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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Kelas landed squarely in the cavalier's saddle as someone else finished him. She reined the horse to a sharp halt and jumped back into her own saddle, wheeling around to survey the battle. The remaining attackers were retreating.

"Right, everyone,damage reports!" she shouted as the dust began to clear. Arrin was fine, she could see, as was Tessa... Isotov and Irina both looked to be moderately, but not gravely, injured.

"Fine!" Arrin called. His head and stomach still hurt fiercely, but the adrenaline of the fight had allowed him to temporarily ignore it.

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OOC: letting Snike handle Viv.

Isotov and Irina

Once Tessa healed Iso of his wounds, he quickly thanked her. The battle was moving too quickly for him to say it the way he wanted to however, and he and his sister were quickly back in action. Once the battle was over, they landed and Isotov fell from the saddle to his hands and knees! Irina leaped down to help him up!

Irina: Iso! Are you alright?!

Iso: I feel like I'm going to throw up! Ugh! I'm fine. Tessa healed me up but ... it's hard to resist aerial motion sickness when you can't see a damn thing!

Irina: ... oooh! Thank goodness! I thought you were still hurt.

Iso: I am, just not in the way you wer-Burg-!!!

Iso immediately began throwing up, but nothing but blood hit the ground, and he quickly collapsed!

Irina: Ahhhh!! Someone help!! Iso's hurt!!

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Morgan looked around the battlefield. For once, she was not among the unconscious or nearly dead. Her attention, however, was drawn to Isotov.

She went up to him and saw he was throwing up blood. This isn't normal airsickness with all the blood...just like my coughing up blood was not a normal sickness. "I don't think the healers will be able to cure this Irina, this will persist until we meet the demons again. Right, Isotov?" she said, giving him a stern look.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso looked up at Morgan quickly realizing that there was nothing there but darkness. He still couldn't see. He lowered his head a little discouraged. She knew what was going on, and she knew that he knew that she knew.

Iso: ... sh*t.

He struggled to get to his feet and then crumbled down to one knee!

Iso: ... yeah ... ... you're right.

Irina: (Right about what?)

OOC: She knows o_o

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"It's already started." Morgan replied to Kelas gravely. "And it will only get worse in time. But there's naught to be done about it now, we should help those recover who can." Morgan looked around the battlefield. "Eric, Helios. Cess, Alferis, Viveka look like they could all use aid. More work for Tessa, Charlotte and pary." she said, shrugging.

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Captain Luc

They had survived. The enemy had been driven off after nearly being massacred to the man. But that made Luc feel not a single bit better. Even if each of them died a painful death he would not feel that justice had been served. Tis canyon, was truly the worst thing that had ever happened to him in his life, and it truly hadn't happened to him.

Luc and Thunder walked over to the fate of his soldiers. Dead, all of those he left were dead. Crushed by the simple brilliance of the rock trap and his own incompetence. Luc galloped up ahead, he had seen the blue-haired girl hoping about, so at least Tom may have made it. Or Fargo. Luc really would have preferred Tom, but would have even accepted Fargo at this point. Luc and Thunder stopped at the site where the Cavaliers horses laid slain. Besides the mounts, their riders lay lifeless as well. Fargo had a ballista bolt through his chest-plate and Tom's armor was crushed in multiple places from trampling.

His entire unit was gone. Completely gone. And he had barely done a thing to prevent it. Now all he could do was safeguard the bodies and report in. And get revenge. Luc made no arrogant claims that it would be justice or justified. It was plain, simple revenge.

Luc removed a block of food from his saddlebags and dismounted Thunder for the first time in ages. If he hadn't been so focused he would have enjoyed the slowly returning feeling to his numb rear. But he had a job to do. He bent down by Tom and started smearing the white block over the man's armor. The rations of Directus were not as painful to animals as they were to humans, but the taste would drive off all but the most desperate carrion. And the 54th Axe-Fighters would be through the canyon tomorrow, they could collect the bodies then.

Luc walked over to Fargo and bent to apply the foodstuff as-

"Noooooooooooooooooooo!" Fargo screamed and backed away, nearly over a cliff.

"You're alive? You fool!" Luc nearly kicked the man off himself.

"What could I have done huh? I can barely move and my horse is dead!"

Luc didn't have time for this. "Take the rations and smear the others." Luc turned away and began walking back to Thunder. "I'll think a proper punishment later," Luc said coldly. Luc heard Fargo give a YIP noise and the sounds of a ballistic bolt being removed from armor.

Luc mounted up and passed right by his soldiers without a second glance. It would do no one any good. Luc rode up to the largest gathering of the others, not caring for anything more than bluntness at this point. "I'm going ahead. I suggest you mount your own wounded and hurry up. Lest there be another ambush forming while you wait." Luc didn't care about their lives. Other than that girl who had healed him and the man who had nearly killed himself upon the wyvern woman's lance. Those two were alright by him. They were all just tools.

