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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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OOC: I cant think of anything to write here

(Insert fluff)


Helios vs fighter

Helios attacks first: 3 + 3 + 2(Overcast) + 1(Hellsety) - 1 = 8 damage

Casting another spell, Helios summounded a blade of wind cutting through the fighters shoulder. The fighter retaliated but missed miserably.

OOOC: Fighter rolled 2. Helios evade is 5

EDIT: Helios HP: 7/9

+ 5 exp

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Tessa saw that Charlotte had been captured by a wyvern rider on a pale mount, and that currently the new cavalier was engaging her. He seemed more than a little outmatched, so she quickly rode up to assist.

"I'm not Anna-Seline, but you look like you could use a hand there, sir!"

(Luc +6 HP)

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Seeing the ballista manned once more, Kelas took aim.

(1,2,2) Hit! Critical hit! Kelas does 4 damage!

This had to go! She shot again.

(1,1,2) Hit! Kelas does 2 damage!

Arrin cast again, looking to finish off the fighter.

(6,5,4) Hit! Arrin does 9 damage! Fighter Q KO!

Kelas 12/12 Arrin 9/9 Ballista 3/9

Kelas 5EXP Arrin 10EXP

edit: Arrin's HP

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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OOC: Uh no enemy phrase for Heinz this time? Meh, whatever.

The mercenary looked extremely unsteady on his foot, and Heinz pulled out another knife lazily. "Ready to die?" he chuckled.

Tossing another knife vaguely in the direction of the mercenary, he scowled slightly when it embedded itself in the man's shoulder. Luckily, it seemed to be too much for the mercenary, who crashed to the ground. (-2 damage Link)

I can't lose focus like that, he thought moodily.

Heinz 12/12 HP (10 exp for kill)

Mercenary 0/9 HP Down!

Edit: Added exp

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Enemies attack!

Alphonse attacks Helios!

Alphonse rolls 3,2,5


HIT 10 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 2 = -5 hp

Helios HP 3/9


Alphonse rolls 6,2,6


... OK ... this is so obviously a KO I don't even want to bother ...

Daneka attacks Viveka!

Daneka rolls 6,5,4


HIT 11 vs Evade 7 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 0 = -8 hp

Viveka HP 4/12


Daneka rolls 5,5,2


Nother KO.

Ballista attacks Aiya (only because she's on the biggest wyvern otherwise it'd be Irina)

Ballista rolls 3,2,6


HIT 10 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 6 = -2 hp

Aiya HP 11/15

Myrm attacks Heinz

Myrm rolls 6,3,2


HIT 12 vs Evade 8 = HIT

DMG 5 vs DEF 2 = -3 hp

Heinz HP 9/12

Fighter attacks Tessa!

Fighter rolls 3,4,4 :E


HIT 5 vs Evade 6+(forgot) = MISS


OOC: The end of this post is going to function as a place holder for my next player phase attack post. Count it.

Irina attacks Ballista

Irina rolls 5,4,6


HIT 8 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 2 = -8 hp

Exp: +5

Irina HP 15/15

Ballista dude HP 1/9

Iso rolls 6,1,1


HIT 10 vs Evade 5 = CRITICAL HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 2 = 5 x 2 = 10 = -10 hp

Iso HP 1/12

Ballista HP 0/9

Exp: +10

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"I don't need protection!" shouted Esphyr as she turned to face another fighter. "I'm a strong warrior capable of holding her own! Don't coddle to me and treat me as weaker than this stupid man is!" she said, pointing her blade at the man.

"What the- I want you dead or pinned to the-URG!"

Esphyr had suddenly lunged forwards, her blade spinning as she stabbed into the man, slicing him clean through and disembowling him.

Esphyr roll, Arcanium active: 3, 5, 5. Yea... Dead fighter.

+10 EXP.

Meanwhile, Altion had gotten back on his high horse and lowered his lance again as he charged forth at the nearest foe, trying to run him to the ground.

Altion attacks merc. 4, 5, 1. Adept: 3, 3, 3. Dead Merc.

+10 exp

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"No, you don't!" Eric said, swinging at Xenia. He managed to give the lord a slim cut, but was quickly impaled through the chest, and sent flying, only to fall limp, against the canyon wall.


5,4,2 = Hit! 8-5 = 3 points of Damage!

3,6,3 = Hit! 14-2 = 12 Points of Damage! Eric is down!

Xenia 18/21

Eric gains 10 EXP. (2.51)


"Alright, be careful," Derek said, heading off to fight. He swung at a fighter, barely catching him, before easily riding out of the way.


[5,1,5] = Hit! 6-2 = 4 points of damage!

[1,2,6] = Miss!

Derek gains 5 EXP (2.20)

Fighter 3 8/12 HP.


Seeing a lance cavalier, Dani took her chance! Firing a bolt, she drew the attention of an enemy cavalier. Shocked, it swung at the girl, nearly knocking her out!

[6,1,5] = Hit! 6-1 = 5 points of damage!

