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Name meanings/origins

Freohr Datia

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Have you looked up your name meaning and origin before? Do you wanna search for it?

I like this. My name is celtic/gaelic (but first I have to look up gaelic =3) And it's derived from the names Catherine and Lynn. (Katelynn) I thought it'd just mean what Katelyn does, which is pure... and virginal. Anyway guess I'll start looking up Catherine and Lynn.

And here's another link for ya if you wanna search for yours. It lets you look through the letter your name starts with.

So what's your meaning? Or what does it originate from?

btw I don't think I fit my meaning (yes I am a virgin though don't go pointing fingers at me :P).

another btw....... I think I remember starting a topic like this before =o ................ I hope not cause I hardly remember at the moment.

EDIT: On a fire emblem note... (finding L's right now cause I'm still searching for Lynn... and it's a long list)

Leila=dark beauty/arabic

Linda=pretty one/spanish


Lucius=bringer of light/Latin


Lyre=a harp or lyre (of course!)/English

Lynn=from the name Linda or Lyndon/American

Catherine means the same as Katelyn

Lyndon means flexible and is english

So Katelynn=pure, virginal, pretty one, and flexible?

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Well, there is a record for my first names, but not the last ones.

Here it goes:

My first name derives from Hebrew, Raphael, and means God has healed.

The next one comes from slavic, Iván, and means God is good.

Wait a sec, I used that page long ago for my fanfic. Curious.

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Well, there is a record for my first names, but not the last ones.

Here it goes:

My first name derives from Hebrew, Raphael, and means God has healed.

The next one comes from slavic, Iván, and means God is good.

Wait a sec, I used that page long ago for my fanfic. Curious.

All I did was type name meanings/origins in google and went on that site =D

EDIT: More Fire Emblem!!! Now I'm just looking at what I'm curious about.

Soren=God of War/Scandinavian (is that why he's a good tactician? =o)

Ike=from Isaac/Hebrew and Isaac=He will laugh (XD)/Hebrew

Boyd=Blond :lol: /Celtic/gaelic

Titania=Land of Giants/Greek


Marisa=Of the Sea/Latin

Mia=Mine/Latin lol

That's all for now



So we don't always know exactly what we mean whenever we say orly.

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I've looked up the origin and meaning of my name and a few others several times before. My first name, Charles, means manly and is of English or German origin. William, my middle name, is English and means defender or something like that.

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Let's see, Kyle means... narrow land, or handsome? Also, Celtic/Gaelic origin, despite my whole traceable history being French...

and my middle name is English, meaning... town of clay? Why is my existence so messed up?

And of course Mia would mean mine... it all makes sense now, my love!

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Okay, here you go a few more FE meanings:

Jill: Girl/Sweetheart, English (of course :wub: )

Oscar: Accurate Spearsman, Scandinavian

Lucia: Light, Italian

Julius: Youthful, Greek

Joshua: Jehovah Saves, Hebrew? What's this?

Tana: Fairy Queen, Slavic

Seth: Appointed, Hebrew

Samson: Bright as the sun, Hebrew

Finally, Roy: King, Celtic

A few of them make sense, others, not too much.

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Oops...ninja'd heheh?

I agree, since he never missed an attack in my last playthrough of PoR.

Not quite ninja'd I was just waaay behind

Astrid=Unusual Beauty and Strength/Scandinavian

Aw was trying to find Ashnard..... Nothing. This site may not have everything on it =/

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My first name, Michael, means "Who is like God". My middle name, Doyle, is apparently "Dark Foreigner". My last name, Harrison, means "Son of Harry" amazingly enough, though I'm told that before it changed into Harrison over the years it was Garrison which is "Troops in Battle".

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Well my name derives from Katherine too.

Whole Name:

As I looked in other sites

Sheyla: Heaven/ English

Karina: Pure/Russian

Martell: Hammer/ French


The Link That Freohr gave away, gave me these meanings

Sheyla: From the name *Cecilia* (Celtic/Gaelic)

Karina: Dear little one (Scandinavian)

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Ooh... I like this. Okay, here I go...

My full name is: Callum Thomas Furlong McMillan (two middle names FTW)

Callum: Given my Scottish/Irish heritage, it's no surpirse that my first name is Celtic/Gaelic in origin, and means 'Dove' - Associated with purity and whatnot. Odd. But moving on...

Thomas: My late Irish grandfather's first name, of Greek origin, meaning 'Twin'

Furlong: A measurement of distance (XD), but also my late grandfather's last name. Likely also of Celtic/Gaelic origin, but don't quote me on that.

McMillan: My father's family name, given to descendants of MacMaoláin, the Scottish clansman.

So... Yeah. Wierd mixture there, huh.

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First ("Christian name" as Hercule Poirot would say): Remembrance of the Lord (Hebrew)

Chinese name (also given by parents): 存 - to preserve. 理 - reason / logic / truth.

Family name: 邊 - possibly a border land division?

Weird, no?

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I'm surprised at the French origins of my name.

Justin: French for... Just

Francis: Latin, True

Tabalanza: Nope

Bernardo: [going with Bernard] French, Bold as a Bear o_O

I was named by my mom and as proof, she branded her maiden name (female Frances of course) in the middle of mine (how rude).

Venting / Useless Info

Most Filipino families I've known have alliterative name fetishes for their kids >_>

I mean, really:

Justin & Jonathan

Nicole & Neill

Derek, Darren & Danny

Carmina & Carmela

Kenneth & Kimberly

Angela & Alexa

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First name: Let's just say "flat" is part of the description

Middle name: Has something to do with chastity (it's a really archaic name)

Last name: Doesn't translate well into English, and is really rare

Suffice to say, I don't like how this reflects on my chances of getting laid.

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