a rebellion in Ostia. If it weren't for Roy, his rebellion would have succeeded.

Lyn: Roy, isn't that Eliwood's son?

Lilina: Yes. In fact, he's leading the army in Father's place right now.

Lyn: Then say no more.

Lilina: You mean?

Lyn: Yep.

Lilina: Thank you Mother! *hugs Lyn* Oh and Mother? After the war is over, can we come back to Sacae?

Lyn: Sure thing.

What if Uther survived his illness?

Edited by LittleAl
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He would be the Marquess of Ostia still, and Hector would be its General instead.

What if Levin survived the Battle of Barhara and didn't have to be revived?

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None of them would be hated by you and you would probably care more in using them without worrying they steal a girl.

What if the Annoying Orange was a playable unit in any Fire Emblem?! (I really want to see an answer to this one like dialogue if possible, but answer as you see fit)

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AO:Hey, Ike!


AO:You have blue hair. You look like you could be a blue berry!

Ike:But I'm not a blue berry.

AO:But you look like one to me!

Ike:Are you coming with me or what?

AO:Of course. Hey, Ike!

Ike:What is it?

AO:You fight for your friends,right?


AO:I'm your friend,right?

Ike:.....Oh,have you met Ilyana?


Ilyana:I.....I'm so hungry.....

AO:Hey,what the......AAAAHHHH!!!!

What if Lyn had refused to come with Eliwood and Hector, instead staying with her grandfather?

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Leila: Lady Lyndis, I suggest you announce your grandfather is dead to the public.

Lyn: Very well, but then...

Eliwood: What is it Lyn?

Lyn: If I make it public, then someone must stay behind to take care of the marquess position.

Hector: She's right. That way the rumor woudl be believed by the citizens. But we may need her support sooner or later.

Lyn: Hector...

Eliwood: Lyn, are you sure about it?

Lyn: Maybe I could accompany you guys later, maybe in Badon when you return.

Hector: Badon? Oh, right. We need to get going to the Dread Isle Eliwood.

Eliwood: Very well. We'll be back soon enough.

Lyn: Kent, Sain. Please acompany Eliwood. He will need help. Wil and Florina, ould you go with him too?

Sain and Kent: Understood milady.

Wil and Florina: Count with us.

What if Zelgius didn't die (like he just got beaten by Ike) in RD?

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Zelgius:.....I concede to you, General Ike.

Ike: Have you forgotten our terms, Zelgius? No draws. No one escapes. No surrender.

Sanaki: Ike, that's enough! Zelgius, you shall certainly stand trial for high treason.

Zelgius: I shall accept my punishment, milady.

Sanaki: Your punishment shall be to fight with us against the Goddess.

Ike: What!?

Zelgius: ......

Sanaki: I trust you two boys can get along until we've resolved this situation?

Zelgius: Of course, Empress Sanaki. What say you, Ike?

Ike: .....I don't like it. I'd rather fight alone than fight alongside my father's murderer.

Micaiah: General Ike, please listen. During the liberation of Daein, Zelgius saved my life. He is a good man. During the battle, I could tell that his soldiers did not mean to harm us.

Ike: Micaiah, you're crazy.

Micaiah: I used to be your enemy as well, General Ike. Yet you trust me now.

Tibarn: Humph. Well, Zelgius, you still owe me a sparring match.

Zelgius: Yes, of course, Hawk King. When Ashera is defeated, we shall finish our duel.

Yune: Wonderful! Let us proceed, shall we?

What if the Annoying Orange that Ilyana ate continued to live on inside of her (so when Ilyana talks, she talks like the Annoying Orange)?

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Ilyana*talks*:Hey Mia, hey Mia.

Mia: Ilyana? What happened to your voice?

Ilyana: I'm not...*AO*Hey, you look line an apple, hahahaha!

Mia: This is not funny Ilyana. Wait, that voice, Ike told me about that orange.

AO: That's right! It's me hahahaha! Hey, mustache!

Septimus: Who? Are you talking to me fruit?

AO: Hey Mustache!

Septimus: THe name is Septimus!

AO: Hey mustache!

Septimus: WHAT?!

AO: Astra sword and Flare thunder.

Spetimus: What?...Aaaaaah!*gets Astra crit and Flare crit*

What if Sigrun could join in FE PoR's Endgame like one of the laguz generals?

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Sigrun will be damned broken! She'll have WTFBases and also WTFGrowths if that happens!

I wonder what will happen if..... these happened... Clarine X Kieran (does not wanna think about it), Geoffrey X Seth (lol), Eirika X Elincia (totally LOL), Fa X Dheginsea with a sideorder of Myrrh.... or Sophia X Zihark + Igrene + Fa or maybeeee.... Stefan X Sophia???

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...Too many to make a conversation for each one.

Stefan: Hmmm, I believe we haven't met milady. The names is Stefan, yours?

Sophia: I'm Sophia, I come from Elibe.

Stefan: Elibe, so over there people like us live too.

Sophia: People like us? What do you mean?

Stefan: The union between a laguz and beorc, we're called the Branded. We possess special skills others don't do. Your commader is one too.

Sophia: You mean Lord Roy? But how...

Stefan: I just know how to identify them. Anyways, a pleasure to meet you milady. Hope we meet again.

Sophia: Wait! I would like to know a bit more of what you said.

Stefan: You and your friends should come to the Grann Desert in Begnion. There I can answer any question you have.

Seth and Geoffrey would be more like conversations of how both do anything to protect their lords, the knight's way and maybe their feelings for their princesses.

Eirika and Elincia much like above, but the despair they felt when leaving their countries, their return to save their people, and maybe how they fall in love with a knight or citizen.

Clarine and Kieran would be funny, since Kieran would be trying to prove he's better than Clarine's brother.

What if M!U could be recruited by the Assassins, persuaded by Katarina?

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Katarina: *insertMUs name here*

MU: You again?!

Katarina: Please, listen to me. Marth is trying to unleash a tremendous power to doom us all! We have to end him!

MU: ....You're a horrible liar.

Katarina: So you think I'm lying? Just wait, you'll see!

MU: .....

Katarina: *insertMUs name here*, please. You're so blind.

MU: If Im so blind, I must see from another point of view. Let me aid you then.

*MU joins Enemy side and can be recruited back by Marth. Ending chapter without MU or killing MU= Game Over*

What if Seth moved to Tellius?

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I liked the Narshen x Valter x Izuka, creepy as they can be. Narshen probably wondering if he should hit on Eirika, while Valter threatens him and Izuka annoys everyone with his monologues, and any other creepy thing you can think of.

What if Gharnef really betrayed Medeus?

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