[2.5,6] = Hit! 9-1 = 8 points of damage!

Dani 1/9

Lance cav X 4/9

Dani gains 5 exp. (2.15)


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After impaling Eric, Xenia ordered Svetlana to get back and hover in the air. "While I would love to stay to stab you all or crush you with rocks or whatever, I have a princess to deliver." Svetlana swung her spear like tail in a wild arc as the wyvern took off into the sky and left the canyon.

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"Stay still you son of a bitch!" Alf said, rage growing within him as he lashed out against the lance knight. The horse reared up, causing the knight's lance to fly right over his head.

Alf (1,2,3) Miss!

Lance Knight #1 (1,6,6) Miss!

5 exp gained.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Morgan decided to try out Midnight, it had been quite a while. She turned her attention towards an injured lance cavalier.

(3,4,1)= 10 damage. Lance Cav dead. Link

OOC: Had to change, because too many fighters.

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Arrin aimed next for the fighter that had attacked Tessa. He realized that he'd been relying too much on Daranau's brute strength; switching to another tome allowed him to focus on the magic, on finesse and control. Or not. "Leave her alone!" he shouted, firing off a raw bolt of lightning.

(1,4,4) Hit! Critical hit! Arrin does 16 damage! Fighter falls!

Kelas attacked the ballista again.

(1,5,4) Hit! Kelas does 6 damage! Ballista falls!

"Right, mind their other archers!" she shouted to the others.

Kelas 10EXP Arrin 10EXP

edit: added a bit of flavortext

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Captain Luc

"Many thanks," Luc said with far less thanks than he actually meant. But while he was distracted the wyvern woman took off. "Get back here!" he yelled as she fled without a care in the world for him. Without any place else to place his agression he charged at a random enemy.


Luc has 11 HP.

Luc attacks Lance Cavalier D

(Luc rolls 5,5,3)

Luc attacks and deals 6 damage. ((5Roll+4Str+1WTA-4Def) =6 Damage.)

Lance Cavalier D is defeated, hopefully!

(Xenia rolls 2, 5, 5) ((5Roll+7Str-4Def) x 2 = 18 Damage)

Xenia deals 18 damage.

Luc is a bloody splatter.

Xenia has 10 HP.

Luc earns 10 Experience.

OOC: I originally rolled for Xenia's counter but she fled away before I posted while I was waiting for enemy phase(or something like that), that's why the roll is named that and are there in the first place.

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OOC: Because someone will probably ask: Heinz has 6 SPD and 3 LUK, but his knives give him +1.5 evade, thus he has 9 evade total.

Suddenly more of the soldiers rushed down from the canyon to attack, and a myrmidon swung his sword at Heinz before he could react, injuring his right shoulder. Not too bad. He's faster than the other one was though. Taking a few steps back, he glanced at the wound briefly before launching another knife with his left hand. The myrmidon dodged quickly, barely allowing the knife to strike his chest. (-6 damage Link)

The man barely flinched, counterattacking right away with his sword. Heinz rolled to the ground, just barely avoiding his attack. (-0 damage Link)

Heinz 9/12 HP (5 exp)

Myrmidon 3/9 HP

Edit: Calculated rolls.

Edit: Added some thought and exp.

Edit again: 9-6 does not equal 6 >.<

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Expertly dodging the Fighter that had just advance on her with killing intent, she saw it downed before her eyes by a well placed blast of lightning.

This cleared the path for her to thunder across the canyon to heal the other thunder mage, bubbly Dani, who had not fared so well in combat.

Dani (+6 HP)

A fighter had just come up and attacked Tessa. Luckily it had been previously wounded, so when she was forced to engage it, she managed to deal a nasty blow that had it crumple to the ground. Wait... did she... just kill a man?

Retconned out of existence anyways, so...


Note: Three Fighters have been killed already, leaving only one.

3d6 → [1,2,2] = (5) Tessa Misses!

3d6 → [4,6,1] = (11) Fighter Misses!

3d6 → [3,3,2] = (8) Tessa Hits 5 damage.

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Seeing that his initial target was down, Derek rode over to an injured myrm, striking him down in a single blow.

[spoiler=Roll] [4,4,6]= Hit! 9-2 = 7 points of damage! Myrm x is down!

Derek 12/12

Gains 10 EXP (2.30)

Edit: Nvm.

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Okay that was a few too many attacks but I'll let it slide since I was fixing things.


Enemies attack

Daneka attacks Cess

Daneka rolls 2,5,4


HIT 7 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 2 = - 6hp


Daneka rolls 3,6,1


HIT 8 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 2 = Painful KO

Alphonse attacks Rita

Alphonse rolls 6,5,3


HIT 13 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 2 = Absolute irrefutable knockout.

Alphonse attacks Alferis

Alphonse rolls 5,5,1


HIT 12 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 2 = -8 hp


Alphonse rolls 4,6,2


HIT 9 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 11 vs Def 2 = I'm gonna stop here and go do something else ...

