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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Purple Fang

A wolf saturated in blotches of purple and gray rushed through the blinding cloud with the crimson thunder tome in its mouth! It quickly ended its dash with a sliding stop in front of Megae! It lifted its head waiting for her to take the tome ...

Other folks

Too much dust had filled Jasmine's lungs and she was on her knees coughing it out to stay conscious while Viveka and Irina did the same! Even Levski was having trouble though he managed to stay on his feet! Iso quickly ran over to Kelas and stopped at her left flank!

Iso: Arrin's missing too?!

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"Again? C'mon." Helios said pinpointing his mana to the tip of his palm. The wind in the room gathered into his palm and released blowing away the dust in the air.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"I guess you'll stay a while longer then, Boss? Thanks." Taking the tome, she turned into the rising dust and was gone.


"He ran after that damned cat of his, and got lost in the dust. If I could just see--" she exclaimed despairingly. "I think he went this way," she said, walking forward cautiously.


As the world spun around him, he saw a patch of orange. "There you are..." he mumbled as the cat came and jumped into his arms. "Let's go..." He struggled to get up, but was forced to sit down.

edit: Ruby was never here

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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The Wreckage

With the tome handed off, the wolf turned in the direction of the crimson wind. In seconds its cover would be literally blown away! On instinct, the shapeshifter leaped off in an unknown direction and vanished before the dust was cleared!

Iso: The cat? Alright, let's mo- huh? Helios is clearing the dust? Well that'll help.

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Kelas and Arrin

"I suppose he's good for someth-- Arrin!" Kelas ran forward, seeing Arrin sitting on the ground. "What are you playing at? What were you think-- are you all right?!" She dropped to her knees next to him, checking him for injuries.

"There are demons around somewhere," Arrin replied shakily. "They... they got my tome."

Kelas was silent for a moment, then stood up stiffly. "Isotov, get the others. We're getting out of here." She helped Arrin to his feet, keeping him steady with an arm around the shoulders.


Megae dropped back into the hideout. "Boss is staying with them," she told Petros. "Lookit I got though." She held out Daranau, watching the perpetual sparks of static play across its cover.

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Morgan inhaled the dust much like the others, but unlike everyone else she was coughing up blood. 'Tis most unpleasant , she thought to herself.

Charlotte managed to hide her face in Eric's cloak to avoid most of the dust. "I can heal anyone, who's wounded, is Arrin OK?


"Good work, that makes two, though the Lord wishes them all. I'll take this one for now, best not to keep them all on one person." he said, taking Daranau out of Megae's hands.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Putting on his helmet and flipping the visor down, Derek led everyone out of the inn, and went to find Ann. He found her alright, and the mare was spooked, nearly running into him. Whispering to her gently, the cavalier calmed her down, and led her out of the barn, as the dust settled. Upon hearing that we had to get out of there, he said, "Everyone here and alright, first of all?"

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Helios' horse appeared outside, waiting for his master. The other horses were dumb, dont they know that a good kick can break through a barn door?

"Morgan! We lost another tome!" He said rushing to her side. "You alright?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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The shocking truth

Iso: ... Arrin was severed ... (Urgh! Dammit! ... well, at least they were in too much of a hurry to kill him afterward ... ... we got lucky in that regard.) Things just keep getting worse.

Iso rushed over to the others waving and yelling!

Iso: Hey!! We have to go now!! The demons are here!! (I don't like running away, but we can't possibly fight them in a place like this. It's too heavily populated.)

The wyverns dug through the rubble hoping to uncover survivors, but they were only uncovering dead bodies at first. Eventually the two wyverns caught a familiar scent, and the moved over a support strut that had fallen on and injured Katie. She was bleeding from the impact and unconscious! The two wyverns cried out hoping someone would come over and help out!

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"Hey lover boy, they left. Get your horses, we need to leave before the landowners charge us for damage or other demons come." He said to Alferis getting ready to mount

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Kelas and Arrin

"I'm all right, just shaken..." Arrin told Charlotte unconvincingly. He allowed Kelas to steer him over to Francis. "I should be able to ride." It was true; the dizziness was subsiding, and he managed to climb into the saddle.

"If anyone's badly hurt, we need to stabilize them now, and get out before we're attacked," Kelas stated. "Anyone who can't walk will ride with someone."

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"I'm alive." Morgan said simply, eventually stopping enough to respond to Helios. "By your candid tone, I assume it wasn't you, and Isotov looks all right...Arrin then. I'll have to speak with him later."

"I'm here to help." said Charlotte resolutely. "We have enough time to stabilize I think, the demons seem gone...for now."

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"Thats what you people are calling them these days? Oi Kelas, you seen Damian and his girlfriends around?" He said adding emphasis on the s in girlfriends.

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"I'm fine. Looks like everyone's here... Hey, where's Dani?" Derek asked, as the inn collapsed, sending a new wave of dust through the air.

OOC1: T-minus one post, before Derek goes nuts and tries to enter the building. Anyone who wants to play the hero, do so now.

OOC2: No, Ether + Kai, that does not include you.

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"She was in the inn with us, reading." Charlotte said. "Oh no!" she cried as the inn collapsed, as Damian, Esphyr, Altion, and several others made it out, some badly wounded. "I'm going in there!" she yelled, running into the ruins of the inn. Unfortunately,the air was rather dusty and it clouded her vision. Some of the roof fell down right beside her.

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"Charlotte, come back!" Kelas called, running in after her. "We can't afford for you to get hurt! There are wounded outside. Come back."

As Arrin sat in the saddle, waiting for the group to leave, he began to realize the implications of what had happened. "...Morgan, I'm going to get sick, aren't I?" he asked quietly.

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Pary was drapped over Morgan's legs, having been in her room with her when the quake hit. He had been hit in the back by a beam, and was out cold.



As soon as she felt the shaking, Rita had run outside. Once it had stopped, she was in front of the ruins with her head between her legs, and her arms over her shoulders. "P-please. Make it stop."



Even thought the school had stopped shaking, Cess had fainted onto the ground. He was begining to wake. "Ugh..who's it?" Someone was standing over him.



"Well Jerimah? Did you feel that?"

"Yes mistress. I assume you'll start to research what could have caused that huge quake?"

"On the contrary. If my notes are correct, the timing should be perfect. Come, we must gather some things. Go fill these two satchels with oasis water and some warm sand. I'll finish up here. We must go meet the children of fate. And of course, that spirit must be with them. I'll need to start collecting the ingredients. I should need those pressed Jasmine blossoms, a cactus fruit...what else?"

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"Very astute of you Arrin." Morgan said, coughing up some more blood. "Given the stability of Daranau, you've had it for quite some time I imagine, meaning that it's grown rather attached to you. Perhaps your symptoms will not be as severe or grow as quickly as mine, but you probably will begin to feel the loss shortly." she said, giving Arrin a look that almost resembled pity. "I wouldn't tell many of the others, they'll worry too much about things they cannot fix." She looked down at the priest on her legs How did he get here?

Charlotte heard Kelas call but chose to ignore it I'll get to them later, no one's going to die here if I can help it, it won't be like the invasion... She managed to find a mess of green hair under a beam and applied her staff to an arm sticking out, which hopefully did enough to save her. She tried to lift the beam, but it was too heavy.

"Help!" she yelled out.

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