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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Kiev had dived under the water earlier and had escaped notice. Having nearly run out of air, he quickly resurfaced between Esphyr and Reika, his jaws wide open as if he was smiling at the black haired thief!

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Having filled the bag with water, and dumped the remains of the eggs, he cleaned it out, and turned heading back into the cave. The two wyverns seemed to be playing.

"So what's the news?"

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"...Hello wyvern. Nothing against you, but move out of the way right now before I scratch you up. Calamity," Reika said, the daggers appearing in her hands. She sneaked over, behind a rock, putting on her shirt and skirt and underwear.

"Heh. That priest is gonna wish he was never born when I'm through with him," Reika chuckled to herself.

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Meanwhile Esphyr was getting dressed herself, already in her basic clothes and grabbing her armor to shove it on so she could get to her sword to mutilate the priest and ensure his vow of chastity.

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Kiev watched as the thief moved away from him and left the river right after Esphyr. He lowered his head, sad that no one seemed to want to play with him now. Krinkov watched from the shore with a flat eyed expression on his face.

OOC: Flat eyed expression is exactly like Garfield's expression.

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Her clothes all put on, Reika ran to the caves, where Pary was entering. She charged towards Pary tossing Calamity at his arm and resummoning it back into her hand!

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"nnh... what's so all-fired important that--" Kelas blinked. "Mole? I suppose that is important." She sat up, reaching for her bow, knowing that conflict was inevitable. "Amari, go fetch Arrin from wherever he's gone." The mare broke out of her doze and trotted out of the cave. Kelas got up and went to stand by Isotov and Irina, waiting for Morgan's pronouncement. She wasn't too worried about being declared the mole.

"Yes, that sounds good," Arrin agreed, smiling back wanly. The sounds of Morgan's shouting carried out of the cave, breaking off the possibility of just sitting for a while. "Sounds like we should go back," Arrin sighed, "though we can stay outside if you want." Sure enough, Amari showed up, ambling round behind Arrin and shoving him forward. "I'm going, I'm going," Arrin assured the mare, who snorted and dropped her head to graze. He paused, waiting for Tessa to respond.

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Morgan heard Pary asked "What's the news?" and turned towards him. "Time to reveal the identity of the mole." She saw Reika and Esphyr coming up behind him. "I don't know what the problem is, but attack each other later, I have no time for your foolishness." she shouted hoarsely.

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Sighing a bit, Tessa stretched and rose to her feet. "Depends what it is. I'm worried after Sis," she answered the mage. "A short while inside won't kill me. I can actually manage for quite a bit if I put my mind too it. Probably even better now that I know to be on the lookout for it."

She moved over and rubbed Amari's flank a bit before they made their way down and around to the entrance. "You're such a good girl. Always helpful."

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Morgan waved a hand at Reika dismissively.

"After much deliberation and information gathering..." Morgan began, pausing to cough. "I have narrowed the mole down to three main suspects. Derek, Heinz, Katie, please step forward.'

"Now, any words to defend yourselves? If not, then we will have to begin torturing the truth out of you. One or more of you may be innocent, so it might be unfortunate, but sacrifices must be made." she said authoritatively.

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Amari snorted again and gently butted Tessa's shoulder. This one was all right, she'd decided.

Arrin stuck close to Tessa as they returned to the cave. "I wonder who she's worked out... I hope this doesn't end in a fight."

"Oh gods..." Kelas began, hand instinctively reaching for an arrow. "Don't fire first, Isotov, it won't end well..." she murmured, not sure he'd heard but knowing that flinging magic around a closed space would likely hurt everyone.

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In the Cave of a thousand horrors

Iso: Torture?!! Grrrrr-DAMMIT, MORGAN!!! Don't you have a heart?!! No way in hell are you torturing people!!

Viveka: ... I don't know whether to laugh or to kick her for putting one of my friends up there and threatening torture :/

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"Amazing." Helios muttered arriving at the execution stand cave entrance. He overheard what Morgan said and saw Iso's reaction. "You fool." He muttered at Morgan. "Do you have any idea how Lord Harold would act!"

EDIT: Rewording,

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'Lord Harold won't be finding out." Morgan said to Helios curtly.

"Now Isotov, they have all claimed innocence, which means one of them is lying. I see no other alternative. I however, won't be torturing them, I'll need some volunteers to help me with this."

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"Your insane! There were innocent people amongst the ones you called out! If you had any conscious, you would start with the Mercenary you hired! Heinz!" He exclaimed pointing his finger accusingly at him.

OOC: Want an explanation? Go to Chat.

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"Any evidence Helios? I see Katie as possibly guilty as Heinz here." Morgan said, crossing her arms.

"Reika." she said simply."Heinz perhaps, though not on himself."

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"Geez. And I thought you had at least a portion of a brain," said Reika, leaning back against the cave wall. "You really think she'd just up and betray her slobbering dog lover? You really think she'd do that?"

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...Torture seemed a bit much, Tessa thought, and she was pretty sure it was easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. She was also fairly convinced of the innocence of most. Still, she had an idea.

"I... I suppose I could volunteer to help somewhat," she stated a little softly. If she were in charge of the interrogation, she could at least make sure things did not go too far out of line.

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"He had the easiest way to get infiltrate into the group under the guise of a mercenary. The other mercenarys are here for family matters or so but Heinz isnt. Doesnt the fact that he is always so quiet disturb you a bit? It could be because he doesnt want to attract attention." He replied with a tone of venom in his voice. He had just blurted out his opinion but right now he had been glad that he did. There is a good chance he can be the mole......... Gah why did i get myself involved in the first place!

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<_< "Probably that mute bitch...."






:facepalm: "You do need to have some evidence though." Cess took his cards, and focused his palms over the deck, before having his energy draw the cards. Several cards showed. "Hmm, more than normal as well. Voice, Freeze, Twin, Move, Time, Erase, Knife, and Money."

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"Idea. Cess can predict the future, right? So why not have him do that for everyone and the one whom comes up as a trator, well is the traitor." said Esphyr. "And where the frick is the headmaster?"

"Behind you. I can vouch for Katie if need be, but I'm not sure myself if she is or isn't."

"She's your own employee?"


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