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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Iso: ... if I don't fight ... then what good am I here? I don't really like charging off or flying straight into enemies but no one else will pull us together and come up with a plan. that falcon knight and swordsmen caused even more damage than the ballista did and they barely engaged us. Besides ... maybe now's the time when I should be working at this harder. If I do get Proxima back ... maybe I'll be better for the experience? Stronger too perhaps ... ... I don't know ...

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"Thanks." He said straighting himself out and trying to ignore the pain. He took a bite out of the small fruit and spoke. "Eh the guy that cut me down wasnt a shrub, that I can tell. But your right, I'll try not to get myself killed next time." He responded to the Headmaster.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Catching up to the pegasus, Derek saw it crash into a cavalier. Urging Ann into a gallop, he drew his sword and dived at the man, blocking the blow he was about to deal to Susann, and dealing a moderate slash himself. Landing, he was caught off-guard, and his right hand was broken by the cavalier swinging at him. However, it wasn't enough to stop the Jerdonian. Blocking the next hit, he pushed the lance aside and stabbed the soldier through the chest. After a few seconds, Derek removed the Silver Sword, and wiped the blood from it, as the dead man's horse panicked and fled. Sheathing the weapon, the victor turned his attention to picking Viveka up, and placing her on Ann, who had returned with a snort. Then, Derek turned to Sunny. The pegasus was on the verge of death, but when he offered it a vulnerary, the animal wouldn't drink it. Trying to figure out what to do, he noticed a few pouches if vulnerary on the unconscious woman's belt. Taking one he offered it to Sunny, in the hopes of it working. Sunny sniffed the vulnerary, then, recognizing the scent of grapes, drank it, healing up a bit. Draining the pouch, the pegasus then went over to her rider, nudging her with her head.

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OOC: That was awesomely awesome.

Viveka and Sunny

As her eyes opened Viveka reached out to what was nudging her and found Susann there. She was incredibly dazed and her vision was in shambles since she could only tell it was her pegasus from the scent of grape vulnerary in its mouth. Soon she realized that she was ontop of a horse.

Viveka: ... A-Ann ...?

Hearing her rider's voice, Susann became excited and neighed with joy! She was even slightly distracted from the painful lance wounds on her chest.

Viveka: Derek ...? You saved me?

It wasn't easy to tell how she was feeling at that moment, she had the beginnings of a smile on her face, but tears were welling up in her eyes, and they weren't tears of joy.

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"Of course I'm right. I'm the Headmaster. Also the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it, but we know these things to be true so well that it doesn't need questioning. The same should be true with 'I shouldn't be cut in half lest I be sent to the bosom of the goddess, or the cup of the Lord of Azure Flame'. Don't you agree? You need to toughen up."

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"Stronger's no good if you're dead!" Kelas snapped. "It's not a matter of usefulness, or I wouldn't be here, you all would have left me behind any of those times I was knocked out. We need you to fight, yes, but not now, we need you when you can help us without getting yourself killed. We're going to get your tome back." She closed her eyes for a moment, full of worry and frustration. "Until then..." She paused. "Until then, I don't want to see one of my friends taking ridiculous chances while I can still fight."

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He was a little startled by what she'd said and even with closed eyes, his body language was showing that he didn't have much left to justify himself with.

Iso: ... I guess I just don't see it that way (Then again ... I'm blind >_>' )

I guess I must look like a total mess right now if I have you worried. I'm sorry, but I just don't think I can stand sitting around while I can still cast. I want to find a way around this. I can't let it become a weakness and tear me down ...

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OOC: Not really.


"Yes. I saw Susann flying over here, and, well, I did what I had to do," Derek said, attempting to reset his hands. "Are you alright, Captain? What happened?"


"Oh..? Wasn't Eric right near her..?" Dani wondered, looking around. Eventually, she saw Eric with a spear wound, unconscious. "No... They have Charlotte!" she exclaimed.

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"And how am I supposed to do that? The other mages are too busy with their own lives. Cutting up boulders isnt exactly my best form of training either....... Um your a wind Sage arent you?" He asked slightly bracing.

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Iso: I have no idea what's going on around here. Something's probably wrong if we aren't making any progress with three healers. Did any of them get attacked? Did Pary take another blow to the head or something?


Once Derek asked her what happened, the tears finally started flowing. She couldn't hold back anymore and started crying.

Viveka: I made a huge mistake! I went off on my own with no support and Daneka shut me down in an instant! I didn't have a chance and she nearly killed the both of us! I ... I can't do this anymore! I'm not a goddess damned grunt so why do I have to fight like one?! I hate fighting with these people! It's like a stupid contest to kill the most people and no one's there to watch my back ... ... I'll ... I'll die if this continues ...

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"Best there is, being part wind spirit and all." said the Headmaster. "I could be untrained and be on par with you as you are now; not to brag. I have a knack, naturally. Why? You want me to teach you my tricks?"

