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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"Not seeing any animal tracks," Kelas said after dismounting and inspecting the small cave's floor. "It'll be tight, but I reckon it'll work. We ought to go tell the others we've found something." She mounted up again and wheeled around, turning back towards the group. When they came into sight, she shouted, "Found a cave! Not inhabited! C'mon!"

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Charlotte nudged Francis and sped off in the direction of the cave. Francis seemed eager to be leaving as well, and they reached the cave in very little time. A little cozy, but finally somewhere dry

Morgan awoke with a start as Chase's horse moved at a quickened pace, jostling her from her slumber.

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As the group neared the cave, Kelas dismounted and let Amari enter several paces ahead, sparing herself the extra splattering as the mare shook the water out of her coat. "Now if we just had some kindling, we could dry off a fair bit faster," Kelas mumbled, shivering, as she looked about the cave. It was really more of a rocky overhang; there were no tunnels leading anywhere, just a large sort of room-like formation.

Arrin quickly sat down against the cave wall; he'd been getting dizzy again. "We're sleeping here, right?" he asked.

"Yeah. You stay there, I'll get your bedroll," Kelas told him, bringing over the driest of the blankets. "Get behind those and change into dry clothes. You can't afford to get sick now."

Arrin nodded and did so, still shivering even when dry and wrapped in the blankets.

"Is there any possibility of getting a fire in here?" Kelas asked the group.

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Rita and Cess:

Having followed the group, Morrey had stopped in the middle of the cave and sat down. Cess was still dead asleep.

"Just have good old Iso here start us a fire."



Pary was still riding on Derek's horse. <_<

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OOC: Last post, then offline.

People in a Cave

After Iso helped a still unconscious Katie from Ulfhrahn and lied her on one of the bedrolls, he heard Kelas ask about a fire.

Iso: ... (Heh. A fire? Well ... ... should I really avoid it just because it resembles the past? It's Kelas that's asking. Why would I say no? Because I have issues? No ... just help out.) I can handle that I suppose.

He walked over to Kelas and summoned Proxima into his right hand. He also had his normal tome in his other hand.

Iso: So, which one do you want me to use? Fire needs something to burn. Proxima only needs my continued concentration to keep from going out.

OOC: Feel free to CC Iso.

Note: Using Proxima doesn't need burning materials, but Iso has to enter slight meditation to keep it burning. Fire is ordinary fire.

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"I'd say the normal one, but I'm not sure we have anything to actually burn... but won't the Crimson one take up energy? I can give you food, but I'm not sure that will help..." Kelas replied, grateful for the help but unsure of which option to take. "...Could you, though? I'll keep watch," she said at last. "And if you need to sleep, I'll figure something else out." Abruptly she gave Isotov a quick, slightly awkward hug around the shoulders. "...Thanks for helping," she told him, getting out some food to share.

Despite the cold, Arrin was already fast asleep, though shivering.

OOC: Nah, too tired for CCing. Will pick this up tomorrow I guess.

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"Well, we can't have you concentrating all night long, you'll be exhausted." said Morgan, feeling exhausted. "If there are any large trees, rocks, anything to protect from moisture around, we can gather dry materials from there. If there are any pine trees around, someone can gather the resin, that will burn for a bit."

Charlotte noticed Katie lying unconscious on the ground. "She's still out? I must have missed her when I was healing before, hope it's not too late." She applied her healing staff to Katie, but her wounds didn't seem to heal at all. That's odd, is there something wrong with me or my staff? Charlotte thought, furrowing her brow.

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As the group approached the cave, Aiya let out a sigh of relief.

'I can finally get out of this rain~.'

As soon as the cave was reached, Isotov brought Katie to a bedroll, and laid her down.

'He sure is devoted...' A slight twinge of hurt crossed her face, but it was quickly hidden.

As it seemed people were looking for something to burn, Aiya began digging through Ulfhrahn's saddlebags. The leather, given a reinforcing charm with magic was pretty much waterproof, and designed for such an occasion. This waterproofing was useful enough on it's own, but inside one area was some kindling and firewood.

"It's policy in the Halton military to always try to have some dry firewood in case of heavy rains. Here, now Iso doesn't have to stay up all night." Aiya replied, bringing the wood deep enough into the cave that the flame wouldn't go out from the rain.

