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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Cavalry of Directus

"Damn, can't say I've said this before, but hurry up already!" Fargo whined.

"You should be glad your mounts get this rest," Luc lectured Fargo. "You don't want them to keel over before we get out of this valley do you?"

"Bah," Fargo looked away from the others, "Yeah yeah, doesn't mean it's not annoying."

"Noted," Luc noted down another infraction for Fargo.

Before Fargo could start another string of complaints, a blue-haired girl from the others dashed past them all at amazing speeds. Fargo's mount practically threw him off in surprise.


"If she keeps up at that speed she's liable to run right off a cliff, Fargo, Tom go after her!"

"Yes, sir," came enthusiastic and unenthusiastic responses. The two Cavaliers rode off after the girl.

"Now, who caused this mess?" Luc turned his horse around and spied the others, looking for the source of the disturbance.

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Morgan whispered back to Lev "All right then, whenever you're ready"

Charlotte was shocked to see Rita run off. I do not think I'm better than everyone else! I mean, most of the people in this group are rather uncultured, and I have class, so I guess I am better. I don't say that though, since it sounds terribly conceited. I mean they can't really help it, not being nobles and all, and they know some things better than I do.

Falling in love with my knight? What did she mean? Sir Derek's a cavalier in the Jerdonian military, but where would she get the impression that I love him? Maybe she meant Sir Eric...do I love him? I...don't know. I'm not even sure how he feels about me. Am I his liege? His friend? Something more? Either way, announcing it in front of everybody... Her cheeks turned pink at the thought.

After talking to herself in her head, she noticed that Rita had run off. "Well, I wasn't expecting that." she said, still somewhat dazed.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Dani? No offense to your father, but most of the soldiers I know are nothing more than bandits that get to be in charge and if you knew what I went through, you wouldn't be so ready to zap me," he said angrily at Dani.

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Group in general

Lev: Best for these next one to be someplace private. I'll just scoop you up at a good moment. And with that, it's time to get going I suppose.

He scratched his head and sighed.

Lev: Giver's canyon ... boy what a droll place. (Giver's canyon? ... hey isn't these the place where Daneka tried to kill me and my boys last time we were in Septimus?)

Irina and Iso rode on Kiev and he followed the leading horses near the front of the group. Jasmine went over to check and see if Viveka was ready to go.

Meanwhile ...

Viveka: Thanks for the offer but ... I don't want anyone to lose sleep over me ... anymore >_>'

She tried to pick herself up but was having a bit of trouble.

Viveka: We should ... probably get going since the others don't want to rest anymore.

Jasmine: Hey, you can't slack off right now. We have to get ready to go, Captain.

Viveka: ... ugh, my life totally sucks now. Nothing ever works out.

She was still sobbing a bit, but it seemed more comical with her latest exaggeration.

OOC: Viv will do that whole whispering thank you for pampering me thing once she's back on Ann riding passenger.

EDIT: Added more Viv. You gotta have more Viv.

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"That... Was not what I foresaw, either...," Eric said, slightly dumbstruck. Looking over to Charlotte, he saw that she was blushing. "Is... something wrong, milady?"


"IT DOESN'T MATTER! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY OF THOSE 'BANDITS' DIED LAST YEAR, FIGHTING FOR MY COUNTRY?" Dani shouted back at Alf, furious now. "DO YOU HOW MANY OF THEM, WHO PUT THEIR LIVES DOWN EVERY DAY TO MAKE PEOPLE LIKE US SAFE? DON'T EVER CALL THEM SCUM!!!" This outburst was accompanied by green lightning, seemingly conjured out of nowhere, heading directly for the bandit!

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"Whoa!" Alferis exclaimed, barely dodging the bolt.

"If it weren't for them invading us, then there's no way we would even need them ok?" he said angrily. "Some of them may have fought for your country, but if there were no soldiers at all, then we wouldn't need all those people to die."

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"Everything's all right, just some of the things she said..." Charlotte shook her head and turned around to hear another outburst. "Um, I think Dani is upset about something." she said to Eric. "And is that green lightning?"

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"It would seem so," Eric said, turning around at the sound of her yelling. "And... Yes, that is green lightning. I haven't seen that in ages... What did Alf do?"


"No, it's alright... Goddess knows I've had enough rest in the past few years," Derek said, second part mainly to himself. Seeing that the pegasus rider was having difficulty getting up, he helped her up, and onto Ann, before gathering the cot and the empty cup of soup, and getting up on the mare himself. "Well, it seems like we're about ready to go."

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Cavalry of Directus

Looks like I've found my disturbance, Luc thought as he saw green lightning spinning around one of the girls in a group. The lightning shot out and narrowly missed hitting another member. It's a better idea to just ignore this and leave with the whole unit. I don't wanna be around if that lightning gets directed at me.