Alferis KO

Ballista remounted!

Ballista attacks Irina!

Ballista rolls 4,2,1


HIT 11 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 6 = - 2 hp

OOC: I don't know how many archers are left, so if there aren't any, let me know and I'll get rid of the ballista.


OOC: This is likely the last enemy phase. Two more generics go down and the battle ends.

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Climbing back up the cliff, she grabbed her sword and saw someone on a horse. She hurried and struck him.


Rita vs Axe Cavalier #X

Hit! Damage dealt, 3! Cavalier 6/9!

Enemy Roll

Hit! Crit! Damage dealt, 16! Miracle activate! Rita 1/9!



Galloping over to Rita, he attack the Cavalier.


Cess vs Axe Cavalier #X

Hit! Damage dealt, 9! Cavalier KO'd!

"You need to be more careful. You could have gotten yourself killed!" Rita walked up to him and hugged him.

"I know. ;_;"



Seeing the swordfighter get hurt, he ran over to her. He lifted his staff.

Rita 6/9!

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Letting out a bloodcurdling yell, Alferis smashed the helmet of the knight open and hit his head. The knight aimed a blow at his heart, but Alf sidestepped out of the way. He glanced at Reika quickly to make sure she was ok. So far, she hadn't stirred at all.

Alferis (5,5,1) Hit! 5+5= 10-4= 6 damage. Lance knight #1 3/9 HP.

Lance Knight (1,5,5) Miss!


Alferis gains 5 exp!

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"Right then!" Kelas saw a lance cavalier headed toward her. His charger was a force to be reckoned with, but neither as quick nor as agile as Amari; she sidestepped and turned to run alongside as he thundered past. Kelas took aim and fired.

(1,1,3) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

The arrow bounced harmlessly off his armor. He got his lance around, attempting to strike back.

(3,5,5) Miss!

Kelas ducked the lance and hopped up, crouching on her saddle. "Try this!" she yelled, snapping a kick into the cavalier's ribs.

(1,6,1) Hit! Kelas does 5 damage!

The man fell from his saddle, swearing, and scrambled to his feet, bringing his lance up. It was apparent that he'd been hurt by the fall.

Arrin saw the ballista remounted again, and Kelas was busy... regaining his focus, he took aim.

(6,6,1) Hit! Arrin does 10 damage! Ballista falls!

Kelas 5 EXP Arrin 10 EXP

Kelas 12/12 Arrin 9/9

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Seeing a cavalier strike down the myrmidon before he could finish him off, Heinz was about to scowl again before realizing it was Derek. He defended me before when Morgan accused me, he admitted reluctantly. At least I got that mercenary, deciding to move on to another target.

Seeing no enemies standing in the vicinity, Heinz mulled for a second before shrugging, wincing slightly at the pain in his right shoulder. Only got hit once though, and these knives are faster and more precise than I thought, smiling slightly as he bent down to remove the knives from the fallen mercenary and myrmidon.

Edit: Derek already killed the myrm, got rid of the link. Used the knives as an explanation in-RP for his level up stats.

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Captain Luc

The target had died. Luc didn't care. He charged at the next one, blind of any damage he dealt or took.

OOC: Something something.

Luc has 11 HP.

Luc attacks Lance Cavalier C.

(Luc rolls 4,2,1)

Luc attacks and deals 3 damage. ((2Roll+4Str+1WTA-4Def) = 3 Damage.)

Adept activates!

(Luc rolls 5,1,4) (ha!)

Luc attacks and deals 6 damage. ((1Roll+4Str+1WTA-4Def) = 2 Damage.)

Lance Cavalier C has 4 HP.

(Lance Cavalier C rolls 5,2,3) ((2Roll+3Str-4Def) = 1 Damage)

Lance Cavalier C deals 1 damage.

Luc has 10 HP.

(Lance Cavalier #3/C has 4/9 HP.)

Luc earns 5 Experience.

OOC: Adept comes before enemy attack I think?

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"Isotov, how are you holding up over there?" Tessa called out as she rode up to Kiev and his passengers, Irina maneuvered to allow the troubador to heal her brother after he affirmed that he could use the assistance.

(Isotov +6 HP).

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Daneka: Pah! I can't believe zis! How are zey holding up so well?!

Alphonse: Madame Colonel, we've lost too many men, and the ballista operators are ... mostly dead.

Daneka: Oi ... and I was having so much fun knocking you people about ... hmph ... RETREAT!!! We'll meet again ... count on it.

Alphonse quickly leaped to the back of Nyx, and Daneka carried him away while the survivors followed as quickly as they could!


This battle brought to you by Phoenix.

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Seeing as the healing was not yet complete, he healed the woman one last time.

Rita 9/9!



She saw an Archer aiming for Cess, and went after it.


Hit! Damage dealt, 3! Archer 6/9!

Rita doubles! Roll

Hit! Damage dealt, 7! Archer 0/9!

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