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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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In the ghetto cave

Lev: (Derek, Heinz, and "Harold's Daughter". These isn't good.)

Irina: Morgan, are you seriously going to get volunteers to beat people for the truth?

Iso: (Not on my watch ...)

Iso clinched his fists tightly. His irises had already faded behind Proxima's red glow, and the look on his face made his intentions pretty clear.

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"Helios, stop. Wait. I know you have good intentions, but please. Sure Heinz has perhaps had a few suspicious moments. But were you there when Zilpah was trying to ask uncomfortable questions? He was as diligent as any of us at trying to keep the Crimson Weapons secret. If he was just trying to sell us out why would he do that? It's possible, yes. But it would require a lot more explaining. After the questions, we can figure things out." Tessa started to defend the quiet man. She didn't know him that well, but they'd shared a few moments, and saved each other's lives. That was enough, for now.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"She only met him after joining this group. Doesn't the speed of their relationship seem suspicious to you...a seduction perhaps?" she asked Reika.

"I appreciate your help Tessa. You can heal people's wounds after they've been wounded."

"Yes Lev, I am. I'm finding this mole...by any means necessary. I would ask you to restrain Isotov, he's been hoodwinked by Katie I imagine and may be difficult."

Morgan began to feel dizzy. So close...I can feel it

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"We've had several relationships develop quickly, like you and Tessa." said the HM. "If I remember properly, Damian and Esphyr too were barely talking to each other when you arrived at TISME, and two weeks have passed by now and look."

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"Damn." He muttered after he heard Tessa speak. That bastard is manipulating her? Damn what am i going to do? Then a slight WHOOSH noise made Helios look at Iso. He was going to blast Morgan with Proxima. "Morgan, this has gone far enough! On what grounds are you charging the three?"

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"Well, I'd say Derek is cleared. I doubt he'd want to kill his sister, best friend, and the princess of his country. Plus my cards don't seem to say anything about him."



<_< "Cause it's Katie. Duh. Never trust a girl with blue hair."



"What color is your hair? :facepalm:"

" :mellow: Never mind."

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"Be careful," Kelas hissed, putting a hand on Isotov's shoulder. "Just because she condones torture doesn't mean the rest of us will, but we don't want to set her off..."

Arrin scooted closer to Tessa. Was Morgan really going to try to use her like that? If she insisted, Arrin would have to protest...

Amari trotted back over to the cave, seeing the humans up in arms. This could not end well.

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"He wouldn't have to." Morgan replied to Cess. "The mercenaries were clearly after the Crimson Weapon wielders, they would only have to betray specific people. After careful deliberation, I have narrowed it down. Just like with Helenos and the cart, my perception skills are correct. We will simply have to make do."

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The atmosphere was getting tenser and tenser, Tessa moved further into the cave, and took up a position right next to Morgan. She'd noticed that Arrin had been trying to stick close to her, probably going to try to protect her again if needed, which made her realize that maybe she should be ready to protect Sis as well, in case things really did break down into an intra-group squabble the likes of which they had not yet seen.

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OOC: Recap post.

Not bad, they've got quite a few types, Heinz mulled, looking at the assortment of knives in the weapons shop. Removing a few from the wall, Heinz flipped them back and forth, examining the knives closely. "Weight seems alright," he muttered. Turning to the left, Heinz walked back a couple paces, throwing the knives at the blank wall.

Turning back towards the shopkeeper, Heinz nodded briefly. "These'll do," pulling one of the knives out of the wall and handing it back to the shopkeeper. The man frowned. "Mind taking the rest of them out of the wall too? How many do you want?" he questioned. Heinz took the bag of gold he had received from the merchant earlier. "That should be enough," pushing the bag across the counter. Don't think the prices went up too much.

Tucking the knives into his belt, Heinz strolled out of the store, pausing for a second. Should I fetch the mute mage? That shaman never asked though... "Whoa!" he shouted, crashing into shop door. Holding onto the door, he struggled to keep his footing as the earth moved again. An earthquake? This usually doesn't happen.. blinking his eyes at the strangely colored sky.