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"Ah...finally," said Alferis, taking off his shirt and wringing it out as he entered the cave.

"Thank god you guys found something to burn," said Alferis, heading towards the firewood, waiting for Iso to start.

Reika had also headed towards the where the fire would be held, rubbing her arms to warm herself. She was shivering from the cold, and was clearly not in particularly good shape.

"You ok Reika?"

"Brr...just leave me alone right now slave."

"Ok. If that's what you want."

"One thing first slave."


"Are there any towns nearby?"


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OOC: Before they found the cave.

This weather....... why do i feel like i've felt it before..... Helios, being the prince of Tora was accustomed to the terrible weather. What he did not know was how. He looked back at the group, surprised that he was in the lead. He tugged the rein forcing his horse to move slower and caught up with the groups steady pace. ....!



The young man dressed in the white waited. He had something on his mind. Then suddenly he heard a call. "Lord brother!" A girl dressed in black exclaimed approaching him. "Your not attending Fathers Funeral?" She asked bluntly. The man scoffed. "Since when does a murderer go to his victims funeral. Suddenly, her hand flew across his face, striking him. The man expecting the blow didnt look phased, the young girl however was on the verge of tears. Then she suddenly advanced towards him and pulled him into an embrace, something he didnt expect. "Your going to leave arent you." She sobbed. The man obviously made up his mind. "I must." He muttered. The girl closed her eyes as her brother broke away let her go. "Promise me you wont die." She said. He looked up. "I promise. A tear slid down the mans eye. "Lord brother your-" "Mother was too distant, father was always trying to kill me. You were the only person that actually meant something to me." He muttered before he turned around and started walking away. Then the girl gasped. She almost forgot why she came here. "Lord brother. You forgot this." She exclaimed holding up a black and red tome. "Hm?"


"Huh?" Helios exclaimed arriving at the cave entrance. He must have been still riding. At the sight of Isotov using Proxima to start a fire, Helios interjected. "Thats not necessary. Use your regular fire tome, Proxima may be too devastating...... you do have a fire tome dont you?"

OOC: Inb4 someone calls incest.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Well the town we were considering heading to is a day's travel from here. I'm not exactly sure when the storm will let up though," said Alferis, rummaging through his pack for some jerky and a bit of hardtack. He tossed one to Reika and handed another to Isotov.

"Here. You'll need the food, being a mage and all. More than me anyway. Anyone else?" he offered.

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"No." said Esphyr. "I've had more food since joining with you than I've had in nine years. A mercenary like me can't afford to put on weight or else she becomes slow and cannon fodder. Probably half the women here couldn't make it as a mercenary." said Esphyr, having entered the cave. Already, she was carefully removing what clothes she could whilst still preserving her modesty and squeezing the rest as dry as she could. Spreading her clothes out by Iso's flame, she sat down. "So... Alf. What was mercenary life like for you?"

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"Well...I was only a mercenary for a short time. Mostly I just worked as a laborer where I could find work. But when I did, it was ok I guess. Pretty brutal. I was the cannon fodder in the group," he said.

"Mostly got hired by a few unsavory individuals. They wanted me to distract people while they stole and the like. Guess I'm sort of doing it again," he laughed, gazing at Reika, who was devouring the hardtack and pulled out some of her own food.

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"You got lucky it sounds like. I was usually part of the 'suicide' squads and similar posts. Cannon fodder has it almost as bad, but at least you have the chance of some sap taking the bolt for you. I often got the 'delicate' missions which involved fighting behind enemy lines. Would have loved something simple like labor though, but no one hires a lady for that."

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"The things some people do," Derek said, shaking his head as he wiped off his armor. "Man, I've heard of an incident just like that. There were these thieves, who hired a merc to be on lookout, and to distract. So what happens, is that these knights come along, to listen about this story about how the merc's sister was kidnapped by bandits, or something of the sort, while the thieves were looting a house. The thieves finish up, walk right out the front door, where the merc was telling the story, and try to wave to him, to be leaving, saying 'we got the goods, let's go'. I'll tell you, they had a good laugh about that one as they led the thieves to jail."

