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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Lev did a quick run-through of everything Esphyr had just said, and then gave her a smirk.

Lev: Ah, still disapproving of me I see. Well that's alright. I'd think something was up if you came around in a day. Give it time ... (Or an extremely stressful disaster of some sort >_>' )

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"Less slandering, more helping other people," Derek said, annoyed as he got up and went over to the second orange case. Opening it up, the cavalier rifled through it, his expression growing more and more strained. Taking the coat out, he closed the case, and returned to the little group, putting the coat on Viveka, over his coat, for added warmth.

"That was... Enlightening," Derek said, slightly at a loss for words. Speech quickly returned to him, as Jasmine stuck her head into Krinkov's mouth.

"...OK, that's settled. Lev, do you have enough room for another person on your mount, including the cases?"

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"Get off your high wyvern and I'll show you attractive." growled Esphyr. "I find you kneeling on the ground in pain clutching your groin attractive. Come now, you don't want to disappoint a woman."

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Lev ... cup wearer

Lev's expression became a little sad as he was reminded of some depressing memories.

Lev: I've disappointed a lot of women, Esphyr. It's what I get for being a full-time mercenary, and a Zaftran to boot.

He then turned to Derek who'd asked him about his his wyvern's carrying capacity.

Lev: Yeah I've still got space for another person luggage and all.

Meanwhile Jasmine was still working Krinkov's mouth and confusing the wyvern to no end.

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"Yeah, I'm going to have to ask you to bring Jasmine with you, in that case," Derek said, looking at the girl with disbelief. "Since we're about to leave, and all..."

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"Yes, I would appreciate that, thank you Chase." Morgan said. "By the way, did anything odd happen during the battle? Isotov seems a out of sorts."

"Yes Arrin, I'd like that." Charlotte replied to him. "Are you all right? You're looking rather pale..." she said, frowning and looking the nomad boy over.

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Levski and friends

Lev: Aww, how generous of you. Hey, Krin! Spit her out already. We've got to get moving.

Krinkov quickly heaved and Jasmine found her self landing right on her butt, still cold, but now dripping wyvern saliva. She started pouting as soon as she landed.

Jasmine: Urrrrrrr someone heeeelp.

Lev: *sigh* Alright come here. I'll take care of these.

She quickly jumped to her feet and ran over to him. After that, she hugged up against him tightly, not even giving him much room to move.

Lev: Hey, hold on a second. These will work better my way.

Jasmine: Your wwway?

He shot her a grin and then gently broke off the hug before grabbing a blanket from the case. He helped her up onto the saddle of his highly confused wyvern allowing her to sit up front, and then he climbed up before removing his wrist guards, chest plates, and shoulder plates. With his armor out of the way, he could warm her a lot easier. He took Krinkov's reins and wrapped the two up in the blanket.

Lev: Yeah, I think my way is definitely better. Comfy?

She gently closed her eyes and stopped shivering a bit.

Jasmine: U- ... uh huh.

Lev: Alright, having her up front and being wrapped in these blanket is going to make steering hell so ... just follow everyone else, Krin.

The wyvern nodded getting the gist of the message and then turned to face the front, waiting for the other mounts to move. Jasmine quickly pressed back against Lev and tried to block everything else out. Eventually she fell asleep. Not far away Irina had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at them.

Irina: (Oh make up your freaking mind already ...)

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Esphyr was gone, however, missing Lev's display of non-assholishness. Instead, she was out and about, looking for food, her sense of smell still whacked. "This may be odd, but does anyone have any warm food for Viv?"

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Viveka: I'd prefer something that's still on fire actually if you don't mind? (Why's Isotov up on that wyvern? I wish he was down here setting something on fire for me ... ugh.)

Meanwhile atop Kiev, Irina waited patiently while Iso rested against her back.

Irina: (Are we staying or going? Some people are mounted up and ready to go ... others are cooking lunch. I don't get it.)

