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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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OOC: I was under the impression that it was still morning?

"It's not even noon yet, and given the morning's events I think we'd best not stay here. Have the healers see to her, then get her on a horse with someone," Kelas told Alferis as he asked about resting. "Need a hand up?" she asked Isotov.

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Iso: Yeah ... that'd be great.

He gave a weak smile as he reached out into the unknown waiting for Kelas' offer.

OOC: My writing's getting all graphic and descriptive ...

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"I dunno what's wrong with her but Charlotte healed her already. I guess I'll ask somebody else for her to ride with,"

An idea struck him. He ran outside and saw Tessa talking to a knight with Morgan, Chase, and Conrad. He approached Tessa and tapped her on the shoulder.

Oh no...

"Er, Tessa? Reika's ill and she needs a horse. Since you're a healer, and you have a horse, is it ok if she goes with you?"

I hate you Reika thought silently to herself.

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"Right then," Kelas said, taking Isotov's hand and pulling him to his feet. After standing she maintained a slight grip on his sleeve to help give him some sort of direction. "You're going to have to tell people sooner or later," she muttered so that only he could hear.

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"Right, so we need to get going," Kelas said in a normal tone of voice. "You need a ride?"


"It looks like we're getting ready to go," Arrin observed. "I'd better go get Francis..." He tottered off after the horse, taking a few minutes to calm the still-spooked gelding down and leading him back to where Tessa stood.

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"We seem to be leaving soon." He muttered to himself. He signaled his horse. As he mounted, his attention shifted to the headmaster. "Are you okay enough to fly?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"No." said the headmaster, her answer simple and straight forwards. With a pained glance, she rubbed her eye with her hand. "Well, I could fly, but... demons make wind spirits sick if they aren't strong enough, and I'm only half. I could fly, but it would be uneven. Like trying to ride with an aweful sickness. It's just asking for trouble.

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Iso and Irina

At some point Kiev had wandered over, and once Kelas handed him off to Irina, she helped her brother up onto they wyvern, still not knowing about his condition.

Iso: (I would have told her when it happened but I don't want her freaking out on us right now. I'll tell her once we're someplace where it's safe for her to ... vent ...)

Somewhere to go

After a few minutes, Ixion stepped out of the chamber and closed the door behind him. Stephanie gasped and leaped back at the sight of the demonic blood dripping from the Druid's hands.

Stephanie: I thought you were merely getting information! You were butchering the creature weren't you?! Weren't you?!!

Ixion: Not quite. Something's changed. Ivanko, I may have found that apprentice I was looking for.

Ivanko: ... ... ooooookay :unsure:

Ixion: Stephanie, I need your help. We have somewhere to go.

Stephanie: Where exactly?

Ixion: Our next stop is Elyisima.

Stephanie: ... ... we're ... we're using these staves again ... aren't we?

Ixion: Afraid so. I'd like to wrap this up by the end of the day if possible ...

Stephanie: ... oi.

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Seeing that Morgan was up and well, Derek decided to leave the discussion to her, in favor of riding back to the group. There, the fire was almost ready, and the cleric was coordinating aid.

"Alright, does anyone need some warmer clothing, or anything else?" the cavalier asked, trying to be helpful.

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Viv-pop and Jazz-sicle (I lol'd the second I typed that XD )

Viveka had managed to retrieve Derek's jacket from the case and put it on but she was still running a low temperature and huddled up with Jasmine to try to get warm. Both girls held each other tightly and shivered uncontrollably for a time, but then Derek appeared and they both tackled him to the ground!

Viveka: Dddddon't tttttake this tttttthe wrong wwwway ... I'm ssssoooo cold mmmy tttteeth hurt, and I can bbbarely ttttthink! Jjjjust warm me up, ppppleeeeeease!

Jasmine: Mmmmmmmee tttttttooooo!

Edited by Phoenix
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The Fargo

Fargo looked on as two of the girls in the group jumped on the man who was talking to the Captain. "Damn, I should join this group!"

"Keep it in your pants Fargo," Tom said.


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"Awwww.... Little girls cold?" asked Esphyr, approaching. Her own body had been warmed up by Helios's jacket substantially, yet even so she maintained a low body temperature and didn't get too close. "I would offer you something, but your owner might hurt me like a kitchen wench."


With the mighty thunder of hooves, Altion returned to the main group. Having fled at the first chance possible against the demon, his body was fairly warm and heated; further aided by his riding. "What ho? Art thou alright?" he asked, his tone regal and archaic. "I apologize for abandoning thee unto the demonic spawn, but I didst not know what to do. Ner' before hath I fought against what my people have used to scare away others, and I... I screwed up."

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"Right, is everyone at least on a mount?" Kelas called to the group as a whole. "We need to move out." She mounted up and wheeled around, making sure Arrin was up on Francis, and fell in beside Kiev.

"Charlotte, do you need a ride again?" Arrin asked, spotting her nearby.

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"..That was unexpected," Derek remarked, having the two riders on him. "OK, then. I'll see what I can do." Sitting up, he took his cloak off, and wrapped it around Jasmine, before turning to Viveka. "Do you have a fur coat, or something of the like, in your case? It would help you warm up, at the least." While waiting for a response, he then looked over to Esphyr. "If you can insult other people, you can go help them, as well. Go see if the food is ready, or something."

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"What food?" asked Esphyr. Ever since her own chilling, the mercenary woman had been simply far too cold to care about anything other than how cold she felt. Only now was the chill fading away, and the notion of food as well as her sense of smell still had not fully returned. "Shouldn't Lev's little hous- She's freezing. Right."

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Cavalry of Directus

"Hey, if you guys don't have enough mounts of your own you can ride on ours. Captain won't allow anyone on Thunder but the rest of us should be fine to ride." Jess yelled loud enough for Luc to hear.

Luc nodded at his subordinate, acknowledging her request. Though he'd prefer not to doubleup on Canna or Anna-Seline's mounts it might be required. And Thunder just didn't like anyone but Luc riding him.

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Recovery camp

Hearing his name mentioned so many times, Levski led Krinkov over by his reins to investigate.

Viveka: I ttttttthink the ccccoat's in the ottttther ccccccase ...

Once Levski arrived, he took a look around and then popped a question.

Lev: Someone mention me for some reason?

Jasmine stared at Krinkov for a good ten seconds. The wyvern's mouth was opened slightly and she could feel the hot air even from a distance. She quickly rushed the wyvern, grabbed its mouth, opened it, and stuck as much of herself in as she could be for nudging around! Krinkov was horribly confused and a little nervous. What did this human female want with his mouth? There was nothing in there for her to eat that he hadn't already swallowed, and surely she didn't want to make a nest there to raise her young. Something was off though the female was rather cold to the touch.

Lev: ... what ... the f*ck ... is she doing?

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"Hoping a cold-blooded animal can provide her with heat I assume." said Esphyr. "and I was the one who called upon the name of the great white chauvinist. Do you want me to lance and embark on a hunt for you or will you retreat into the ocean that spawned you?"

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