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"It's hard to find labor these days though. Mostly, you just have to get lucky since most people around are itching for that type of thing. Sometimes, if times get really tough, you need to, well, mug people. Anyways, I'm sorry about the type of jobs you have to pull. Still, at least you got pretty strong.

And those have to be the stupidest thieves in the world."

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OOC: @ Kai Iso never activated Proxima. He just held both tomes up and asked which one to use.

The Cave People

Iso: Uh ...-oh it's no problem at all, Kelas. It's the least I can do. (Well the least I could do is absolutely nothing but ...)

He was a bit startled by the hug, but also a bit comforted by it too. There was an overall group consensus that using the crimson tome though while more efficient, was not the best choice. Iso was relieved and Proxima vanished from his hand as Aiya appeared with some leather seemingly perfect fuel for his fire tome.

Iso: (That's convenient. Back in the old days I was usually too paranoid to sleep anyway, so Miranda would make it a part of my training to not only keep watch, but keep a fire lit. I'm clearly with a different group of people now.)

Once the materials were set, he held his tome in one hand, and held out his other hand as if trying to catch a few rain drops. As soon as he cast a spell, a very small flame appeared in the palm of his hand. He gently turned his hand over and the tiny flame fell onto the leather, setting it ablaze on its soft impact. The blaze quickly calmed into a small campfire and stabilized.

Iso: ... whew.

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"I heard of a group that robbed a bank. The call went out for the knights and they hurried to the bank, swords drawn, and got there right as the thieves were mounted up. They were too scared to move and thought they were going to be arrested, but the knights ran right past them to get into the bank and find the criminals.

And Alf, strength doesn't matter so much. I got the jobs because they figured a woman would be less suspect than a man or be able to distract them with charm. Thankfully, they paid well enough so that I never had to mug someone though... but... Some people offered good money for consort mercs. I never took a job like that. I have too much dignity for it."

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"Whew. Glad you didn't have to. I don't think anyone would be called a mercenary after that as much as a whore. I never hired myself out to guard pimps though. Even I have my limits. Most people hired me because they assumed I'm pretty much just dumb muscle. Which is not exactly that far from the truth."

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With the fire lit, Aiya let out a sigh as the warmth hit her. It also reminded her that she was soaked.

'I don't like it, but I guess I don't have much of a choice...'

Going back to Ulfhrahn's saddlebags, Aiya found suitable replacement clothing, a warm shirt and some pants, and discreetly managed to find a nook in the back of the cave.

'I guess this is gonna be the best place I'll find...'

Slipping in to avoid general sight, she began to strip off the wet clothing and armour.

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Reika had meanwhile got up and went to the back of the cave, where she unpacked a short skirt and a sleeveless shirt. She had caught a brief glimpse of Aiya, but ignored her and faced the other way. She stripped down and put the new clothes on quickly, careful so nobody would see anything. She placed her clothes by the fire to dry them, while she looked at Alf, who was dripping wet.

"Uh...shouldn't you be getting out of your clothes slave? You're not going to be helpful to me if you catch a flu you know."

"Ah! Right. Be right back guys," he said, heading somewhere where nobody would see him and took his clothes off and searched his pack for clean and dry ones.

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"The worst job I ever had was horribly close to that though; the pimp thing I mean. I was hired by a mad husband because he had found out his wife worked for a pimp to get extra money. He first tried to hire me as a replacement, and had to crawl away from the bar and home. Two days later, he hired me to kill the pimp, which involved me dressing up in his wifes clothes to get near him before running the bastard through. What made it so aweful was the constant offers I got while dressed up as her and at least three people tried to pin me against a wall before I got to him. Dumb muscle doesn't have to do anything though, so I envy you again. the job lot for men and women is truly different."

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Watching everyone change make Helios think otherwise. His clothes didnt get as wet as the others but he had something he wanted to change into for a while now. He went deep inside the cave where no one can see him change.

OOC: He went like really deep. Chase cant even see that far. <_<

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Watching as both Alf and Aiya got up to go get changed, Esphyr decided that it was better to dry the clothes on her body than get changed while men were in the back of the cave, a fact soon proven right as Helios went to the very back of the cave. Maybe after they were done... Ah well. Instead, Esphyr just lay back on the ground, waiting for their return.

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