The Lost Cathedral

Somewhere in Elyisima near the border towns lied the charred leftovers of a massive cathedral. The building was mostly gone, but support struts and walls still towered over men in some areas. Ixion and Stephanie had warped into the middle of the place, and she collapsed immediately from the strain of moving both herself and Ixion such a great distance. Ixion ignored her and ventured into the ruined building and spent a half hour investigating the place. After searching the place, he came out to the graveyard and began brushing away the dirt from the engravings on the tombstones. He found each of Shanice's latest victims in the graves, but he was looking for someone specific.

Ixion: (My memories of this place ... are so clear it's haunting. It's just as Iso left it ... ... in utter ruins. Someone else must have buried the bodies ...)

When Stephanie finally caught up to him, she was horrified to see him using his powers to bring an unknown body out from its grave! She dropped the staves and held her hands over her mouth before going into a very serious rave!

Stephanie: Ixion!! By the Goddess, have you lost your last marble?!! Grave robbing?!! That's horribly horrid and disgusting!! It's outlandish!! It's unprincipled and unsound!! This is an unholy transgression, the likes of which I've never witnessed before!! How can you be so incredibly barbaric?!! Stop this hideousness at once!!

Ixion: Why don't you do something more useful ... ... like not speaking?

Stephanie: Oh you would like that, wouldn't you?!

Ixion: ... indeed ...

Stephanie: Oh you barbaric Druid! You won't heed me will you? What exactly are you doing?

Ixion: If my calculations are correct ... downing two birds with one well placed stone ...

Stephanie: You and Ivanko ... and your secrets. I'm beginning to feel that you do not trust me.

Ixion: Ivanko cares for you, Stephanie. He doesn't want you dragged into what we're planning. It could very well cost you your life, and with all you've done for us ... that isn't a fitting end to your story ...

Stephanie: My ... my story? Are you ...?

EDIT: Added Ixion Tales

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Chase started to head towards the valley, then turned around and saw everyone taking their time. "The way we're sitting here and talking... it almost seems like nobody wants the world to be saved sometimes," he mused.

Conrad rolled his eyes at the outlaw. "We want to defeat the Lord of Azure Flames just as much as you, Veshkal... some of us just have different methods of doing so, such as making a plan. Hmm, I thought you used to support plans."

"Yeah, I do, but I don't think we really have the time to do that! We can't plan for everything," Chase retorted. "Oh, whatever..."

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"Right... Chop chop!" called out the Headmaster. "Everyone get up and on a horse. We are leaving now, and that's final. We can warm up once we find a better spot, or you can cuddle up to Iso who would be more than glad to heat you up. Otherwise, we go now!"


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The Flying T-90

Somewhat earlier, after everyone had escaped the cave entrance, Ulfhrahn stuck his head into the entrance to check for anyone else that may have been left behind in the chaos. Sure enough, Damian was lying on a bedroll that had been frozen to the surface of the ground along with parts of his armor. The wyvern quickly turned around and backed into the cave as far as he could before using his tail like an icepick and stabbing into the ground dangerously close to Damian's head. A quick scoop freed him and he flopped over. The massive wyvern then lightly pummeled him until he woke up and grabbed the tail. The wyvern then moved out of the cave dragging him with. Once he was out, people noticed him and stuff.

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OOC: Post-timeskip.

Cavalry of Directus

While the rest of his unit mingled in with the others, Luc had chosen to ride a fair bit ahead of everyone else to keep a clear mind while he went over what he had gleamed from his interactions with the strangers. It was easy to see they were a varied and dangerous group, and that whomever had done so much damage to them was much more dangerous. They obviously weren't a total cohesion group, as evidenced from all the yelling he had overheard, but that level of yelling meant they had traveled together for a bit of time so there was some cooperation there. Or a very skilled leader, one whom Luc couldn't place immediately or even now. That was an excellent sign in his eyes, it was always more tolerable to deal with smart people.

"Sir?" came Jess' voice.

Luc turned and looked at the female Cavalier. "Yes?" She motioned with her eyes and he followed. There was plenty of distance between the two of them and the others. "Go ahead."

"Sir, I -- we -- overheard some things..." Jess was visibly distressed at what was bothering her. "The group, they talked about... demons."