Luc turned and spurred Thunder back again, crossing the remains of his patrol for the third time. For the first time in years, he felt something other than a faint sense of burning in his left hand. He felt the oxymoron of a cold heat.

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After a few minutes, the enemies retreated. Putting away his sword, Derek began to look for the injured, only to find that the healers were already tending to it. Trying to help, he moved Alferis, Cess, and Eric, who was unconscious and heavily wounded, but still breathing, over to where Tessa and Pary were healing people. Looking around, he spotted a severely injured white Pegasi, flying from the group, in the same direction as the enemies

"I'm fine... But I'll be right back," Derek said, riding off after the flying horse, intentionally closing his eyes to not see the countless bodies of the 12th of Directus.


"I got scratched, but, I'm alright, thanks to Tessa," Dani said, applying a strip of cloth over the now minor cut, before noticing the disappearance of someone. "... Huh? Hey, Captain Luc, did you see Charlotte, the brown-haired girl, around?"

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Kelas turned away for a moment, wiping all expression from her face: if she showed her fear now, she'd never get back into fighting shape. Then she bent down, getting an arm around Isotov's shoulders. "Can you stand, or are you still otherwise hurt?" she asked him.

Arrin ran back to where he'd Francis, near Tessa. "You're all right?" he asked breathlessly, winded from the short run.

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Captain Luc

"No, may-" Luc cut himself off from saying she may be under the boulders. No need to take out his frustrations on people who weren't responsible. "No, I'm... sorry." Luc shook his head. He desired the girl would be safe, but he had no idea where she might be if she wasn't in sight. At least, he had no ideas that wouldn't sound horribly rude and that were probably truthful. Even the best case scenarios were that she had run away or been abducted.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: If I can't at least stand up then what good am I?

He lifted himself up using Kelas for support, and once he was standing again, he let out a series of coughs that forced out the rest of the blood that was freely flowing in his stomach.

Iso: Ugh ... well ... at least I didn't miss ... right?

He tried to laugh but it quickly faded into a pained expression. If not for Tessa's healing, he probably would have passed out by now. Irina watched nervously not knowing what to do.

Levski and Jasmine

Lev: Oh man. Damn these cases! It's starting to get on my nerves that I can't give you guys a hand once in awhile.

He was speaking to no one in particular. Mostly just speaking aloud. Jasmine on the other hand was frantically searching for Viveka while yanking Illiam along by his reins.

OOC: I just got an idea


The pain from her injuries was tremendous, and she couldn't focus! The pegasus flew around frantically searching for someone to heal her! Viveka had fallen off not long before the enemies retreated. When Susann realized that Viveka wasn't in the saddle, she freaked out even more and started searching!

That's when she spotted her rider! Viveka was being hauled off over the shoulders of a straggler! The enemy cavalier was trying to mount his horse, but for some reason the horse was avoiding him! He was definitely slowed by this! Not wanting her rider to be whisked off by the enemy, Susann flew down and slammed into the cavalier, knocking them all to the ground! He quickly stood up and took out his weapon ready to slay the already injured pegasus and make off with his prize!

OOC: Okay, now go play hero!

Edited by Phoenix
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"Does anyone want to tell me what that was all about?" asked Esphyr sarcastically, wiping her blade on the ground before sheathing the blade. "Didn't even need to summon my blade that time, what were they? Weak? Or have we just gotten stronger?"

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She dreamed...

"Brother? I'm tired. Please. Brother?"

"Don't worry Reika. We don't have far to run. Take my hand. We gotta get away. I know some people.


"Yeah. Some people who'll protect us and teach us. We'll be fine."

"Thanks brother," the girl smiled, her eyes red from crying and from the dust.


"Brother? I...I lost the daggers brother. I'm sorry."

"No don't worry about it. They're just daggers. It's no big deal. It's odd though how you never let go of them after you got them."

"Yeah. Sometimes it feels like it's someone else that helps me use them."

"Wait you used them?"

"A guard found me and the daggers, they were strong enough to pierce his armor and kill him."

"If a guard saw you around here, we may be under suspicion. I'm gonna warn the others. You go get some food ok?"

"Right. Sorry brother," an older Reika called out as she ran off.


"Brother? Where are you? Brother?" Reika called in the dark. She lit a lantern she stole with the bread and what she saw horrified her.

"...Brother? Brother? No...Don't leave me brother.....Don't leave me alone," she said, burying her face in the top half of her brother's body. The other was completely cut off from the rest. Other guild members lay with him, their throats cut, stabbed, and and in some cases beheaded.

"Who did this?! I'll kill you! I'll--Mmpph!" she yelled, struggling against an armored glove around her mouth. Another guard drew his sword and pointed it at her throat.

"Well well, there was somebody we missed. And a lady too. Mmmm...." the guard licked his lips lustfully.