Foolishly ignoring his own thoughts, Luc readied himself to ride over to the newest disturbance. "The rest of you wait here, I'll investigate this personally." The other acknowledged him with 'yes, sirs', before he rode towards the group with the green lightning girl. Before he got there the girl had already shot out a second bolt.

"Whoa there!" he yelled at the green lightning girl.

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"Except that most guards behave like bandits," said Alferis, jumping to avoid the bolts. "Most abuse their power and I've seen what they've done to people. Either way, we're screwed. I guess your family is an exception, but that doesn't mean most of them are," said Alf, eyes blazing.

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Viveka and Jasmine

Once she was behind Derek, she started resting on him again. She still felt kind of sick and drained. Her tone of voice was low and no one not very close by could even hear her weak words.

Viveka: Thanks for looking after me. I guess I can't be totally prepared for everything ... (Not with those crazy demons around ...)

Jasmine rode on Illiam. She and Viveka's pegasus were following Derek since he had their Captain and rider with him. Jasmine was actually thinking about Lev though. The trip to the canyon was something special for her. She'd never been so comfortable in a long time and she really wanted some more of what the wyvern lord had to offer. Irina and her obvious position as Lev's almost-not-quite woman didn't phase her one bit. In fact Irina never even entered her thoughts on the matter.

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"Right, I'm going to scout ahead a bit," Kelas informed Arrin and Isotov. "Either of you need me for anything, just yell." She turned and nudged Amari faster, ending up at the head of the group, scanning the canyon ahead for threats.

"Okay..." Arrin replied, nearly inaudible.

Finally his headache could not be ignored. "...Tessa? Have you got anything for headaches?" he asked weakly.

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"... Fine. Have it your way," Chase muttered as he had Ava trot away from Isotov. "Well, here we go! Into... whatever this place is called. Morgan, you can go with me if you want," he exclaimed.

Edited by Lightning
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"It's not a problem. Compared to some of the things I've had to do, this is nothing," Derek said, eyes on the path. "But, anyways, I think the idea is to prepare for what's expected as best as you can without over-straining yourself, rather than trying to be prepared for everything. You'll look like a fool, if you try to do that."


Dani was beyond speaking, now. Now, she was simply fired bolts at the self-justifying bandit, attempting to fry him. The mage heard someone shouting at her, but continued on anyways, so focused in her anger.

OOC: Knock her out, if you must. Just make it believable.

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Chase sat where he was without moving, wondering what the strange "bzzt" sound he kept hearing was, then turned around to see Dani firing thunderbolts at Alferis. "That... might explain things... Ah, who cares," he muttered, and turned back the way he was facing, waiting for everyone else to get a move on.

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Viveka: It helps ... when you've actually got some troops to command. Jasmine's a scout and doesn't do well on the front lines, and the General always fights alone ... so I'm basically on my own now that I'm working with this unit.

She let out a depressing sigh and loosened her grip slightly.

Others that notice the green stuff flying around

Noticing that the thunder mage was actually starting to get close to frying Alferis, Krinkov nudged Levski. He turned to see the green display and rushed over!

Lev: Hey, Danielle! Knock it off!

Her barrage continued, and Levski decided that the best option was to restrain her! Both he and Krinkov flanked her, Krinkov swung his tail just hard enough to trip her, and Levski caught her after leaping over the swipe! During his catch, he put her in an inescapable arm lock and held her off.

Lev: Dani, Dani! Calm down, alright?! These world is full of people, and some of them are going to harbor those kinds of feelings about others. That's just the way it is.

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"Maybe if we could get things coordinated, then it would be easier," Derek said, shaking his head. "Recruits are easier to deal with, than some of these people, though."


Someone took her by the arm. Why? The bandit had to die- Wait, what? At that moment, the electricity suddenly disappeared, as Dani regained her senses. "Lev...? What was I..? Oh, no!" the mage said, seeing the scorch marks on the rock wall behind Alferis. "I'm so sorry, Alf! I just heard you insulting soldiers... And I... I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry...." Dani was shaking, now, partially sad that she had attacked a companion, and partially scared of what she had done.

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Viveka: Coordinated? That would take a leader ... and solid consensus on who said leader is. A third of the group is loyal to Morgan ... you know, that shamaness that gets knocked out anytime a combat situation arises ... ... some are loyal to Damian and are therefore useless, and then there's the Elyisimians composed of The General, myself, Jasmine, and anyone who'll listen to us in a combat situation. I sure hope we don't face anymore professional military units before we get this group straightened out. Sheer luck can only carry us through so much.

She started laughing a little at her opinions of the group. She realized that she was being a little gossipy but it kind of felt good to bash the group every now and then for her.

Viveka: I get so compelled to start barking orders when we're on the battlefield, but then I remember that the people under my command are back in Ilyphina. It's really annoying knowing that as soon as a battalion shows up, this whole group is going to blindly scatter and charge them. It's so messy.