"Demons?" Luc was glad he had his faceguard on even though he had his back to the others, "How? WHy? Did any of you -- did Fargo -- react in any way?"

"Sir, no. None of us showed any signs, even Fargo."

Luc was thankful that even the most incompetent Directus soldier and kept himself in control. "Good," Luc frowned at saying 'good' about demons, "No, bad. Why was this group talking about demons? Are you sure you heard correctly? Are you sure they're not outright lying?" Demons. If Conrad was who Luc reasoned he was, then the Demons would be after his Crimson Weapon.

"I believe," Jess said, a bit unsure, "That it isn't a lie. The one who leaked it seemed too... scared to lie about it."

Luc looked at the green sky, the sick weather convincing him that demons were entirely possible. "Alright, I'll accept that demons can be involved in this. That makes it all the more imperative we reach Directus then, General Mendozza and Councilmen Richtor will know what to do."

"Yes, sir!" Jess saluted before heading back to the others.

Luc frowned slightly at the new information, a rarity for him. The possiblity of demons slide some things into place, and pushed others out. Luc did something rare and hoped that one of the other units had found Councilmen Richtor's friend, because with demons loose, his chances of safety had fallen even further.

EDIT: Added in OOC at top.

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"Thanks. I just don't want the two of them falling off because they're too cold to grip their reins," Derek said, getting up. "And that's why you're coming with me, Captain Viveka. That is, if you don't mind," he continued, offering the pegasus rider a hand.

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It didn't even take her a second to grab Derek's hand, part of her wanting more warmth, and part of her wanting all the help she could get. She wouldn't right out admit it at that moment, but she really wanted to be pampered for as long as possible.

Viveka: N-no ... I don't mind at all. Sunny'll just ... follow along anyway. (I've got all the grape flavored treats after all.)

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"That's true," Conrad replied. "We need to know what we might encounter in the valley. If your books had any information on it, that'd be excellent, otherwise we might be in trouble."


Chase trotted onwards through the valley, disappointed that they didn't seem to be getting anywhere. "Ugh..." he muttered. "This place looks the same everywhere except where there's a crack in the ground or something: just a lot of rock."

Conrad went at a slower pace towards the group's rear, but moved steadily towards Derek and Viveka. "Are you recovering well, Viveka?" he asked. "No telling when we might have to fight something next, and I don't want us to all be caught off guard."

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Raiders of the lost ... canyon ... never mind that one FAIL'd

Viveka had been hugging Derek tightly from behind for most of the ride and once her temperature came back up to normal levels, she was starting to feel better. The only problem ... was that she had a fever now and her complexion broadcast it for the world. Her cheeks were red, and she was a bit woozy. When Conrad showed up, she tried to downplay her condition at least a little so not to worry him.

Viveka: (Great, first I was too cold, now I'm too warm ... I need a real vacation.) I think I'm well enough to fight if I absolutely have to ... but I'd really ... really like to just ... rest.

She softly lowered her head back onto Derek's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Viveka: It's been really rough lately ...

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Pre-time skip

Derek + Dani

"Alright, just a moment," Derek said, seeing that Ann had come up to him. Taking Viveka by the waist, rather quickly, he lifted the rider and gently placed her on the horse, before getting on in front, himself. "Sorry about that. Hit me if you have to," the cavalier said, riding a little towards his sister. "Dani, you need to ride with us?"

"<Oh.... N-no. I'll go with one of the others>," she replied, slipping into her native tongue. "<Don't worry.>"

"... Alright. We'll be talking, in a bit. Take care, sis," Derek replied in Common, before trotting away.

Post TS

Eric, then Derek

The canyon was exactly what Eric expected: Deserted, brown, and with large cliffs that looked unstable.

"... This is not going to end well," he said, well aware of what was probably going to happen, with the group's luck.

"Yeah, must be rough traveling non-stop now," Derek said, joining the conversation. "Having a military post doesn't send you that far, most of the time."

Edit1: Editing in post-timeskip.

Edit2: Added Post skip.

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