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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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OOC: I was referring to the Septimian soldiers that got crushed by the rockslide.

Mounting his horse Ralf, Heinz glanced around. "Anyone need a ride?" he offered. Acting friendly, eh? Shouldn't be too hard, at least for the ones that don't already distrust me.

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OOC: @ Whistler

Okay then, cool ... though green's a better color for Seps in my opinion.

Isotov and Irina

Hearing Eric mention the wyvern lord that attacked earlier, Irina turned around.

Irina: Ohhhhh this can't be good. Was that the same wyvern lord that came after Charlotte last time?


Viveka: Counting on you is good but ... I'd prefer it if you were actually ... close by ...

She lowered her head a little embarrassed and also trying not to sound too forward. Most of the time talking to a man in that way messed up a friendship due to annoying advances made soon afterward that she would subsequently demolish.

Edited by Phoenix
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"... I guess, if you want me by closer, at least while fighting, I guess either you could fly lower, or I find myself on a pegasus," he said, attempting to break the awkwardness. "As for outside of combat, just, approach me. I'm pretty much free to talk, any time."


"...And I fail, yet again," Eric said, to himself. "... Healing can wait. Let's get out of here." The tone of his voice suggested that he was not exactly impressed with himself, and indeed, he seemed paler and grimmer than usual, as he waited for the rest of the group to head off.

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Viveka: ... alright I'll just fly lower ... and pick off the guys you miss.

She smirked a little holding back a small laugh, and quickly started wiping her face knowing full well that her tears didn't match her laugh.

OOC: Viveka: Ugh! These tears are so clashing with my laughter right now! I can't wear these! No way!

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As soon as the ambushers had sounded the retreat and were fleeing back out of the cavern, the nomad mage had come running up to Tessa, anxiously making sure she was unharmed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, Arrin. Just... going to be very busy now for a bit," she sighed wearily.

She'd already galloped back and forth across the battlefield a couple of times, and adding on to her prior unsuccessful restore, and the failure of a night spent in the cave, she was wondering if she might accidentally cross that limit again... Another nosebleed, return to blindness... It was a bit of a frightening proposition, but she didn't feel that far gone, though she hadn't really expected or noticed the threshold the previous time either. Is it even possible to tell at all, until it's too late? she found herself wondering. Only the life-threatening injuries this time then, maybe I should turn down other requests... just for today... maybe. It wasn't a firm resolution, and the troubadour wasn't sure she could stick with it if circumstances were pressing, but it was the decision of the moment.

A quick glance over the boy in front of her confirmed that he'd made off without a scrape. He seems to be feeling a lot better too... the headache must have passed for the moment. I'm glad!

"Well, I can't really chat. Lot's of healing to be done. You seem to be doing better, though, that's a start. I'd offer to let you tag along but I'm not so sure there's much you could do to help...?" She shrugged a bit, and a half-frown crossed her face.

Where was the greatest need? The answer was obvious. The regiment that had joined them had taken the brunt of the damage from the falling rock trap, as well as the initial wave of archer and ballista fire. If any of them yet lived, it must only be by a thread, and now that the skirmish had abated, time could be spared to check up on them. Noticing that their commander had already moved well on ahead of her, Tessa struggled unsuccessfully to catch up. When she arrived, the reality was... unpleasant. While Luc was attending to a pair of corpse under one pile, Tessa uncovered the lifeless form of Anna-Seline some distance away. "Oh... Anna..." Tessa moaned softly, checking for a pulse, and finding none. Closing the poor woman's eyes, and crossing her arms across her chest, she moved on checking the other knights, finding similar stories.

'Noooooo!' a cry from nearby caught her attention. Luc had discovered a survivor, and the man was vocal about it. Seemed in fair health too, despite the odds. Tessa made her way over, and saw them engaging in a strange ritual... some sort of funeral rites? Smearing paste of sorts across the bodies of the dead. "...I'm sorry for what happened to the squad," she apologized, and offered to heal the survivor as Luc stormed off elsewhere, leaving his subordinate to take over the duties.

Following her business at the rubble, Tessa returned to what had become the de facto hospital, where the group's wounded had been congregated, gathered, and being worked on. She aided Pary in the tasks, going light on the staff, and relying more on simpler first aid skills and techniques for the moment.

OOC: Tessa dealt with the fallen troub before Pary got to her, doesn't know of graverobbing or anything, not the intent. I just thought it was something heartful I wanted to put in there. Also, I dunno if Arrin actually wanted to follow or not, but people seem in a hurry to gtfo the canyon, and I'm behind, so I wasn't going to drag things out longer here. If Clockwork wants, he can be... around, I guess? I dunno. Similarly, if Script wants to say a thing with Fargo or whatever. Yeah, I'm flexible.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"... Yeah, there's an idea," Derek said, smirking. "Alright, we should be heading back soon. Are you OK to ride Susann? Or do you want to ride with me?"

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OOC: My last post for this chapter. Everything else'll likely be in the new chapter.


Viveka: I'm still sick, and getting knocked out is just making it worse. I'll ride with you just to be safe. Besides ... I'm already on the horse. (I don't like being vulnerable like this but ... at least he's not taking advantage of me ... at least not in a way that would get under my skin ...)

Levski and Jasmine

Levski was already mounted on Krinkov and was shaking his hanging head, slightly disappointed by the turn of events. Not only had Daneka whooped on the entire party, but Xenia had slipped in, kidnapped Charlotte, dominated Eric, and slipped out before anyone could stop her. It was one of those situations where he was a little annoyed to be a packmule. It was leading to some needless trials for the group at the very least. Nonetheless he kept his thoughts on the matter to himself and got ready to follow the others.

Jasmine finally calmed down once she saw Viveka, Derek, and Pary returning. Susann had two nasty lance wounds that hadn't completely closed up, but she was toughing them out as best she could. Viveka would be sure to ask one of the healers to heal her pegasus soon enough. She quickly dropped her worry and picked up the reins, ready to move out.

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Arrin rode close to Tessa, trying to make sure she didn't overwork herself again. As part of the group began to move on, he hung back to wait for her.

Seeing Arrin waiting, Kelas also halted for a moment. "Wait, you don't mean-- but yes, if they've got her, we'd definitely better get out of here before they come back for us," she replied to Eric. "I think we've got almost all of the wounded now? We should be able to move out fairly quickly then." Realizing that she couldn't scout ahead with a sleeping passenger, she sat and waited. When the group began to move, she stuck towards the middle, being careful to not let Isotov lose his balance.

OOC: last post of the chapter for me.

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OOC: Saw new chapter, just finishing up conversations

"Uh I guess." Helios replied in a mellow tone. "I mean as long as we dont end up killing each other......"

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OOC: Ah, so many oddities... And yet I can barely feel anything...

Captain Luc

"The wyvern lord," Luc said half in response to Eric. Luc felt a quick occurrence of anger at even thinking about her. But it settled just as quickly. "No, I could not finish her. Bah."

The Fargo

"Ah ha, much obliged missy," Fargo said as happy as could be in the circumstances. "For all of Captain's talk about the opposite, seems I have the devil's luck."

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