Levski ... Friend, Flier, and Samba Master

Lev: You're alright now? If I let you go, will you be alright? (Where the hell is Derek?)

Krinkov tilted his head at the green haired girl. Her lightning looked different, and he found that to be almost as odd as the group's general obsession with the infertile one. Some of the females in this group were odd, but this green one reminded him of a wyvern. He wasn't sure what she was attacking the scarred one for, but he was certain that it had something to do with defending her nest. He wondered where the nest was. He also wondered how his master Levski had anything to do with this. The two had only spoken a few times, and they hadn't mated so the offspring couldn't be his. What was going on around here he wondered.

EDIT: Small grammatical error.

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"Yeah, we got ripped apart last time," Derek said, remembering the battle. "At least we do have decent fighters, though. But, eventually, someone will have to take lead. It's gotten past the point where we can fight recklessly."


"Y-yeah," Dani said, forcing herself to stop shaking. "...I'm fine. Really!" To punctuate this reassurance, she smiled, as if nothing was wrong. Internally, though, she felt horrible about herself. How am I supposed to help everyone, if I can't even control myself at times?

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Wakling along, Pary notice Viveka on the back of Derek's horse. She wasn't riding Sunny, and she still seemed to be shivering. He couldn't remember if she had spent too much time in the cave. "Are you feeling alright? You seem to be a bit dazed or something of the sort."



A good distance away from the group, she couldn't see them anymore. She sat down. Angry at Eric, at Charlotte, even at herself. She got up. "I guess I should say sorry." Then she tripped. A loud scream, a dropping her sword, she fell down into the canyon, screaming for her life. That is, until something caught her. Something, soft?

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OOC: Viv's not cold or shivering anymore. She's currently suffering from fatigue and a fever.


Viveka: I'm not sure what to do though. In the military you get people to work together by force. That won't work so well in this instance. Most people here are being paid to work already so bribing people to work together isn't a viable option either ...

Just then, Pary seemed to appear to inquire about her health. She wasn't in the mood to down play it so much. She didn't move much from atop Ann.

Viveka: I'm sick. The cold really got to me and now I have a fever. (How the hell did Jasmine keep from getting a fever? She was wearing less at the time than I was. Tch ... lucky.)


Lev: *sigh* ... alright. Just be careful ... and Alf. Try not to give people bad labels if you can help it. There's no good that ever comes from bad mouthing others. Trust me, I would know.

With that, he let Danielle go and wiped the sweat from his brow. The situation could have gone much worse, but he didn't want to hand out a lecture. That was Morgan's job. He'd let her handle that matter if she so chose.

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"And you didn't tell one of us? A fever in this canyon heat could make you nearly keel over. You know....Hold on a sec." Pary dug threw his bag, pulling out some herbs and some fruit. "Eat the herbs with water, then eat this fruit."

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Viveka frowned at the sight of the herbs and her lips tightened up a bit.

Viveka: ... ick ... herbs ... ... alright ...

At that point in time, she'd have rather taken things she didn't like and start to feel better sooner than not, so she took the herbs and the fruit in that order with a bit of water.

Viveka: Thanks. I'd be almost useless in a fight right now so the sooner I get better, the sooner I'm not burdening the group.

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Damian scowled as the burst of cold hit him. Restrained both by the now solid bedroll, and the pieces of his armour frozen to the floor, there was not much he could do as the demons attacked, retreated, and then the group exited the cave without him.

He tried calling out, but it appeared something interesting had occurred, as no one had heard him.

However, salvation. Ulfhrahn had stuck his head into the cave and had scooped him out with his tail. Finally outside of the frozen prison, Damian shed the bedroll, and buried himself in one of the blankets stored in Ulfhrahn's saddlebags. There appeared to be a troupe of Septimian Cavalry, however, they didn't seem to be fighting, at the moment.


As Aiya finished soaking in the river, she slipped on some warm clothing, and headed back towards the campsite. Upon arrival, there were a slew of occurances, and Aiya couldn't keep up with it all. Scrambling to figure out what had happened, she had ended up mounting Ulfhrahn and departing with the rest of the group soon after.


Giver's Canyon. The high walls and drop offs of this place were ominous.

"Goddamn... if we were ambushed in a place like this, it could be the end of us..." Damian commented towards Aiya, as the pair flew above the rest of the group on Ulfhrahn.

Damian had warmed up, and the previously broken limbs seemed to be in well enough of a working order.

"Yeah... with so many people beat up, I don't think we would have a chance, not with the lack of order in this group..." Aiya replied with a solemn tone.

"Well, that is something we'll need to get used to... everyone's loyalties are split between us, General Conrad, and Morgan. And then there are those who only act for their own sake... order is something we may never see." Damian replied, his tone also rather somber.

Seeing the commotion below, involving green lightning, and a bandito who seemed to be having forced dance lessons, Ulfhrahn began to descend.

"Oi! What's going on down here?"

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