Breaking into a run, Heinz arrived at the inn within a few minutes, seeing various members of the group running around frantically. Hearing Morgan call for everyone to move, Heinz mounted his horse, following the rest of the group through the storm. "Been awhile since it poured this hard," he mumbled glumly to himself. What's that sound? He wondered, echoing what the others were saying out loud.

Hearing the shaman confirm the presence of demons, Heinz frowned slightly. Some of the group doesn't look too well. After a night of rest within the caves, the mercenary woke up early the next morning, scowling slightly at the cold dragging down his limbs. Glancing slightly to the side, Heinz noticed Morgan interviewing Katie. The healer last morning, and the mute mage today, eh? Looks like she's interviewed everyone. Hearing the shaman announce the suspects, Heinz looked up and blinked. Three people? She's more paranoid then I thought, standing up stiffly.

Heinz snorted at the wind mage's accusations. "And Derek isn't a mercenary himself?" he questioned wryly. "Speaking of which, you don't have any ties to the other group members yourself. Almost everyone else here is quieter than you," he sneered. "You've started plenty of fights since I joined the group, are you trying to start another?" he mocked.

Heinz paused for a second, turning his head in surprise when he heard the healer speak up to defend him. She's more kindhearted than most, even if her thinking is off, he mulled. "Thanks Tessa," he spoke quietly, inclining his head slightly towards the girl.

Edit: Added a bit, rephrasing and word choice.

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That place with all the bickering people in it

Lev: (These is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. Let's just hope nobody gets killed.)

Levski closed up the book he was reading and pocketed it before coming a little closer to the groupd at large. He kept one hand on his hip, and the other on his hand axe.

Viveka: (I don't think Derek is the mole. He doesn't strike me as that type. I'm not usually wrong in my judgments about people either. Hienz? No idea. Never bothered talking to him. Katie? A good mole would be trying to seduce someone with more authority than Isotov so that means she's actually interested in him, but a lousy mole, she's not interested in him and is a lousy mole, or she's interested in him, and not a mole at all. Hmm.)

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"I bet it's that hero's daughter is the mole. A quiet little mute is the perfect disguise. I'm going to go get some air. All this hot air is hurting my sinuses." Rita walked towards the door, her hands behind her head. She bumped into Katie hard on her way out.

OOC: Yes, Catfight.

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"So Helios thinks Heinz is the mole, Tessa does not, I trust her judgment over his for now. Some have spoken up for Derek, parties I consider somewhat unbiased. I still think my Katie seduction theory holds water, personally."

"Tessa's explanation does not hold water for Katie I'm afraid, she has not saved any of our lives, except for perhaps that Helenos incident...though the weapons would have landed in another's hands in that case."

"Any words in defense of Katie, Tessa? These people are probably not all innocent you know."

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"I believe Heinz is the mole," Alferis piped up. "From the beginning, Katie and Derek have proven themselves trustworthy and worthwile companions. Iso isn't exactly high up, Katie'd have a lot more to gain seducing Damian instead. Heinz on the other hand has rarely been seen in fights, he's always off doing something where nobody can see him, and he's usually forgotten, all qualities a good mole would have.

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OOC: Lev's foot has armor plates :/


Lev looked down at his foot noticing Esphyr had pressed down on it rather hard. He leaned a little closer so that only she would hear him when he spoke.

Lev: Keep in mind, your boss is Damian ... ... mine is Morgan >_>

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"I don't think Katie is the mole." said Esphyr. "There's no doubt as to her inability to speak. Beating her up would literally yield nothing beyond a mute squeak. She's had more than enough chances to betray us, and we're still around. Not to mention your dislike of her is not a unknown factor, and makes your judgement skewed. Besides, by the logic you used to finger her, any of us is the mole as well, except for Pary as soon as Reika gets time alone with him."

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Suddenly put on the spot, Tessa took a small step back. She hadn't expected to be put in such a decision making role. What could she come up with for Katie? She'd initially really felt for the woman. There'd been that hiccup at the beginning, when they'd first met and she'd touched off a sensitive subject, but on the whole she was a decent person. Katie never had replied to the troubadour's note though, but that wasn't exactly relevant to the subject at hand, and could have been for any of a number of reasons. Their direct interactions after Istample had been rather limited, actually... Katie had pretty much secluded herself to interacting with Isotov and Esphyr, for better or worse following her abduction at Selizara and her reappearance.