"Take her to my chambers. She'll be my entertainment for tonight."

"Yes sir," said a guard, marching her all the way to the house of the captain, into his room. Once the door was closed and locked, the captain jumped on the bed and pinned her, taking her dagger and throwing it aside.

"You're gonna be so much fun," he said, ripping off her shirt.

Everything went black....


She woke up, the taste of iron on her mouth. She lit a candle and what she saw shocked her.

The captain was lying down, his eyes wide open, his organs torn out and his face cut in half. Other guards lay next to him, some with gaping holes in their stomachs, one with his intestines strewn around his neck. She looked down at herself and found she was covered nearly head to toe in blood.

In the back of another murdered guard were the black daggers her brother gave her.

Grabbing them, she ran out the door, which was broken open and ran into the night....

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"...What have I told you about getting yourself killed?" Kelas asked despairingly. "At any rate, I can't really help with the others' injuries, and Arrin's as fine as he'll be until we get his weapon back, so I'll stay with you for now." She steered him over to a rock that they could sit on. "It's going to be a while until we get going again, it looks like," she said, rummaging in her saddlebags for a canteen. "Here. Water. You'll need it."

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Iso: You know, it was bad enough that I can't see (And that my hearing fades in and out at odd moments) ... but why did I cough up so much blood? I was doing well enough once Tessa healed me, and now this ... ... (I'd love to start talking about how we should go and retrieve Proxima but ... it's just not that simple. The demons have it.)

He accepted the canteen with the best grin he could muster at the time ... which was pretty pathetic compared to his normal ones. After taking a long swig, he sighed and wiped his mouth with his arm.

Iso: So ... did I at least do alright? I didn't see what happened but according to Irina I injured one enemy ... , killed another. Heheh. Enemy faces I'll never be able to recall ...

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"Why doth you care Sir Esphyr? You art but a mercenary. You fight for money and not causes. You fight for Damian, and it doesn't matter any more beyond that."


The Headmaster took a slow and gentle walk over the battlefield, her cheerful and almost angelic figure discomforting in a place of such carnage. Yet, despite that factor, she didn't seem to mind it one bit as she approached a small rut with a certain body within it.

"Hey there sleepyhead!" she called out, kicking the corpse lightly. "Awww... Is baby sleepy? Does he want a bottle from momma Reika? Get up Helios."

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Kelas sighed. "You helped take out a ballisteer, far as I saw. But fighting like this... if you keep it up, you're going to get hurt, maybe worse than the healers can fix. You need to be more careful." She paused, glanced over to her brother again. "...We will get the weapons back. I refuse to let you and my brother die," she said determinedly.

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"It would be helpful if we knew which demons held which weapons." Morgan said. "Unfortunately, it appears as if they can transfer the weapons between them, though they are likely to keep them on their persons. I suppose no one saw Daranau last fight, or if they did they were unable to obtain it."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Iso: Yeah I know ... how about this? When we stop by an armory to get you some armor ... I'll get some too.

He was finally able to crack a real smile hoping to lighten the mood at least a little.

Wripley's Believe it or not

By nighttime, the Main Fortress was rather silent. There was a massive tower near the center of the fortress, and lights flickered from the windows inside of it. A light thunderstorm was dominating the area as if to empower the eerie surroundings. The entire building was a part of the chamber that Ixion had been using. These were the upper levels. The walls leading up the spire were assaulted by fledgling lightning bolts colored an eerie violet! The bolts raced up the walls lighting up the spire on their way!

Ixion was at the bottom of the chamber standing over the body of a woman while Shanice watched with sheer horror in his eyes! Ixion had taken half of his heart and used it to recreate the body of the woman he sought. Her body was composed of that heart, the rest of her form molded by Ixion's mind to match what the woman was in her human life. His hands guided the mana over her with delicate precision and grace!

Shanice: (It's not fair ... it's not fair! We fought so hard to kill that psychotic bitch and retrieve Proxima and Ixion undid both in a single day! No!! NOOOOOOO!!!) Ug-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Ixion peeked over his shoulder and grinned at Shanice's anguish before returning to his work. The sounds of unearthly wolves howled along with Shanice as he screamed. Where they were was a mystery in and of itself. Ixion's plans seemed to be coming to fruition, and the results were amazing ... especially in his eyes ....

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"Not what I meant," Kelas replied with a heavy sigh. "People worry about you, right? You need to stop just charging straight into danger... especially like this." Another sigh. "But hey. I'm glad you're here, and conscious enough for me to give you this lecture again..."

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"Here." said the Headmaster, offering him her hand. "Honestly, what were you thinking? You let yourself get beat up by weaklings such as this? I got bored and flew off to find some plums thinking they were too weak. Here." she said, handing him one of the small fruits with her other hand. "Have one. You need to toughen up. Being a mage is no excuse for almost dying."

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