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Burgosas, Capital of Septimus, past and present

Tristan helped many Septimian citizens in the aftermath of the earthquake. Bellerophon was a great aid in airlifting people from the rubble. But in the days that followed, Tristan became rather bored. Life in Burgosas had returned to normal and there was little else to do but fly around the capital on Bellerophon. He wasn't even supposed to practice his sword work anymore, since he had injured himself in previous practices due to his exuberance, though he did it anyway. What if invaders came to the capital? Or if Jace decided to take over the rest of the country? he justified to himself.

Today, his mind wandered to Princess Charlotte's supposed coming to the captial, and so he decided to seek an audience with his parents.

"Mother, father, when is Charlotte getting here? Didn't she send word of her coming with General Alex several days ago? Maybe she was injured in the earthquake? Or set upon by bandits, or demons, or mercenaries? I could go out looking for her. Bellerophon travels very fast and I would be more than willing..." Tristan began very excitedly.

"Now, my boy." King Stefan began. "You know about the caste system here. You are a noble, and thus are expected to act according to your station. Let the warrior caste do the fighting and the scouting and whatnot. Your place is here in the palace."

Tristan stomped his foot. "But Father! Politics are boring. I want to be a warrior like in the tales! Aunt Brunhilde fought in the military." he pointed out.

"Aunt Brunhilde was an embarrassment to the family." Queen Isolde proclaimed wagging her finger. "Tradition must be upheld. The caste system has existed in Septimus for centuries, and you will do the duties your caste requires, not sink to something lower. I'll have none of this nonsense of people changing castes on a whim."

"Very well Mother." Tristan said, turning to leave the throne room. Bugger. Am I always going to be stuck here to discuss tax laws and property rights and other incredibly boring things?

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Having left Rita in good condition, he searched around. Pary couldn't remember who exactly had gotten hurt in all the confusion, but most of the knights were dead. Seeing Eric bleeding he hurried over. Focusing the energy into the staff, and closing the wound, he stood and walked towards where most of the rocks had fallen.




Sheathing her sword, she got Cess up, and gave him some water. That Pegasus Knight had hit him upside the head and knocked him unconscious. Once he came to, she stood up and walked over to Kelas and Iso to see if they needed help. "Is everyone all right? Mr. Nomad? :wub: "



Standing, Cess walked over to Chase. "Are you okay?"

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OOC: That Triston. He's ... relate-able ....


Iso: Charlotte ... doesn't look like she can take a hit. I hope she's alright ...

He lowered his head and went back to waiting.

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Morgan scanned the battlefield again. Tessa and Pary were busy healing, but there will still people on the ground.

"Where is that cleric anyway? We have wounded here." Morgan said, rather irritably. She went over to Alferis and applied a vulnerary to the two large cuts he had.

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"Owww..." mumbled Alf as he woke up. He remembered how he was having trouble against a lance knight before while everybody else had been doing fine.

"Thanks Morgan," he croaked, nearing the point of tears. He walked towards Esphyr and saw she was doing fine.

"Hey Esphyr, you doing ok?"

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"Oh, silly nomad, you don't have to lie to me! :wub: You're just so cute." Rita waked over and kissed Kelas on the lips, before giving the nomad a big hud.




Seeing the troubadour's dead body, Pary shuffled around. He took what was left of her coin purse, and a small Sapphire bracelet on her wrist, before taking her staves and covering them with some cloth in his bag. He wrapped them to his back along with his other two staves, and took his Mend staff as his walking stick, before going over to Damian and Aiya. "You two hurt?"

Edited by Psych
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"More or less." she said, stretching out. "I didn't even get wounded during that last battle. But, still... It bugs me that they would attack us without provocation. I mean, I know I'm not supposed to care, but... Well... It does. Why do you think they attacked?"

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"Baugh!" Kelas shoved Rita off her. "Suppose, for a minute, that I were a man-- which I'm not-- we still just got out of a fight. There are injured still, and we may be ambushed at any moment. I'm helping out an ill friend, I've got my brother to worry about, and his friend. Why in the gods' names would you think it helpful or wise to start draping yourself all over me?!"

edit: added "still"

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Iso: She still think's you're a man? (It's not like Kelas looks masculine. She just wears loose clothing. I don't see how that qualif- ... did I just hear a kiss?) Okay what the hell was that?

OOC: Waiting on Derek's other reply before Pary arrives. It's kind of a C establishing moment.

EDIT: Because here =/= hear

Edited by Phoenix
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"What the... Hey dude! I'm the woman here! I won't let you take my role from me!" said Esphyr, trying her best to cheer the man up a bit. She gave him a soft punch to the shoulder. "After all, you're my property, and my property isn't allowed to cry!" she said, trying to mimic Lev's tone and speech pattern. Then she stopped and approached him. "Want a hug big guy?"

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