"If... If Katie were the mole, why would she have waited this long to act? She'd have gathered more than enough evidence ages ago. Of the suspects, Derek was the most recent to join, but not too recent that he couldn't have collected, and submitted a report... maybe? I'm not really sure I know or can guess all that much as to what may or may not be possible in matters of spying..."

Her defense was somewhat lackluster, but she was floundering, and not quite sure what she should be saying. She didn't have a firm finger of suspicion to point at anyone.

Edit: Don't mind the grammar fixings.

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Heinz looked at the ex-guide, narrowing his eyes slightly. Seems he's been hanging around that thief too much lately. "I don't know why Katie would choose Isotov, why don't you ask her yourself?" he challenged. "I've fought in almost every battle since I met the group, except for when that fire barrier sprang up and blocked me. A number of other people were also blocked off, I don't see you challenging them," he replied evenly.

"How are those two more trustworthy than me?" he questioned. "I don't deny they haven't done anything for this group, but how are they any better?" Heinz stared back at the man. "I've done the job Morgan hired me for, nothing less," he stated. "It's interesting how you know what qualities a good mole would have though, casting suspicion on me like that.... and distracting from yourself."

"You're always off talking to that thief," waving in the general direction of Reika. "She outright admitted she was a spy when we first ran into her, and yet you're still hanging around her," Heinz replied dryly.

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"Of course he's off talking with me. I hired him to guide me along," Reika chimed in. "Since you seem so concerned about whether or not he is, let me ask you, does he have the brains to pull something like this off?"

"Yeah. I was with the other Jerodians when the group attacked. Anyway, consider this. Why would Derek betray us? Derek may be a mercenary, but he would end up hurting his best friend and sister if he was the mole and he wouldn't want to do that.

I'm sure people have had suspicions of you before. In fact, they probably have suspicions about me, which is smart of them. But I'm usually around where people can see me. But you, I don't know where you get off to and what you do. It's not like you come back with anything. Why do you disappear like that?" Alferis said dryly.

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"I don't think you really need to hire someone to guide you around a town. But I guess maybe he doesn't have the skill to pull something like that off," Heinz conceded, shrugging his shoulders. "If you were with the other Jerdonians though, wouldn't you be safe from an attack?"

"Usually I'm around the rest of group actually," Heinz commented. "I just don't make as much of a fuss and get involved with every argument I see," smirking slightly at the jab. "I'd have a headache if I did that."

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"Answer the question of where you went off to first," said Alferis, leaning back further on the wall.

"You know, I have something that may solve this," said Reika, growing bored with the argument.

"You see, I saw Heinz disappear before into an alley and I went in to follow him. He met with a man and even admitted it, though he claimed it was a man he owed a favor to. Seems to me that if he disappears like that very often and he rarely crosses your mind, he'd be a good mole if you ask me. I should know.

Now think of it this way. He said he joined for money and adventure right? Sure. He joined under very unusual circumstances right? Now ask me this. What would keep Heinz here besides being paid to spy on us?"

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'Traitor' + RAEG Mage

After a few minutes, Morgan called the group together, to announce her findings. She called Derek, Heinz, and Katie, as the possible candidates. Instantly, there was a dispute as Morgan decided that torture was to be used on each of the three. Dani, hearing that her brother was a candidate, dropped the fruit in the pan, and began to cast Thoron.

"Die, yo-"

"Dani, back off." The voice was Derek's. Instantly, the mage stopped casting the spell, and looked at him.

"But, she's calling yo-" she was cut off again.

"It's not your problem. Back off," he repeated, turning his head to look at her.

"... Alright," she said. "But, I don't like this..."

"Very well. Everyone who's trying to prevent torture, please stop. It isn't going to get us anywhere just arguing the point. I'm fine with it, personally," Derek said, speaking for the first time to the group at whole since the argument began. "Also, to those who are trying to defend me, keep in mind that it isn't that hard to knock out a few people. I could easily do that, as some people can attest, if I were to betray the group and bring in a ambush. And, honestly, I'd take Heinz's word over Reika's, because she sort of just blurted that out right now, when he pointed a finger at her. Just my thoughts. With that said, if you'd like to torture me, feel free. I've nothing to hide."

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